Jiang Xiaoguo left Liang Shuang and walked in front of Lin Yue: "Do you know what the doctor said? Duan Zhenyu's arm is broken. Not only will he not be able to participate in the weekend National College Fencing Championship, but he may not be able to play this sport for the rest of his life."

Lin Yue said, "Does this have anything to do with me?"

"This has nothing to do with you, if it weren't for you..."

"What if it wasn't for me? If I hadn't been hiding that wine bottle, they wouldn't have fought, and Duan Zhenyu wouldn't have broken his arm?" Lin Yue sneered, "Jiang Xiaoguo, I found out that your group of people's heads have been soaked in water. , anyway, if something goes wrong, you can put the blame on me, right? Luo Yan and Duan Jiabao are hostile to me because you keep complaining about how bad I am in the dormitory; In order to take advantage of my thoughts about thunder; when the conflict with Luo Yan intensified, if she didn't play games in the self-study room to influence others, how could I speak up; later on, you and Duan Jiabao begged me to help calm the Internet public opinion, I am not close to her Therefore, she has choked on me many times, why should I help her? Is it wrong to propose a deal? Wei Yunjie is a natural person, and it is your wish to associate with her. Luo Yan wants to blackmail us with the mother-daughter relationship Break up the relationship, Wei Yunjie refused, and was angered by her and chose to sever the relationship. Isn't this her freedom? Don't be morally kidnapped, okay, and everyone in your dormitory knows how she treats her mother; tonight I will go to TOP NIGHT to catch her Duan Jiabao tore up the evidence of the transaction, Luo Yan jumped out to scold me, and even hit me with a wine bottle. In the end, things turned out like this. Is it all because of me? She scolded me and I shouldn't fight back. She hit me and I should stand up. Just let her smash it, right?"

"You... As a man, how can you be so small?"

He raised his middle finger at her angrily.

"As a man, I should be scolded by the little fairy, beat by the little fairy, driven by the little fairy, can't fight back, can't fight back, can't complain? Otherwise, I am not generous, gentlemanly and polite? Jiang Xiaoguo, I found that your brain is not filled with water. , it's shit."

Jiang Xiaoguo said: Who told you... Who told you that you are so capable, many things are easy for you, isn't it natural for the strong to protect and tolerate the weak. "

Lin Yue said: "It is a virtue for the strong to protect the weak, not morality. Your behavior is precisely a kind of immorality. It has a name called moral kidnapping. Taking a step back, even if the strong should protect the weak, That's not a reason for the weak to suck blood from the strong."

Liang Shuang stared blankly from behind, and suddenly found that he was "convincing people with reason", and he was quite handsome when he beat Jiang Xiaoguo, who was the poorest in 419, to speechless.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaoguo opened his mouth, but didn't know how to tell the difference, Lin Yue brought the topic back to Duan Zhenyu's admission to the hospital: "Don't think I don't know, Duan Zhenyu himself suffers from severe tennis elbow, and if he continues to practice in this state, it will take less than a year. It will be abolished, and now it’s just because of a fight injury, how dare you put the responsibility on me?”

He knows all this?

Duan Zhenyu's tennis elbow was not even known to his own sister, and he was admitted to the hospital today. The attending doctor told Duan Jiabao, and then relayed it to her on the phone.

"You...how did you know this?"

"I know a lot of things. For example, your father divorced your mother when you were very young."

Jiang Xiaoguo was surprised and remembered that Lin Yue asked him to call him brother before, his face changed, and his lips pursed and pursed.

At this moment, a taxi stopped by the side of the road, and Duan Jiabao opened the door and got out.

"Xiaoguo, how is Luo Yan?"

"Dabao, why are you here? Your brother..."

"The doctor said that Duan Zhenyu is fine, and now he is asleep."

"Oh, the police said that even if the two sides reach a settlement, they have to notify the school to pick up the person. Well, the fine...I have already paid it."

Hearing that Luo Yan was fine and just waiting for the counselor to come and pick him up, Duan Jiabao heaved a sigh of relief and turned to look at Lin Yue: "You are too despicable."


Lin Yue couldn't laugh or cry at once: "Luo Yan smashed someone's head, you don't care about the wounded person's condition at all, and now you put all the responsibility on my head, it's really selfish."

