Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1483 One Matches One Poor

Ms. Luo has never experienced such a thing in her life. She used to be angry with her parents and refused to eat. In the end, they brought her favorite food to her eyes, coaxed her to eat, and begged her to eat. Now, she is dizzy from hunger Qi deficiency, the wind blows the aroma of fried vegetables and fried skewers, and the mouth will drool uncontrollably.

In the display cabinet of the dining car, in addition to roasted sweet potatoes, there are bone and meat joints, enoki mushroom bacon rolls, Cantonese-style sausages, quail eggs, fish balls... There is also a steaming casserole on the gas stove at the back. Judging from the aroma, it should be claypot rice.

This is her father's favorite food, and he used to take her to Fuxinji on Renmin Road to eat it.

As for why I chose roasted sweet potatoes, it’s not only because it’s cheap, other foods are too expensive, but more importantly, it’s not easy to digest and gives you a strong sense of satiety. For a girl like her, one meal can serve as two meals Eat, though...she used to dislike this stuff.

She said it was pitiful, but the boss didn't buy it.

"No, no, no, it can't be sold, it really can't be sold, why don't you go to another stall to see it?"

"You...why don't you have any sympathy at all?"

The boss was even more unhappy when he heard this: "I sympathize with others, who will sympathize with me? I used to be able to set up a food stall by riding a three-wheeler, and the money I earned was enough to support my family and my son to go to technical school. Renting a facade, little girl, do you know how expensive the rent of a facade house in Shenzhen is? I wanted to wait until my child graduated from technical school to return to my hometown, but in the end, I caught up with the skyrocketing housing prices the year before last. In order to help my child repay the loan, I had to continue working in my old business. I’ve been doing this for almost a year, and I haven’t paid back the money I borrowed from relatives to buy a dining car.”

Luo Yan had nothing to say, she just stood in front of the dining car and pretended not to give up just like that.

At this time, on the curb not far behind her, Lin Yue was pressing the road with Jiang Xiaoguo.

"So, Zhou Xun rejected your proposal?"

"That's right." Jiang Xiaoguo said, "You don't know, Mr. Ding's company... well, it's hard to say."

"Do you want to say, seeing those people work harder than you, they look at you like you have met a savior, you really don't want to let those people down, dreams should not be shattered like this, everyone's dreams should be respected ?”

Jiang Xiaoguo looked at the man next to her with a look of surprise. During this period of time, she always stood in the position of Luo Yan and Duan Jiabao to conflict with him, and in the end she was always "convincing others with reason", thus ignoring the fact that the two of them actually had a relationship. A lot of common language, like wanting to be here, he knows what she is thinking without saying anything.

"Actually, the result of being defeated by the market is good. Those who are defeated by unfair competition are the worst. Do you know the story of WeChat?"

"WeChat? What's the story of WeChat?"

"Check the relationship between Michat and WeChat on the Internet and you will understand."


"Actually, what I want to express are not suitable for a career in the financial field, especially the investment one."


Lin Yue smiled at her: "You will know in the future."

"Hey, that's...a stone?"

Jiang Xiaoguo found the figure in front of the dining car very familiar. After observing it carefully for a while, she found that it was her good sister.

"What is she doing there?"

Lin Yue said: "If I'm not wrong, I should be begging the boss to sell her roasted sweet potatoes at a lower price."

Jiang Xiaoguo understood.

According to Duan Jiabao, the parents were worried that the siblings were used to spending too much because of what happened to the Aoma Group. Once the family ran out of money and didn't even have the ability to support themselves, they would cut off their living expenses with a single knife... No, it should be said that they cut off their ankles Yes, 1,000 yuan per month is not enough for Duan Jiabao's character design to buy idols and peripherals. Is Luo Yan ashamed to eat fat people and drink fat people?

Look how miserable she is now.

Lin Yue said: "Can't bear it? If you can't bear it, go and help her."

Jiang Xiaoguo stared at him for a while, making sure it wasn't irony, ran to the front of the dining car quickly, and said to the boss, "Brother Fa, bring me two sweet potatoes."

"Get off work so early today?" The boss greeted familiarly, and took out two pieces of freshly baked sweet potatoes from the oven and handed them to her: "Take it, be careful not to burn it."

Jiang Xiaoguo was afraid that Luo Yan would leave, so before he had time to pay, he handed over the sweet potato: "Stone, you can eat it."


Something unexpected happened to her.

Luo Yan knocked the things in her hands to the ground: "Jiang Xiaoguo, are you humiliating me?" After that, she walked away quickly.

Jiang Xiaoguo stared blankly at the two sweet potatoes, not knowing what to say for a while.

