Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1496: The Fall of Liang Shuang (Part 2)


The doorbell rang softly, the car opened, and Chen Zhuo and Liang Shuang walked out.

Facing you is the background wall of the "Excellent Broker X Star Show Night" event. Slender and sexy women in bright clothes are posing in various poses. Next to you is a photographer with a SLR camera who keeps pressing the shutter, clicking, Snapping photos.

A little farther away is the welcome desk, where two blond and blue-eyed girls are discussing something with the people behind. Diagonally opposite, there are various pastries, fruits, side dishes, and various drinks on the dining table covered with white cloth.

"Okay, stop thinking about it." Chen Zhuo said: "Today, I will temporarily add a session. I will introduce you to the guests and reporters. As long as you start well and become famous, you only need to think about it in the future. Are there any resources?"

Liang Shuang didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

"Go and take pictures. I'll meet some clients first and talk about business matters. Later, my assistant Xiao Qiang will take you around for a visit." Chen Zhuo left after saying this.

Liang Shuang took a few photos in front of the background wall, and then signed at the welcome desk. A woman in a formal suit came over and said that her name was Dong Qiang, and she was Chen Zhuo's assistant, who was responsible for receiving her.

After the two chatted for a few words, she followed Dong Qiang into the venue, walked around casually, and then entered the backstage lounge on the grounds that walking in high heels was a bit tired.

Sitting down on the sofa, she took out her mobile phone, looked at the friend's business card on the screen, and sighed softly. She wanted to delete the person when she took the elevator, but gave up at the last moment.

"Let's drink coffee."

Dong Qiang put a cup with golden patterns on the coffee table.

Liang Shuang nodded and said "thank you".

"Miss Liang, in all fairness, our Mr. Chen is very kind to you. The company has signed dozens of artists. Only you, Mr. Chen will introduce you individually. To put it bluntly, they are all green leaves to set off your flower. .”

Dong Qiang smiled and said good things about Chen Zhuo, and glanced at Liang Shuang from time to time, as if she wanted to read some information from her facial expressions, such as her relationship with Chen Zhuo.

Liang Shuang forced a smile as a response to the above remarks.

She couldn't figure it out, wasn't this what she always wanted, to be an internet celebrity, to be an entertainer, to eat fashionable food, to buy nice clothes, nice shoes, new bags, these things are now at your fingertips, why are you not happy at all? When she woke up, it seemed that the bastard ignored her, and everything around her was meaningless.

He was obviously slapped, but he didn't remember to hate him, and even kept telling himself that he hated iron but not steel. In order to let her recognize the reality, she would no longer act willfully and kindly. Help her pay 200,000 liquidated damages. And this is not the first time he has done this kind of thing. Didn't this kind of thing happen when he had hot pot with Duan Zhenyu and others?

Yes, the words are ugly, but the essence is for her good.

On the other hand, Chen Zhuo always coaxes her when there is a conflict, regardless of right or wrong, coaxing without principle, but it makes her feel... She doesn't know what words to use to describe it, doesn't she feel? weak-minded? Still unmanly?

"Miss Liang, Miss Liang..."


Dong Qiang's voice woke her up: "What's wrong?"

"I've checked the process with the staff, and I'm going to be on stage in ten minutes. Do you want to prepare, touch up makeup or something?"

"Huh? So fast?"

"Not so fast, you've been posting for almost half an hour, and the coffee is cold."

She looked down, and sure enough, she found that the cup she was holding in her palm was out of heat, and the minute hand on the dial of the watch had rotated nearly half a circle when it came in.

It took so long to stay there.

Thinking that a person will even ignore time, not really...

She didn't dare to think about it anymore, although she should have realized this problem long ago.

"I... I'm going to touch up my makeup."

Liang Shuang forced himself not to think about it, turned around and walked into the dressing room inside.

five minutes later.

Dong Qiang pushed open the door: "Miss Liang, are you ready?"

Liang Shuang nodded.

"Then let's go, it's your turn to be on stage soon."


She took a deep breath, walked out of the lounge accompanied by Dong Qiang, opened the door leading to the venue, faced the camera in the reporter's hand and the eyes of the audience on the chairs, and walked to the middle of the stage.

Chen Zhuo stood less than two feet away from her holding the microphone, and smiled when he saw her coming up.

"Guests, here I would like to introduce Ms. Liang Shuang to you grandly. She is a newly signed artist of our company and an artist I am very optimistic about. I hope that in the coming days, she can meet my expectations. Contribute excellent works to the company, and I hope that everyone sitting here will look at my face, Chen Zhuo, to take care of and help more, and give the company's artists a better space for development and opportunities to realize their self-worth."


There was warm applause from the audience.

Chen Zhuo was very satisfied with this process, and after the applause paused, he handed the microphone to Liang Shuang: "Then, next, Ms. Liang Shuang, the artist representative of our company, will say a few words to everyone."

When Dong Qiang introduced the event process before, she showed her a speech. The content was not long, and the general meaning was that as a newcomer, I hope that the seniors in the audience and elites from all walks of life can help me a lot. You can memorize the manuscript, or you can do it according to your own ideas, as long as it is not too bad.

Liang Shuang shook the microphone, looked at the heads of the people in the audience, and said that she was not nervous, but she was more frustrated than nervous, because the person still didn't contact her.

Just before going on stage, she was still thinking that as long as he called, even if Chen Zhuo would become furious and make her pay the price, he would not hesitate to release the pigeons of the rich second generation, because life can be avoided, but her own mood can't.


"Hi everyone, my name is Liang Shuang, I'm..."

As soon as the conversation started, before I even introduced myself, I noticed a commotion in the corner. It seemed that two staff members were pushed away. One was wearing a long sweater coat, black leggings and high-heeled shoes. A woman carrying a Gucci handbag rushed onto the stage.

Chen Zhuo was stunned, and subconsciously called out the person's name: "Yang Ye?"

"Chen Zhuo, what do you mean?" Yang Ye looked at Liang Shuang, then at his fiancé, and slapped him directly.


The voice is loud and crisp.

"When she came to me three months ago, I felt that something was wrong. You told me that she was a staff member sent by a cooperative company. She fell in love with you for some reason and insisted on being with you. You I rejected it many times, until I showed her our engagement ring. I believed your explanation and chose not to care. You, for the past two months, have been urging me to continue studying, and you said you like culture A high-level woman, I listened to you more than half a month ago and went back to the United States to study for a master's degree, and this is how you rewarded me?"

Liang Shuang said, "Chen Zhuo, didn't you say you broke up with her? What's going on?"

"This this……"

Chen Zhuo looked at this, looked at that, suddenly one head and two big, he never thought that things would turn out like this, isn't Yang Ye studying for a master's degree at Columbia University? Why did you suddenly return home? Moreover, she has never been interested in the company's business, so why didn't she call in advance and come directly to the venue to block him?

Unless...someone called her back from America.

He glanced down, the staff had already stopped, and they were staring blankly at the stage together with the guests. No one thought that this kind of thing would happen in the star show night of Excellence Brokerage Company. The original partner came on stage to catch the mistress? It's really explosive. This Mr. Chen is really a dog. He tricked his fiancée to study in the United States. He spent a lot of time playing with women in China. The life of the rich is really rotten.

Chen Zhuo was not in the mood to care what those people thought, because he saw a face.

A face that left a deep impression on him.

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