Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1445 Because I'm Your Brother

The two people who were about to leave had to face him.

"Who are you?" Wang Wei's roommate asked, "Does this have anything to do with you?"

Lin Yue said, "Then her business is your business."

"I'm roommate Wang Wei."

"I'm still from Jiang Xiaoguo's hometown."

Wang Wei's roommate gave him a word and went back bored.

Lin Yue was too lazy to talk to such so-called girlfriends who only know how to make friends. He looked at Wang Wei and said, "You want to be treated fairly by someone like you? It's a joke."

"Jiang Xiaoguo!"

Wang Wei ignored him, and said to Jiang Xiaoguo, "Do you think it's not enough to humiliate me alone, do you want your fellow countryman to step on my head?"

Jiang Xiaoguo said, "I haven't."

However, no one believed her words. The onlookers pointed at Lin Yue and Jiang Xiaoguo, some said that they were bullying too much, that they would lose face to the school, and some said that Wang Wei was pitiful.

Lin Yue turned a deaf ear to the discussions around him, and looked at Wang Wei with a sneer.

"Selling misery and gaining sympathy are good, but I'm a person who has always been cold-hearted and hard-hearted, and I will never raise my hand just because the other party is a woman. I only want to say three things. First, you say it again and again. I promised Jiang Xiaoguo to repay the money, but I never fulfilled it once. A person like you who is so dishonest and shameless, is afraid of being humiliated by others? Second, it is only right and proper to kill people, pay their lives and pay debts, and you cannot even follow the most basic laws and morals. Obey, what qualifications do you have to ask others to treat you equally. Third, Jiang Xiaoguo earned her own money by working, not by infringing on your interests. She has no obligation or responsibility to pay for your poor Pay the bill. To sum up, she lends you money because she trusts and helps you, but what she gets in return is resentment and jealousy, which is unkind; promises to repay the money but repeatedly breaks promises, which is unrighteous; Compassionate pressure is for evil, is it useful for an unkind, unrighteous, unkind person like you to read more books?"

" are vicious."

"I have been vicious for a day or two, and you are not the first person to say that I am vicious." Lin Yue said: "I don't care if you borrow, steal or rob, I will return the money to Jiang Xiaoguo within three days."

"I said I would pay it back, but not now."

"Then I can only say that I'm sorry." Lin Yue shook the Mi 6X in his hand: "I recorded all the disputes between you and Jiang Xiaoguo. If she doesn't receive the money within three days, I will send it to you. In the hands of the HR of the company with the resume, I think with their professional ability, they should be able to tell whether the job seeker is the talent that the company needs."

Wang Wei was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect him to have such a bad move, this... this...

Lin Yue said: "Isn't it right to draw the salary from the bottom of the pot?"

Wang Wei's roommate was angry: "You are such a hooligan."

"Okay, I'm a hooligan, and you're a good person. Since you're a good person, why don't you pay back the 300 yuan for Wang Wei? As you said just now, isn't it just 300 yuan? Isn't it worth your money?" Girlfriend love?"


"Why, you don't want to pay it back for her? Are you afraid that Wang Wei won't pay it back to you, or are you just a pair of plastic sisters, with scumbags of affection?"

"you you you……"

"What me, I repeat, Jiang Xiaoguo won't receive money within three days, so don't even think about this year's autumn recruits."

Wang Wei squatted on the ground and cried, "You bully!"


Lin Yue pouted, I'm weak and I'm reasonable, so I'm still a college student?

At this time, there were flashes of light all around, and the onlookers kept patting his face, some girls looked at him with angry faces, and some people said that he was a scum of society for a big man who bullied women like this, without any sympathy. only.

Lin Yue took a wrong step forward and pointed his middle finger at the person who was holding up his mobile phone to take a picture of himself, with disdain on his face.


This kid is too arrogant.

The onlookers glared one by one.

"Why? Don't you like it?" Lin Yue said: "My family is also poor, and I can't afford formal suits for interviews. If any of you are caring, you can also lend me 300 yuan to buy a set of branded goods. I will pay the wages. Pay him back."

No one cares about this stubble.

Lin Yue said: "A group of social scum who have no sympathy, all the content of the ideological and political class has gone into the dog's belly."

"Why do you scold people?"

