Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1473 Yes, the Academic Affairs Office is opened by my family

Luo Yan didn't speak, just threw the smelly coat on the desk, and went into the bathroom with a cold face.

Duan Jiabao could only turn his head to Jiang Xiaoguo.

"The police said they called Luo Yan's mother, but Wei... the lawyer didn't go, the counselor brought him back."

No wonder Luo Yan's face was so ugly. When she was arrested and sent to the police station, her mother didn't even go to visit her. See, this means that she really doesn't intend to have this daughter.

When Jiang Xiaoguo answered the question, his eyes kept focusing on Liang Shuang, and his tone was a statement rather than a vent.

"Jiang Xiaoguo, what do you mean?"

Liang Shuang's complexion did not change, and he didn't even show interest in looking at her. He went to get the foundation and said casually.

"What do you mean? It means that you can report this matter to that person now, and let him laugh at us and despise us to his heart's content." Jiang Xiaoguo became angrier as he spoke, and threw the snack bag on the table into the trash can.

"Why should I do this? It's boring." Liang Shuang finally put down his work and glanced at her, but his eyes were very indifferent. Poor guy, if she knew Lin Yue's good intentions, would he feel regretful? blue.

Jiang Xiaoguo naturally didn't know what was going on in Sister Gao Leng's heart, and thought that this look was simply looking down on them: "Liang Shuang, don't you feel guilty at all?"

"Why should I feel guilty?"

"If you hadn't informed, Duan Zhenyu wouldn't be lying in the hospital now, and Luo Yan wouldn't have been arrested and locked up in the police station for more than ten hours."

"If you didn't go to TOP NIGHT, would something like this happen? I broke my promise first, and then blamed others for what happened later. I'm ashamed to ask others if they feel guilty."

Now she understood Lin Yue's mood when he was questioned by Jiang Xiaoguo at the gate of the police station.


With the sound of the toilet flushing, Luo Yan came out from inside.

"Xiao Guo, what are you doing with her! For a person like her, the angrier you are, the happier she is."

Liang Shuang glanced at her, feeling pitiful, but at the same time felt that the phrase "poor people must have something to hate" was quite reasonable.

"Hey, it's not good, it's not good."

Duan Jiabao's cry caught Jiang Xiaoguo's attention: "What's the matter Dabao, don't be surprised, okay?"

Duan Jiabao handed over the phone: "Look, is the boy on it Lu Ran?"

The two raised their heads and watched carefully.

The boy in the middle of the screen has a broken nose, a bruise at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes have been slapped big and small. Although his glasses are gone, his identity can still be determined.

That's right, it was Lu Ran, Luo Yan's postgraduate partner.

"We just met him on the way back to school, ten minutes? How did he become like this?"

Jiang Xiaoguo was very puzzled by this. He met Lu Ran at the school gate, and the two exchanged a few words. He was fine at that time.

Duan Jiabao said: "People in the group said that he and Lin Yue got into a fight, and now it's in the Academic Affairs Office."

Jiang Xiaoguo and Luo Yan understood. It turned out that Lu Ran went to Lin Yue to settle accounts after knowing what happened last night.

"Go, go and have a look."

The three of them looked at each other, made up their minds, and hurriedly left the dormitory with their coats in their hands, and rushed to the Academic Affairs Office.

Liang Shuang thought for a while, put down the things in her hands, got up and walked outside, she was not worried about Lu Ran, but just curious about what happened.


ten minutes later.

Academic Affairs Office of South China University of Finance and Economics.

When Jiang Xiaoguo and the others arrived, there was a circle of people outside the office.

"The school will notify your parents of this matter, now go back and wait for the results."

"But Director, the injured person is obviously me..."

"I'll let you go back and wait for the results."

"Director, I don't agree, you are protecting him."

"I'm protecting him? Now go outside and ask those classmates, who caused this incident, and whose fault it is, not to mention making trouble in the self-study room and affecting the students' studies, but also because of a girl who is jealous and fights in groups. Is discipline just for display?"

"I...I want to call the police!"

"Yes, oh yes, your phone is broken, I can help you."

The voice of Lu Ran talking to a man came to his ears, and Jiang Xiaoguo felt a little familiar. After thinking about it, he immediately understood that it was Director Jia of the Mediterranean Sea. Lin Yue was holding the recording of his begging for mercy. Have good fruit to eat?