Brother Fa shook his head from behind: "Young people nowadays... are too capricious."

"so poor."

Lin Yue came from behind, picked up the roasted sweet potato on the ground, tore off the skin and took a bite: "Boss, is this a sweet potato? It's so sweet."

The boss smiled and said, "Good eyesight."

Jiang Xiaoguo didn't speak, just scanned the QR code to pay silently, then turned and walked towards the school gate.

Lin Yue handed the remaining one to her: "Aren't you going to eat it?"

Jiang Xiaoguo shook her head, seeing how Luo Yan lived her life like this, how could she have the heart to eat sweet potatoes.

Yes, during this period of time, the estrangement between the two sides has become deeper and deeper, but after all, they are best friends who have been together for three years, and because of a Lin Yue, this happened. Although they have a clear conscience, frustration is inevitable.

"Is there no possibility of reconciliation between you and Shishi?"

"Yes, of course, how could it not be."

Jiang Xiaoguo took a step forward, put him on the spot, and looked at him with anticipation.

"As long as she is like you, as my sister, I will..."

Before finishing speaking, Jiang Xiaoguo stepped on it.

"Can't you talk nicely?"

Lin Yue asked her to call her "good brother". Firstly, she was forced to do so, and secondly, she was a thick-skinned person. She knew that she wanted to make money, and wanted to make a lot of money. Properly thick-skinned is a compulsory course, but Luo Yan is different, her temper is like a stubborn donkey, call him "brother"? Impossible!

"All right."

Lin Yue took a bite of the sweet potato: "Believe it or not, one day I will let her call me brother willingly."

Jiang Xiaoguo glared at him fiercely: "What's your hobby? Abnormal!"

If he told Duan Jiabao to call him brother, there was a possibility. For one thing, Lin Yue had the braids of the Aoma Group in his hand, so if she really wanted to break her promise and threaten Duan Jiabao, she would have nothing to do. Second, Duan Jiabao is a fan of Lili. If Lin Yue can let them meet, or even let Duan Jiabao be Lili's manager, he can consider calling him uncle, not to mention brother.

But it's Luo Yan's place.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Do you dare to make a bet?"


"If I win, you promise me one thing. If I lose, you won't call me brother from now on."

"This is what you said, don't go back on your word."

Jiang Xiaoguo thinks that Lin Yue is doomed. Take today's matter as an example, Luo Yan would rather continue to be hungry than accept her kindness, let Luo Yan call him a good brother? It would be strange not to chop him with a knife.

"Of course." Lin Yue said, "Look at when I have broken my promise."

"That's true."

He said he would help Luo Yan settle the cyberbullying, and it was settled; he said he would make Duan Jiabao pay the price, and he did; he promised her to let the Duan family go, so he didn't make trouble at the most difficult time for the Aoma Group.

Regardless of whether this guy is a good guy or a bad guy, there is no problem with his credit.

The two walked while chatting, and soon came to the downstairs of the girls' dormitory. Jiang Xiaoguo said goodbye to him and went back to 419. As soon as he pushed the door, he saw Duan Jiabao standing under the lamp with an Hermes bag and asked Luo Yan to take a picture of her.

"Dabao, you are..."

No one paid attention to her, and the two of them were busy with their work on their own.

Liang Shuang, who was sitting in front of the desk and scrolling through Weibo, took a look at her, and said sarcastically, "Can't you see? Sell the package to get blood back."

Sell ​​packs back to blood?

Duan Jiabao also has such a time?

Jiang Xiaoguo suddenly remembered that Duan Jiabao had called someone on the balcony a few days ago. The content seemed to be about cheering gifts, and he vaguely heard who he must overwhelm, PRADA thermos, BTATS earphones and so on.

Could it be...Duan Jiabao has accepted the task of preparing support gifts for idols again?

It’s okay to do it like this before, after all, you can do whatever you want with a black card, but now you dare to do it like this when the family gives you 1,000 yuan a month? She really doesn't know what it's like to be hungry, does she?

"Dabao, you have no money to spend? Why are you selling second-hand?"

Taking advantage of Luo Yan's inattention, Duan Jiabao gave her a slight nod.

"You... You can't do this. The monthly living expenses are 1,000 yuan and you have to give idol support gifts. If you continue like this, you will go hungry."

The phrase "hungry stomach" stirred Luo Yan's nerves, and her gaze pierced like a sword.

Jiang Xiaoguo remembered what happened in front of the dining car just now, and felt uncomfortable being stared at by her.

Duan Jiabao was about to say something when the phone rang. She picked it up and looked at it, her expression became very strange.

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