Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1450 Crushing from experience

Lin Yue said: "I have interviewed."


Tang Yuzhe and Feng Xianghong's eyes were shining, and their mouths became O-shaped.

This is the first time they have met people who forged their resumes to get an interview opportunity and returned to the job that day.

"But that's not why I'm buying you drinks."

Not for this reason? The two looked at each other, not knowing what he meant by that.

"I won the lottery."

"Win the lottery? How much?"

Don't look at Tang Yuzhe wearing a pair of square-frame myopia glasses. He usually looks calm and rational, but when it comes to gambling, his control is really mediocre, especially when he is playing FGO krypton gold. When it came to Heiwumao, a non-chief professional, he ate steamed buns for more than half a month. Thanks to Feng Xianghong's higher living expenses, he often gave him a meatloaf, a bag of instant noodles, and a portion of stir-fried vegetables to survive.

Lin Yue said: "30,002."

"so much?"

The two people on the opposite side were taken aback. Compared with the housing prices in Shenzhen, 32,000 yuan is definitely a drizzle, but for students from working families, it is really a huge sum of money.

At this time, the curtain of the bed opposite his bunk was opened, revealing a face so thin that its cheeks were slightly sunken.

"A Fei, look at your bitterness and hatred. It's been three months, and you still haven't gotten out of the shadow of broken love? Come and drink something sweet to warm your heart."

He handed over a cup of fruit tea.

Tan Sifei reached out to catch the fruit tea he handed over.

"You really won the lottery?"

Lin Yue said: "For a picky person like me, who dares to upgrade lemonade into fresh fruit tea, can you find a second explanation besides heaven's windfall?"

Tan Sifei thought about it seriously, and felt that this was the reason.

"thank you."

"I haven't seen you staying in the dormitory these days, have you found a job?"

Tan Sifei shook his head.

"Then... come on."

Lin Yue patted him on the shoulder, turned around and walked to his desk, when he found an EMS file bag with his name written on it.

"Old Tang, what is this?"

"Oh, I came back from outside in the morning and happened to meet the courier wandering in the corridor, saying that there is your courier, but no one answered the call, so I signed for it for you."


Lin Yue remembered the phone call he made during the interview, so he didn't pay attention. He tore open the document bag, took out the contents, and found that his passport had arrived.

Feng Xianghong is a curious baby: "What?"

There is no need to hide this matter, Lin Yue said: "Passport."

"You want to go abroad?"

"It's not yet decided, so be prepared."

At this moment, Tang Yuzhe interjected: "By the way, the head of the department has come this afternoon and asked you to go to the office to look for him during class time tomorrow."

"The counselor hit a snag on the phone, is it the head of the department's turn?" Lin Yue sneered, "It's useless if the headmaster comes."

Tang Yuzhe said: "Lin Yue, I think it's better to accept it as soon as you see it. After all, there are still more than half a year. The student status, household registration, and graduation certificate are all in school."

I learned in the group that Lin Yue scolded Director Jia of the Academic Affairs Office, and the two of them scared him enough, thinking that he was in danger this time, but the fact is that the emperor is not in a hurry with the eunuch. They don't have to worry, what they said in the Academic Affairs Office at that time must be done.

As a result, the public opinion reversed within two days. Now there is a lot of criticism on the Internet. Netizens don’t pay much attention to Wang Wei, who has not repaid her debts. They all point their fingers at the Academic Affairs Office of South China University of Finance and Economics, and even several heavyweight media and public accounts. They all began to post articles criticizing the staff of the Academic Affairs Office of South China University of Finance and Economics for ignoring the facts and acting too rudely.

Faced with such pressure, those people in the Academic Affairs Office were discouraged and tried to get the counselors and department heads to be peacemakers.

From Tang Yuzhe and Feng Xianghong's point of view, the school has already given Lin Yue a lot of face, and it's time to go downhill.

"I said let him beg me, and I will definitely do what I say."

His statement was the same as before, still so tough.

Tang Yuzhe sighed: "Director Jia is almost fifty this year, and he is the leader of the school again, let him shamelessly beg you..."

He shook his head, meaning he didn't like it.

