Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1446: If you can do it, you will never force it

Out of politeness, Lin Yue asked this question. Any fool can tell that the other party has something to do with him, and that those who come are not kind and those who don't come.

Chang Feng took out an iPhone from his pocket and pushed it forward.

"This is you."

The phone is playing a video, which is the scene where he stood up for Jiang Xiaoguo just now.

"That's right, it's me." Lin Yue said, "Is there a problem?"

Chang Feng pointed to the tall girl next to Wang Wei and said, "She is my girlfriend."

Hearing this, Lin Yue suddenly realized that Wang Wei's roommate was Chang Feng's girlfriend. She didn't say anything. She must have seen her girlfriend being bullied by him and came to settle accounts with him.

"Don't tell me, you two are quite a couple."

If these words were applied to other couples, most of the parties would feel happy after hearing this, but if they were applied to Chang Feng and his girlfriend Xu Xin...then it would be a little bit different.

Why do you say that, yes, one is 1.87 meters tall, the other is nine-headed and long-legged, they belong to the combination of handsome guys and beautiful girls, but Xu Xin's eyes are big bubble eyes, that is, goldfish eyes, Chang Feng, Squint. These two people stood together, one with big eyes and the other with small eyes, and the other was more recognizable. Now Lin Yue described them as husband and wife, not only as a curse but also as a joke.

Chang Feng said: "I'll give you two choices, either apologize to Xu Xin, or..."

"I'm only reasonable with women. Men, don't beep if you can do it."

This sentence annoyed Changfeng and the three of them, how arrogant is one-on-three?

Although the performance is exactly the same as in the video, Lin Yue used to be different. He was very restrained in basketball games, and he liked to use the rules to deal with opponents' collisions instead of confronting them head-on. But today...

Chang Feng brought people over to block him just to force him to apologize and to vent his anger on Xu Xin, but now three sentences have brought him to a dead end, let's fight this one, he may be punished, other seniors are honestly trying to graduate safely, He's going the other way here, if he doesn't fight this fight, he won't be able to lose face, anyway, he's also an old man on the school basketball team, and was once a secretary of the Arts and Sports Department of the Student Union.

Lin Yue said: "Counseled? Hurry up and get out of here."

Originally, the three of them couldn't get off the stage, but when they heard this, they were immediately annoyed. The guy with thick nose hair on Chang Feng's left stepped forward and kicked Lin Yue's stomach.

This kick was fast and hard, but when he realized it, the person in front of him disappeared, replaced by a punch on the face, a salty taste filled his mouth, his ears were stuffy, as if he was separated from the outside world by a layer membrane.

Seeing that his roommate suffered a disadvantage, Chang Feng rushed up with another person, kicking him with his feet and pushing him with his knees.

It's very hard to start.

Lin Yue's eyes turned cold, and he just pushed Chang Feng with his hands, and slapped the person who jumped up and kicked him with his knees, and then kicked him down.

The man screamed, fell face down on the sidewalk, rolled over and over while holding his right leg, nosebleeds gushed out, and were blown into small bubbles by the air from his mouth.

Changfeng was lucky, he just knocked down the shared bicycle parked in the bicycle parking space, even so, his lower back was also hurt, grinning his teeth in pain, he struggled for a long time before getting up from the ground, just in time to see the last The roommate who was the first to attack Lin Yue was pulled by his arm and hooked with his feet. He fell to the ground with a plop, following in the footsteps of another person, crying and howling with the pain in his arms.

When did that guy become so good at fighting? When they met each other, the two roommates were all broken, and the injuries were not serious.

Chang Feng began to back off, his feet backed up uncontrollably.

Lin Yue glanced at the passers-by watching the excitement nearby, and waved to him: "Come, come and hit me."

Now it is no longer a question of face, but a question of whether he will be beaten to death, let alone fight, he doesn't even have the courage to help his roommate.

"What, what are you doing? Police!"

At this time, there was a shout from behind, and the passers-by who were watching the excitement separately from the two policemen came over.

Originally, the public security in Shenzhen was very good, and it was close to Huanan Finance and Economics. The people from the police office rushed to the scene immediately after receiving the notice, and arrested several people.

"Comrade police, he...he...beat people."

This Changfeng is not a good bird, obviously he brought someone here to find trouble, he was beaten up and coerced, and now when he saw the police coming, he did the trick of the villain complaining first.


