Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1484 Accept the real beating, daughters





"Oh, I'm fine."


"Yes, yes, I will report tomorrow, thank you supervisor."

Duan Jiabao hung up the phone, looked at Jiang Xiaoguo, then looked at Luo Yan, and said with a little timidity: "Shitou, tomorrow's job fair... I may not be able to go with you. Just now Director Qian called and asked me to Go back to work and continue to bring Ouyang Yushuang."

Because she forgot that Ouyang Yushuang was allergic to seafood, she had a red rash on her face and was unable to work for half a month. Director Qian fired her in a rage, and now he called to ask her if she was interested in returning to work at the company. In the current situation, there is no reason for her not to agree.

3,000 yuan a month, it was a small amount of money for her in the past, and it was gone when she went to HK to buy it casually, but now it is different, it is worth 3 months of living expenses, and the next six months will be based on this job. .

Luo Yan heard that she was a little disappointed, but she didn't show it: "Oh, then you go, I can go to the job fair by myself."

"Then these bags."

"Is it right to find Sister Song for the Alibaba leather goods on the first floor of Xinghe COCO PARK? Don't worry, I will deliver them tomorrow morning."

When Jiang Xiaoguo heard about it, she immediately understood what Duan Jiabao was going to do: "Dabao, you want to sell these bags to physical stores? Those people keep the price very low, so why don't you sell them to young ladies in the same city?"

Duan Jiabao said: "That's too slow, Lili will be participating in the show this weekend, I have to hurry up and get the presents ready."


What else can Jiang Xiaoguo say, for things like star chasing, persuasion is useless, unless her idol does or says something that she cannot accept, or she is hit by reality, otherwise she will not be able to wake up.


the next day.

Luo Yan took a bunch of luxury goods that Duan Jiabao packed up, such as Hermes platinum bags, LV bucket bags, etc., to the physical store that Duan Jiabao said was Xinghe COCO PARK, and watched the store manager transfer the money after the inspection. In the past, after returning to school, I printed out a few resumes and came to the autumn recruitment venue.

At this time, the autumn recruitment is coming to an end, and the companies that come to the school are basically supplementary enrollment and expansion of enrollment.

Compared with September and October, the number of people participating in the job fair is much less, because a large part of the graduates have already found a job, and the rest are either preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination, or a group of high-achievers or low-achievers or delayed by irresistible factors s student.

Luo Yan walked around the venue for a long time.

Wind Power Company, Shenzhen Energy, Chint Electric, Bairong Yunchuang, Wisdom Bud...

Look at this, state-owned enterprises, there is a long line in front of the window, she weighs her weight and thinks it's better to forget it.

Look at that, the financial company, the professional is not suitable, they will definitely not want her.

After choosing and choosing, I chose a team building company called Feiyue Group Construction. Its business scope is event planning, corporate annual meetings, and group travel.

Because team building companies are generally small in scale and privately owned, not many people came to apply for the job, so she was quickly ranked.

"Hello, my name is Luo Yan, and I am a senior graduate of the Tourism Management Department."

As she spoke, she handed her resume to a man in his thirties.

The interviewer looked up at her and threw the resume into the drawer next to her: "I have accepted the resume, you can go back and wait for the notification."

Didn't ask questions, didn't understand the situation, and just asked her to go back and wait for the notification. What does that mean? The answer is obvious.

"Can you tell me why?"

"what why?"

"My resume is not good, or does it not meet the requirements of this position?"

Jiang Xiaoguo once said that the interviewer will usually ask a few questions during the interview. After all, it is a campus autumn recruitment, and the applicants are basically on the same starting line. The company will definitely not be as strict as the social recruitment.

The interviewer said, "You really want to know?"

Luo Yan nodded.

"Well, I think you have a problem with your attitude."


The interviewer pointed to her hair, yes, it was the red hair that declared to the whole world that she would not bow her head.

"Sir, with all due respect, today's young people are not like those born in the 70s and 80s. They pursue individuality and fashion without restricting themselves. Shenzhen is a young city with a low aging population. Most of the clients of group construction companies are 40 years old. The following employees, I think your company should absorb fresh blood like me who understands the thinking of young people today, if you think that I have a problem with my attitude because I dyed a red hair, is it too rash?"

