Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1485 Self-brain supplement is the deadliest

Lin Yue said: "Why does Duan Liangjin give Duan Jiabao an unlimited card and Duan Zhenyu a limited card? It's not because he is afraid that his son will not learn well and become an ignorant dude. He is afraid that his children will not become talents." A few days ago, the Aoma Group almost collapsed, and although it has improved now, it will not be able to return to the past in a short time. At this time, it is a normal operation to take the opportunity to train children's ability to earn a living independently?"

The logic is such a logic, but... Jiang Xiaoguo always feels that things are not so simple.

At this time, Duan Jiabao on the first floor moved. It seemed that he had contacted the taxi driver. He threw the things in his hand on the bench, put his hands on his chest, and ran outside.

Jiang Xiaoguo said: "You asked me to come here just to let me see Dabao embarrassing, right?"

"Of course not." Lin Yue pointed to the opposite side: "Look who is going downstairs over there."

Jiang Xiaoguo followed his direction and saw that Liang Shuang was wearing a childish... or rather a shameful sailor suit, coming down the stairs with two people dressed like her, holding a stack of leaflets in his arms.

"What is Liang Shuang doing?"

"What do you think?"

Jiang Xiaoguo was very puzzled: "Isn't her beauty blogger doing a good job?"

She remembered that after Liang Shuang bravely captured the wretched man on the bus, he posted the video on the Internet and gained a lot of fans. Afterwards, Luo Yan was attacked by the Internet. She went to Liang Shuang to argue, but was told that even if she posted a blog post to clarify, others would not believe it. The two got angry at the end of the conversation. Liang Shuang simply accepted her words about eating human blood steamed buns, saying that he wanted to use this incident to hype his fame and make a lot of money, and he was considering making money from Youjia, who she couldn't apply for. She resigned and devoted herself to being a blogger, a career that can earn both fame and fortune, so she and Duan Jiabao thought it was an excuse when she said later that she would help repost the bus surveillance video to clear Luo Yan's notoriety.

Moreover, Liang Shuang satirized Duan Jiabao's incompetence as a manager more than once in the dormitory, and joked that Luo Yan couldn't even look after her own mother, and she slept with Lin Yue, and her living expenses were gone. It means that these two people are far worse than themselves.

419's high-cold strong woman, a travel management goddess who relies on her talent for a living without her face, actually went to the shopping center of Yifangtiandi to push her younger sister?

This... this is too surprising.

"Surprised, isn't it?"

Lin Yue was very satisfied with Jiang Xiaoguo's reaction: "However, that's not why I brought you here."

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Xiaoguo was stunned by him.

Lin Yue said, "Do you still remember the thing you said a few days ago that Zhou Xun severely damaged your self-confidence?"

Jiang Xiaoguo didn't know why he said this. She wanted to be Zhou Xun's assistant when she came back from Beijing, but she didn't expect to scold Mensao Nan, saying that she was not capable and had a problem with her attitude, so she became a dead horse. Doctor, recommending the Hongcha APP to Zhou Xun as a valuable project.

"So, you don't understand their business logic, you can't tell the rationality of the valuation, and you can't see the future of the track."

"I don't need an assistant with a perfunctory work attitude, let alone one with poor ability."

"Jiang Xiaoguo, I think you should go back and continue doing administration."

As for the result, um... the reprimand from above is the result. Two days ago, she went to Boss Ding's company again to inform him that Pu Ling did not plan to invest in Hongzhu. , the man who only goes home once a month, the man who can rush back to the office to work overtime because of an idea during the Spring Festival, is so shocked by reality that she is speechless, sitting on the sofa and sighing again and again, she is really uncomfortable, and can only Choosing to run away, for the first time, I felt that what Lin Yue said in front of the dining car that night made sense. She might really be unsuitable for investing.

After a few days of ideological struggle, she convinced herself that it would be good to go back to do administration. Although the salary is not much, but the pressure is low and the work is easy, Lin Yue brought up this matter again. What does he want to do?

"I'm warning you, don't hit me again. It's good to go back to work as an administrator. Sister Juan said that a woman should look like a woman. There is a lot of turmoil every day, and it's too detrimental to show her face in public."

