Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1497 President Lin is not what you can chase after you want

It was this face that once slapped him at the gate of Haoru Xinghai, and it was this face that gave him the frustration of "I lick her, she licks him". He thought he would use the brokerage company to win back Liang Shuang, but in the end it was He won by himself, but he didn't expect that guy to be such an idiot, he actually played a trick, went to the United States to get Yang Ye back, and even held an annual show for him at a critical moment.


He really wanted to curse.

"Chen Zhuo, are you dumb? Tell me, today I want you to tell me in front of everyone, including your parents, whether to choose her or me?"

Yang Ye's voice woke him up, only then did he notice that not only Yang Ye had come, but also two people standing at the door, they were his father and mother.

It's over, this time I really lost my face to grandma's house.

Liang Shuang and Yang Ye.

If you have to choose one, the answer is obvious, the latter!

First of all, the Yang family and the Chen family are well-matched, and Yang Ye is a graduate of Columbia University, and her parents have already recognized her existence. Chen Zhuo knows very well that everything is given by her parents now. It's a sad day.

Just when he was about to speak, Liang Shuang made a move first, dropped the microphone in his hand, and ran down the stage very simply.

"Lin Yue, stop for me."

While shouting, she took off the high heels she was wearing, held them in her hands and chased after a figure walking towards the exit.

This... what's the situation?

The guests on the stage looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding the relationship between these people.

Not to mention that Chen Zhuo was having a hard time facing the current situation, Liang Shuang chased to the elevator, just in time for the car door to close, the two lines of sight met in the air and were blocked by the rapidly narrowing door panel.

Liang Shuang pressed the down button of the elevator a few times in a row, looked at the panels beside and behind him, knew that there was no time, so he gritted his teeth, plunged into the next stairwell, and ran down barefoot.

There was only one thought in her mind, stop him, or God knows how long it will take for this guy to disappear.

Pata~ Pata~ Pata~

The dull footsteps echoed in the stairwell.

When the "1F" sign came into view, she slammed open the half-covered door and rushed into the lobby panting heavily. After looking around for half a circle, her eyes fixed on the person who was walking towards the gate five meters away.

"You stop!"

Her shout immediately attracted everyone's attention, wondering what happened to the panting, barefoot beauty.

At this moment, Liang Shuang couldn't care less about thinking about whether his behavior was inappropriate, so he rushed to catch up with Lin Yue's wrist and grabbed the area behind him.

"I told you to stop."

"Liang Shuang, are you so interesting?"

"I should ask you this question." Liang Shuang stared at his face, both angry and excited: "If you don't answer your WeChat messages or answer your phone calls, I thought you really didn't care, and you didn't care that I went to find Chen Zhuo. So you went to America to find Yang Ye."

Lin Yue said: "Don't get me wrong, I'm just afraid that you will be fooled."

"Lin Yue! Can you die without being stubborn?"

In Liang Shuang's view, under what circumstances would he go to the other side of the ocean to find a scumbag fiancee and return to China for a showdown? If it's just a general friendship, is it possible to do this? There is also a 200,000 liquidated damages paid to Haoru Xinghai. They obviously cared about dying in their hearts, but they refused to bow their heads and admit defeat on the surface. From this point of view, the two of them have really similar personalities.

The problem now is that if they are all holding up and straightening up, the relationship between the two people is likely to be two parallel lines that are very close but will never intersect. Therefore, one person must be subdued in order to make the relationship go further.

Lin Yue denied it categorically: "Who is being stubborn, no, and also, don't talk about it in the public, so many people are watching."

"I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of." Liang Shuang said: "Well, I admit, so many things have happened, I have already started to like you."

Lin Yue wanted to laugh, this Liang Shuang was a little arrogant even when he was soft.

"But I don't like you."

"Why? You obviously said you liked me."

"A woman like you can go to Chen Zhuo today just to get angry with me, but she may go to someone else to get angry with me in the future. I don't want to be cuckolded."

