On the way back to school by taxi, Jiang Xiaoguo was silent from beginning to end. After getting off the car and walking into the school gate in the dark, she still looked listless.

When he was about to reach the girls' dormitory, Lin Yue said: "There is a popular saying on the Internet, which says that men should not marry three times, nurses, kindergarten teachers, and bank girls. It is said that there are countless nurses. I have never seen any quality goods. Your A little bit, I really can’t sell it; the threshold for kindergarten teachers is low, and the circle is chaotic; as for the bank girl, the banknotes passed are just numbers, without tens of millions of assets, how can she be as discerning as her. These words are quite extreme, but there is a certain truth. They all talk about money It is the root of all evil. The financial industry is an industry that plays with money. Do you think it is the practitioners who play with money, or the money that ends up playing with people? So I still say that, you are not suitable for this industry. "

After saying this, he turned his head and left.

Jiang Xiaoguo was still silent, and walked slowly towards the entrance of the dormitory building.

Just as she stepped into the hall with her front foot and her back foot was still outside the door, accompanied by a sound of wind, a person grabbed her hand and pulled her outside.

"Da Bao?"

"Come with me, I have something to tell you."

Duan Jiabao took her hand and walked to a locked glass door: "Xiao Guo, are you dating Lin Yue?"

"I don't."

"Don't lie to me, it's not like I didn't see it."

Jiang Xiaoguo didn't know how to explain it to her. Thinking about her relationship with Lin Yue, it would be great if it was a real relationship. He forced her to call her brother all day. help but powerless.

How should I tell Duan Jiabao?


"Xiaoguo, tell me, did you date Lawyer Wei to force Lin Yue to break up with him?"

"Dabao, you... this..."

Jiang Xiaoguo was stunned by her extreme brain power, and said to her sister, I obviously took you through it, so why was it misunderstood as helping Luo Yan?

"Ah, yes."

Jiang Xiaoguo patted Duan Jiabao's shoulder with a smile on his face: "It's really a treasure who knows me."

When the next scene wiped away the haze that followed all the way, she really wanted to hug the fat man and kiss him. There is no doubt that as long as Luo Yan accepts this statement, the relationship between the three of them can return to the way it was before. More importantly, she He didn't break the agreement and told his best friend the truth.

Duan Jiabao wept bitterly: "Xiao Guo, look... I... I actually blamed you wrongly, and... still treated you like that."

"It's okay, I don't blame you." She said meaningfully: "Who am I, Jiang Xiaoguo? For the two of you, I will go up the mountain of swords and down the sea of ​​fire."

"Oh, Xiaoguo, give me a hug..." Duan Jiabao was deeply moved, and kept patting her body with his arms around her: "Why didn't you tell us?"

Jiang Xiaoguo laughed dryly: "I'm afraid... I'm here to gain Lin Yue's trust, yes, don't you have a bad relationship with him, if you show that you don't mind me being with him, then you'll be in trouble Well, he's so smart, it's not easy to fool him."

"Xiao Guo, will you act like you did in the TV series..."


"Fall in love with him?"

"Tch, to love is to let him fall in love with me, will this girl fall in love with him?"

Jiang Xiaoguo looked disdainful.

"But... But today in Yifangtiandi, how can I think you are very happy when he hugs you?"

"Is there? Hehe... I'm just pretending. Sister Juan said that if you want a man to like you, you have to be good at showing weakness. Back then, she was too tough, so Dad fell in love with other women."


When the two were talking about Lin Yue at the door, Duan Zhenyu, who was hiding behind the molding wall in front of the right, retracted his head into the shadows. He came here to invite Jiang Xiaoguo to watch the fencing competition next weekend, and let her witness it How fast he is progressing, and by the way, give Duan Jiabao some snacks. After all, the situation of the siblings has reversed. The younger brother has 2,000 living expenses per month, and the older sister has 1,000 monthly living expenses. With Duan Jiabao's previous spending habits, he is really worried that she will be hungry Stomach, but did not expect to hit this scene.

Unexpectedly, he was not forced, but sacrificed himself to feed a tiger.

Why should she sacrifice herself for Luo Yan, if she was hugged by that scum today, tomorrow she might not be hugged but slept.


Duan Zhenyu didn't block Jiang Xiaoguo, but Liang Shuang blocked Lin Yue.

