Lin Yue squinted his eyes when he saw the people getting off the car, what a coincidence.

It's Chen Zhuo, Liang Shuang's ex-boyfriend.

"Liang Shuang? Are you okay?"

Chen Zhuo hurried over to help her up, making sure she was just slapped, and then rushed towards Lin Yue angrily, and slapped her with a big mouth.

It doesn't matter if you are really angry or just pretending, can the physique of the rich second-generation young master beat Lin Yue?

The opposing palm came first, and slapped him heavily on the face.


The strength is much heavier than that of Liang Shuang just now.

Chen Zhuo took several strides back, covering the left side of his face and looking at the young man standing at the door with resentment.

If he was dizzy just now, but now he is sober, facing a young man in his early twenties who is 1.8 meters tall, if he really wants to fight, it is impossible for a man in his thirties to take advantage of him.

Liang Shuang finally came to his senses and did something that Chen Zhuo couldn't understand. She pushed him aside abruptly.

"This is a matter between me and him, and you don't need to worry about it."

"Liang Shuang, what are you talking about?" Chen Zhuo was a little confused. Just now he saw that guy slapped her in the car, and he came to help her out, but he was also slapped. Leave him alone? What was she thinking, confused by that slap?

At this time, the vast number of employees heard the movement at the door, and came out one after another, looking at the two men and a woman at the door with puzzled faces, wondering what they were doing, and a few who recognized Liang Shuang were whispering there. , muttering in a low voice, but did not step forward to check, which shows that her popularity in the company is not good.

Lin Yue looked back, and shook his head slightly when he heard those gloating words.

"Liang Shuang, I shouldn't have come to help you out. I didn't expect you to ask Chen Zhuo for help. Also, what is this two hundred thousand to him?"

Leaving this sentence behind, he walked towards the intersection ahead, waving on the way, and a taxi drove away from the main road and approached.

Only then did Liang Shuang realize what Lin Yue meant.

He thought Chen Zhuo was called by her.

"I didn't, don't go."

Liang Shuang wanted to chase her, but at this moment Chen Zhuo suddenly grabbed her wrist: "Liang Shuang, this kind of man who beats even women, why are you chasing him?"

Being stopped by him, she could only watch Lin Yue close the car door, talk to the driver, the car merged into the main road with a whine, and drove away quickly.

"Liang Shuang..."

"Go away."

Liang Shuang broke free from Chen Zhuo's grasp: "If you don't chase him, how about looking for you, a scumbag with two legs?"

"I broke up with Yang Ye, come back to me, okay?" Chen Zhuo pointed to the star-like signboard behind and said, "Don't you want to be an Internet celebrity? For this reason, I set up a company to package you ,recommend you."

"Who wants your packaging and recommendations."

Liang Shuang pushed him hard and walked towards the intersection ahead.

Chen Zhuo didn't expect to be rejected so flatly by her. Looking at the crowd pointing at the door, he was a little bit hesitant to get off the stage, but after his face changed a few times, he got into the car and leaned towards Liang Shuang who was walking on the curb. .

"Liang Shuang, I really broke up, you trust me, trust me, okay?"

"As long as you return to my side, I promise that everything will be at your command from now on."

"Didn't you say you don't like your peers? What's so good about him?"



Jiang Xiaoguo didn't know what happened between Liang Shuang and Lin Yue, Duan Jiabao didn't know, and Luo Yan didn't know either.

But there is one thing they know, this guy has become the CEO of Puling Capital.

This is as unimaginable as the people around you who won the 5 million prize.

In Luo Yan's words, why.

Duan Zhenyu's opinion on this matter is whether he has settled for another middle-aged woman and relied on women to get to the top.

Jiang Xiaoguo was a little displeased with this statement, and scolded the primary school chicken.

In fact, she was quite afraid, because what she said was not unreasonable. If Lin Yue could encourage Luo Yan's lawyer mother to sever ties with her daughter, then other professional women who are more emotional in comparison, I am afraid it is not a problem, and this guy has become the executive president. On the second day after that, he was absent from work for no reason, which made Zhou Xun look like a donkey, displeased everyone, and I don’t know why he couldn’t think about it so much. Rationally speaking, it’s good that the person is not here, and it’s very good if he is there. It may hinder him and Suhang in some matters.

