Lin Yue said, "Did you hear the conversation I had with Ouyang Yushuang in Yifangtiandi?"

" know I'm following you?"

"That's right."

Liang Shuang's mentality was a little bit broken. Originally, she came here to ask for an explanation. She acted a bit like a dog. Unexpectedly, Lin Yue knew that she was following the two of them in Yifangtiandi and eavesdropping on his conversation with Ouyang Yushuang. This... The character design also collapsed.

Lin Yue sighed, took out a card from his pocket and threw it to her: "I will give you a chance to prove yourself. If you make this call tomorrow, they will have a special person to receive you."

"What's this?"

"The business card of the general manager of Haoru Xinghai Internet Celebrity Brokerage Company."

Liang Shuang looked at the card in his arms with mixed feelings.

She did come here with a sense of utilitarianism, and she didn't simply want to ask him for an explanation. She had given up hope when it came to this point. After all, she had also seen the way Lin Yue talked to Luo Yan and Duan Jiabao. You're welcome.

However, unexpectedly, not only did he not continue to taunt, but he also agreed to help her without making any additional demands.

"Thank you."

Lin Yue waved his hand and turned to move forward.

"Wait." Liang Shuang called to stop him.

"Any thing else?"

"What is the relationship between you and Jiang Xiaoguo?"

As far as she came to block Lin Yue, there were three purposes in total. First, she felt that his behavior in One World was too much. She was offended, so she came to ask for an explanation, and complained badly; Help him get some resources in the entertainment industry, even if he doesn't have the treatment like Ouyang Yushuang, it's good to find a few second- and third-rate stars to add friends and flirtatious fans; the third is to find out what is the relationship between him and Jiang Xiaoguo , What does it mean that he bought Jiang Xiaoguo a mask in front of her.

Now that the first two goals have almost been achieved, there is only the last one left, which is also the one that confuses her the most.

Lin Yue said: "I told you to chase me, but if you don't chase me, wouldn't it be okay for others to chase me? Liang Shuang, aren't you... you are too lenient?"

After saying that, he ignored her, turned around and walked towards the boys' dormitory.

Jiang Xiaoguo is chasing him?

When she came to her senses, Lin Yue had already walked farther and farther away in the night light diluted by the street lights.

Liang Shuang looked at the card in his hand, calmed down, and followed him to the dormitory.

When she returned to the dormitory, Jiang Xiaoguo and Duan Jiabao had just returned, and the three of them almost entered the dormitory.

Luo Yan was originally on the phone on the balcony, but when she heard someone open the door, she hurriedly said goodbye and hung up the phone, quite panicked.

"Stone, have you eaten? If you haven't eaten, here are some snacks."

Duan Jiabao shook the convenience bag, which contained snacks from Duan Zhenyu, including Snickers bars, baked bun slices, soda biscuits and matcha-flavored mochi, all hard goods that can withstand hunger.

"I have already eaten."

Luo Yan walked into the room.

"what are you eating?"

"Rice and fried eggs."

Duan Jiabao stared at her for a few times, but found no sign of lying. It seemed that he really had a good dinner.

"Dabao, why did you go out for so long?"

"Oh, I went to find Duan Zhenyu, he bought these snacks for me."

Duan Jiabao glanced at Jiang Xiaoguo when he said this. According to the agreement, she did not reveal the little secret between the two of them, because Jiang Xiaoguo not only refused to let her speak, but also asked her to distance herself as before, saying that she was afraid that Lin Yue would find out , Let the big plan of sacrificing one's life for righteousness fall short.

"Then I'm going to bed, good night."

Luo Yan walked towards her bed without even looking at Jiang Xiaoguo.

At this time, Liang Shuang, who had been sitting in front of the desk for a while, spoke.

"Jiang Xiaoguo, I heard that you are chasing Lin Yue?"

Luo Yan, who was crawling to the bed, stopped, Duan Jiabao, who was about to enter the bathroom, did not, and Jiang Xiaoguo, who had just turned on the computer to write materials, turned her head and looked at Liang Shuang who raised this sensitive question with a look of astonishment.

"Ah... yes."

What did Jiang Xiaoguo and Duan Jiabao say? It can't be denied now, let alone Liang Shuang knows that she accompanied Lin Yue to a world.

