Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1451 I have always revenged on the spot

Tan Sifei pondered for a moment, and finally chose to compromise: "My ex-girlfriend is pregnant and wants me to accompany her to have an abortion."

"..." Lin Yue looked at him with a complicated expression: "I remember you and your girlfriend broke up for more than three months, right?"

Tan Sifei nodded.

Everyone in the dormitory knew about it, so there was no need to hide it.

Lin Yue said: "If you really use the money to have an abortion, I can lend it to you, but to put it bluntly, are you sure the child is yours?"

Tan Sifei nodded again.

This time Lin Yue stopped asking: "Okay, I will transfer the money to you when I get back to the dormitory."


Tan Sifei thanked Bi, turned and left.

Lin Yue didn't go back to the house immediately, but turned to look at the night sky in the north.

When it comes to the plot of "Twenty Do Not Confused", it is said to be more down-to-earth than "Thirty Only". Duan Jiabao has to go to a restaurant every two or three days on average. At most, I will show the borrowed numbers, sell some of the luxury goods given by my former boyfriend, and still wear different clothes and shoes every day. Even Jiang Xiaoguo, the poorest, has a 17,000 Gucci bag, but for most boys, their parents have to grit their teeth and tighten their belts to survive when they buy a Lenovo Y-series notebook.

This is down to earth?

Hehe, the screenwriters of urban emotional dramas have long since left the 600 million people whose monthly income is less than 1,000.

After smoking, he snuffed out the cigarette butt, threw it into the trash can, turned and walked back to the dormitory.

Tang Yuzhe and Feng Xianghong had already gone to bed, and they made an appointment to get up at 6:00 tomorrow morning and go to the study room at 7:00 to occupy a seat. As for whether they can complete this extremely challenging task with their self-control, only the gods know.

Tan Sifei also went to bed, but judging from the light leaking from the curtain, he should be playing with his mobile phone.

Lin Yue stepped on the steps to the bed and lay down, transferred 3,000 yuan to Tan Sifei as he said just now, turned sideways when he was done, and closed his eyes.

He looked like he was sleeping, but he wasn't.

If you zoom in, you will see faint brilliance flashing from his pupils from time to time, which is the work of the all-seeing eye in the form of a contact lens.

Going to accompany your ex-girlfriend to have an abortion?

What a poor excuse.


The next day, Lin Yue came to the financial site on the way to work and spent some time completing the entry procedures. As soon as he came out of the office, he heard Jiang Xiaoguo being scolded.

"Let you sort out the materials. If you can give me such a big mess, you can't handle such a trivial matter. What else would you do? Serve tea and water, run errands and order meals? The company might as well hire a servant, which can save more money." One thousand eight hundred yuan."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Director Guo, I made a mistake, and I'll fix it right away."

"The article has been sent out, what else should I change?"


"Let's not take this as an example. If this kind of thing happens again, you should leave me as soon as possible."

The voice was loud and the tone was very severe. The employees in the work area looked sideways at Director Guo's office.

Lin Yue walked to the half-open office.

Poor Jiang Xiaoguo didn't dare to speak, didn't dare to raise her head, even though she knew that the vicious guy was gloating at her jokes.

Director Guo quickly noticed Lin Yue's behavior, turned his eyes to the door, and said sharply: "What's the matter with you, why don't you leave quickly?"

"If you tell me to leave, I'll leave? Then don't I lose face? Mr. Peerless Warm Man."

A newcomer in the workplace dared to ignore the order of the supervisor, even a normal person would be furious. Director Guo wanted to get mad, but after hearing the words "peerless warm man", his face seemed ashen with a layer of putty powder.

"One, you are not my supervisor, so please be more polite when you see me in the future. Two, I have a bad temper. When I was studying, the president of the student union would beat me up. This problem can't be changed for a while. Three, I'm here. For those of you who are watching her jokes, if you don’t want to be watched, you can choose to keep that stinking mouth shut, or I will let you know what real viciousness is.”

Jiang Xiaoguo stared blankly at the guy opposite, with many question marks in her mind.

