Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1477 Sisters against each other

In fact, what needs to be solved is not the problem, but the people.

In the morning, she went to the company's finance department to hand in the reimbursement form, and after talking with President Dali on the phone, she went to Zhou Xun's place to ask for leave, saying that she was not feeling well, maybe she had a cold, and wanted to ask for half a day off.

When in Beijing, in order to ascertain the actual situation of Wonderful Store, Zhou Xun sent her to squat at the gate of Wei Li's company to count the frequency of trucks entering and leaving.

In October, Shenzhen was still under the scorching sun, and the autumn wind was bleak to the north of the Yangtze River.

Zhou Xun wanted to care about her a few words, but when the words came to his lips, they turned into preaching and disgust.

Jiang Xiaoguo is used to his poisonous tongue and doesn't take it to heart. She has only one idea, to go find Lin Yue in the afternoon, but what should she say when she sees someone?

Even though her request for reunion was rejected last time, she has a thick skin, and she can express her words without writing a draft, but the crux of the problem is that the other party must accept it, otherwise it would be a waste of saliva to say more.

Back to school after lunch, she sent Lin Yue a few messages, but there was no response, and no one answered the phone. After thinking about it, she decided to go to the dormitory to block people, but when she arrived at 616, she found out that no one was there. Tan Sifei told her that Lin Yue Yue and Tang Yuzhe went to the study room.


at the same time.

8 teaching study room.

Lu Ran and Luo Yan have just finished a round of pesticides, and the heat on their bodies has not subsided.

"By the way, the one surnamed Lin is back."

Luo Yan shook her head to relax her neck while chatting. At this moment, she found that Lu Ran's expression changed when he heard the name, but it was not anger or hatred, but panic.

"Lu Ran, what's the matter with you?"

"Oh, it's nothing, it's just a bit of a surprise."

She didn't know that Lu Ran was forced by his mother to write a letter of guarantee. If she knew, she would be able to understand her boyfriend's mind.

"Oh, let's move on then."

After finishing speaking, she counted the dots with her hand on the screen and chose her best character, Sun Shangxiang.


Lu Ran wanted to say how about we go to the coffee shop to play, but after thinking about it seriously, he didn't say everything, because this is the self-study room of Teaching 8, not the self-study room of Teaching 6. It is true that they are all famous self-study rooms for postgraduate entrance examinations, but Lin Yue seldom came here, most of the time he was on the side of Teacher Lu, so things should not be so coincidental.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing."

He picked up his phone and was ready for the next game.

At this moment, two people came in from the back door, and said as they walked: "Those people are really embarrassed. I heard that the free teacher is back, and they went to occupy a seat early in the morning. He didn't take the postgraduate entrance examination, so he obviously did it to help us with tutoring." Those who came to self-study, the result, it seems to be a matter of course to teach them."

"Okay, okay, stop complaining. Those people went to the self-study room of Teaching 6. Didn't they just give up the study room of Teaching 8? It's still close to the cafeteria. It can save you a few steps to go back to the dormitory at night."

"Hey, I said Old Tang, you can really enlighten yourself."

Lu Ran looked up and found that it was Tang Yuzhe and Feng Xianghong. He had met Tang Yuzhe when he went to Lin Yue's dormitory before. When he was fighting in the self-study room of Teacher 6, these two beat him the hardest. Meaning, there is no vacancy in the self-study room of Teaching 6, so we can only come to the self-study room of Teaching 8.

When these two people come, will Lin Yue be far behind?

He was flustered, and he still had no intention of continuing to play with his mobile phone. Although it has been more than half a month since the group fight in the study room of Teacher 6, the binding force of the guarantee letter on him has been greatly reduced, but of course it is impossible to write it and not write it.

"Lu Ran, what are you doing?"

Luo Yan saw that the Genghis Khan he used didn't respond, and couldn't help casting a questioning look.

"Shitou, let's go to the coffee shop outside the west gate."


Soon she knew why.

Because Tang Yuzhe and Feng Xianghong sat down, Lin Yue walked in from the outside holding an English mock test that was several centimeters thick. The moment their eyes met, they were both stunned.

"A lingering thing."

Luo Yan cursed in a low voice, picked up the exercise book on the table: "Lu Ran, let's go."

