Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1461 I know everything

Yes, it was Lin Yue who came.

That stinky man who messed up Jiang Xiaoguo's work and scolded Liang Shuang bloody.

The point is, look like this is Jiang Xiaoguo who called people here.

"I helped a sanitation worker on the road just now, and my hands were a little dirty. I'm going to the bathroom."

"Do you know where it is?" Jiang Xiaoguo pointed to the aisle inside: "Go in, walk to the end, it's on the right."


Lin Yue agreed and passed.

Duan Jiabao said, "Xiaoguo, what's the matter...?"

"You still have the face to ask, isn't it your little brother who helped you pick up the bag in the afternoon, but he tricked him into taking his friends and eating me more than a thousand yuan for a meal. This is a small amount of money for you, yes To me, it’s blood and sweat, and if you treat dinner tonight, you’ll be bankrupt.”

Duan Jiabao was stunned.

"Xiao Guo, it's okay for me to invite you for this meal, but this is not what I want to talk about."

She pointed to the place where Lin Yue disappeared.

Jiang Xiaoguo said: "I called you as soon as I received the employment notice, and then he made an appointment to have dinner and celebrate together at night, so I can't let him go, after all, if it wasn't for me last time, he wouldn't Getting involved in Liang Shuang and Chen Zhuo's affairs."

Luo Yan said: "Xiao Guo, how can you think like this? The reason why he is hated is because he likes Liang Shuang but he can't speak. What does it have to do with you?"


Jiang Xiaoguo wanted to say that he helped me a lot, but looking at the expressions on the faces of Duan Jiabao and Luo Yan, I always felt that this matter could not be explained clearly in a few words, and these two people had a deep prejudice against him, and for a while It's hard to change your attitude for a while.

"In short, you should give me face, pay attention to what you say later, and try not to mention what happened that day."

Luo Yan and Duan Jiabao glanced at each other: "Okay."

Not long after the three finished talking, Lin Yue walked out from the aisle: "What are you talking about? Look at your nervous expression."

Jiang Xiaoguo said, "I didn't say anything."

Lin Yue pulled the chair next to her and sat down: "Congratulations on finding a new job."

"Thank you." Jiang Xiaoguo said politely, "How about you? How are you doing?"

Before Lin Yue could reply, she asked again: "By the way, has the proposal on online fraud been passed?"

Yes, she resigned from the financial scene, but in addition to serving tea, typing and copying, strictly speaking, it was the first job proposal in her life, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as "significant".

Lin Yue said: "It is passed, but it cannot be done."

"Why?" Jiang Xiaoguo thought of what happened to Guo Zhen: "Is it the police who won't let me?"

"No, it's because I quit."

His answer confused the three of them.

Jiang Xiaoguo asked: "Why?"

She knew how much Vice President Leng admired Lin Yue, and she also knew how capable this guy who didn't show his talents during the exam was. After finally recruiting such an excellent employee at the financial scene, would he let him go?

Just as Lin Yue was about to answer this question, a person walked by.

"Dabao, are they your friends?"

Duan Jiabao hurriedly introduced to both parties: "This is a new friend I met when I went to eat lion's head, Xiong Zhi, nicknamed Big Bear, these are my two roommates, Luo Yan and Jiang Xiaoguo, his name is Lin Yue."

Xiong Zhi pulled a chair from the table next to him and sat down: "Hello."

Jiang Xiaoguo and Luo Yan called "Brother Xiong" in unison, but Lin Yue just nodded his head lightly as a greeting.

His impression of this Xiong Zhi is mediocre, because licking a dog is never a HOUSE, and licking a dog who deceives himself is even more unbearable. If this kid went to the Duan family's property from the beginning, although his behavior is not desirable, but that kind of rationality and shrewdness, Still have to give affirmation.

A programmer from a major Internet company, the only son of a well-to-do family, cooks delicious food and is gentle, and his appearance is also on the passing line. Just because a fat girl likes to eat his cooking, you fall in love? And the licking was super hard, what was the screenwriter thinking? This is no longer water, but water injection.

"Da Xiong's cooking is delicious, and he is also a part-time chef in the old place. The braised lion's head he cooked for me this afternoon is no worse than that of my Amway restaurant." When it comes to eating, Duan Jiabao is in high spirits, Both eyes shine.

