Three days later, in the evening.

Shanghai Bund.

In 1990, the Pudong New Area on the other side was relatively desolate.

Lin Yue withdrew his gaze and looked at the Huangpu River not far away.

Several fishing boats were moored near the beach, and the fishermen unloaded boxes of seafood and handed them over to the guys waiting on the shore.

He Xiaoping and the boy in the yellow T-shirt were flying kites a little further ahead, yelling "slow down, watch your feet" from time to time.

Hao Shuwen hugged the little princess who was about one year old and was tightly wrapped up, and chased the mother and child in front of her with a smile.

Lin Yue patted Badun on the head, and casually tossed him a piece of ham.

Xiao Suizi took a deep breath, sat down next to him, looked curiously at the birthday dog ​​who had lived for more than 20 years, and said helplessly: "Looking at children is really a physical job."

"I thought you would envy them."

Xiao Suizi remained silent, of course she envied them, but...

"That's right." Lin Yue took out a glass bottle from his pocket and handed it over: "Have you used up the previous ones, do you want more?"


She sighed heavily.

Lin Yue asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Xiao Suizi shook his head, as if he didn't want to say anything.

"Don't give it to Xiaoping."

Xiao Suizi took the glass bottle over, looked down at the things in his hand and whispered, "Can you stop being so nice to me?"

Lin Yue didn't speak, but raised his arms and beckoned.

She hesitated for a moment, leaned over gently, and rested her head on his shoulder.

At this time, Hao Shuwen seemed to be aware of it, looked back at the two people on the bench, smiled slightly, then turned around and continued to sing nursery rhymes to the little princess.



The dazzling white was blown away by the wind, the scenery in front of me gradually became clear, and the breathing light of the laptop flashed and shone.

It seems that he came back from the world of "Youth".

He took a deep breath, then exhaled forcefully, calmed down his emotions, got up from the computer chair, picked up the mug that was set aside, and took a sip of the coffee he made earlier.

Even though "Youth" is a movie, the corresponding real world is only more than 2 hours, and the coffee is still cold.


He remembered that Ba Dun was still in the portable space, so he moved his hand, and a black shadow fell on the floor.


The guy stuck out his tongue and barked at him.

Lin Yue patted its buttocks and looked at its right hind leg. Sure enough, after the mission ended and he returned to the real world, the gunshot wound on Badun's buttocks was also healed.

"Okay, then I can rest assured."

When ordinary people hear this sentence, they will definitely think that he is concerned about their pets, but Badun jumped back, and the dog's eyes are full of fear and alertness.

"You're such a clever little ghost."

Lin Yue knew what it was thinking—since it was confirmed that the world switch could revive the pet and heal the injuries suffered in the dungeon world, then he would not have to worry about pitting the dog in the future.

When Badun heard about it, he slid into the crack of the door and hid in the living room so as not to show his head.

He didn't take it seriously either. He glanced at the empty birdcage and walked towards the balcony, intending to get some air. At the same time, he turned his attention to his mind, pulled down the system menu to the task bar, and searched for the results of this mission.

The cursor appears, blinks several times in a row and then turns into a line of characters.

"The host has returned from the world of "Youth", and now evaluates the completion of the task."

Mission: [Changgou Liuyue goes silent].

Main task: Change the fate of Liu Feng and He Xiaoping (completed).

Side quests: Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil (completed).

Task Completion: Good.

Not a perfect rating, just a good rating?

He felt that he had done a good job. Could it be that the wicked were not punished?

Chen Can, Hao Shuwen, Zhu Ke, Little Ballet, Lin Dingding... all paid the price for what they did in the movie, okay?

Ask who else has a named character in the movie.


Lin Yue shook his head, shaking off the desire to complain in his mind, and continued to browse.

"The basic rewards are now issued."

Main task reward: Increase the capacity of the portable space.

The capacity of the portable space is increasing...


After the portable space is upgraded, you will get [750cmX280cmX230cm] portable space.


Much bigger than the toilet, finally there is room for a bedroom.

The existence of this thing, in addition to being able to store and withdraw things as you like, also means that there is a single room available in any city, New York, Hong Kong, Singapore, London, Beijing, Tokyo... How much is a movable house worth?