Lu Ran felt guilty, dared not speak, and kept stuffing things into his schoolbag.

"Sure enough, I took my mother's words as a deaf ear."

With an undisguised sarcasm in his ears, a man walked to the table where he was sitting.

The dozen or so students who were immersed in their studies turned their heads one after another.

Lu Ran forced his courage, and asked in a cold voice, "What do you want to do?"

Lin Yue said: "I don't understand. Is it so difficult to be honest and trustworthy? Or, you didn't intend to keep your promise from the beginning?"

Lu Ran didn't speak, just put his bag on his back and walked out, Lin Yue blocked him without thinking.

"Lu Ran, does your mother know about this?"

The title of mother did not anger Lu Ran, but suddenly awakened the hatred in Luo Yan's heart.

How is she living these days? In the past, I bought everything when I was greedy, and I went to see it at the first time when I was new. Now, I have to plan carefully for two meals a day. I dare not even have the intention to buy the new game skin. The only thing that is gratifying is the relationship with Lu Ran. up.

Hearing what Lin Yue meant, it seemed that he was using Lu Ran's mother as a threat. Under the new and old hatred, he had already walked to the door, but he hurried back, grabbed his clothes and pulled back, raised his palm and dropped the fan past.


Her hand stopped in mid-air.

Lin Yue held her wrist.

"It's none of your business."

As he went there, Luo Yan's feet were unsteady, and she fell to the ground.

Seeing his girlfriend being bullied, Lu Ran became anxious, grabbed Lin Yue by the collar, and punched him.

"Lu Ran, stop!"

It was Luo Yan who called to stop. She was angry, but it didn't mean she lost her mind. Lu Ran was demerited once for fighting in a group last time.

"Students, you are here to comment. This is Lin Yue. For money, he seduced a woman who was more than 20 years older than himself. Shameless person, should he be cast aside?" Now that she is ready to fight, she no longer cares about the damage to her reputation, and even if she is ridiculed and pointed out by others, she will pull Lin Yue as a backstop: "You didn't guess Wrong, the woman he seduced was my mother."

Wow~ There was an uproar in the study room, no one expected to eat such a big melon, even Tang Yuzhe and Feng Xianghong looked at Lin Yue dumbfounded.

"Okay, boy, if you play so flamboyantly, even mature women will do it."

"What do you know, mature women are good enough."

"It seems that you understand it very well. Have you ever played?"

"Have you never eaten pork, haven't you seen pigs running? It's not like you haven't seen the things in the small fat mobile hard drive next door, so pretend to be pure."

"Old Tang, I was wondering... Lin Yue asked that Lu Ran to write a guarantee letter, is he planning to... mother and daughter take all?"

"..." Tang Yuzhe was speechless for a while: "You are so coquettish."

"I'm Luo Yan's roommate, and I can testify that what she said is true." At this moment, a female voice sounded from the back door, and Jiang Xiaoguo walked in to meet everyone's gaze.

Lin Yue frowned, but said nothing.

"Little fruit..."

Luo Yan thought she had a helper, but what happened next caught her by surprise.

"Let's talk about Lawyer Wei's situation. Her husband passed away seven years ago. She raised her daughter by herself and trained her to go to college. Not only that, but she is also a very good career woman. She works in a law firm and has been promoted. At the level of a partner, Shenzhen has three apartments, an Audi A8, and seven-figure deposits. Logically speaking, Luo Yansheng should be very happy in such a family, but she is not. I don’t answer, I don’t respond to messages, I don’t go home until I can go home on weekends, I just hope to live in the world of the second dimension, and I don’t have a clear plan for the future. It is in this situation that I learned that Lawyer Wei and her relationship After the bad classmate Lin got closer, he became jealous and forced his mother to break up with him. Lawyer Wei was extremely chilled and angry, and said the words of severing the relationship between mother and daughter. Everyone still remembers this Shang named Lu Ran Did you fight with Lin Yue in the self-study room of the 6th Teaching? It was just that after hearing about this incident, he wanted to stand up for his girlfriend. Because of the bad influence, the school originally wanted to expel him, but Lin Yue issued a letter of understanding. Several people from the Academic Affairs Office After deliberation, the leaders only gave one demerit penalty."

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