"Yes, you are very thoughtful." The interviewer nodded, appreciating her courage to think and speak: "We do need fresh blood, but no matter how thoughtful people are, they must meet a major premise. First of all, you are the leader of the enterprise. The second is an independent, outspoken and insightful individual. If you can’t serve this group, then everything in your mind is a castle in the air for us. Let’s put it this way, what you are looking for in your subconscious is a partner, Instead of being a steel nail for the collective, what is the significance of our client’s team building activities? Have you ever thought about it? If we are not able to have a strong sense of teamwork and cooperation when we plan, how can we help? Customers achieve their goals? Young people, don’t keep thinking about words like 'revolution', 'creation', and 'pioneering' that sound very cool. As a newcomer, being down-to-earth is more precious than flying in the sky."


The interviewer didn't intend to continue entangled with her, so he tilted his head and said, "The next one."

Luo Yan had no choice but to walk outside the line. At this time, two people in the line pointed at her, but she stared back hard.

She was very dissatisfied with what the interviewer said, thinking that this was the exclusion and suppression of the younger generation by old people in society, just like those ugly, old and wretched villains in anime and games who can only play tricks.

Then she submitted a few more resumes, but unfortunately none of them passed. One answer was that the major did not match the job requirements, and the other answer was that she did not understand the company's business deeply enough. The remaining two did not elaborate. Answer, just say it's inappropriate, but Luo Yan knows that 90% of it is because her red hair is too flamboyant.

So, can you turn your hair back to black?

First of all, she doesn't have that much money, but she can try to borrow it from the dormitory next door. One or two hundred yuan should be enough to find a small shop.

But the problem is not here, the problem is the meaning of red hair to her—even if everyone betrays me, I will not compromise with things that are not pleasing to the eye, stone, why is she willing to be called that by others, because this is her The quality of her, as firm as a rock, as safe as a rock, want to change her, dreaming!

Luo Yan didn't know that when she was bumping into walls below, a man wearing sunglasses on the second floor of the auditorium was knocking sunflower seeds while watching her every move.

I’ve watched a lot of hot-blooded shows, and I always thought that I would be the protagonist who smashed the rotten old world. It’s hard to recover from the second disease without being beaten by the society a few times. Just like in "Children of the Qiao Family", some people always I feel that the police can clearly see that Qiao Zuwang was murdered by Qu Aying. If the reality is so ideal, there will be no such profession as "holding dead chickens" to show the evil of human nature.

"Hello, is this Mr. Zheng from Spring and Autumn International Travel Service?"

Watching Luo Yan leave, Lin Yue took out his mobile phone and dialed a person's number.

"You don't need to know who I am, you just need to know that I have a big order in my hand that will last your company for two months, I can introduce this deal to you, but in exchange, you must promise me one thing .”



five days later.

Just when Luo Yan met at the autumn recruiting site and refused to compromise, Duan Jiabao and Ouyang Yushuang came to the rest area of ​​Yifangtiandi Shopping Center.

"Sister Yushuang, walk slowly, slow down..."

Duan Jiabao had Ouyang Yushuang's bucket bag hanging on his left shoulder, a cup of latte he just bought at Starbucks in his hand, his own bag, a parasol, and a thermos bottle in his right hand.

With her tonnage, she would be out of breath without taking these things for a few steps. Now holding these, to catch up with Ouyang Yushuang who is walking in front wearing a pair of flat shoes, there is only one word to describe it, that is "difficult". .

"I said Duan Jiabao, you've only walked a few steps and you're tired? Hurry up."

Not only did Ouyang Yushuang not stop to wait for her, but he walked even faster.

Whoops, whoops...

While panting, Duan Jiabao rushed forward sullenly.

She suspected that Ouyang Yushuang did it on purpose, just to get revenge for making her covered in rashes and unable to work for half a month.

Firstly, as a manager, this is indeed her fault; secondly, now she is relying on this job to support herself, and the 1,000 yuan given by her parents... is really not enough, in fact, she has been going home a lot in the past two days Called, but I don’t know whose father who doted on her has listened to someone’s slander, and he will not let go. The monthly living expenses are only 1,000 yuan, and he doesn’t give a penny more.

He also said that she is an adult, she has to learn to rely on herself, and her parents cannot protect her for the rest of her life.

She had no choice but to be patient with Ouyang Yushuang's making things difficult.