"Then you lend me 300 yuan, and I will assign you a good word."

"Why should I lend you money?"

"You don't even have the slightest sympathy, and you still have the face to say that Jiang Xiaoguo is a selfish bad person for debt collection? If she is a bad person, aren't you a social scum?"

One sentence choked the man half to death, and the friend next to him hurriedly dragged him away.

Jiang Xiaoguo was dumbfounded. She thought Lin Yue was here to see her joke, but... this guy PKed a class by himself, it was too relieved, too relieved.

Luo Yan saw that everyone's attention was attracted by Lin Yue, and hurriedly dragged Jiang Xiaoguo away.

"Hey, stone, you stop... you let go... let go..."

When she arrived downstairs in the girls' dormitory, she finally broke free from the restraints of Luo Yan and Duan Jiabao.

"Why are you pulling me?"

Luo Yan pointed to her head: "That man... is not normal here, it's best to stay away from him."

Jiang Xiaoguo looked displeased: "Why is he abnormal? Is he helping me?"

Just now when those people accused her of bullying too much, what Luo Yan and Duan Jiabao did was to pull her away, and only Lin Yue stood by her and toughened those people. She was angry and disappointed about this, and she was angry because she clearly did not If she made a mistake, why would she be blamed? The disappointment is because the girlfriends in the same dormitory do not agree with her actions.

Luo Yan said: "Where is he helping you? He is harming you. You don't understand the fearsome truth when things get so big?"

Jiang Xiaoguo looked at her with incomprehensible eyes: "What's wrong with the matter? Is what he said wrong?"

"Xiao Guo, for 300 yuan, I really can't do this."

"Dabao, do you think so too?"

Jiang Xiaoguo looked at Duan Jiabao.

"I... I... I don't know, I just think it's ugly."

Jiang Xiaoguo looked at this, looked at that, hesitated for a while, then turned and walked back: "No, he is helping me get ahead, I can't just leave him alone."

"Hey, hey, Xiaoguo..."

Duan Jiabao called her twice but there was no response, so he could only choose to chase after her.

The three of them returned to the place where the quarrel took place just now, and found that everyone had dispersed. Wang Wei and her roommate had disappeared, and Lin Yue had also left.

"Where are people? Where did they go?"

Luo Yan said: "There are others. Didn't you see that everyone is gone? Go back to the dormitory first. If you really want to know what's going on, ask Zhao Dachuan for Lin Yue's number. Call and ask and you'll know." ."

Jiang Xiaoguo thought about it, and thought it was reasonable, so she went back to the dormitory with her things.


A quarter of an hour later, Lin Yue walked out from the declining Welfare Lottery sales point. He glanced at the red leaflet in his hand in the middle of the page. A decoration worker bought the 1 million lottery winning information of the sales point. I threw the flyer into the trash can next to me, and sighed in my heart, this person is getting harder and harder to deceive.

In the 1990s, as soon as cars selling welfare lottery tickets came, all the neighborhoods were mobilized, not to mention that there were people who broke their fortunes and put all their money into it. Many families who were too poor would pool up 2 yuan to try their luck. There were so many people that they could surround a street. It's leaking.

The prizes at that time included Santana, Xiali, motorcycles, color TV sets, bicycles, silk quilts and so on.

Nowadays, there are tens of millions of bonuses at every turn, but this attraction, this popularity, is really getting worse every day, and I don't know how long this leek can be harvested.

When he sighed that "the world is going down, people's hearts are not old", three people blocked his way.

They are all above 1.83 meters, and they look quite strong.

"Isn't this Chang Feng from the School of Finance?"

Lin Yue is very familiar with the person walking in the front. The forward of the basketball team of the School of Finance has met many times in the competition field between departments. In terms of height, Lin Yue is not as good as him, and in terms of skills, he is not as good as last year. In the game in the summer, he blocked Chang Feng three times in the second half alone.

"are you looking for me?"

Thank you for the 1,500 starting coins rewarded by Aowu, the 1,000 starting coins rewarded by Wuyan Emperor, the 500 starting coins rewarded by Fu News, DAYDAYUPUP, Miao Sang, Yun Yan, Tae Hyun, Xiu Meili, and Shun Xiao, who were rewarded when I was young. 100 starting coins.

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