Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1493 I Can Foretell the Future

Lin Yue shook his head, disappointed with this highly respected investment elite in the TV series. Of course, this is to a certain extent the fault of the screenwriter.

"What is the essence of investment? The future. Therefore, we must first have an overall view, or a judgment on the future. There is a saying that history is endlessly reincarnated, and the coming 2019 is like a crossroads. The trade war started. The general trend of decoupling is gradually taking shape. Take the troika that drives the mainland economy, foreign trade, real estate, and infrastructure. If decoupling intensifies, foreign trade will come to a standstill. Even if external conditions improve, it will show a downward trend year by year. The rise will cause closed companies to move to Southeast Asia and other countries. Once the supply chain reshaping is completed, you should know how it will affect export companies.”

"Besides, real estate, the engine that drives the development of this pillar industry is population. Judging from the current data, the downward trend has become and is unstoppable. Without the support of population, urbanization will gradually end, and real estate will also meet in the next few years. Come dusk. There is only one of the troikas driving the economy. What can be used to maintain economic growth? Similarly, the Internet industry has been booming for two decades. What is it relying on? Demographic dividends, once the population shrinks, with the decline in the number of users , the Internet economy will stagnate, and the downturn in the real economy will eventually be transmitted to the Internet industry, which will make things worse. The technological innovation that can improve the upcoming economic downturn is either artificial intelligence or new energy. , the former develops slowly while the latter develops faster. If the latter is the one that brings about a wave of economic tide, although the Internet economy will not collapse, it will definitely deteriorate. The Internet bubble will most likely be detonated, so you and Suhang The recognized emerging industry has actually reached a turning point from prosperity to decline. Under such a complicated situation, if you don’t want to change your investment strategy, what do you think about investing in Internet companies? A qualified investor needs What you need is not only experience, but also a keen political sense, a profound historical accumulation, a clear sense of reality, a calm and wise mind, and a little bit of luck. Unfortunately, you don’t have many of these things.”

bang bang~

Before Su Hang and Zhou Xun spoke, the old Mr. Su applauded first.

"I lost a red stubble, and a rare talent came. This time I earned it. Next time I meet the old king of Gaoding, let's see how he can show off his power to me. Okay, let's do it like this today, I have something to do in a while, so I'm leaving first."

Lin Yue said, "Old President Su, let me see you off."


Mr. Su got up and walked outside, and Lin Yue followed him to see him off.

After the two left, Su Hang looked at Zhou Xun and said, "This guy... is hard to deal with."

Even if he didn't say this, Zhou Xun knew that the new CEO was difficult to deal with.

He turned and walked outside.

"What are you going to do?"

"Ask Jiang Xiaoguo to inquire about this guy's situation."

"It's time to inquire."

Is it human to have such a consciousness at a young age, and it is impossible to refute him to Zhou Xun? Goblins.

Lin Yue saw off old Mr. Su and was about to go back to his office to do some pre-inauguration preparations when his cell phone rang. He picked it up and frowned.

He thought he could last for a while, counted with his fingers, a week? So let's quit?


Lin Yue didn't go back to Pu Ling, but got into a taxi from the office building.

It was already half an hour later when the car arrived at Haoru Xinghai MCN.

After scanning the QR code with his mobile phone to pay the bill and getting off the car, he went straight to the general manager's office and tapped it with his hand.

boom boom boom~


Press down on the doorknob and push it hard, the door opens, and on the opposite side are Wu Xiaofei, the general manager of MCN, who is as vast as Xinghai, and Liang Shuang, who is sitting on the opposite side of the desk with a cold face.

"Manager Wu, you called me over in such a hurry, what happened?"

Wu Xiaofei said, "Ask her yourself."

Lin Yue looked at Liang Shuang.

"I want to be a fashion blogger, but they actually arranged for me to sell some ham."

It can be seen that she is very wronged, and there is a trace of anger, thinking that she has been deceived.

"To be honest, I have endured it for several days, and today I really can't bear it anymore."

Lin Yue said: "Mr. Wu, I want to hear your opinion on this matter."