After saying this, he stopped talking to those two people, waved to the driver who was looking curiously at him, walked straight over to open the car door, and turned around and said, "Are you going? If you go, I can give you a ride."

Liang Shuang looked at Duan Jiabao, who was filled with righteous indignation, and then at Lin Yue. Knowing that the matter had come to an end, it would be futile to explain any further, so he walked over and sat in the rear compartment. Lin Yue opened the passenger door. Just as he was about to get in the car, he suddenly thought of something He seemed to look at the two over there and said, "Duan Jiabao, you don't think this is the end of this matter, do you?"

The heroine in this sentence didn't realize it. Liang Shuang suddenly remembered what Lin Yue said in TOP NIGHT. He said that he usually doesn't stay overnight for revenge. Once he chooses to stay overnight, that person must die a miserable death.

Duan Zhenyu broke his right arm because of a fight, and the National College Fencing Championships over the weekend were turned down. Isn't this considered revenge?

The taxi quickly merged into the main road, Liang Shuang couldn't see Duan Jiabao's face clearly, wondering if the fat man would take this sentence as a deaf ear.

Twenty minutes later, the car stopped at the west gate of the school. After paying the bill, Lin Yue got out of the car and walked straight inside.

Liang Shuang chased after him with his bag in his hand: "Hey, are you leaving just like that?"

"if not?"

"Do you know the efforts I have made to improve the relationship with them? It's all in vain if you do this now."

"Registered an ID of 'Miss Chanel' to help explain; rejected the advertising cooperation that made you uncomfortable, and lost a sum of money, so I had to go to the mall to be a push girl; later, the online public opinion reversed Time to forward the clarification video."

"You... how do you know?"

"Because I like you, shouldn't I pay attention to your every move?"

Liang Shuang's heart skipped a beat when he heard that.

But in the next second, his emotions were hammered again.

"But good horses don't turn their backs. Liang Shuang, what you did tonight is just to offset the grievance that you reported me and caused me to lose my job. We are not owed to each other now... No, we were together last time When eating hot pot, I knew that Jiang Xiaoguo was using me, but I still told you the fact that Chen Zhuo has a fiancee. Whether you appreciate it or not, I am the one who gave, and I know that you approached me to let me increase your popularity. Take Taobao as an example. Now the paid traffic of a product is about 0.5-1 yuan, and some newly launched APPs are promoted, and a new registered user needs 5-10 yuan. I am not being taken advantage of, let alone no Bottom-line dog licking, why sacrifice your own interests to help you become an Internet celebrity, not to mention that our relationship is not even a friend, even if it is a boyfriend and girlfriend, in this society, the man makes money for the woman to go to college, and the woman sends the man after she completes her studies. Are there still few things that are kicked away? If you like someone, the more energy and time you put in, the higher the sunk cost. As a college student studying economics, if I don’t even understand this truth, after so many years Didn’t I just read the book for nothing? So if I want to use my liking for someone to achieve my goal, to be honest... it’s very difficult.”

This behavior of substituting the economic model rationally to analyze emotions made Liang Shuang at a loss. These words are reasonable, and they are indeed reasonable, and they are unreasonable, and they are indeed extreme.

"Then tell me, how can you help me?"

"You can try chasing me, in case you move me, then don't talk about Internet celebrities, it's fine to make you a star."

"Chase you?"

Liang Shuang looked at him blankly: "You let me chase you?"

What are you kidding, as a beauty, men have always chased her, when has she ever chased someone else?

"You still make me a star...Lin Yue, don't you take yourself too seriously?"

"Anyway, it's impossible to turn me back. It's a matter of principle." After speaking, he turned around and continued walking.

Liang Shuang is so angry, good horses don't turn their backs, these words are usually said by women when they refuse a man's reconciliation and forgiveness, he obviously didn't catch up with him, who said this to his sense of superiority?

still have a question.

"You let me chase you, so what is Wei Yunjie?"

Thanks to the community for the 200 starting coins rewarded by Brother Z, Jiangnan Misty Rain, the book friend with the tail number 1699, and the 100 starting coins for the hard work.

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