"Temperament? With your mother's figure and tonnage, how about temperament?"

"Hey, have you seen my mother?"

"Oh, I heard what your ex-boyfriend said."

Jiang Xiaoguo froze for a moment before realizing: "Zhao Dachuan has such a big mouth!"

Lin Yue apologized to Zhao Dachuan in his heart, we have such a good relationship, it should be no problem to use his name to block the gun.

"Hey, seriously, do you want revenge?"


"Let's put it this way, do you want to slap Zhou Xun in the face?"

"I want to, I dream about it." This is the truth, thinking of that face that is more serious than facial paralysis, especially the sense of superiority shown when reprimanding her, I really want to slap her in the face, and then... The cracked heel is comfortable.

"Then... let's slap Zhou Xun in the face."

Lin Yue winked at her and walked towards the elevator leading to the first floor.

"Hey, wait for me, wait for me... Are you serious?"


"Then...then what do you want to do?"

"You'll find out later."

Lin Yue told her "later", she believed it, but when she came downstairs, what was waiting for her was Liang Shuang's unexpectedly panicked eyes.

Jiang Xiaoguo thinks he chose this path on purpose, as for the reason...she doesn't know.

"50% discount, only 69. Rejuvenation is not a dream."

"50% discount, only 69. Rejuvenation is not a dream."

The little girl from Ditui stood in front of the small trolley with the facial mask, talking tirelessly so embarrassingly that she could pick out the slogan of "three bedrooms and one living room". Ashamed, Liang Shuang wished he could get in through a crack on the ground.

She is the class flower of the Tourism Management Department of South China University of Finance and Economics. She is 1.72 meters tall, her waist is her waist, her legs are her legs, and her chest is her chest. A proper goddess, just such a character design, now wearing a sailor suit, the skirt can barely cover the important parts, and she is still babbling funny slogans in her mouth.

The point is, it’s okay if it’s a stranger, but I just met a friend who said he likes me but let her chase after him, and he took out a roommate in the same room, and when she kept slapping her face and pretending to be fat, she thought Her roommate who lived a very happy life.

Seeing Lin Yue and Jiang Xiaoguo approaching, Liang Shuang shrank back, and the little girl who was half a head shorter beside her moved closer.

"Student, take a look at our facial mask. It is produced using nanotechnology, extracts natural plant essence, and adds vitamin C and vitamin E ingredients. It can nourish the skin, resist oxidation, and replenish the moisture that the skin needs every day." She said on the one hand, on the other hand Hand over the flyer and samples: "Today is the store's anniversary, and Xuezhizui's 50% discount is a big deal for the whole site. Look at this big box, and it only costs 69."

Just as Jiang Xiaoguo was about to say no, Lin Yue pushed her back and took the sample handed over by the younger sister: "Is this really as good as you said?"

"Yes, the masks we sell are all certified by professional organizations. If you are not at ease, you can call the quality inspection department to inquire."

"Can sensitive skin also be used?"


"Then give me two boxes."

"We have five categories: whitening, moisturizing, cleansing, soothing, and firming. Which one do you want?"

Lin Yue straightened Jiang Xiaoguo's body, and looked carefully at her surprised gaze.

"Skin tightening, it is more helpful for people who stay in front of the computer for a long time."

"Student, you are really considerate."

The little girl looked at Jiang Xiaoguo enviously, and took two boxes of firming masks from the shelf.

Lin Yue scanned the QR code to pay, took the gift bag containing the mask, and took her hand and walked forward.

"Hey, I really want a boyfriend like this, who is tall, handsome and gentle..."

"Have a good dream."


Liang Shuang stood at the back, pursed his lips, his eyes wandered, and suddenly he took off his earphones, and played the flyer: "Xiaomei, I'm going to the toilet."

After speaking, he walked towards the place where Lin Yue and Jiang Xiaoguo disappeared.

Thanks to William Carloing for the 3,000 starting coins, the book friend with the tail number 8155 for the 500 starting coins, and Mo Xiaoxie, Gucheng, the society’s brother Z for the 100 starting coins.

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