"Brother Lin, before I called you, my agent and I have worked with her several times, but... well, it doesn't make sense, she has good qualifications, but she sits in front of the camera, not with a straight face Just reading the manuscript with a blank face, this kind of perfunctory attitude, no one would like it. Just now when she came into the office, she wanted to terminate the contract without saying a word, I advised her to think about it again, she said no, today must terminate the contract, I She said that everything is according to the contract. If you want to leave, you must pay a liquidated damages of 200,000 yuan. She said yes, but you have to owe it first. "

Lin Yue walked up to Liang Shuang, looked at the woman who was filled with righteous indignation, completely unaware of her mistake, and said, "Do you really want to terminate the contract?"

"That's right."

Her attitude was very determined, her eyes were like lightning, and her hands on her knees were clenched into fists.

"Okay." To her surprise, Lin Yue did not persuade her to give up, and looked directly at Wu Xiaofei with his hands on the table: "Terminate the contract with her."

"Then the liquidated damages..."

"I'll give it to her."

Liang Shuang thought he heard it wrong. After a while, his iceberg-like face began to loosen. Looking at the man's face less than a foot away from him, he felt a little complicated: "Where did you get so much money?"

"You don't have to worry about it." Lin Yue said, "I will transfer the money to your company's account at the latest this evening."

When Wu Xiaofei heard this, he felt a little embarrassed. After all, he had helped him before, so he raised his finger that was originally flat on the table inward: "Brother Lin, I'm sorry, but I can't help it."

Lin Yue had a good impression of Mr. Wu, and waved his hand: "In business, you are the general manager of a company, and you must be responsible for the interests of shareholders. Now that the contract is signed, you must follow the rules. Don't feel Excuse me."

After speaking, he picked up the contract in front of him and glanced at Liang Shuang: "Stop sitting still, let's go."

Wu Xiaofei stood up: "I'll see you off."

"Need not."

Lin Yue rejected his offer and took Liang Shuang outside.

"I don't know how to sell ham, my specialty is beauty makeup, and you haven't seen the comments of those wretched men in the live broadcast room, it's just... just..."

"What is it? Ugly? Obscene? Liang Shuang, you should know what you use to attract them. That's right, even Confucius used his lower body to think about his face and figure. Don't you think it's shameless to scold them for their hue?"

At Wu Xiaofei's place just now, Lin Yue spoke for her and paid the liquidated damages, which moved her very much and made her feel a little guilty. Who knew that when she came out, she was told like this, and she suddenly felt unbalanced: "Is this my fault? ? What I want to be is a fashion internet celebrity, not a ham girl."

"Fashion Internet celebrity? Take that second-tier lipstick queen Lilia as an example. Not only does she frequently attend large and small receptions, she also holds various parties to meet people in the fashion industry. She is very successful on Weibo. An Internet celebrity with millions of fans plagiarizes your idea for an advertisement, how good do you think her financial situation is? Then you know that the one-sister and one-brother live streams in the Taobao Live Studio make a yearly profit of How much? Whether it is a fashion internet celebrity or a ham girl, the ultimate goal is not to make money. Now that the internet celebrity economy has become industrialized, a wayward person like you will either become a roadside monster that not many people care about, or become an old To honestly sign a contract with a company, it depends on whether the other party is willing to spend money to support you. You have no power, no power, no resources, and you want to make money from your hobbies, how can there be such a good thing in the world.”

"Yes, I have resources." She stopped in front of the gate: "I'm pretty."

Lin Yue also stopped in front of the door, and suddenly slapped him.


A very crisp slap sounded.

Liang Shuang was staggered and stared blankly at him with an expression of disbelief.

He... actually hit her.

Lin Yue said: "Does it hurt? That's right, the businessman is willing to give you a chance, either because your beauty can bring him commercial benefits, or because you are greedy for your body. If you take this as willful capital, sooner or later There will be a big fall. I hope you can understand that not everyone likes you and will tolerate your willfulness infinitely."


At this moment, an SUV slammed to a stop in front of the door, and the trident logo on the front was a little dazzling in the sun.

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