Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1436 He is Mr. Liu of Dongsheng Group

Xiao Suizi who was talking to Lin Dingding stood up suddenly.

"Liu Feng?"

One sentence from Liu Feng stunned everyone.

No one expected him to come.

At the time of the art troupe, he was a live thunder*, an advanced worker, a model worker in the army, and the certificates should be kept in a box. It stands to reason that he should come to the comrades-in-arms association the most, because everyone is familiar with him, basically everyone They have all been favored by him, but... Dolma said that a year ago, he saw him doing physical work with those big and small workers on the construction site.

As a mason, would he have the nerve to come to Shanghai to participate in the comrades-in-arms meeting?

But something unexpected happened, he actually...really came.

A simple gray T-shirt, paired with army green trousers, still has the same hairstyle as when he was in the art troupe, coupled with his dark face and dry skin, he can tell that he has suffered a lot in his daily life, but he has been exposed to the sun and wind. This is the state of hard work.

"Liu Feng, come on, come in quickly."

Xiao Suizi greeted him happily.

"Suizi, Hu Mei, Tan Zao..."

He greeted everyone one by one, and when his eyes came to Lin Dingding's face, he froze.

Lin Ding Ding.

Even if she had gained weight twice, he would still recognize the woman he had been thinking about day and night, but he didn't expect...she had become like this.

Lin Dingding used to have such a good figure, that small face, according to the words in the book, can be broken by blowing bombs, and the skin is like creamy fat. Now, it is covered by a thick mass of foundation. I don’t know if it is shiny or loose. , In short, it perfectly destroyed the image of that person in his mind.

This reminded him of a dinner two years ago, when Lin Yue asked him if he was still thinking about Lin Dingding, otherwise it would have been seven or eight years, and he was already thirty years old, why didn't he find a woman to marry, he didn't answer this question The problem is just bowing your head and drinking stuffy wine.

At first, Lin Yue put a small blue bottle on the table, saying that the thing in it was Wangqing Water, which could cure lovesickness. He originally planned to drink it for him, but changed his mind temporarily. He asked why, and Lin Yue said to wait two or three years, if he hadn't gotten out of this relationship before the New Year's bell in 1990, it wouldn't be too late to give him a drink then.

At the time, I didn't think much about it, thinking it was just an episode on the wine table, but now that I came to Shanghai, seeing Lin Dingding's appearance ten years later, the thoughts in my mind burst like soap bubbles with a bang.

"Liu Feng? Liu Feng? What's the matter?"

Seeing him staring at Lin Dingding, Zhu Ke stood up to welcome him inside to avoid embarrassment, picked up the Zhonghua cigarettes on the table, took out one and handed it to him: "Come on, smoke a cigarette and relax." .”

Everyone knows that he fought Lin Dingding and Lin Yue back then. Some people even suspected that he was a bricklayer who worked so hard to come to Shanghai. Most likely, he had the audacity to join the comrades-in-arms association because he heard that Lin Dingding would come. , the former goddess has become a fat girl, this... is hard for me to accept.

What's more, from the moment he entered the door to when he sat down, Lin Dingding just glanced at him and smiled casually and didn't care.

It's really distressing for Liu Feng to be so fat that he doesn't look straight at him.

"Huo Lei*, what are you doing now? I don't usually see you contacting everyone." Zhu Ke asked knowingly.

Liu Feng lit a cigarette, took a deep puff, and said casually: "Take the former brothers to do some mud and water work, so that they can make a living."

Zhu Ke sighed, kindly and regretfully said: "I did a good job in Hongyi back then, but you just want to leave, and you can't keep it no matter what, you say you... If you come to Shanghai with me and Little Ballet, how great it would be , no matter how bad it is, it’s better than you doing construction, look at the migrant workers in newspapers and TV news, how difficult it is to pay at the end of the year, I... hey, I really can’t bear to see you like this.”

Liu Feng looked up at him, didn't speak, just smoked there.

Others thought that he regretted it, and they all felt sorry for him. Some people suggested that he stop doing architecture and come to Shanghai to work with Zhu Ke and Little Ballet.

Liu Feng didn't bother to explain, and he wasn't in the mood to blame them, he was still immersed in Lin Dingding's blow to him.

