Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1437 The Scumbag Who Defrauds Money and Sex (Two in One)

Liu Feng is not wrong, he is such a person, he used to be Huo Lei*, and he has not changed now, no matter how high his status is, no amount of money can change his character of helping others, what Mr. Liu, what Dongsheng Group , for him, the only pursuit is to lead his former brothers to earn money and improve their lives.

She knew very well that it was Lin Yue who used the grace of saving his life to force Liu Feng to quit his job in the Dongyi Dance Troupe to do renovations. Liu Feng's character was really not suitable for business, but Lin Yue could. The money saved by buying groceries would make the Chief Secretary wish he could hug him and kiss him. In the past ten years, taking advantage of the spring breeze of reform, he has built a decoration team into a leading company in the industry. What a fuss.

This guy... really can surprise people every time we meet.

It seems that what Liu Feng owes him will never be cleared in his whole life.

"Huo Lei*, come here, I'll toast you." Tan Zao stood up, walked around the table, and toasted Liu Feng with a wine glass.

Zhu Ke and others all knew that Tan Zao opened a building materials shop, and now he was toasting and reminiscing about the past. Everyone knew why he did this.

Hu Mei, Sun Yanyan and the others saw it, and then walked over to toast.

The boss of Dongsheng Group, even if he doesn't need it for a while, it's always right to have a good relationship.

Who is Liu Feng?

boom boom boom~

A knock on the door interrupted everyone's conversation.

Lin Dingding felt a little regretful. He didn't expect that Liu Feng would be here today. He was debating whether to go up and say something nice to Liu Feng to ease the relationship between the two parties. He turned his face to look at the door, and was completely stunned.

Didn't it mean that this person won't come? And no invitation was sent to him.


Lin Yue saw Lin Dingding who had gained weight two times at a glance, gave her a sneer smile, and turned to look at the people surrounding Liu Feng like stars holding the moon.

"What's the matter? I remember that you never flattered him like this in the art troupe before, right? Liu Feng, you're developed, right? But I think you have to be careful, it's really hard for you to come to the comrade-in-arms meeting in order to see Lin Dingding It's unwise, or you might bring a bunch of vampires back with you."

You're welcome... You can even say that the tone is full of sarcasm, but I didn't expect it to remain the same after ten years.

The faces of those surrounding Liu Feng were very ugly.

"Lin Yue, won't come?" Zhu Ke said holding back his anger.

"Oh, of course I'm not interested in joining the comrades-in-arms club you used to show off. I originally wanted to take Xiaoping and the child to the south to catch the sea, but Wenwen said that she wanted to come and have a look. Maybe I could meet Suizi here. I just sent her here." When he was speaking, Hao Shuwen came out from behind, her eyes swept over everyone's faces, and finally fixed on Xiao Suizi's face, she opened her arms and said, "Suizi, long time no see."

"Xiaohao...your illness...healed?"

Thinking about her previous appearance, Xiao Suizi is convinced that even if her mental illness is not completely cured, it is no longer a problem.

Hao Shuwen said: "Doctor Gao said I'm fine."

Xiao Suizi hugged her with open arms: "That's great."

The two made out for a moment, and Hao Shuwen had a blaming expression on her face: "You are really good at it, and you left as soon as you said you would."

Xiao Suizi glanced at Lin Yue secretly, smiled awkwardly, and did not respond to her complaints.

Hao Shuwen took a step back, held Lin Yue's hand and said, "Lin Yue and I read your book, it's great."


Seeing their intimacy, Xiao Suizi felt a little uncomfortable.

Lin Dingding also noticed this situation: "Hao Shuwen, are you... married to him?"

Hao Shuwen glanced at him, nodded and said, "That's right, we're married and have a daughter, how about you, aren't you alright?"

Hao Shuwen and Lin Yue are married and have children?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, a little unacceptable to this kind of development. You must know how fierce the two were in the art troupe. Why haven't they been married for a few years, and they even gave birth to a child.