The system did not stop the process because of his emotion, and the cursor continued to flash.

Side quest reward: 2 skill strengthening points.

The side mission reward is 2 skill enhancement points? Adding the 4 points that were not assigned before, it should be 6 points.

Seeing that the rewards were distributed and the system released control, he immediately pulled down the system menu to the skill list.

【I am Acting School LV3】.

[Steel Bladder LV2].

[Animal Friends LV3].

[Muay Thai LV3].

【Picture memory LV3】.

[Bargain LV4].

【Teacher Killer LV3】.

【Sneak LV3】.

【Photosynthesis LV2】.

[Left and right hemisphere LV5] - [Compound eyes].

【Taunt LV1】.

[Chameleon LV4].

[Hypnotism LV3].

[Hacker LV3].

【Double Harvest LV2】

【Smell animal LV3】

【Super Sweat Gland LV2】.

【Night Demon LV1】

Currently unassigned skill reinforcement points: 6.

Special title: [Breeding Master] - Combination 1 (not activated) - Combination 2 (not activated).

Next is the character attribute column.

Name: Lin Yue.

Race: Human.

Strength 40.

Constitution 30.

Dexterity 30.

Intelligence 25.

Spirit 25.

Currently unassigned attribute points: 8.

A normal difficulty main task and a side task reward a total of 4 attribute points, plus the next unallocated 4 points, a total of 8 points, the data is correct.

At the end of the third round of returning to daily life, he stretched long, put his hands on the railing of the balcony, and watched the street scene in the distance for a while.

Evening is the most restless time in the city, and it is also a relatively beautiful time of the day, because for most people, it means the end of the day's work, and it means going home to rest or reunite with relatives.

The light of the headlights was like a plague, spreading over the viaduct in the distance. When Lin Yue felt a bit cool, he turned and went back to the house, and gently closed the sliding door.

The roar of the locomotive engine was blocked, and he was immersed in the gradually darkening environment. He suddenly remembered the conversation between the two women downstairs just now, which was about perfume. The public is too recognizable and not individual enough, just like no woman is willing to compete with others when walking on the street. If it were her, she would definitely choose niche but distinctive perfume brands such as Lu Dan's and Penhaligon.

Lin Yue was not interested in their conversation about the perfume brand. What he thought was that [Super Sweat Gland LV2] had a good effect. If it was upgraded to LV3, what kind of functions would it unlock?

Thinking of this, under the control of that irrepressible impulse, he opened the system menu and clicked on the + sign behind the skill list [Super Sweat Gland LV2].

The unassigned skill enhancement point is reduced to 4, and [Super Sweat Gland LV2] is upgraded to [Super Sweat Gland LV3] NEW~.

[Super Sweat Gland LV3] (Skill description: Your sweat gland function is further enhanced, it can transform the waste excreted from the body into nutrients that can improve the skin, relieve tight and dry skin, balance the pH value, and inhibit aging , keep hydrated and nourished for a long time, and have a good blocking effect on ultraviolet rays.)


Improve the physiological state of the skin?

This skill is not effective for him who has [Chameleon LV3], because he can actively adjust the skin condition, so the effect of sun protection is still somewhat useful.


Think about it carefully, [Super Sweat Gland LV3] has only one sunscreen for yourself, but what about others? One must know that in the world of "Youth", he used it as a perfume for He Xiaoping.

Uh, after sweat is used as perfume, can skin care be used?

What did the system think? It's too funny.

But thinking back on the saliva taste of SK-II fairy water, he was relieved again.

For example, ambergris in perfume, some people said that there are coffin board ingredients in high-end perfume, and bull JY in high-end shampoo, animal fat in lipstick and eye shadow, snail secretion in moisturizing cream, etc.

For the sake of beauty, women can endure these disgusting things, just sweat...

Here comes the question, since [Super Sweat Gland LV3] turned his sweat into high-end skin care products - after all, the products produced by the system must be high-quality products, so how good is its effect?

Because of the two characteristics of [Chameleon LV3] and a physique that surpasses ordinary people, he has no way to observe the effect of using it on himself, so he has to find a suitable test subject.

How should it be done?

Sitting on the bed and thinking for a while, he nodded slightly and had an idea.

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