Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1476 The Duan Family Is Over (2 in 1)

The results of the treatment against Lu Ran will be released soon.

Record major demerits and criticize them by name in the whole school.

Some people were disappointed with the result of this handling, and thought that at least they would be punished by staying in school for probation. After all, the impact of making trouble in the self-study room for the postgraduate entrance examination was too bad. Some people said that Lin Yue issued a letter of understanding, and hoped that the school would read Lu Ran's attitude of admitting his mistakes It's good to take it lightly, and I just convinced Director Jia and those people.

Those who have been favored by him feel that he is too kind, and it is fine if this matter does not require heavy punishment, why should they plead for an unreasonable dog licking.

Anyway, the school's social circle, such as the department-based chat groups, study groups, online discussion areas... There is a lot of discussion about this.

But soon, because of Lin Yue's departure, the turmoil subsided.

The situation in the 419 dormitory has changed somewhat because of these incidents, but not to a great extent.

Jiang Xiaoguo didn't have much time to reflect on her failure in dealing with Lin Yue's relationship, because her mother came to Shenzhen from the northeast, the main purpose was to attend the wedding of her colleague's daughter, and she also took a look at her daughter's situation here, and gave back to her. She bought a 17,000 Gucci messenger bag. The company is also very busy. Recently, a project called Mosaic that she discovered was appreciated by Mr. Zhou. Anyway, this is a good opportunity to perform.

Not long after Sister Juan left, she messed up the matter because a competitor in the same group reported that Sister Xiaorong, who brought her, asked her to pretend to be herself to meet a client. Convincing the investee to accept Puling, of course, she also made a lot of efforts to win back the client, but the effect was not great. I thought she would be dismissed by the company because of this matter, but it didn't. She and the competitor in the same group were expelled, and she was left behind, and soon after she received a very important task --- the boss Dali who accompanied Zhou Xun on a business trip to Beijing to complete the Miracle Store.

If Lin Yue is still in Shenzhen, she will definitely hesitate, because God knows what he will do to Luo Yan and Duan Jiabao after she leaves. It will take ten and a half months to come back, so there will be no worries, and I will happily follow Zhou Xun to the north, and then be used as a servant and playmate for several days——Zhou Xun's servant, Dali's playmate , but at least it was considered to have completed the task, and saw Zhou Xun's calm and wise side. On the way back, he couldn't help thinking, if Mr. Zhou and Lin Yue collided, what kind of collision would there be? Said to fight like two bulls? After finishing the work, I suddenly realized that my idea was too outrageous, who Zhou was looking for, the former top student in the GD provincial college entrance examination, the founding managing partner of Puling Capital, worth at least tens of millions, and Lin Yue, a fledgling senior graduate... Although, she always felt that this guy was abnormal, with vision and magic power that did not match his age.

Yes, it's not ability, it's magic power. In terms of torturing people and telling fallacies, he is completely an old monster.

Duan Jiabao, another person in the 419 dormitory, she joined the brokerage company to chase stars, but after she entered, she realized that it was not the case. It was really tiring to lead artists. At the beginning, relying on money made Ouyang Yushuang happy, and the relationship here is good. No, the other artists in the company quit, because they all signed the same agreement, why should Ouyang Yushuang be treated a bit higher than them, so Duan Jiabao was scolded and bought a Chanel bag for the other party in private. This matter was settled, but the good times didn't last long, as Lin Yue said, she was not a competent agent at all, her behavior was not looking for a job, it was clearly a rich daughter experiencing ordinary life. Later, because she was greedy, she asked Xiong Zhi to come over to cook, and in the end she put in seafood soy sauce. Ouyang Yushuang was allergic to seafood, and after eating, she developed a rash on her face, and could not work for at least ten and a half months. The boss fired her in a fit of anger.

Losing a job is a frustrating thing. For ordinary people, it may be a major blow, but for Duan Jiabao, it only takes two minutes to feel distressed. After all, there is a mine at home. Just take over Pan Jinshan at home, what's so sad about it.

As for the deal with Lin Yue, and the warning Lin Yue gave her, they have long been forgotten, because she has a carefree personality, not to mention that person has gone to other places and is not in Shenzhen right now.