Only Zhu Ke, Little Ballet, and Zhuoma looked at each other and curled their lips. When they knew that Lin Yue had taken Hao Shuwen to Beijing, they guessed that this guy had the idea of ​​being the son-in-law of the Hao family, in order to jump on a branch and become a phoenix. , choose to take care of a mentally ill, he is really hard enough.

"Of course." Lin Dingding and Hao Shuwen had no enmity, but Lin Yue did not die on the battlefield and climbed to the top of the Hao family, which made her both disappointed and indignant.

"Hao Shuwen, do you remember what you said about him in the dormitory back then? You said he was so good at pleasing the proprietress, you can consider eating soft meals after retiring from the army."

When Hao Shuwen heard that, her face was a little ugly, and Xiao Suizi also gave Lin Dingding a look, thinking that she would not open any pot and carry which pot.

Lin Yue said: "What's wrong with eating soft rice? Eating soft rice is also a skill, some people want to eat it but can't eat it, Lin Dingding, you say that... are you jealous of me?"

She is jealous of him? The joke is not funny at all.

"Lin Yue, are you talking nonsense? How can I be jealous of you?"

Sun Yanyan rolled her eyes and muttered in a low voice: "Yes, who in the art troupe doesn't know that Ding Ding is married well."

"Hehe, she is married very well. The man is the owner of a fast food chain enterprise, but she is a poor proprietress. She has eaten wing tips for ten years, made wontons and spring rolls for ten years, and the daily supper They are all unsalable fried rice with eggs in soy sauce, otherwise why do you think she is so fat."

This sentence stunned Lou Zi, and everyone in the room was stunned, looking at Lin Dingding with puzzled faces.

Lin Dingding was furious: " lied!"

Tan Zao said: "Lin Yue, this is boring. Her husband just bought her a big diamond ring as a gift for her tenth wedding anniversary. How could it be as bad as you said?"

"You don't know, why did Lin Dingding arrive later than the scheduled time? It's very simple. In order to show herself favored in front of you, she made a detour to her cousin's house and borrowed the diamond ring and gold watch."

"you you you……"

Lin Dingding was trembling all over, and he was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Do you think you can cross classes by getting married? Who would take a bitch seriously for a high-quality man? The reason why he didn't play enough and dumped you is because you are very obedient and a qualified old mother. Lin Dingding, I ask You, except for your husband being with you in the first year after marriage, in the next nine years, do you have a chance to meet him for one month every year? There is a question I have always wanted to ask you, how does it feel to spend the Spring Festival alone? Sample?"

" would you know? How would you know!"

Lin Dingding looked hysterical like a madman.

Lin Yue said: "Because he was the one who took me from Vietnam to Southeast Asia, and then returned to the Mainland via Hong Kong. As two people who have had a life-long friendship, I know that things in his family are not normal?"

Zhuoma, Zhu Ke, Little Ballet, Sun Yanyan, Tan Zao, Qi Baota, including Xiao Suizi and Liu Feng, were all stunned by this scene.

Are the gold watch and diamond ring borrowed?

Lin Dingding was disliked by her overseas Chinese husband and became a mother abroad.

This undoubtedly broke their good impression of her.

"Lin Yue, you bastard!"

She got up and pushed Lin Yue, grabbed her bag and fled.

The people behind you look at me and I look at you, not knowing what to do.

Zhu Ke looked at him angrily: "Are you here to make trouble on purpose?"

"Heh..." Lin Yue sneered, "Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. It's not that the time has not yet come."

"What do you mean by that?"

Zhu Ke always felt that he was looking at him with pity, and while he was angry, he was also a little embarrassed.

Lin Yue said: "Zhu Ke, did you know that your wife, Xiao Ballet, recently had a hot fight with the boss Liang who invested in you, and at the same time collected evidence of your adultery with Dolma, so as to get more bargaining chips in the divorce. , it’s best to let you leave the house cleanly.”

