Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1460 This Is the Consequence of Sprinkling Dog Food (Part 2)


Chen Zhuo cheated?

Liang Shuang was bewildered, and it took a while to realize, looking at Jiang Xiaoguo, he said, "Jiang Xiaoguo, what did you say?"

have to.

After all the messing around, it still came out of her mouth.

At this point, Jiang Xiaoguo naturally had no way to keep hiding, took out the newly bought Android phone, clicked on the photo album, found the photo of Chen Zhuo kissing a woman taken the day before yesterday, and handed it over: "Look, is this golf? "

Liang Shuang took the phone with a frown, looked it over carefully, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

The diamond ring on the ring finger reflects the light from the ceiling, which is not beautiful at all, it is very dazzling.

You must know that just now she was complacent because of this ring, thinking that she was going to marry Chen Zhuo, but in less than three minutes, reality gave her a merciless blow.

"Want to know who the woman in that photo is?"

At this time, Lin Yue asked a question that surprised everyone.

Liang Shuang suddenly raised his head: "Who is it?"

Lin Yue looked at Jiang Xiaoguo and said: "After the incident happened, I investigated Chen Zhuo's background through the license plate, and was surprised to find that he already had a fiancée, the woman who kissed him passionately in this photo, whose name was Yang Hua. She went to study abroad at Columbia University in the United States a few years ago, and she just graduated and returned to China this year. According to the data, a few days before she went abroad, the Yang family and the Chen family held a grand engagement ceremony for them at the St. , you are the third child who ruined her marriage."

All the staff in Dormitory 419 were silent.

No one thought that things would turn out like this. The rich and handsome boyfriend Liang Shuang had been talking about for two years actually had a fiancée. My boyfriend is on two boats.

"A rich second generation who drives a Maserati Levante, an N suite in Shenzhen, gives luxury gifts without blinking an eye, and has a successful family business will accommodate you in every possible way, dare not smoke in front of you, and endure your vegetarianism and strict rules and regulations? Then There is only one possibility, because he never thought of living with you for a long time. Liang Shuang, no one is a fool. If you want to cross class by marrying, you must have enough capital to support this ambition. Your family background is more than ordinary Is he a better person than Chen Zhuo? It’s far behind. As for the appearance you are proud of, hehe, there is a saying on the Internet that behind every beautiful woman is a man who sleeps until she feels sick. Reasonable, why do those diamond kings like to live the life of single nobles? Social trends? A symbol of civilization and progress? Wrong, they just want to play longer without having to bear family responsibilities, legal responsibilities, and moral responsibilities , As for things like true love, the more women you come into contact with, the less likely it will happen. Then this kind of person will mostly choose a well-matched woman to marry, have children, and reproduce. Obviously, Yang Hua is more suitable for him than you View Mate."

Lin Yue didn't care about Duan Jiabao's and Luo Yan's contemptuous gazes, and said, "Watch less TV dramas, novels and cartoons, and learn more about the sufferings and evils of human nature, so that you will suffer less in your future lives." harm."

He wiped his mouth with a piece of paper towel: "Thank you for the hospitality. By the way, I also found out that Ms. Liang has an engagement dress. The store should not be closed right now. Return it, otherwise it will be a waste of money."

After speaking, he stood up directly, took his things and left.

Liang Shuang didn't respond at all, still thinking about Lin Yue's irony that she was just a vase.

The others looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Jiang Xiaoguo realized when Lin Yue was almost at the door, put down his chopsticks and chased him out.

"Lin Yue, stop!"

He turned around: "What's the matter?"

"Why are you doing this!"

"I'm not like this, so what?" Lin Yue sneered, "Isn't this exactly what you want?"

Jiang Xiaoguo was stopped by his question, yes, didn't she just want Lin Yue to expose the truth and break up Liang Shuang and Chen Zhuo.

"But...but...don't you like Liang Shuang?"

"Then what?"

"And then you do this... isn't it a little..."