Liang Shuang boasted to Lin Yue that he could be popular without relying on him. In order to keep his promise, he tried his best to please Lilia, the queen of lipstick, and then she overturned. The other party gave her an advertisement, she racked her brains to think of an idea, and told Lilia the copy, but Lilia rejected her copy and asked her to think about another one, Liang Shuang did so, but when the advertisement went online, she found that The advertiser used the previously rejected copy, so she understood that Lilia had plagiarized her idea.

After falling out with this big Internet celebrity who "promoted" her very much, Liang Shuang finally knew why Lin Yue left the conversation with the former two. When he talked about Lilia, why did he look pitifully and mockingly look at her.

Then she tried a few more ways, including changing her personality, adding some gimmicks, and even finding those marketing companies to buy thousands of dollars in traffic, but the fans didn't increase much, and she got more debts. The cosmetics store met a colleague of Youjia’s financial management. In order to pretend to be professional in front of those two people, she bought things that were higher than her current consumption level with tears in her eyes. In the end, she asked her grandma for help and borrowed 10,000 yuan to get through. Difficulties, repay the loan that is about to default.

It's like this every time, playing petty temper, saving face, setting people up, and highlighting professionalism, the result is that they suffer and are fooled.

Others will always face a bottleneck period in their careers, but she is lucky, losing money and earning money, quitting her job, wasting energy, boasting in Haikou, and spending money, hitting the south wall with her head, knocking out teeth and swallowing blood, there is no way Ah, there is no reason for the goddess to bow her head when she is set up there. She has to hold her head up, hold her head up, be full of arrogance, have a cold face, and live a sassy and beautiful life.

And Luo Yan...

With no source of income, her life is indeed a bit difficult, but fortunately, Duan Jiabao will help her, so she has no worries about food and clothing for the time being, but she has to think about how to go in the future.

Old Hua Dabao's money is not a big deal, even though the rich girl is not short of money.

She sat on the seat near the door and window of the first cafeteria, watching the people passing by in silence. Before Wei Yunjie was there, she could play games and watch animations without worrying about how to integrate into this society. What, what to drink the day after tomorrow, now, the mobile phone is an old mobile phone replaced by Dabao, the computer is broken, the IPAD is dropped, her life can no longer be described as "moisturized".

"Stone, stone, what are you thinking? You look in a daze."

A rough voice woke her up, and she turned around to see that Duan Jiabao came over with a plate, which contained braised beef brisket, fried chicken legs, braised pork ribs, and a bowl of old duck soup.

Luo Yan said, "Oh, I didn't think about anything."

"I heard you calling on the balcony just now. Lu Ran asked you to come out." Duan Jiabao said as he put the extra chicken legs into the dinner plate with tomato scrambled eggs on the opposite side.

"Well, I'm full after eating this."

"Oh, Shitou, why are you so polite to me? Didn't we agree at the beginning that the third son of the Red Chamber will have the same blessings and share the same difficulties."

"Dabao, thank you."

Luo Yan looked at the chicken legs on the plate and felt very sad. She thought that she bought a game console worth thousands of yuan without blinking her eyes. Serve more, so that two meals a day are enough.

"You're welcome, you're welcome." She picked up a few more ribs.

"You can't eat enough."

"It's okay, I just ate some at the old place, and Big Bear made me a stew."

"Isn't random stewing a Northeast dish? How can he make it?"

One sentence stopped Duan Jiabao, yes, Daxiong is from Wuhan, and he knows a little bit of Wuhan cuisine, Ezhou cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, and Huaiyang cuisine. Who did he learn Northeast cuisine from?

She knew what Luo Yan wanted to say, so in order not to make the meal disgusting, she quickly changed the subject: "What did Lu Ran ask you to come out for?"

Luo Yan: "..."

She was embarrassed to say that Lu Ran came to give money.

At the beginning, he knew from Jiang Xiaoguo that Lin Yue went to the study room to fight after prying her mother. Because her reputation was related to her, he couldn't say much, so he was labeled as jealous by his classmates. Jiang Xiaoguo asked her to pull Lu Ran away. After leaving the complex, he told her that no matter what Wei Yunjie did, he would never betray her. He also said that he liked her and was willing to take care of her in study and life.

She accepted his confession, although... she didn't respond positively, but there were hints.