There are ups and downs and ups and downs.

Zhuke and Dolma committing adultery?

Little Ballet having an affair with Boss Liang?


What exactly is going on?

Everyone looked at Zhu Ke and Little Ballet with shock in their eyes.

You must know that since they sat down, the two of them acted like a model couple, and they were super rich model couples. Such a couple would have different dreams in the same bed? Will betray each other?

" fart!"

Zhu Ke pointed at Lin Yue and cursed: "Lin Yue, you spout blood."

Little Ballet also said with a cold face: "I want to sue you... sue you for defamation."

"I fart? I slander?" Lin Yue smiled coldly, took out two photos from his coat pocket and threw them on the dining table.


The photos are divided into two points, and there are two photos that appear in front of everyone.

The protagonists of the first photo are Zhu Ke and Zhuoma, standing in front of a Santana sedan, kissing each other face to face and mouth to mouth.

The protagonists in the second photo are Little Ballet and a man with a beard. His eyebrows and eyes are very similar to Lin Yue, but his complexion is darker. He has a beard and a cross scar on his face. In front of the two of them was a gambling table with poker cards on it, and Little Ballet was sitting on the lap of the bearded man in a super ambiguous posture.

This time neither of them could speak.

The photos are there, why are you so stubborn?

Many people know that Zhuoma's marriage is unfortunate, and there is a younger brother who hangs himself with money at home. Zhu Ke is rich, and she and she are both from Beijing, and they usually have a good relationship. If they get together, it is really possible.

Little Ballet pointed at them and said, ""

Zhu Ke said angrily: "You still have the face to criticize me?"

At the same time as the husband and wife turned against each other, because she couldn't bear the hot eyes of everyone, Zhuoma knocked over the red wine glass on the table and ran out with her bag.

Zhu Ke wanted to chase but didn't dare to chase, so he slapped him in frustration.


Very loud slap.

Of course, Little Ballet was not reconciled to being beaten, so she grabbed the dishes on the dining table and covered Zhu Ke's head.

"Dare to hit me, you useless thing. After all these years, if it wasn't for my old lady who kept Liang Zhenyu steady, would you be where you are today?"

"Bitch, try hitting me again." Zhu Ke grabbed her hair.

Tan Zao and Qi Baota saw that it was starting to fight, and hurried up to fight, each hugging the other and pulling back.

Little Ballet waved her hands and accidentally knocked over the wine bottle on the table, which fell to the ground and shattered; Zhu Ke kicked twice and missed the person, kicking the chair over.

bang bang~

Lin Yue smiled and applauded: "It's wonderful."

When the two heard about it, they cast hateful glances at him.

"Okay, for the sake of comrades in arms, let me remind you again, Little Ballet, did you ask Liang Zhenyu to help you transfer the company's property? Be careful that the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind you."

Zhu Ke and Little Ballet were stunned, but they soon came to their senses. They stopped fighting, stopped drinking, and had no time to explain to everyone, so they picked up their things and ran outside.

First Lin Dingding, then Zhuoma, and then Zhu Ke and Little Ballet.

There are only two words to describe this comrades-in-arms meeting, and that is embarrassment.

Lin Yue said: "Student meeting, comrade-in-arms meeting and so on, just eating and drinking is so boring, you see, isn't this much more exciting?"




No one spoke, Tan Zao, Hu Mei and the others' only thought was that he hadn't changed at all after all these years, he was still like this... Well, he has a vicious mouth and a black heart, and is extremely aggressive.

He turned his body, whispered something to Hao Shuwen, nodded to Xiao Suizi, turned around and walked outside, and stopped suddenly when he was approaching the door.

"By the way, I've settled the bill. Everyone should eat and drink."

After such a thing happened, who would still be in the mood to eat and drink?


Twenty minutes later.

In a telephone booth on Ruining Road.

