Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1447 I want you to beg me to stay

"He was arrested and taken to the police station?"

Jiang Xiaoguo finally knew why no one answered her calls to him, and she didn't have to think that the phone must have been confiscated.

"What the hell does this happen?"

Her intuition told her that this matter must have something to do with the dispute in the afternoon.

"I... I only know that he was arrested because of a fight. The specific circumstances..." Duan Jiabao shook his head, not knowing what he meant.

At this moment, the curtain on the opposite shop was opened, and Luo Yan poked her head out: "It was Xu Xin's boyfriend who brought two people to settle accounts with him, and they ended up fighting."

Sure enough, because of what happened in the afternoon, the video of the arguing with Wang Wei was posted on the Internet, which has already escalated the situation. I didn't expect there to be worse.

Duan Jiabao was very curious about Luo Yan's source of information: "How do you know so clearly?"

Luo Yan said: "Didn't I build a game group? There are people from all departments in it. They were discussing this matter in the group just now, so I asked about it."

"Oh, that's how it is."

Luo Yan is a fan of games and anime, and her groupies are not on the same channel or frequency. Of course, the former is more informed about what happened in school.

Jiang Xiaoguo couldn't be as relaxed as those two people. After all, this incident was caused by her. If she didn't chase Wang Wei for money in the afternoon, the subsequent incident would not have happened.

"I was arrested and sent to the police station, what should I do?"

"Xiao Guo, don't worry, I heard that the counselor has already rushed to the police station, so it should be fine."

"By the way, Luo Yan, your mother is a lawyer. You can ask her how the police station usually handles this kind of situation."

Luo Yan looked distressed. Except for Liang Shuang in dormitory 419, no one knew that she had a problem with Lawyer Wei. Jiang Xiaoguo asked her to contact her mother, which was really difficult.

"Xiaoguo, it's not like you don't know my relationship with my mother, this..."

"Oh, Xiaoguo, don't worry about this. It's already 10 o'clock at night. Even if you find Luo Yan's mother, nothing will change. You can wait until tomorrow and listen to the counselor's feedback before making plans, okay?"

Jiang Xiaoguo thought about it seriously, and thought that she was indeed a little too impatient, so she nodded and said "Okay" sullenly.

Luo Yan and Duan Jiabao looked at each other and felt that she was overreacting.

Of course they couldn't understand Jiang Xiaoguo's mood. In Wang Wei's case, everyone was accusing her of being unsympathetic, being too serious, and taking too much of a mere 300 yuan. She felt that it was no longer a question of money. It's about the principle of being a human being. Only that Lin Yue, although he has a broken mouth, the two of them have reached the same point of view on this matter. Now the other party is approached by Xu Xin's boyfriend because he supports her. Because the fight got into the game, of course she couldn't do nothing to do with herself.


next morning.

Academic Affairs Office of South China Finance and Economics Comprehensive Building.

"Why should I stay in school for probation when they issued a serious warning? Just because they were injured? Whoever is weak is justified?"

"What are you shouting about? This is a decision made by the school after investigation."

"Since it's been investigated, you must have seen the surveillance video provided by the store. They obviously did it first. Do you want me to call them standing up?"

"Your behavior has had a bad impact on the school's reputation. I repeat, this is a decision made by the school after research. It's already good if you haven't been expelled. What else do you want?"

"Hehe, what's wrong with the school when this kind of thing happens, what's wrong with the school, I don't have any sense of responsibility as a teacher and a flexible mind to solve problems. After so many years, I really haven't made any progress. Let you scum manage the school, it is a college The greatest tragedy of education is that many college students are disappointed with the society, and it started with you people."

"How do you talk? Tell me again."

"I said, you are a bunch of scum, bastards, sons of a bitch, do you hear clearly? If you don't hear clearly, let me add another word, beep..."

Jiang Xiaoguo and Luo Yan were stunned, you looked at me, I looked at you, looking at each other in a daze.

Duan Jiabao went to retake class, but didn't come.

She dragged Luo Yan's young man to the boys' dormitory, and the economics student named Tang Yuzhe told him that Lin Yue had to go to the Academic Affairs Office to talk to the supervisor, because the counselor had just informed him that the school might give him probation Punishment, let him be mentally prepared, pay attention to it in the future, don’t make similar mistakes again, perform well in the next few months, and try to remove the punishment before graduation, otherwise it will affect his job search if it is written in the file in the future .