"Isn't this the mask that Lin Yue gave me? The skin tightening one was bought from your colleague."

Liang Shuang went to sell facial masks?

Good guy, another big melon.

Duan Jiabao and Luo Yan felt that their brains were not enough.

As for Liang Shuang, she could hear the sarcasm in Jiang Xiaoguo's words, and she was furious.

"Jiang Xiaoguo, I remember you seem to have said that the person he likes is me, and now you are so rushing after me, if you are rejected, it will be so embarrassing."

"Whether I can chase him or not, and whether I can catch up with him, is my business. What does it have to do with you? It's good intentions, you should worry about yourself, think about how to pay back the borrowing and spending, by the way, should you Let me introduce some clients to you, Sister Shuang?"



Duan Jiabao and Luo Yan looked at each other in blank dismay. Why did the conversation between these two people sound a bit jealous?

"Sister Shuang, what happened today?"

"How do I know, sleep!" Luo Yan got off her bed with a cold face, thinking about the ethical problem of Jiang Xiaoguo chasing Lin Yue, and what her mother should do.

Duan Jiabao looked at this and that, until Liang Shuang glared at her fiercely and said, "If you can't get in, I'll get in if you don't", then he reacted, and quickly opened the bathroom door and walked in.


in a few days.

Jiang Xiaoguo happily came to the office building where Puling Capital was located, carrying her 17,000 bag.



It could be seen that she was very happy, saying hello to anyone who looked familiar, even if the person was not on the same floor as her.

In fact, she was not happy for herself, but for Luo Yan, because the red-haired girl found a job in a travel agency called Spring International Travel. According to the information on the Internet, the scale is not small, and it has domestic and international travel projects.

She remembered that Duan Jiabao threw the half-eaten instant noodles into the trash can a week ago, and when she got up to clean up the next morning, she found that the bag was empty when she went to take out the trash. If she had to ask who would take out half a piece of instant noodles, she would definitely not It would be her, as would Duan Jiabao, otherwise he wouldn't have thrown it away. Liang Shuang wouldn't even eat dinner, let alone touch food thrown away by others, so Luo Yan could only be the most suspicious person.

With Luo Yan's personality, of course she would not borrow money from a traitor like her, and she was too embarrassed to ask Duan Jiabao who was "in trouble", what could she do? Tighten your belt and borrow money to survive, hungry to the point where you have to pick out instant noodles thrown in the trash can by others, you can imagine how miserable it is.

Now that she has found a job, at least her life can be greatly improved, which is of course something worth celebrating.

"Jiang Xiaoguo."

"Hey, why are you here?"

As soon as he stopped in the elevator room, he heard a familiar male voice behind him. When he looked back anxiously, he found that it was Lin Yue.

"I'm here to apply."


After two months, did this swinger finally think of finding something serious to do? Although his previous "not doing business properly" ordinary people can't do it at all.


The elevator doors open.

Several people filed in.

After the others finished pressing the number corresponding to the floor where her company was located, Jiang Xiaoguo turned to look at him and said, "What floor?"

Lin Yue said indifferently: "25."


She was taken aback because there was only one company on the 25th floor: "Puling Capital?"

Lin Yue said, "Is there a problem?"

Big problem.

"are you joking?"

"Do you think I look like I'm joking?" Lin Yue said, "Could it be that you are in Puling and I can't apply for the position here?"

This can only fool a three-year-old child.


Lin Yue whispered, "It's not what? Don't force me to let you call me a good brother in front of your colleagues."

Jiang Xiaoguo was suddenly dumb, and looked at him through gritted teeth.

It's over.

The good times are coming to an end.

As far as this guy's virtue is concerned, is there anyone who doesn't go crazy wherever he goes? Fortunately, on the way back from Beijing, she was still wondering what kind of sparks would be created when he collided with Zhou Xun, but she didn't expect that day's imaginary would soon come true.

No, he must be stopped, and he must not be allowed to enter Puling.

PS: As the end of the year is approaching, I need to get up early for personal reasons. The update will be moved to the morning in the future. The anti-theft chapter will be updated at 5 am, and the official content will be replaced at 6 am. You can watch it after getting up after 6 am. This should not affect everyone’s rest and reading. Advance Let everyone know.

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