It's not a good thing for Lu Ran to be beaten, but in all fairness, without it, they wouldn't be able to pierce the window paper quickly.

However, even if the relationship between the two is a couple, she is still embarrassed to ask for Lu Ran's money. It's okay to have a meal together, watch a movie or something, and take the money directly. I always feel that it smells like copper. This is a matter of principle , they did not receive.

"Hey, forget it, forget it, forget it if you don't want to talk, let's eat quickly."

Duan Jiabao saw that she was in a difficult situation, so he didn't force him, and became a "cooker" with peace of mind.

She had only eaten two bites of beef here, and was about to ask Luo Yan if she knew about Jiang Xiaoguo's return, when she suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure passing by the cafeteria door, and her expression changed suddenly.

Luo Yan glanced back, but found nothing suspicious: "What's the matter, Dabao?"

"Lin...that scumbag is back."


She and Dabao gave the adjective "scum" to only one person - Lin Yue.

"Come back when he comes back, there's nothing to make a fuss about."

"That's right." Duan Jiabao nodded, thinking that it makes sense, for this kind of person, one should despise him in terms of structure, despise him in morality, and ignore him in life.

"Dabao, Dabao... Duan Jiabao!"

With an exclamation that attracted the attention of half of the diners, Jiang Xiaoguo ran to the two of them panting, carrying her Gucci bag on her back.

"Hey, Xiaoguo, you came back so fast, have you eaten yet?"

"Don't...don't...don't talk about this first."

Jiang Xiaoguo interrupted Duan Jiabao's discussion about eating, unlocked the phone screen, pointed to a report posted by the financial scene, and said, " this your family's news?"

Duan Jiabao looked over curiously, and said in a low voice, "Aoma Group's bathroom products are suspected of infringing on intellectual property rights. Tianjin Huada has filed an appeal on this matter. Aoma's stock price fell sharply today, falling sharply by 6.7% at one point. .”

Luo Yan followed suit.

"Chengdu Aoma Group, stock code 6033855, Dabao, it really is your company."

"I don't understand business matters. There are my father and my mother. Don't worry, it's fine." Duan Jiabao saw the worried faces of the two, and quickly explained: "I'll tell you, in this case, I will Been through it many times.”

Luo Yan said: "That's right. Stocks go up and down. It's normal for stocks to go up and down. As long as the lawsuit is over and the other party loses the lawsuit, the lost value will naturally rise back."

"Dabao, it seems that things are not as simple as you think."

Jiang Xiaoguo swiped the screen of her phone and showed her another video. A middle-aged man with a stubble facing the camera knocked on the bowl with chopsticks in one hand and patted the table with the other and said, "Foreigners, especially those in North America and Europe , high quality standards, and strict inspection agencies, you can’t find a middleman if you pay for it. On the other hand, in China, there are a lot of decoration companies with poor qualifications, and few ordinary people know how to do it. Domestic products of the same level are cheap. They don’t care if you have double standards or discriminate against domestic consumers. Even if there is any dispute, just give them money to keep their mouths shut. The cost is too high, maybe you have to go in, yes, you can do whatever you want if you have money. To tell you the truth, this is already an unspoken rule of export companies. Earning foreign money and export tax rebates apply. Isn't this a popular phrase on the Internet?"

"Dad, this is my dad." Duan Jiabao pointed to the protagonist on the screen and said, "How could my dad..."

Luo Yan said: "It's very simple, your dad was secretly photographed."

"Secret filming? Who is so boring, what are you doing secretly filming my dad?"

"Dabao,'s not as simple as a sneak shot. I think the Aoma Group may be in trouble." Jiang Xiaoguo sighed heavily, thinking that this Duan Jiabao really has no business or political acumen.

Yes, with the support of commercial policies, the profits brought by expanding foreign markets are very high, but the root of Aoma Group is in China, and it is enough to know the unspoken rules of the industry. If you say it in front of outsiders, you will be recorded a video and put it on the Internet. , that's a big deal.

To put it mildly, this is called discriminating against domestic consumers. To put it too big, it depends on how the keyboard warriors play freely.

First, Tianjin Huada accused Chengdu Aoma of infringing intellectual property rights, and then there was a video of drinking and telling the truth on Douyin, Moments, and Weibo. What does it mean when these two things come together? In all likelihood, someone wants to mess with the Duan family.

