Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1475 I don't care about your apology

As the old saying goes, you don't hit a smiling face with your hand.

Lin Yue nodded: "Hello."

Tang Yuzhe and Tan Sifei looked at things very carefully, looked at each other, walked out of the room one after another, and closed the door behind them.

Lu's mother said, "Xiao Lin, I brought Lu Ran here this time to apologize to you."

Lin Yue waved his hand: "There's no need to apologize. I know he's not convinced, but he was forced to bow his head because of that paper graduation certificate."

Lu's mother didn't expect him to speak so directly. She thought that if she brought her son here, and if she spoke well and apologized, the other party would choose to resolve the conflict. After all, Lu Ran was the one who suffered.

"Let's put it this way, your son fell in love with a girl who severed ties with his mother because of long-term rebellion and unfilial piety, but I have a bad relationship with this girl. In order to vent his anger on her, he ran to the study room to fight with me. As for me Why is your son beaten into a pig's head without any injuries? The main reason is that he committed public anger. He played games in the room more than once when he was studying with that girl, which seriously disturbed the students around him. You know about this incident? Bar?"

Lu Mu's expression changed slightly, she shook her head first, then nodded vigorously.

Shaking his head because Lu Ran didn't say so much, he just said that he went to the study room to fight for his friends on impulse, and the other party beat him up with a large number of people, and the school confirmed that he was mainly responsible according to the surveillance video, and planned to punish him, but If you can get Lin Yue's understanding, you can consider giving him a chance.

As for nodding, it's very simple, she didn't want Lin Yue to see that Lu Ran wasn't telling the truth.

Lin Yue smiled, and didn't break out the little Jiujiu in her heart: "My request is very simple. Lu Ran breaks off friendship with Luo Yan and writes a letter of guarantee. I will help him find the director to intercede. This matter...isn't difficult? "

From Lu Mu's point of view, this matter is not difficult, very simple, but to Lu Ran, it's no different from cutting out flesh with a knife.

Yesterday, because he went to fight with Lin Yue, Luo Yan was very moved, and because the two sides had a common enemy, the relationship warmed up quickly, and now there is only a layer of window paper that has not been pierced. Such a request was made at this critical moment , simply... simply...

"Your surname is Lin, you are too deceitful!"

"So you see." Lin Yue shrugged, and Wang Lu's mother said: "College life is free, but there must always be a focus. If there is a conflict between study and love, which one will you choose?"

Which one would she choose? From an adult's point of view, it must be the former. It’s not that college couples can achieve positive results, but those who have gone to college know how likely it is. Compared with love, knowledge is the foundation that can accompany you for a lifetime and help you gain a foothold in society.

Although this man named Lin Yue was a bit aggressive, it was undeniable that he was right. In fact, even if there was no such request, he would not let his son associate with a girl who was rebellious enough to sever ties with his biological mother.

"Okay, we promise you."


Lu Ran looked at his mother, extremely wronged and angry.

Lin Yue turned a blind eye, walked to his desk, took out a piece of paper and a pen and handed them over.

Mother Lu took it and handed it to her son: "Write it."



"I don't write."

"Lu Ran, are you going to piss off your mother? There are so many good girls, do you really want to date that Luo Yan? She can ignore her mother today, and dare to be with me when she enters our house tomorrow. Your father slapped his face."

"Mom, I promise she will change."

"You promise, how do you promise? Or do you think you can change that Luo Yan? Lu Ran, don't you know what kind of character you are?"

Needless to say, this middle-aged woman quite understands what her son is.

In the TV series, Luo Yan really forced Lu Ran to have a showdown with her parents. If she didn't show up, she would play petty temper. Anyway, she could only rely on her. From the beginning to the end, she never thought about Lu Ran. She looked like a lone star all day long. Orphan like.

As for Lu Ran, he didn't dare to have a showdown with his parents, and he was also a dog licker, so he could only cheat at both ends, caught in the middle like a doormat, and some female viewers on the Internet scolded Ma Baonan just for this.

Yes, yes, yes, their so-called assertiveness is to let the man be the girlfriend when the girlfriend and mother conflict Inside.