"Dabao, don't praise me. I know my own level. Compared with the lion's head in that store, the one I made is more springy, a bit sticky, not soft enough, and the taste is also a little worse."

Luo Yan said: "Humility, brother Xiong is really humble."

The previous conversation was interrupted by someone who came. Jiang Xiaoguo thought that he had found a job now, and Lin Yue had resigned over there. It would be better to ask again at the right time, so I let go of the thought and said, "Our Dabao is a senior food lover who has eaten all over Longgang. She said it was delicious, so she must be right."

Xiong Zhi smiled shyly, and the flattery of the three girls was very useful.

"You're talking about the store in Xinghe COO PARK, right?"

Lin Yue's words immediately attracted the attention of four people, and Duan Jiabao said, "You also know Little He's Chef?"

You must know that the food there is not cheap. Based on the information collected by Luo Yan, students of Lin Yue's level will at most have a meal in the school cafeteria or a home-cooked restaurant in the nearby neighborhood. Even coming to the old place to eat has to be considered. Will you go to Xinghe COO PARK to check in and eat Internet celebrity lion head? It's not logical.

"I have seen pictures uploaded by netizens on, saying that it is the most delicious braised lion head in Longgang District. If you want to eat it, you must make an appointment in advance."

"Every time a 3A masterpiece comes out in the game industry, some handicapped players will choose to go to the video platform to watch the customs clearance process. Netizens call this video clearance, what about you? What do you call it? Look at the pictures and explain it?" Luo Yan originally invited Jiang Xiaoguo Lin Yue was dissatisfied with his behavior. Before, he ate hot pot with Liang Shuang and greeted his deceased father. Now that he has the opportunity to satirize him, there is no reason not to take revenge.

Lin Yue ignored her, looked at Xiong Zhi and said, "Do you want to know why their braised lion's head is softer and melts in your mouth than yours?"

"Yes I do."

"It's very simple. His braised lion head has steamed buns."

"Steamed bun?"

Three women and one man were taken aback by the answer.

Lin Yue said: "Lion's head is a Huaiyang dish. Now the popular cooking methods include braised in soy sauce and clear stew. When stuffing with meat, in order to ensure the taste and not greasy, some people add water chestnuts to it, some people add spring bamboo shoots to it, and some people add it to it. Add yam to it, but in our place, many people choose to add peeled steamed buns and a small amount of starch. This can not only make the meatballs softer, but also shorten the cooking time to less than 2 hours, and the steamed buns can be crumbled more easily Absorb the aroma of the vegetable oil and the umami of the soup."

The staple food of southerners is usually rice, and few people eat steamed buns. People in the north mainly eat pasta. Xiong Zhi, as a native of Wuhan, naturally has no way to determine the ingredients of steamed buns in the braised lion head made by Little He Chef through eating.

Jiang Xiaoguo asked, "How do you know so much?"

"It's very simple, because my dad is a chef in the staff canteen of a state-owned machine tool factory."

"Coincidentally." Xiong Zhi said, "My dad is also a chef."

Duan Jiabao said: "No wonder your cooking is so delicious. It turns out that it's a family tradition."

Xiong Zhi smiled at her, then turned to look at Lin Yue: "Thank you, I will try the recipe you said tomorrow. Dabao, you are the only one among us who has eaten the braised lion head from Xiaohe Chef's braised lion's head, remember Give me a taste."

Duan Jiabao answered straight away: "No problem."

Jiang Xiaoguo also said to Lin Yue: "I can't tell, you are still a little expert at cooking."

"It's okay, Sichuan cuisine, Beijing cuisine, Shandong cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, and Tan's cuisine, all of them know a little bit."

Jiang Xiaoguo didn't pay attention to this sentence, and Xiong Zhi's expression changed when he heard it, and he said with three points of flattery: "Brother Lin, I can't see that your cooking skills are so good, let's talk more when we have time."

For reference, when others asked similar questions, he would modestly say that he knows a little bit of Sichuan cuisine. Now that he heard Lin Yue mentioning the five major cuisines in one go, the so-called "one point" should be "one hundred million points".

Lin Yue said, "Okay, no problem."

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