At this time, a waiter came in and asked them if they wanted to serve food. Zhu Ke checked the time and confirmed that those who said they would come on the phone had come.

Xiao Suizi took the opportunity to walk up to Liu Feng, and whispered, "Are you worried about Lin Dingding?"

Liu Feng nodded slightly.

"It is said that his husband runs a fast food chain restaurant in Australia. There is no other way. Don't think about it."


"By the way... How are he and Xiaoping?"

"When he comes in a while, you can ask him this question yourself."

Xiao Suizi froze in place when he heard that.

What's the meaning?

Will Lin Yue come? I never heard he was coming.

"You mean... Lin Yue will come?"

"Yes, he is settling Xiaoping, and he will bring Hao Shuwen over later."

"Xiao Hao is coming too..."

Xiao Suizi's mood was extremely complicated, both happy and fearful, excited and confused, coupled with some anticipation, somewhat embarrassing, as a writer, she didn't know what words to use to describe her state.

"Suizi, why did you leave five years ago without saying goodbye? Didn't you go back to see us for so long?"

It seemed that Liu Feng didn't know about her relationship with Lin Yue and He Xiaoping.


"Hey, you... what about the two of you, what are you whispering about, come, have a drink. It's not easy for everyone to get together, let's go."

Zhu Ke interrupted the conversation between the two and raised his glass to invite everyone to drink together.

Everyone stood up one after another and clinked their glasses together. Those who drank were almost bored, and they drank half a glass of juice.

When they were done, they all sat back to their seats and picked up their chopsticks to pick up the dishes.

boom boom boom~

After knocking on the door this time, it was the hotel attendant who came in. A well-groomed male foreman in a black suit walked in and put a plate of Boston lobster, a plate of crispy taro duck, and two bottles of vintage red wine on the table. On the table.

"Mr. Liu, this is a wish from our manager. I hope you and your comrades can have a good time eating."

Liu Feng stood up and said, "Why is Manager Huang so polite? He said that I just want to have a meal with my comrades..."

The foreman said, "This... is the manager's special trip to the kitchen and ordered the head chef to make a special dish."

"Okay then, thank him for me."

"Then take it easy."

The foreman smiled and nodded at the people present, and was about to turn around and leave, but Zhu Ke quickly stopped them.

"What did you call him just now? Mr. Liu?"

This is also a question that other people want to ask for proof. Lin Dingding looked at this and that, as if he couldn't understand the situation.

"Yes, Mr. Liu, Liu Feng of Dongsheng Group, Mr. Liu."

The foreman was a little strange. Could it be that these people didn't even know the identity of their comrades-in-arms?

"The facade and interior decoration of our hotel were completed by Mr. Liu leading the construction team to supervise the work on site."

The decoration project of this hotel was completed by Liu Feng?

This is Jicang Wenhua, one of the best five-star hotels in Shanghai.

"Liu Feng... what... what's going on here?" Zhu Ke and the others looked at each other, wondering if the foreman made a mistake, or they made a mistake. Dolma just said that she saw Liu Feng two years ago On the construction site, he led a group of people to do mud and water work, how did he turn his face and become the boss of Dongsheng Group?

Liu Feng patted the foreman on the shoulder, meaning that he has nothing to do here, so let's go quickly, and turned his face to look at Zhu Ke when he was done.

"Didn't you say it before? I just want to take my former brothers down to earn some money."

Just make some money?

Are you kidding me, he can get decoration projects for five-star hotels, but he only makes a little money?

The faces of Zhu Ke and Xiao Ballet were about to reach their feet. Originally, it was the idea of ​​the husband and wife to hold a comrade-in-arms meeting. The hotel was also chosen by Xiao Ballet after referring to Boss Liang’s intention. As a result, Liu Feng became the protagonist, and he was in front of everyone. I’m not happy Ah, very upset.

Lin Dingding opened his mouth and stared at Liu Feng blankly, wondering why this vicissitudes-faced guy became the boss of a group?

Only Xiao Suizi could guess what was going on.

Thanks to the book friends with the end number 1936 for the 5,000 starting coins, the book friends with the end number 5332 for the 1,500 starting coins, and your brother Z for the 200 starting coins, the book friends with the end number 4711, and the books with the end number 2342 100 starting coins from friends.

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