Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1472 Lin Yue is really a good person

Lin Yue stopped and looked back at her: "Did you believe what Luo Yan said, and then make up a very ridiculous relationship in your own brain? Wei Yunjie and I are relatively close, and we have such a good relationship that we can talk about everything. , Wangnianjiao... Uh, well, let’s go one step further, do you understand my confidante?"


"But why did she sever ties with her daughter and force her to sign the document listing the old house for sale?" Lin Yue said with a smile: "You don't really think that she let her own daughter go, in order to maintain the relationship with me Give up everything?"

Liang Shuang stared straight, shocked by Lin Yue's answer, not to mention the ins and outs of this matter.

Lin Yue continued: "That's right, this is a bitter trick I co-performed with her, in order to let Luo Yan, a rebellious girl who doesn't know that a good life is hard to come by and has conflicts with her dearest people in the world every day, understand the difficulty of living , the world is difficult, so grow up faster, don't become a person who can only gnaw on the old and paranoid and selfish."

ah? Bitter tricks? acting?

This suddenly broke the cognition and habitual thinking in her mind, and she was surprised by the reversal of this matter.

Unexpectedly, this matter is completely different from what Jiang Xiaoguo and others thought. He is not a vicious person, but a very good and responsible person, um, he is even a good actor.

"I didn't expect... So Jiang Xiaoguo misunderstood you."

Lin Yue said: "I hope you don't tell them this. When Luo Yan knows that she is nothing without Wei Yunjie and realizes her mistakes, I will bring their mother and daughter back together."

Liang Shuang said, "I won't say it."


He waved his hand and left, his figure was quickly covered by trees on both sides of the street.

Knowing such a turning point, Liang Shuang seriously thought about the conversation just now as he walked. Although he still couldn't accept the matter of chasing after him, his heart was no longer as repulsive as before.

On the other side, Lin Yue found an inconspicuous place, lit a cigarette for himself, squinted his eyes and took several puffs.

One of Neptune's compulsory courses, lying and not drafting.


the next afternoon.

Six teaching self-study room.

"For example, in this question, since X and Y are independent of each other, E(XY)=E(X)·E(Y) can be obtained. From the calculation formula of covariance, COV(X, Z)=E(XZ)- E(X)·E(Z)=E(X^2Y)-E(X)·E(XY)=E(X^2)E(Y)-[E(X)]^2·E(Y ), where E(X)=1X0.5+(-1)X0.5=0..."

Lin Yue said while writing calculations on the blackboard.

The audience was full of people, and there were a few students standing near the back door, holding a pen in their left hand and books in their right, looking up from time to time, and taking notes very intently.

"I found that Mr. Lin's back looks more and more handsome."

A girl with a hairpin by the window is doing nympho haircuts.

The female roommate next to her said: "Back view? Shouldn't it be good-looking to write? In all fairness, none of the lecturers in our Department of Safety Science and Engineering can write better than him."

"Oh, what do you know? It's the first time you've heard him explain the exercises, so you think so. After listening to his lectures more, you will find that he not only looks good at writing, but also handsome, has a sense of justice, and is gentle. You would be great if he was really our teacher."

"Min Rou, there's something wrong with you, do you fall in love with him?"

"What nonsense."

"If you like it, go after it."

"If you talk nonsense again, I will ignore you."

"Yo, little girl is shy."

Tang Yuzhe and Feng Xianghong listened to the conversation between the two 7-point girls behind them, their moods were complicated, and their eyes were sluggish.

God knows why things turned out like this, do you believe it, the guy who only passed the make-up exam for high math is now explaining to everyone the question types of the postgraduate entrance examination.

If you don't live in a dormitory, you can see him every day, maybe you really wonder if Lin is possessed by a monster.

Feng Xianghong was even more depressed, and at first called him Teacher Lin in a teasing tone, hey, those students who took charge of the self-study room for the postgraduate entrance examination really regarded him as a teacher, and they called him naturally when they asked questions, without embarrassment or sense of violation.

"Do you want to remind him that it's okay to be so careless all the time."