Lin Dingding took the phone and dialed the number on the note over and over again.

It was given to her by his overseas Chinese husband. When they contacted a month ago, he gave her this number, saying that Sichuan is now negotiating business with people and plans to invest in a Sichuan restaurant in China. Call this number for urgent matters.

She didn't dare to fight before, but now she has the courage to fight, because the matter is really urgent and she has a lot to ask.

It's a pity that the phone was called over and over again, and there was always an electronic busy tone on the speaker, and no one answered.

"Yo, what are you doing? Call your husband? That's right, you must have a lot of questions to ask."

At the same time as the voice sounded, a hand was placed on the shield of the phone booth.

Lin Dingding was startled, and when he looked up, it turned out to be the most annoying guy.

"Are you following me? What do you want to do? Let me tell you Lin Yue..."

Before the sentence was finished, a face quickly approached.

She wanted to yell for help, but the scene that followed almost exhausted her entire body, and she couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

"No one answered, right? No one answered, because your overseas Chinese husband and I are so good that we can't tell each other apart."

this voice.

And the meaning behind what he said.

If you think about it carefully, apart from the difference in skin color, the mole between the eyebrows and the corner of the mouth, the finely trimmed mustache, the wrinkles around the eyes and the rose nose, her overseas Chinese husband's face is really similar to Lin Yue's.

Lin Yue left without doing anything to her.

Lin Dingding slowly slid down and sat on the ground wet by the rain. Compared with the physical weakness, the more serious was the mental breakdown.


At the same time, Hao Shuwen held an umbrella and walked with Xiao Suizi on the drizzled sidewalk.

"It's really..."

Xiao Suizi shook his head: "Liu he alright?"

Hao Shuwen said: "It's okay, he just wants to be alone."

Xiao Suizi expressed her understanding. The goddess who had liked for more than ten years suddenly became a fat girl, and she was also a fat girl who had been a mother for others for nearly ten years. It is impossible for any man to remain calm when encountering such a thing, let alone now The current Liu Feng is not the previous Liu Feng. Although he doesn't care about it, and he doesn't have the arrogance and consciousness to be the boss, he is the boss of Dongsheng after all. As long as Lin Yue is still there, there is no possibility of his downfall.

"Where's Lin Yue? What did he do?"

"I think he should have gone to find Lin Dingding."

"Looking for Lin Dingding? Why is he looking for Lin Dingding?"

"have no idea."

"Aren't you worried at all?"

"There's nothing to worry about." Hao Shuwen said: "After going through so many things, don't I know what kind of person he is?"

Xiao Suizi thought about it seriously, feeling a little embarrassed, yes, who is he?

Speak up.

Protect the weak.

Jealousy like hatred.

Sacrifice to save others.

Keep your word.


In short, he is really gentle to those he approves of, and really cruel to those narrow-minded people.

"You said you married him, then Xiaoping..."

Hao Shuwen glanced at her with a smile, her eyes seemed to say, I knew you would ask this question, this is what you most want to know.

Xiao Suizi's expression was a little unnatural, because it meant that she hadn't let go of that person after five or six years of separation.

"After you left, Lin Yue often went on business trips because of business matters. Xiaoping was worried that I would get sick at night, so she went to live with me. In the spring of 1986, when Uncle Zhu passed away, she simply moved to live in Xiaoshikou and took care of him on weekdays. My daily life with Lin Yue, I got better until 1988. After going through these things, status, legal relationship, other people's opinions... These things are not important to us, as long as the three of us are together , live happily and happily, that’s enough.”

She never thought that Hao Shuwen would say such a thing. Is this the pungent eldest sister in the art troupe?

But thinking about it carefully, what she said was indeed reasonable.

The long-term companionship across death and war, for the three people who link their lives together, those relationships defined by laws and folk customs are really boring compared to their experiences.

"Let's go, I'll take you to meet Xiaoping, our eldest prince and little princess."

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