Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1492 Call Me President Lin (Part 2)

"Zhou... Mr. Zhou..."

Lin Yue was a good brother who grabbed his pigtail, she couldn't afford to offend her, and Zhou Xun was the president of the company, so she couldn't afford to offend her either. Being caught between these two people, let alone how uncomfortable it was.

"Anyway, he has already eaten the cake, eat mine, eat mine."

Jiang Xiaoguo opened the refrigerator and was about to get her own cake when she suddenly froze.

At this time, Lin Yue threw the fork into the paper box containing the cake, and said pointedly: "Zhou Xun, some things seem to belong to you, but they are not."

As if to confirm his statement, Jiang Xiaoguo took out a cake from the refrigerator that was exactly the same as the one Lin Yue ate just now, pointed to it and said, "Boss Zhou, yours is here."

Zhou Xun looked at the things in her hand, and then at the half cake on the cabinet, surprised and embarrassed.

The employees who saw this scene later wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"You... where did you get this cake?" Jiang Xiaoguo clearly remembered that he went upstairs empty-handed, and...

"Didn't I tell you to put the cake on the lower tier? The upper tier is the domain of corporate executives."

Just as Lin Yue was about to open his mouth to speak, two people walked outside, one in his 60s and the other in his 30s.

The latter is Su Hang, and the former, Jiang Xiaoguo offended not long ago, is Su Hang's father and the company's big boss.

"Little Lin, why did you come here?"

"You come here so late, why don't you let me come over to be lazy and have some snacks?"

"Am I late? Oh, really, ten minutes later than the appointed time."

Jiang Xiaoguo looked at this, looked at that, just a few question marks on his forehead, Mr. Su and Lin Yue? How did the two of them meet? Could it be that the recommender he mentioned when he went upstairs was...Old Mr. Su?

Lin Yue blinked at Jiang Xiaoguo: "That's right, because that's my position."


his position?

What do you mean?

Little Gabang stayed where he was.

"Let's go, let's go inside and talk." Mr. Su turned his head and glanced at the onlookers. The group of people who bluffed hurriedly returned to work, pretending to be serious about their work, but it was just a show, and all eyes were on walking together. four people.

Old President Su and Lin Yue were in front, Su Hang and Zhou Xun were behind, Su Hang looked a little embarrassed, Zhou Xun kept a cold face and said nothing.

Jiang Xiaoguo walked back to the work area dumbly, and Li Tianyang said, "Xiaoguo, is that person really your alumni?"

"Ah." She came back to her senses and nodded, "Yes."

"Your alumni have a good relationship with Mr. Su? By the way, how old is he?"

This is also the problem of Amanda, Zhao Tingnan and others, because from the perspective, that person is really too young, at most one or two years older than them.

"I think... about the same as us."

Jiang Xiaoguo smiled very reluctantly, because she was afraid of what would happen. With Lin Yue's character, an intern in the financial field would dare to confront Director Guo. Now that he came to Puling Capital, with the old Mr. Su as his backer, then...

"Don't fight with gods and harm mortals."

"Xiaoguo? What are you talking about?"

"Huh? No."


"Su Hang, what's going on?"

"You may not believe it. When I went to my dad to ask for money, he countered the routine, but I don't know what my dad thinks. He actually found such a young man."

Zhou Xun and Su Hang whispered at the door of the president's office.

"Zhou Xun, Su Hang, why are you staring blankly, come in."

Mr. Su called out from inside, and the two had no choice but to put their minds to rest and walked into the room one after the other.

"Come on, let me introduce you. This is Lin Yue, who will be the CEO of the company in the future." After speaking, he introduced the two people over there to Lin Yue: "My son Su Hang and Zhou Xun, I hope that you will be the CEO of the company in the future." We can work together to achieve brilliance together.”

"I know, I often hear Jiang Xiaoguo talking about the two of you."

"What's your relationship with Jiang Xiaoguo?" Zhou Xun was straightforward.

"She is a graduate of Huanan Finance and Economics, and I am a graduate of Economics, so what do you think is the relationship between us?"

Su Hang thought he had heard wrong, Huanan Finance? Both he and Zhou Xunke are students of Fudan University, and it took him many years of entrepreneurship to achieve their current status. This guy is lucky, a fresh graduate who is not a first-class university, and his father actually arranged for him to be the CEO? It's half a level lower than Zhou Xun, what an international joke.