After resigning from the financial field, Lin Yue hasn't looked for a job for almost two weeks. Basically, he comes here every two or three days to check their review progress. At this time, those students who have a lot of questions ask him to help answer them. At first, they said that Lin Yue had a cousin who worked in an educational institution, and they didn't know how those people spread the word. It was passed on and on, and finally it became that Lin Yue worked in an educational institution and was responsible for postgraduate entrance examinations, which made him completely useless now. The key is to take time and energy to deal with your own affairs. The key is that the person concerned looks like he is enjoying it. Why not do it while helping the two of them can benefit more people at the same time.

What did he think of himself? live mine*?

The key is to let him take the postgraduate entrance examination together. If he doesn't do it, he says he has no interest in studying for another three years.

"Let's talk about it when we go to the cafeteria for dinner."

Tang Yuzhe couldn't stand it anymore. Although with his help, the review progress of the two of them was very smooth, and the results of the simulated questions were very good now, but they sacrificed the interests of their roommates for the sake of being able to be admitted to the graduate school with peace of mind. can't do it.


Only after the two had made a decision, the front door opened with a bang, and a boy with myopia came in, and rushed towards the podium without saying a word.

"You bastard, what happened to Luo Yan, you want to bully her like this."

At the same time as the voice fell, he picked up the blackboard eraser on the podium and threw it at Lin Yue's head.

There was an exclamation from the audience.

"Get out, I don't have time to talk to you."

From Lin Yue's point of view, Xiong Zhi is a dog licker. Anyway, he still has a bit of face. After being officially rejected by Duan Jiabao, he went home and inherited the restaurant without hesitation. As for Lu Ran, he was let go of pigeons again and again, was not understood, and was rejected. Cold and violent, forced to have a showdown with his family, does he have a temper of his own? No, constantly pleasing like a masochist is definitely the best in dog licking, and well, it doesn't make sense at all.

In the TV series, he played games with Luo Yan in the self-study room and was hated by everyone. He even had the face to be hostile to all his classmates because of her. For example, Ye Lanqiu in "Search".

Now he is explaining the types of postgraduate entrance examination questions to everyone, and this guy comes here to make trouble regardless of the occasion or time, it's simply...

Lin Yue flashed the blackboard eraser sideways, and pushed him away, but Lu Ran grabbed his sleeves hard, and the two of them fell to the ground under the podium. Feng Xianghong and Tang Yuzhe quickly reacted and stepped forward to fight, Lu Ran's The behavior aroused public outrage. Those students who had been favored by Lin Yue looked down, and some of them recognized the identity of the troublemaker. They were very annoyed when they remembered the deeds of the man and woman. They put down the stationery in their hands and rushed over to punch a few times.

Soon, the commotion in front of the podium turned into a gang fight—the crowd beat Lu Ran alone, because everyone suddenly realized that if they didn't help Lin Yue at this time, once he got chills, would he still be able to make trouble for everyone in the future? Is it possible to help everyone prepare review materials? What Lu Ran harmed was everyone's interests, who would he beat if he didn't beat him? And there is a saying that the public is not responsible, so is it possible that the school will hold everyone accountable without asking?

As a result, many people seemed to be fighting, but actually greeted the guy with no eyesight with their fists and feet.


Meanwhile, in dormitory 419.

Liang Shuang was drawing his eyeliner in front of the mirror. When he was done, he took the mascara brush and dipped some mascara in front of his eyes, and slowly spread it out one by one.

Later, she will be doing a lipstick video, and she must keep full of energy.


There was only a soft sound, and the door opened, and the red-haired girl who had been on shift all night came in from the outside.

She turned her head to look at Luo Yan and Jiang Xiaoguo at the back, she didn't say anything, she turned around and continued to put on makeup. He had a bad relationship with the third son of the Red Chamber before, but now he is regarded as Lin Yue's eyeliner. First, she didn't want to explain, and second They won't listen even after explaining, so it's better to continue to do what you want, just like before.

At this moment, Duan Jiabao who heard the movement turned over and sat up, opened the curtain and looked towards the door.

"Luo Yan, you're back? How's the situation?"

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