Jiang Xiaoguo didn't want to contact Zhao Dachuan at first, because she didn't have any acquaintances in the School of Economics, and secondly, she couldn't feel at ease to ignore it. After all, Lin Yue became the target of public criticism because she helped her speak, but Luo Yan dragged her away. It's too cheating to say it.

After hesitating and hesitating, she still bite the bullet and sent Zhao Dachuan a WeChat message, asking for Lin Yue's phone number.

The other party replied quickly, and kindly asked her what happened when she sent the number, but she didn't say anything, so she prevaricated, adjusted her mentality and dialed Lin Yue's number.

What surprised her was that no one answered even after calling twice.

"The phone is charging, didn't you see it? Or don't answer calls from strangers?"

She searched WeChat to add friends by phone number, but there was no response after the message was sent.

"Angry at me?"

Jiang Xiaoguo was very helpless about this, and could only press his mind, leave the terrace and return to the dormitory.

As soon as the door opened, Duan Jiabao greeted him with his mobile phone: "Hey, Xiaoguo, look, look quickly."

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Xiaoguo took a closer look.

"A boy from Huanan Finance and Economics humiliated a poor girl in public. The girl's dormitory roommate said that the girl is currently under a lot of pressure and her mental state is worrying."

Below the title is a short video of what happened outside the supermarket just now.

Then came the negative comments and denunciations from netizens. Female Weibo and Douban users were the most active, and their words were even harsher.

"Why are they like this?"

Jiang Xiaoguo was very angry: "This video has its beginnings and ends cut off, the logic is chaotic, and the facts are not clear. Isn't this intentionally pouring dirty water on him?"

At this time, Luo Yan, who was sitting in front of the desk playing games, turned around.

"Fortunately, I pulled you away. I told you everything. If things get serious, he will harm you. Now these self-media, video bloggers don't care what the truth is, as long as they can stir up most people What can't they do to create hot spots of public opinion, gain traffic and fans? It's good to pinch the head and tail, don't they also catch a lot of things that distort the facts?"

Jiang Xiaoguo said: "No, I have to help him rectify his name."

Duan Jiabao said: "Why are you being upright? Now Douyin, Kuaishou, Weibo, Moments... Many people are reposting these videos. You can't explain and refute them one by one, can you?"


Jiang Xiaoguo had nothing to say, she never thought that things would come to such an extent, those keyboard warriors on the Internet, who were not at the scene and didn't know the ins and outs, how could they believe that the fault was on Lin Yue based on the obviously edited video?

Luo Yan said: "If you have the power of Boss Ma, you can send lawyer letters to these video bloggers one by one to force them to admit their mistakes in public, but now you are a small person who can't even afford MAX, listen to me and leave it alone. "

Jiang Xiaoguo was very frustrated and helpless. She called Lin Yue again, but no one answered.

So he wondered if he felt uncomfortable after seeing the video on the Internet, and he was so angry that she ran away and deliberately refused to answer the phone or reply to WeChat.

Because of this, she didn't go to dinner, and even called her mother who was far away in Harbin to complain. As a result, Sister Juan (Jiang Xiaoguo's name for her mother) also stood by Luo Yan and Duan Jiabao, saying that if it wasn't She is vain, and if she buys Apple MAX, there will be no debt collection, let alone the current situation. Since it has become a hot spot on the Internet, there is no other way but to use the good medicine of time to calm it down.

First Wang Wei, Xu Xin, then Luo Yan, Duan Jiabao, and then got angry at Sister Juan. She wandered around the campus and returned to the dormitory at almost ten o'clock.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Duan Jiabao, who was lying on the table watching celebrity gossip, straightened up.

"Xiaoguo, Xiaoguo, something big is going wrong."

Jiang Xiaoguo is now in a low mood. Hearing Duan Jiabao's call sign, his expression remained normal. While taking out his slippers and changing them on, he said numbly, "Did your idol get hacked, or did you get rejected for the interview?"

Duan Jiabao went to participate in the autumn recruitment two days ago, and the target was a brokerage company. She said that she chose this job to get close to her idol.

"No, neither."

Fatty walked up to her: "It's Lin Yue."

Jiang Xiaoguo turned her head sharply: "What's wrong with Lin Yue?"

"Lin Yue got into a fight with someone and was taken to the police station. Now many people in the school know about it."

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