"I...I just want to provoke you to come out." Liang Shuang sighed: "Well, I did this wrong. I promise you, I will never do such a naive thing again in the future."

Lin Yue glanced at her and continued walking forward.

Liang Shuang became anxious, and grabbed him again: "I've said so, what else do you want?"

Lin Yue said: "Then I will give you a chance to chase me."


From junior high school to university, she was class flower and school flower in school, and became an internet celebrity and beauty in society. If she really wants to release a letter, people who want to be her boyfriend can line up from the girls' dormitory to the east gate, chasing men and so on. It's really hard to accept, and... She doesn't know how to chase men at all.

Lin Yue said, "Aren't I worthy of your pursuit?"

Liang Shuang was stunned for a moment, and then realized a problem.

First of all, Lin Yue is now the executive president of Puring Capital, a 22-year-old financial elite.

Secondly, she owed him two hundred thousand in favor.

Again, not to mention all the previous things, the act of crossing the Pacific Ocean to bring Yang Ye back to expose Chen Zhuo's true face not only moved her, but also made her feel unspeakably guilty.

In the end, Jiang Xiaoguo was also chasing him, and the two of them worked in the same unit. If they really wanted to have a relationship for a long time, there would be no chance to regret it.


next morning.

Luo Yan went to participate in the training for international travel routes. Jiang Xiaoguo was very envious of this, saying that traveling at public expense is really cool. She has never been abroad since she grew up. For a while, she and Duan Jiabao were the only ones left in the dormitory.


"What happened to Liang Shuang?"

Last night when bedtime was approaching, Sister Gao Leng came back suddenly, and she never asked what happened, why didn't she go to live in OCT.

"Look at this."

As the two walked towards the cafeteria, Duan Jiabao showed Jiang Xiaoguo his phone.

When they were in the dormitory, Liang Shuang was staring at them. The two dared not discuss this matter, so they agreed to get up early to have breakfast together and talk about their thoughts.

"Excellent management has a scandal. The general manager concealed the fact that he was married to seduce his female artists."

After reading the title of the article, Jiang Xiaoguo stared into a pair of copper bells: "No wonder Liang Shuang came back, this Chen Zhuo is really a dog who can't change and eats shit."

Duan Jiabao nodded: "He's finished this time, and people all over the country know what good deeds he has done."

"This kind of scumbag, he should let him taste the taste of cyberbullying, otherwise..."

Jiang Xiaoguo stopped here.

Duan Jiabao noticed something strange, turned around and said, "What's wrong?"

"Then... is Liang Shuang?"

"Liang Shuang?"

Duan Jiabao looked at her pointing, and saw Liang Shuang holding a newly bought blue lunch box, pointing at the dishes in the window and talking to Aunt Dafan. Soon, two steamed buns, two glutinous rice chicken, and Two spoonfuls of lean meat porridge were put into the lunch box.

"Hey, doesn't she eat grass for three meals a day? Why is she eating meat and porridge today?"

When the two of them woke up in the morning, they found Liang Shuang washing up in the bathroom. You must know that when she was not working, she would have to take a beauty sleep. Today is the weekend, and she woke up early to have breakfast, which is really abnormal.

"Xiaoguo, do you think she was stimulated... Shall we go and comfort her?"

Jiang Xiaoguo remembered what Duan Jiabao showed her just now, and shook her head firmly, because the last time Liang Shuang broke up with Chen Zhuo and got drunk, the two of them cared about it for a while, but turned back. Donkey Liver and Lung, now that she has encountered the same famous scene as last time, she still thinks it is better to be a melon-eating crowd.

The next scene surprised the two of them. Sister Gao Leng did not take the food to the dining table after finishing the meal. She buckled the lid, stuffed it into the bag, and then turned around and left.

Jiang Xiaoguo and Duan Jiabao looked at each other, wondering what she was going to do.

"Go, go and have a look."

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