Mr. Su's arrangement, being a son is not good enough to directly oppose it. Zhou Xun is quick-tempered and straightforward. Even in the face of the chairman, he will not give in on what he thinks is right.

"As a fresh graduate, what qualifications do you have to come to Puling to be the CEO?"

Thinking back to when Jiang Xiaoguo joined Puling as an intern, students who graduated from prestigious schools such as HK University, Tsinghua University, Peking University, Central Finance and Economics, and University of California were caught. Let her notice that they have already been admitted exceptionally, and now they come to South China. Fresh graduates in finance and economics? And the exaggeration is so unacceptable, interns, analysts, assistants, VP, ED, MD, none of them have done it, so they are the CEO?

Don't say that he and Suhang can't accept it, I'm afraid the employees below won't accept it either.

Lin Yue didn't answer the question, it was the old Mr. Su who spoke.

"Aren't you and Su Hang very curious about who pushed the red stubble in the back so that Ding Xifeng could turn around and become Gao Ding's partner? That's right, it was Lin Yue."

"It's him?" Su Hang almost bit his own tongue.

Zhou Xun thought a little more, because Mr. Su answered the question he wanted to ask Jiang Xiaoguo just now. It seemed that she did know the story behind Hongzhuo.

How old is Lin Yue? Since he is a fresh graduate, he is only in his early 20s. What about him? At the age of 34, he has been working in the investment banking field for almost ten years. To actually lose to a fledgling young man in this matter is simply... no one will believe it.

Su Hang said: "Dad, just because of a red stubble... I know he is a talent, but is it too hasty to be directly the CEO of Pu Ling?"

"What's sloppy?" Mr. Su said, "Pu Ling burns out of money, and you'll just run home and cry poorly with me. What about Lin Yue, the crew of "The Legend of Butterfly Love in the Qing Dynasty" is short of money, and the producer asked him to raise two Billion, Sheng Tang Group encountered difficulties in issuing bonds abroad, and he found local connections to help solve it. Tell me, with his vision, communication skills, and professional skills, is he qualified to be the CEO?"

Su Hang and Zhou Xun were stunned, and they really didn't realize that this guy is actually a generalist.

No wonder they have such an idea, like normal fresh graduates, still childish, inexperienced, and poor in business ability, not only need to be guided by veterans, but also have to tolerate their carelessness and mistakes, and all the consequences arising therefrom.

What about Lin Yue?

If what Mr. Su said is true, then this guy... is genius enough? No, it should be said to be a human spirit, the spirit of a goblin.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, animals were not allowed to become spirits, but humans were allowed.

Zhou Xun said: "You can also be the executive president, but I want to hear your thoughts on Puling's investment strategy."

Lin Yue said: "First of all, I don't need to report to you as the CEO, as long as the old President Su and Suhang agree. Secondly, I hate others to test me, because you are not qualified, no matter in terms of experience, age, reputation and status. , are not qualified."

Good guy, Su Hang knew that this father was dissatisfied with Zhou Xun, and he arranged for a CEO just to decentralize the power, but who would have thought that such a thorn would be inserted, this... is it really okay? Maybe Pu Ling will be spoiled by playing with him.

Zhou Xun's face was very ugly. Although his face was always smelly, today it was extremely smelly.

"However, for the face of Mr. Su, I will reluctantly say a few words. I have analyzed the business structure of Puling. Most of your investment targets are Internet companies. In your words, this is called an emerging industry. Mr. Su thinks that Puling’s investment in this area is too high, and some funds should be distributed to traditional industries. I agree with Mr. Su’s suggestion. One of the basic principles of so-called investment is not to put eggs in one basket.”

Zhou Xun scoffed at this, he knew why Mr. Su chose Lin Yue, because these two people could pee in the same pot, but he and Su Hang had another opinion.

"Aren't you convinced?" Lin Yue sneered: "In your view, venture capital is venture capital. If you invest in the right big bowl, drink and eat meat, and if you invest in the wrong one, you can go bankrupt and start over from scratch? This is not called an investor. Call a gambler."

Just like Zhou Xun betting all his net worth on Heboxbuy in the later period of the TV series, this has become almost crazy paranoia. Pu Ling's must be bankrupt.

Mr. Su appears as a relative villain in the play, but from a professional point of view, he is a qualified and stable investor.

"Cut~" Zhou Xun still mocked, thinking that this kind of old-school thinking could not keep up with the situation at all, and that Lin Yue came here because he catered to Mr. Su's wishes.

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