"Let's go, let's go." Relying on her petite stature, Jiang Xiaoguo sneaked forward.

Duan Jiabao and Luo Yan followed people's disgusting eyes quickly.

"Don't hit me? Why are you standing here if you don't hit me? Go out, what? You still want to hit me?" Director Jia's scolding came from inside. After scanning it, I immediately understood why Lu Ran came here impulsively.

Sitting on a chair near the window, Lin Yue looked at the autumn wind outside like a normal person, the old wild goose was in the sky, except for his crumpled clothes and disheveled hairstyle, no scars could be seen on his body, Lu Ran It was different, standing in front of the desk, with torn clothes, dried nosebleeds around the mouth, swollen face, black spots at the corners of the eyes, and glasses with a broken lens in his hand.

If he was beaten like this and asked his parents to write an inspection and be punished, can he not be angry, can he not hate it?

"Director, Director, calm down, it's Lu Ran's mistake." Jiang Xiaoguo nodded and bowed, said something politely, and quickly pulled Lu Ran back. Who would have thought that this kid was quite stubborn, so he shook off her hand forcefully, It's like I just don't accept it.

The students only knew that the school uniform had softened after Lin Yue made a big fuss about the Academic Affairs Office, but they didn't know Director Jia's humiliation. Studying hard is in vain.

She quickly winked at Luo Yan who was glaring at Lin Yue.

I don't know if what happened last night taught the red-haired girl that impulsiveness is a devil, or if she understood Jiang Xiaoguo's meaning, she walked into the office, grabbed Lu Ran's wrist and walked out.

If it was Jiang Xiaoguo or someone else, there was a high probability that the scene that happened just now would repeat itself, but if it was someone he loved... This guy's expression changed for a while, and he finally chose to compromise and let her drag him out of the office.

"Director Jia, you are busy, you are busy... I will definitely criticize him when I go back."

Jiang Xiaoguo said good things with a smile on her face, turned around and left when she was done, and did not forget to give the person sitting in front of the window a glare before leaving.

When she came out of the office, she looked around but did not see Luo Yan and Lu Ran, only Duan Jiabao was waiting for her outside.

"What about the two of them?"

"Luo Yan dragged Lu Ran away."

One of the two was beaten with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and the other had red hair dyed all over his head. He wore a striking aura wherever he went. It was good to leave early, so as not to stay here and be pointed out and discussed.

"Dabao, you go back first, I'll leave later."

Duan Jiabao was taken aback by what Jiang Xiaoguo said, and after carefully checking her eyes, he realized that it was not a joke.

"Then... I'll go first."

The fat man is not stupid, so he naturally wants to get Jiang Xiaoguo to stay and wait for someone. Although she doesn't think there is a need to negotiate about this matter, judging by the expression of her best friend, persuasion is useless.

Not long after Duan Jiabao left, Director Jia came out, said a few nonsense words like "don't fight in the future", "obey school discipline, unite and be friendly", and then waved his hand to disperse the students surrounding the office door.

As they thought, the law does not blame the public, Lu Ran's beating was not only in vain, but also had to be punished severely.

After another five minutes, Lin Yue came out from inside.

The crowd had almost dispersed, but Tang Yuzhe and Feng Xianghong were still there. Seeing this, they immediately greeted him and asked him if he was okay and what the director said.

"Lin Yue, I have a few words to tell you." Jiang Xiaoguo, who had been waiting at the entrance of the corridor, interrupted the conversation of the three people.

Lin Yue told them to wait for him in the cafeteria, and followed Jiang Xiaoguo to the window at the end of the corridor.

"Lu Ran...can you intercede with Director Jia for him, and don't punish him?"

Lin Yue said, "No."

Jiang Xiaoguo was hit on the head. She didn't expect his rejection to be so straightforward: "Why? I know you have a recording of Director Jia begging for mercy. As long as you come forward, he dare not refuse."

Lin Yue looked at her and smiled, but he was not gentle at all, as if he was looking at a ridiculous person: "Jiang Xiaoguo, do you feel too good about yourself? First, we have broken off friendship. Give you face; second, he came to the study room to find me, beat people without saying a word, and also affected many students who were studying hard. This kind of person will not be punished, and he will keep it for the New Year? Third, to tell you the truth, I don’t like it. He just told Director Jia that if Lu Ran's parents don't bring their son to me to make an apology, ruin their reputation and get that person expelled from school, he will choose one."

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