Lin Yue said: "Do you know what is the most effective way to maintain the popularity of social events? Apart from widespread dissemination and constant stir-up, the most effective way is to reverse. You have also seen that when netizens criticized me the most. , Those bloggers who make ideological content criticize the blind obedience of viewers, supplemented by a complete video, which immediately mobilizes the audience's emotions, deepens the impact of this incident, and increases fans and video traffic for those bloggers. It can be regarded as mutual benefit, and then the debt collection incident extended to the confrontation between me and the Academic Affairs Office, which increased the conflict and story tension, and I believe that most young people have nothing to do with school administrative departments such as the Teaching Office and the Academic Affairs Office. Favorable feelings will definitely resonate with my scolding director Jia, and open an outlet for this matter to vent emotions and create strong pressure to pursue responsibility. At this time, there is only one explosive point missing, which will turn the whole incident into a carnival , do you know what it is?"

Tang Yuzhe and Feng Xianghong shook their heads, and even Tan Sifei who was lying on the bed poked his head out.

"There are many people coveting such an important position as the director of the Academic Affairs Office. It doesn't matter whether it is to kill Jia Cun's superior position, to retaliate, or to beat the dog in the water. As long as someone breaks the law, no, once the illegal materials are published on the Internet or sent to the procuratorate Once sent, how will he afford the expenses of his children studying in foreign universities, how can he maintain a superhuman life? How can he face his colleagues and students? Hehe, if he wants to ruin my life, then I will ruin him first family and life, if it were you, standing at such a crossroads, how would you choose?"

The three people over there are all stupid.

Just a few days ago, Lin Yue was just like everyone else, throwing out resumes all over the sky, worrying about work, reading books and playing games when he was free, and occasionally going to the playground to play basketball with his juniors, but Now he is like a different person. It seems that everything that happened in the past few days is under his control, and he has a very serious sense of tearing with the classmate Lin in his impression.

"What expressions do you have?"

Lin Yue chuckled: "I'm in a good mood today, let's have fun together."

After speaking, he sat down in front of the desk, and two minutes later he let out a roar, "Broken computer, I will replace you sooner or later."

Tang Yuzhe took the earphones back slowly, thinking that this was the only thing that hadn't changed, otherwise he would suspect that this guy was possessed by something unclean.


Two and a half hours later.

Lin Yue pushed open the door and walked out of the dormitory, came to the deserted stairwell, opened the window facing north, took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it.

After taking two sips, Tan Sifei came over.

"Give me one too."

Lin Yue glanced at him, didn't say anything, took out a lotus king and handed it over.

The two of them swallowed clouds and fog for a while, Tan Sifei said: "Lin Yue, can I ask you something?"

Lin Yue had already seen that he had something on his mind, so he stopped talking four or five times before mustering up the courage to say this.

"Tell me, what's the matter."

"Can you lend me 3,000 yuan?"

"Can you tell me the purpose?"

Lin Yue's monthly living expenses are 800, Tang Yuzhe's 1300, Feng Xianghong's 1500, and Tan Sifei's living expenses are the highest in the 615 dormitory, which is 1800. It is considered that his life is the most nourishing. It is really strange that he comes to borrow money from himself now. of.

Tan Sifei said: "Can you not tell me?"

Lin Yue said, "No."

If it was Feng Xianghong, and the other party asked to borrow money, Lin Yue would definitely have borrowed it without saying a word, because that kid's character is relatively conservative and restrained. He has never spent more than 100 krypton gold in online games, and even gifts from chasing girls have to be given on Double Ten It is different for Tan Sifei to stock up goods in advance during the 1/618 big promotion, especially in the past few days, he seems to be full of worries every day.

3,000 yuan was a lot of money to Lin Yue in the past, but to Lin Yue now, it was just a drop in the bucket.

What he cared about was not whether Tan Sifei could pay it back, but what to do with the money.

Goudongbaitiao, Heimaohuabei, which cultivate young people’s debt consumption, is still a bit of a bottom line. Like those routine loans for borrowing money apps, it is really hard to guard against. How many young people with weak willpower and immature minds have fallen for them. Thief ship.

Thank you for the 500 starting coins rewarded by the Duke of Haizhou, book friends with the tail number 1679, I bet you don’t have the 100 starting coins rewarded by bullets.

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