Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1448: Jiang Xueba Was Insta-Killed (Part 1)

In just one day, Lin Yue made a big fuss in the Academic Affairs Office, and the news of Director Jia's scolding was spread throughout the school.

Jiang Xiaoguo knew that this matter had nothing to do with her, and what Lin Yue said made her very angry, and she felt like being kicked by a donkey with good intentions, but she found it difficult to really let go, and she still couldn't help it Find out how things are going.

"It's miserable, it's really over for him now."

Duan Jiabao poked his head out from behind the curtain, looked at his best friend with disheveled hair and a toothbrush in his mouth who still didn't forget to brush his phone, and said, "Xiaoguo, what are you talking about?"

"I said Lin Yue was miserable."

"What's wrong?"

She rubbed her tight temples, thinking that she didn't sleep well last night, and she must make up for it after Jiang Xiaoguo left.

"Lin Yue."

"What happened to him?"

"Now most of the school knows that he offended the director of the Academic Affairs Office."

"Then what?"

"If you think about it, you know that Director Jia was scolded, and you can't suppress this matter. If you don't expel Lin Yue from school, what is the authority of the Academic Affairs Office, and where is his face? Lin Yue this time... I think It’s more ominous than good.”

With a swish, the curtain of the bed near the door of the dormitory was pulled open, and Luo Yan looked at Jiang Xiaoguo sleepily.

"Xiaoguo, didn't you say you don't care about his affairs? Why are you in such a hurry?"


Didn't you get angry the day before yesterday and said you didn't care? Why did you see the historical conversation in the financial department group this morning and couldn't help but care?

Duan Jiabao over there was also puzzled and said, "That's right, didn't you say you don't care?"

Jiang Xiaoguo smiled awkwardly, glanced at the timetable on the desk, stuffed the toothbrush into her mouth, and ran to the toilet: "Well, I won't tell you, if I delay, I will be late."

Two minutes later, with the sound of lifting shoes and opening the door, Jiang Xiaoguo left the dormitory.

Duan Jiabao and Luo Yan looked at each other, then put their heads behind the curtain to meet Duke Zhou.

On the other side, Jiang Xiaoguo, who entered the company by stepping on the commute, started a new day, sending and receiving express delivery, sorting out materials, arranging schedules, copying documents, oh, and making ginger tea for sister Yi. Pa's decent job.

She has done a good job, especially in building a good relationship with the supervisor, and Sister Yi is very optimistic about her. I believe that there should be no suspense in the matter of becoming a regular.

But when she brewed ginger tea according to Sister Yi's habit, the suspense turned into remnants.

Without any warning, Sister Yi changed jobs, and the new supervisor Guo hated ginger and refused to drink ginger tea.

Jiang Xiaoguo stood at the door of the company like a robot, feeling that she had to start from scratch to please the supervisor and strive to become a full-time employee.

Just when she was worried about her future, the elevator door opened, and several people came out in a file. When her eyes moved to the last person, she froze.

"How did you come?"

That's right, this person is the male lead, Lin Yue, who was still discussing with Luo Yan and Duan Jiabao before going to work.

"You can come here, why can't I?"

Jiang Xiaoguo said, "I'm working."

Lin Yue said, "I'm here for an interview."


Only then did she realize that when she and Zhao Dachuan met by chance, Lin Yue said that he would submit his resume for the second time. For those who have never been through, the probability of entering the interview process by re-submitting their resumes is too small, unless HR changes, or a higher-level leader intervenes.

"how did you do it?"

As a top student, what she lacks most is the quality of inquiring.

"Why should I tell you?"

He left after saying this, leaving Jiang Xiaoguo standing there with resentment on his face, and didn't react until Xiaomeng at the front desk called her.

"What's wrong?"

Xiaomeng handed over a USB flash drive: "I feel a little sick to my stomach, I have to go to the bathroom, Xiaoguo, can you print out the contents for me and send it to Mr. Wang?"

"No problem." She took the USB flash drive and said with a smile on her face, "Leave it to me."

Xiaomeng quickly took the bag and left.

Jiang Xiaoguo patted her face, put aside the problems related to Lin Yue, and walked to the printer to perform the printing operation.