"You stop."

Several boys passing by heard her shouting and looked over. After finding out that she was a beautiful woman, they couldn't help but look at Lin Yue more, guessing their relationship in their hearts.

Lin Yue ignored her and continued walking forward.

"I told you to stop."

He still pretended not to hear.

"Go any further, believe it or not, I'll go to 616 and smash the door."

Lin Yue stopped.

The boy who looked back at the two of them three steps before also stopped, and seemed surprised by her boldness and directness. You must know that it is eight or nine o'clock in the evening, and a beautiful girl ran to the boys' dormitory and smashed the door. If it happened, it would be Big news in school.

Fortunately, there are no students from the Department of Tourism Management here. If there were, they would definitely be surprised.

That Liang Banhua, who walks with wind and looks forward to the aloofness, will sometimes pester boys from the same school? You must know that when she rejected a boy who put roses and candles in the shape of a heart downstairs in the girls' dormitory when she was in her sophomore year, she said that she didn't like boys of her own age because they were too naive.

"Do you know, I've been waiting for you here for half an hour."

Lin Yue frowned, walked over, took her wrist and walked towards the playground, finding a place where no one was there to let go.

"What are you doing? Are you crazy about drinking?"

Liang Shuang was stunned when she heard the words. She did drink, because there is a saying that wine is strong and cowardly. For more than three years, she has been running the personality of the high-cold goddess. Zhuo's rich second-generation contacts are also arrogant and pretentious. It wasn't until after the two broke up that they reflected on themselves a little bit. There are still some things... She doesn't know whether to describe it as shyness or embarrassment. Anyway, she bought a can of beer and drank it after part-time work. I always feel that this kind of behavior shows that I care too much about him. If I want to talk about it, I should ask for it openly. I should question and question, I should curse and curse.

"Let me ask you, what do you mean by what you did in Yifang Tiandi this afternoon? Did you deliberately humiliate me?"

Lin Yue said, "Is this important?"

"Important, very important."

"Well, it's an insult to you."

"What does it mean?"

"Even if it's just to make you feel better, it's a perfunctory answer, similar to the phenomenon that after a man and a woman break up, some licking dogs always ask the other party if he loved him or not, and he was loved by the answer."

"You say I'm a dog licker?"

"Isn't it?" Lin Yue said: "In order to make me look good, proudly say that I can become an Internet celebrity without my help, in order to maintain the personality of Gao Leng, and say in front of my roommates that I have done a good job, In the end, she went to Yifang Tiandi to be a push girl, and after Jiang Xiaoguo and I found out, she became furious and asked me to explain to you, Liang Shuang, didn't you realize that you are more and more concerned about my opinion of you. "

Liang Shuang told him he was stupid, but thinking about it, he really was, even though he didn't want to admit it from the bottom of his heart.

She couldn't figure out why this was happening.

One of Neptune's routines is to mobilize emotions and heartbeat relationship. For example, I originally made an appointment to go to the woman’s house for dinner, but most men go there after shopping. When I heard the knock on the door, I thought it was a delivery man, but when I opened the door and saw that it was my boyfriend, I felt different immediately.

After exposing Chen Zhuo's old background at the hot pot restaurant, Jiang Xiaoguo told her that he liked her, and then reversed the character design on the night of the TOPNIGGT riot, and asked her to chase him back, and then all kinds of things happened in Yifangtiandi, Liang Shuang's emotions fluctuated constantly. Change, the more thought you put into it, the more sensitive and caring you will naturally become.

Of course, Lin Yue would not tell her about such things.

"Liang Shuang, aren't you tired of carrying it like this all the time? You owe a lot of money by going to be an anti-personal push girl?"

Thinking about the numbers on the credit card and loan, she did push the little girl for money, but the arrogance in her stock made her difficult, and she was too embarrassed to give in, not to mention he just described her as "dog licking".

"My journey as a fashion blogger has encountered some setbacks, but they are all temporary. I just lack a suitable opportunity."

"If you ask for help, you must have the attitude of asking for help. You come to the boys' dormitory to block me with the excuse of asking for an explanation? Hehe, you are still deceiving yourself and others in front of me. Is there any point in doing this?"

"You...you say this...what do you mean?"

She was in a panic, the panic of being told what was on her mind.

PS: Happy New Year, I wish you all peace and happiness in the new year.

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