After finishing the work, the two found the Academic Affairs Office, and as soon as they approached the door of the office, they heard Lin Yue choking with someone.

Inside the office.

Lin Yue looked at the middle-aged man with a piece of the Mediterranean Sea on his face. He was scolding, but he didn't feel much anger. Instead, he was more disappointed. As early as in the world of "Partners in China", he had experienced the problems of the Academic Affairs Office. The group of people is hateful, I didn't expect that they haven't improved at all after so many years.

Thinking about it carefully, it is not that he alone has a bad impression of the administrative department of the university. This group of people engaged in educational affairs, accounting, and logistics follow a bureaucratic promotion route, which is fundamentally different from counselors, lecturers, and professors. As a result, the latter is relatively amiable, while the former is difficult to enter and has an ugly face. From the deeds of Nie Weiming, the director of the Academic Affairs Office in "Chinese Partners", it can be seen that the administrative departments of universities have basically become independent kingdoms with intertwined relationships and interests. In many cases, the principals transferred from other places have to hold them carefully and protect them, so as not to be ostracized or put on little shoes.

"You dare to scold me?"

The deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office at the desk was stunned. No student dared to scold him for so many years: "I think you don't want to graduate."

"Tch, you scumbags will use this to scare students."

Back in the world of "Partners in China", he beat up the dean of the Academic Affairs Office of Peking University, let alone the deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office of South China University of Finance and Economics who couldn't even reach 211,985.

"Okay, you have the guts, just pack up and leave."

Lin Yue was delighted.

"If you want to say this, I am quite interested in playing with you, old dog, I will pack up and leave? Believe it or not, I want you to cry and beg me to stay."

"I beg you to stay?"

Hai Hai looked angry, and he had already begun to wonder if the student opposite was mentally ill.

"We'll see."

Lin Yue smiled coldly, turned around and left the office, and immediately saw Jiang Xiaoguo and Luo Yan lying on the wall and eavesdropping.

The two sides looked at each other for a few seconds, and he continued to walk forward without saying anything.

Those two people were stunned for a while before they realized it, and Jiang Xiaoguo ran after him.

"Are you stupid? That's the director of the Academic Affairs Office, can't you talk properly? Why are you choking?"

Lin Yue said: "I have always had this attitude towards people and things that I dislike."

"Aren't you joking about your own future when you're like this?"

He is in his senior year this year, and he has studied hard for more than ten years, for what? Isn't it just because of that college graduation certificate? Now that he has offended the director of the Academic Affairs Office, if the other party really wants to play tricks and drop him out of school, wouldn't that ruin his life.

Lin Yue said: "These bastards dared to act so recklessly and recklessly because they knew the students and their parents would not dare to resist because the price was too high."

"But... as the saying goes, an arm can't twist a thigh..."

"Jiang Xiaoguo, you came here to block me, just to persuade me to calm down?"

"if not?"

"Then you don't have to be like this. As I said just now, I am a thorn in the head. If I don't like it, I will take care of it. If I don't like it, I will just take care of it. You don't have to do it for me." What happened to me is brooding, and I feel as if I owe it to me."

Jiang Xiaoguo was stunned by her words.

This guy is still so choking when he talks.

Luo Yan stepped forward, patted her on the shoulder, with a sympathetic look on her face: "I'll just tell you, he is designated as mentally ill."

"Stone, do you think... he will be fired?"

What kind of person is Jiang Xiaoguo? At the financial scene, in order to please Director Guo, she took the initiative to take the embarrassment on her own head. When she arrived in Puling, she tried to please her boss in various ways. It can be said that at a young age, she has gone further and further on the road of pursuing sophistication and tact. With her personality , Of course, I can't understand what kind of operation Lin Yue scolded the director of the Academic Affairs Office. Could it be for the sake of gaining breath?

This is too tiger.

No, it should be Biao.

"Just like him, why don't you fire him for the New Year? If I were the director of the Academic Affairs Office, I would try my best to fire him, otherwise people would think I was made of mud." Seeing that Jiang Xiaoguo didn't respond, he raised his hand Shaking in front of her: "Xiaoguo, Xiaoguo, what are you thinking?"


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