"Cruel? Cold? Inhuman? That's how I speak directly." Lin Yue chuckled, "Did Liang Shuang care about your feelings when he talked to you in the past?"

Jiang Xiaoguo thought of her cold face, her looking down eyes, and her commanding tone when she called her to turn off the lights.

"This really doesn't exist."

"So, am I wrong?"

"you are right."

"No, I was wrong."

Jiang Xiaoguo confused him: "What do you mean by that?"

"My mistake was not letting the woman go."

After saying this, he turned and left.

Jiang Xiaoguo was stunned for a while before she realized that he was admitting his mistake. He was clearly mocking the double standard of "men should be courteous and love women".


Jiang Xiaoguo didn't know what happened afterwards, anyway, Liang Shuang didn't go back to the dormitory that night.

On the night she left the financial scene, she sent her resume to Pu Ling. When she got up in the morning, the person there called and asked her to go for an interview, so she made a careful preparation and went out.

Duan Jiabao and Luo Yan, one was going to a brokerage company to participate in pre-job training, and the other was picked up by the lawyer's mother.

Anyway, when Duan Jiabao and Jiang Xiaoguo, who had a bad nose in Pu Ling, returned to the dormitory, they were greeted with a strong smell of alcohol, and then they found that Liang Shuang had left a pile of empty cans under the bed.

"Chen Zhuo, why did you choose her...why didn't you choose me, obviously I'm prettier than her...why?"

"Columbia University... Is education so important... You keep saying you love me."

"Liar, bastard, shameless."


Duan Jiabao and Jiang Xiaoguo looked at each other, and decided to open the window first, and then try to comfort the poor guy who was just dumped by the scumbag.

This side just opened the sliding door and put away the empty soda cans, but the drunken voice over there changed the tone.

"Lin Yue, you bastard, does my mother know you very well? Do you need me?"

"You wait, I will definitely make you look good."

"Do you think you are better than Chen Zhuo? You are a scumbag, a scumbag."

"Nobody wants it...hehe, virgin!"


Duan Jiabao pointed to the drunken woman on the upper bunk: "Did you hear me, I really hold a grudge. Fortunately, we weren't the ones who tripped over this thunder."

Jiang Xiaoguo didn't say a word. Now that things have happened, she regrets bringing Lin Yue in. She really didn't expect that guy to face the person she likes with the attitude of saying whatever he wants, and it's impossible for me to be a licking dog in the next life.

After Luo Yan came back, the three of them went to sleep worried, but Liang Shuang was like a different person the next day. He didn't care about their love at all, and went to work full of energy. Accessible Youjia Financial Management.

Duan Jiabao also has something to do, which has nothing to do with work. He just went to eat the Internet celebrity lion head that he made an appointment with.

Luo Yan told the two that she was going to take the postgraduate entrance examination, but it was her mother's idea. In fact, she prefers the life of chasing and playing games every day than continuing to study.

Anyway, whether it was to resist the adults' arrangement, or she hadn't had fun with the people in the group for a long time, she asked someone to go to the coffee shop to have an affair, and met Lu Ran, who was also a senior student of Huanan Finance and Economics there. , agreed to form a study partner in the next time, and prepare for the postgraduate exam at the end of the year together.

On the other hand, Jiang Xiaoguo has been depressed for a long time, but she soon ushered in a turning point. Relying on her own shamelessness, she managed to impress Pu Ling's Mr. Zhou, and received a call from the HR department of Pu Ling Capital asking her to go to the office tomorrow. work.

that night.

Old local restaurant.

Duan Jiabao and Luo Yan waited for their good roommates.

"Xiaoguo, haven't you been admitted? Why are you frowning?"

"Duan Jiabao, please treat me to this meal."


The two looked at each other in blank dismay. When Jiang Xiaoguo called before, she said that in order to celebrate her joining Puling, she would invite them to dinner at the old place tonight, but she actually regretted it.

Just as Jiang Xiaoguo was about to explain the reason, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a figure walking in from the door, and waved: ""

Duan Jiabao and Luo Yan were suddenly upset.

Why is it him again?

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