At this moment, Duan Jiabao's cell phone rang, and she picked it up to report her location. After a while, Duan Zhenyu trotted over from the outside with his right hand in plaster and bandages.

"Sister, something happened to our company."

After saying this, he saw the expressions on the faces of Jiang Xiaoguo and others, and suddenly came to his senses: "You... all know?"

Jiang Xiaoguo nodded.

"Hey, Duan Zhenyu, didn't the doctor tell you to take a good rest and stop messing around? Did you just run out like this?"

"Sister, what time is it? You're still worried about this. You have a good relationship with your parents. Hurry up and call home and ask about the company's situation."

"Is it so serious? Isn't it normal for stock prices to go up and down? It's not like this kind of thing has never happened before."

"Oh my sister, if you tell me to hit you, hit it. This's different."

When the siblings were arguing about this matter, Jiang Xiaoguo took Luo Yan and left quietly: "This elementary school chick, I can't tell he has a pretty bright mind."

"He is a student of finance, so he must be better at making money than Dabao." Luo Yan said while walking, "Do you think Dabao's parents can get through this?"

"It's hard to say, it depends on who is behind the scenes."

"I hope the situation will get better as soon as possible." Luo Yan said, "That's right, that person is back."

"Who is it?"

After Jiang Xiaoguo finished asking, seeing the expression on Luo Yan's face, she understood, and then thought of a detail.

When she went north to meet Mr. Dali of Miracle Store, she saw Lin Yue uploaded a video on Moments with the caption "Tan Sifei, you want Taikoo Li."

In other words, Lin Yue left Shenzhen and went to Chengdu. Just after returning today, the Aoma Group exposed such a scandal, and then contacted what he said to Dabao at the gate of the police station. Is it a coincidence, or...

She didn't dare to think about it later, because it was illogical and too shocking.

"Luo Yan, I want to ask, is it possible for you and him to reconcile?"

Luo Yan paused, looked at her best friend and said decisively: "Impossible!"

Jiang Xiaoguo sighed heavily, thinking about the troubled relationship to this point, she really wanted to slap herself twice, complaining about what he was doing in the dormitory back then, and now it can't end.

It was already past eight o'clock in the evening when I returned to the dormitory to get the travel expense reimbursement form for the trip to the north. Duan Jiabao hadn't moved yet. To be honest, she was a little worried. She waited for more than an hour, and it was close to Liang Shuang's time to turn off the lights. She was going to make a phone call When I asked about it in the past, the master came back.

"Dabao, you are back, how are you? Are you all right?"

Luo Yan on the upper bunk also parted the curtain and waited for an answer.

Liang Shuang, who applied a face mask diagonally and read a fashion magazine in his hand, turned his head to look at it. Although Jiang Xiaoguo and Luo Yan didn't communicate much after they came back, they were as clever as her, and they still saw something unusual. It seemed that 419, No, it should be said that the richest daughter in the entire building is in big trouble.

"'s okay." Duan Jiabao shook his head, changed into pajamas and went to bed.

You must know that she would definitely take a bath when she came back before, so she just slept like this today?

Jiang Xiaoguo and Luo Yan looked at each other and understood the worry in each other's eyes, but the matter was obvious, Duan Jiabao didn't want to say more, and they couldn't ask more.

"Jiang Xiaoguo, turn off the lights and go to sleep!"

Under Liang Shuang's order, she habitually turned off the lights and went to bed, picked up her phone and tapped it, and then fell into deep thought while looking at the search content.

"Zhao Liying's studio issued a statement announcing the suspension of the advertising endorsement business with Aoma Group."

"Tonight, Aoma Sanitary Ware's official website crashed."

"There is a wave of returns in the retail market, which may spread to the agent level."

"The general agent of Aoma Sanitary Ware in East China urgently clarified that all the sanitary products sold by the company meet the national standards"


Now she understood why Duan Jiabao didn't even have the mood to take a bath.

I'm really afraid of something.

No, I must ask him tomorrow.

Jiang Xiaoguo tossed and turned on the bed, unable to fall asleep, and finally decided to see Lin Yue, this time she must solve the problem.

PS: Merry Christmas.

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