But when she opened the USB flash drive and saw the contents inside, her expression changed.

The things in the USB flash drive were nothing but the information of the job seekers who came to interview today. Seeing that everyone was busy with their work, she found Lin Yue's resume and clicked lightly.

Name: Lin Yue.

Sex: Male.

Institution attended: Tsinghua University.

Major: Economics.


After reading the content of the resume, she was shocked.


This kid forged his resume!

He is obviously from Huanan Finance and Economics, so why did he become Tsinghua University?

Someone who has never even won a scholarship dares to say that he was an exchange student at MIT in his sophomore year.

Although he is really good at basketball, Luo Yan also said that his best achievement is being a substitute for the school team for more than a year.

Visit the White House? Catching a cold? Fighting with the student council president?

Well, I did get into a fight with someone the day before yesterday, and I was arrested at the police station, but does this thing have the face to write it on my resume?

She was confused, but the key was that the financial scene approved him to enter the interview.

Jiang Xiaoguo thought for a long time, but couldn't figure out HR's brain circuit.

Of course, if she wanted to expose Lin Yue's lies in public, if he hadn't supported her in public and was punished by the school, she would have done it with peace of mind, but now, no matter what, she couldn't bear to do so.

She coped with work with full of thoughts, which may be the reason why Director Guo just took office, and she didn't get angry at her slight slack.

After waiting for almost an hour, watching the person who was brought to the interview by HR come out, she pretended to go to the bathroom, followed Lin Yue secretly, and pulled him into the corridor near the elevator.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"What's the meaning."

"The school's affairs are not settled, and you still have the mind to come here to apply for a job?"

"I don't think those two things are in direct conflict."

"Okay, let's not talk about the school, what happened to the resume you sent to HR? Do you know the consequences of lying?"

"Hey, you know everything?"

"That's right."

Jiang Xiaoguo is very proud. Ever since she met Zhao Dachuan, she has always been the one who was embarrassed in front of him. Now that she finally broke through his embarrassment, there is no reason not to take the opportunity to run on it.

"Is there anything else?"

Jiang Xiaoguo originally thought that he would panic, and begged her to keep it a secret. No matter how bad it was, she should be more friendly (please) and kind (nice), but it was nothing, this guy only showed a hint of surprise from the beginning to the end.

"Hey, do you know what I'm talking about? As long as I talk to HR, your interview will be ruined."

Lin Yue said: "I passed."

"What? Passed?"

Jiang Xiaoguo's eyeballs are all rounded. An excellent... college student like her has passed five tests and cut six generals. It took him two days to wait for the phone call to inform him of his employment. This guy is good. He will send an offer on the day of the interview. Is this possible? ?

"You're not lying to me, are you?"

Lin Yue said, "Is there any point in lying to you about this?"

Jiang Xiaoguo thought about it and thought he was right.

"You... how did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"I passed the interview."

"Want to use it as a reference? To prepare for job hopping in the future?"

"Can't you?"


Lin Yue dropped these words and turned to leave, but Jiang Xiaoguo stopped him with open arms.

"If you don't tell me...I'll tell HR that your resume is fake."

Lin Yue pretended to be indignant: "Jiang Xiaoguo, you asked Wang Wei for money before, and everyone was blaming you. I stood up to help you speak the truth. It's fine if you don't thank me. I don't care if I cheated on my teammates halfway. After all, in my opinion, it is the duty of a college student to help each other when the road is injustice, but I never thought that you would put revenge here and threaten me."

"I...I..." Jiang Xiaoguo was left speechless by this soul torture.

"Okay, count on you." Lin Yue took out a document from his backpack and slapped it on her chest: "This is what you want."

After speaking, without waiting for her reaction, he opened the door and walked out of the stairwell.

Jiang Xiaoguo stood there for a while before she adjusted her mood. She opened the document in her hand and was stunned.

That's okay too?

Thanks to Y for the 5,000 starting coins rewarded in the dark night, the 1,500 starting coins rewarded for paying the news, the 333 starting coins rewarded by book friends with the tail number 0009, and the 100 starting coins rewarded by you Z brother in society, carbon-based life, and night dragging .

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