I just finished scolding the director of the Academic Affairs Office a few days ago, and today I just had sex with the director of the financial scene?

Why can't he bear any grievances?

The point is, judging by Director Guo's appearance, he seems to be very afraid of him.

Is it because of... a peerless warm man?

Director Guo is a peerless warm man?

How did she know that Guo Zhen had an ID on a dating website, and his nickname was Peerless Warm Boy, who used the name of blind date to seduce little girls every day, chatting about flirting, making appointments with P, etc. The key point was that he had a wife and a child who was just one month old. Now that Lin Yue yelled at him, how could he not feel guilty? Can you not panic? If the people in the company found out, then what face would he have to act like a boss in front of his subordinates.


Lin Yue pouted and left.

Guo Zhen is like a little daughter-in-law who has been fed tofu but dare not speak out, she is not angry, nor is she not angry.

"What are you doing in a daze, let's go, go to work."

"Oh, the supervisor... I'll go first."

Jiang Xiaoguo didn't want to be the cannon fodder for Lin Yue and Guo Zhen to start a war, so she quickly picked up the manuscript that Guo Zhen threw on the ground, fled back to her station and sat down, and found that everyone didn't pay attention to her, they all looked at Lin Yue They talked in a low voice from behind. Although they didn't know what those two people said just now, there was no doubt that the rookie was the victor in this confrontation.

What the hell is this guy doing?

Lin Yue turned a blind eye to the strange gazes from around him. Not long after he sat down at his desk, a vice president came to the work area and introduced his situation to everyone.

In fact, there is no need to be like this. After what happened just now, he suddenly became a celebrity in the company.

On the first day of work, Director Guo couldn't get off the stage. As a newcomer in the workplace, it's really...speechless? admire? surprise?

They don't know how to describe it, so just don't mess with this guy.

Lin Yue has worked as a reporter, invested, and is also a translator. With the intensity of work in the financial field, there is no pressure on him.

The day passed like this.

In the evening, Lin Yue got off the No. 63 bus, walked a few steps towards the school gate, and suddenly heard someone calling his name behind him, and turned his head to see that Jiang Xiaoguo was getting off another bus.

"I... I... When I came down from the company just now, didn't you hear me calling you to wait?"

She hurried to catch up, patting her chest lightly while panting.

"No." Lin Yue said, "Do you have anything to do with me?"

"We are colleagues now and alumni of the same school. Can't we commute together if we have nothing to do?"

"No, I'm used to acting alone."

"I'm a girl."

"How do you look like a girl?"

Jiang Xiaoguo looked at him who was 1.81 meters tall, then at his short legs and...the flight deck, feeling offended.

"Lin Yue, can you talk properly?"

"Speak well? Let's do it." Lin Yue said: "It's almost useless, don't you just want to know who is the 'peerless Mr. Warm Man' who can scare Guo Zhen?"

"Hehe, you're so smart."

Jiang Xiaoguo was embarrassed by what he told her, but looked at him with anticipation.

Lin Yue said, "Sorry, I have no comment."


She almost choked on her own saliva: "You... If it wasn't for you yesterday, how could I have made a mistake in the data?"

"Jiang Xiaoguo, are you being unreasonable? I'm here for an interview. You're thinking about something yourself, and messing up your work by being absent-minded. What does it have to do with me?"

"I helped you hide the falsified resume."

"One yard is worth one yard. What did we say in the stairwell yesterday? Don't keep promises and want to renege on your debts, don't you?"


"Don't you, it's you, instead of wasting your mind on these crooked ways, you might as well think about how to improve your professional level. As long as you come up with results that can convince everyone, Guo Zhen has to coax him no matter how upset he is." You, hold you tight, hold you in your arms."

The truth is such a truth, but how can we come up with results that convince everyone?

"Lin Yue, come with me, I have something to tell you."

At this time, a male voice from the front side interrupted her contemplation, and it sounded familiar, so she looked up and couldn't help feeling guilty.

It's Director Jia of the Office of Academic Affairs.

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