What they want is preference, which is irreplaceable.

Hehe, as long as it is a little unsatisfactory, the label of Ma Baonan will be posted.


Under Lu's mother's strong order, Lu Ran wrote down a guarantee letter and signed his name on the back.

Lin Yue took a look in his hand and said, "A letter of guarantee is exchanged for a graduation certificate, um, it's good. Okay, let's go, I will go to Director Jia to handle this matter in the afternoon."

Mother Lu nodded at him, and left the 616 dormitory with a resentful Lu Ran.

Not long after, the dormitory door opened from the outside, and Tang Yuzhe and Tan Sifei walked into the room.

"Where are people?"


"So fast?"

Tan Sifei saw the letter of guarantee that Lin Yue put on the table at a glance, and took a look at it: "The letter of guarantee, I am here to guarantee it. From now on, I will not have any contact with Luo Yan from the Department of Tourism Management."

"Let me have a look." Tang Yuzhe took the letter of guarantee and looked it over, then said in a deep voice, "Lin Yue, you don't really believe that Lu Ran will abide by the agreement, do you?"

He and Feng Xianghong had a very bad impression of Lu Ran. When fighting in the self-study room, they often threw their fists at the man's face. In his opinion, a woman who likes a woman can go with him regardless of the situation or background. A guy who fights will be bound by a guarantee? I'm afraid that once the limelight passes, I will forget the above content.

Lin Yue took the letter of guarantee out of his hand, folded it left and right, then up and down, and threw it into the pen container: "Do you think this thing is to restrain Lu Ran? Of course not."

"No? Then what are you going to do with it?"

The two found themselves unable to keep up with his brain circuits.

Lin Yue smiled slightly, did not explain, pointed to the things on the desk and said: "Health care products are taken to Ah Tang next door. His family's conditions are average, and he has just had an operation. It happens to be used to strengthen immunity. Fruits and nuts are big. Look at the gift package and divide it up."


Tang Yuzhe found out that he is very generous recently. He often treats guests to dinner, not to mention, he also loves to help students with poor conditions. In the past... To be honest, he was quite picky, but it's no wonder, after all, the monthly living expenses are only 800 yuan, which is just enough to eat and study Yes, it’s nerve-wracking when encountering emergencies that cost money. Now, if you say that he found a good job, it’s understandable that he spends a lot of money. The key is that after working in the financial scene for less than ten days, I have resigned and haven't found a new job for more than half a month. Even if I win the lottery, I can't spend it like this.

Tan Sifei also discovered this. When he was blackmailed by a fraud gang, he borrowed 3,000 yuan from Lin Yue. Now that he has successfully entered China CITIC Bank as an intern, he proposed to pay 500 yuan in January, which can be paid off before graduation next year. In the end, Lin Yue's answer to him was that it was unnecessary. He would pay it back whenever he had money. Three years was not too long, and one year was not too short.

"By the way, I may leave Shenzhen for a few days, maybe five or six days at the earliest, and half a month at the slowest."

The two were taken aback when they heard this, and Tang Yuzhe asked, "Go back to the Northeast? Did something happen at home?"

"If I don't go back to the Northeast, I'll go to Chengdu."

Hearing this, Tan Sifei cheered up: "Chengdu is great, Taikoo Li is full of handsome men and beauties, that face, that chest, that leg... Ka Ka Ka Ka..."

What is the first thing to do after working and earning money is a very popular question in the graduating class. Others have to change a mobile phone, a computer, or buy new clothes for their parents in the countryside to install air conditioners. What about him? Go to Taikoo Li to see beautiful women!

Tang Yuzhe was speechless: "Experts say that watching Douyin Kuaishou less can improve IQ."

Lin Yuexin said that if he didn't do this, he would be caught by the scammers and cheated of money.

Tan Sifei ignored Tang Yuzhe: "By the way, what are you going to do in Chengdu?"

Lin Yue turned his face to look out the window and said, "Go meet a friend."

Thanks to Mr. Tata for the reward of 300 starting coins, Aowu is not the 200 starting coins rewarded by sin, and the 100 starting coins rewarded by book friends with the tail number 8448.

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