Liang Shuang searched for the boys' dormitory for a whole week, every day, so that Feng Xianghong, Tang Yuzhe and others were dressed neatly every day, for fear that she would suddenly kill her one day and expose something that shouldn't be exposed.

They couldn't figure it out, why did the boys in the tourism management department come here again and again to find someone who was an arrogant and glamorous class girl? They took the trouble to tell her that there was something wrong with Lin Yue's family and that they were going back to the Northeast. It would take half a month. It would be a month before she came back, why didn't she listen, and forced Tan Sifei to call him.

What happened to these two people? What did Liang Shuang think, even if he was chasing Xueba brother, he didn't have to work so hard, right?

As a person with rich experience in love, Feng Xianghong gave her a piece of advice, don't push too hard on emotional matters, otherwise it will backfire, and the result? Fart useless.

How did they know that it would be great if the two of them were boyfriend and girlfriend, but because they were not boyfriend and girlfriend, but... how should I put it, some complicated friendship, she was so anxious, anxious to explain to him that Chen Zhuo went to Haoru that day Xinghai, it really wasn't her who sent her there.

Things between a man and a woman are sometimes very strange. Originally, Lin Yue hit her and should be angry, but the situation was completely reversed, and she became the one who begged for forgiveness.

Yes, Lin Yue paid her a liquidated damages of 200,000 yuan, but in Sister Shuang's eyes, the kindness of 200,000 yuan was far less important than Lin Yue's misunderstanding. , she became more and more crazy, but for Chen Zhuo, she had never behaved like this, even after knowing Yang Ye's existence, she just got drunk and threw Chen Zhuo aside.

The relationship between not going up and down, the mood of not going up and down, and unclear misunderstandings, it was as if there was a rope hanging her in mid-air, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

One day in late November.

Liang Shuang walked towards the elevator with panicked and amazed eyes in the corridor of the boys' dormitory building.

Her face stinks.

She also knew that her face stinks.

Her character design was in a mess, and she even asked Jiang Xiaoguo with Duan Jiabao's questioning eyes if Lin Yue had contacted Pu Ling's people, and was ridiculed by Yin Yang.

It's been ten days, ten days have passed, and that guy hasn't come back yet.

"Lin Yue, if you don't reply, believe it or not, I will go to work in Chen Zhuo's company."

After sending this wechat message, she looked at the dialog box that was green to the top, stomped her feet angrily, and walked into the elevator.


Luo Yan has been in the Spring and Autumn International Travel Service for more than half a month, and has gone on missions with some experienced team leaders three or four times. She is quite familiar with the Shenzhen-Huangshan travel route.

In fact, she doesn't want to be a tour guide, because it's too tiring to run outside all day, and her favorite thing for three years in college is to stay in the dormitory, watch new fans and play games. The ability to deal with people is basically 0, no, it should be said to be negative, but There is no way. According to the manager, there is no shortage of other positions in the company for the time being. Why don't she work as a tour guide first, and then find a planning position for her after a while.

"Huang Xun, you and Luo Yan are on the same team."

"Manager, can I change it?"

"Then Cao Feng, come here."

"I don't."



No one is willing to go out with her on a mission, yes, colleagues are unwilling to be her partner even if they have a bye.

The manager Xu Tingjian was so angry that he turned around in circles.

"Luo Yan, come with me to the office."

After saying this, he turned around and went up to the second floor.


Luo Yan responded sullenly, walked up the stairs step by step with a nervous mood, pushed open the door of the office, and walked to the vermilion desk.


Xu Tingjian said straight to the point: "Luo Yan, do you know why everyone is unwilling to form a team with you?"

Thank you for the 1,500 starting coins that I want to return to the vulgar, the 200 starting coins from your social brother Z, and the 100 starting coins that Da Chu A tipped.

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