"Duan Jiabao!"

"Hey, here we come, here we come."

"Look at what time it is? There are still a few minutes before the time agreed with the organizer."

"It's 2:11 p.m., a little over half an hour."

"I'm tired after walking around for a few laps, so let's sit down and rest for a while."

Ouyang Yushuang walked to a bench and stretched out his hand.

Duan Jiabao hurriedly served the Starbucks latte.

Ouyang Yushuang said: "Don't you order cold brew every time you drink Starbucks? What's wrong today?"

"I... I'm not thirsty."

These words also deceived herself, others were not blind and could not see the sweat on her forehead.

The real reason is that it is too expensive to drink. Ouyang Yushuang can be reimbursed for her drinks, but she can't. She said that the malt snow cold brew that she likes very much in the past six months costs nearly 60 yuan a cup, and a dozen or twenty cups can make her feel better. She is broke.

I used to have a black card in my hand, but now it's not like before, and it's not like I don't know it, so I'm shocked.

Not to mention the cost of meals, the transportation and phone bills alone are not a small expense.

At this time Ouyang Yushuang stretched out his hand again.



"Sunglasses? There's no sun in here."

"Duan Jiabao, are you stupid? I'm an old man now. What if someone passing by recognizes me and asks for a group photo, which delays my work?"

Duan Jiabao said in his heart that you just played a supporting role in "The Legend of Butterfly Love in the Qing Dynasty", called Concubine Xi, you really regarded yourself as an onion.

Of course, complaints are complaints, and work is work.

She handed over the sunglasses obediently.

Ouyang Yushuang took it over and put it on, while drinking coffee with a straw in his mouth, he looked at the passers-by in front of him.

Seeing that he was free, Duan Jiabao quickly transferred the more than 10,000 yuan he raised from selling luxury goods to the head of the support group, and chatted about the content of the event on WeChat, and expressed regret that he could not make it to Hunan to participate.


At this moment, an exclamation came, which made her almost drop the phone on the ground in fright.

"Duan Jiabao."

Ouyang Yushuang suddenly took off his eyes: "Where are my high heels?"

To participate in activities, you must wear high-heeled shoes to enhance your temperament, but you usually walk, even an artist like Ouyang Yushuang will not be troubled by your feet, so you usually prepare two or three pairs of shoes when you go out. As for whether it is cumbersome or not... Duan Jiabao This kind of role is euphemistically called a broker, but it is actually an assistant. There is no reason not to use free labor.

"High heels, high heels..."

Duan Jiabao was stunned. He looked through this bag and that bag, but he didn't find Ouyang Yushuang's high heels.

"Sister Yushuang, I seem to have left it in a taxi."

On the way here, she had been chatting with the plums of the support group, and something went wrong with this distraction.

"There is only half an hour left before the activity starts. What are you doing in a daze? Find a way." Ouyang Yushuang looked around a few times: "Well, there is the shoe area over there, go and see if there is any suitable one."

Duan Jiabao sat there with a sad face, not moving.

"Duan Jiabao, why don't you go?"

"I... I... have no money."

Ouyang Yushuang looked at her in disbelief, did Duan Jiabao also say that he had no money?

Come and go business class, she said economy class is uncomfortable. She eats and sleeps in a five-star hotel. She said she likes to watch TV while taking a bath in a large bathtub.

Such a person suddenly said one day that she had no money, and nine out of ten people would not believe it.

"Duan Jiabao, are you kidding me!"

"I'm not kidding, I really have no money, just a week ago, my parents stopped my credit card."

"What a waste, you are still standing here without money, why don't you hurry up and find a way."

Duan Jiabao shivered, quickly put the things in his hand on the bench, and called the taxi company to find shoes.

At the same time, behind the corridor on the second floor of the shopping mall, Jiang Xiaoguo looked at the embarrassed Duan Jiabao below with a look of astonishment.

"Dabao actually had a day of crying poor, this is really..."

Lin Yue said, "It's a pleasure to hear, isn't it?"

Jiang Xiaoguo didn't entangle with him on this issue, because he suddenly realized that there was something wrong with his tone, saying it was gloating, not entirely, it had some expected meaning.

"Did Bao's parents decide to suspend the credit cards of the siblings, did you do it?"

PS: The monthly pass is doubled, remember to vote, today is almost three chapters.

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