Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1498 This fucking wants Versailles?

"Xiao Guo, you are crazy. If she finds out, she will scold us to death." Duan Jiabao couldn't figure out why she insisted on provoking Liang Shuang, that inhuman guy. Could it be that she hasn't had enough of being teased by her in the dormitory? ?

Jiang Xiaoguo didn't speak, lifted the bag on her shoulder, and walked out of the cafeteria behind Liang Shuang.

Duan Jiabao looked at the steaming food, then at the girlfriend who insisted on going his own way, licked his lips, and followed up bravely.

Who told her to beg Jiang Xiaoguo to go to Lili's fan meeting with her, of course she would risk her life to accompany Junzi now.

The two sneakily followed Liang Shuang to No. 6 teaching building in the East District. Seeing Liang Shuang go straight into the front door, Duan Jiabao frowned and said, "What is she doing here?"

"Go, go up and have a look."

"Xiaoguo, you will be found."

Duan Jiabao grabbed her, but instead of stopping her, she dragged her up the stairs.

Following the footsteps above their heads to the third floor, the two of them looked around and found that there was no sign.

Jiang Xiaoguo said, "Look separately."

"Xiao Guo, do you want to do this?" Duan Jiabao really didn't want to do this.

"I've followed you here, are you willing to find out?"

After saying this, Jiang Xiaoguo walked towards the corridor on the right.

Duan Jiabao had no choice but to choose the path on the left and search from room to room.

The exam is less than a month away, and the study room is full of cramped students. Even those who often skip class and play games have begun to put down their playfulness and concentrate on doing exercises and memorizing materials.

Duan Jiabao searched for two classrooms in a row, but found no trace of Liang Shuang. When he approached study room 7, he heard a booing sound coming from inside. He went to the back door to take a look, and was stunned.

"Xiaoguo... Xiaoguo, I... I read it right, right?"


December is the time for final exams and postgraduate exams. Both the self-study room and the library ushered in the peak of "passenger flow". Don't say that you can't get a seat if you arrive late. Even if you follow the normal class time, you have to try your luck. Okay, so Feng Xianghong and Tang Yuzhe dragged Lin Yue over without having breakfast.

It has been more than half a month since he left, and now there is only half a month left before the postgraduate exam. Since he doesn't have to go to work on weekends, of course he can't miss the opportunity to recruit him. Even if it's selfish, he doesn't care about it. Let's talk about passing the exam, even if you treat guests to make amends in the future.

"Here, this is the idea I came up with. Simplify first, reduce the zero factor, propose a factor whose limit is not zero, rationalize the radical, replace the infinitesimal..."

While drawing key points for the two, Lin Yue explained the essentials, raising his head to glance at them from time to time.

Tang Yuzhe kept nodding, humming. Feng Xianghong was normal at first, but gradually lost energy, his stomach growled and his face turned pale.

This guy ordered a piece of sushi last night, eight pieces of salmon in hand, and eight pieces of wasabi cuttlefish warship. Tan Sifei asked him to share two pieces of sushi, but he refused. Secondly, the key is that the stomach is uncomfortable. I ran to the toilet three or four times a night, and I was exhausted. Now I went to the study room to study without eating breakfast. It would be strange if I was in a good state.

"How is it? If you are asked to rest in the dormitory, if you don't rest, you must say that you are fine, and you can't stand it?"

Feng Xianghong waved his hand: "It's okay, I can live with it, just a little hypoglycemia, just go downstairs and buy some snacks later."

Tang Yuzhe said: "I'm a deadhead, can't I study in the dormitory?"

"No." Feng Xianghong said, "Just the two people in dormitory 618, I'm afraid of them."

Needless to say, Lin Yue quite agrees with this point of view, not everyone can concentrate on studying in the dormitory, not to mention that there is no suitable atmosphere, those in 618 are neither looking for jobs, nor taking postgraduate entrance examinations, and they play black and white dramas all day long The guy came over and gave a push, it's strange that these two people can control themselves.

He put his hands in his backpack, and was about to take out the extraordinary farm cookies he bought in the United States from the system space to satisfy his hunger, when a person walked in the front door.

Tang Yuzhe tugged at his sleeves, pouted forward.

Lin Yue looked up and found that it was Liang Shuang.

Some people whispered there: "Why is she here again?"

Some people looked back at him with playful eyes, as if they knew the purpose of her coming here.

You must know that during the half month since Lin Yue left, she didn't just go to the boys' dormitory to block the door, the study room was also one of her goals.




The sound of high heels hitting the floor.

The boy's longing eyes of the girl's jealousy moved backwards with her steps.

"stand up."

A faint, commanding voice sounded.

Tang Yuzhe pushed the glasses frame, and he, who always prided himself on being gentle, stood up abruptly, moved his hand to the seat, and said flatteringly, "Sister Shuang, sit down."

He will always remember Liang Shuang's arrogance when he rolled up the test paper with mock questions printed on it and tapped on the table to ask why the three people in dormitory 616 avoided her. He couldn't help but sweat for Lin Yue, and said in a tone that only he could hear "Sorry, brother, I didn't intend to betray you, I really can't hold this sister's aura."

Feng Xianghong also had the same thought, but he was ready to help his brother block the gun at the critical moment and create a chance for Lin Yue to escape if the problem could not be solved.

Without even saying thank you, she just sat next to Lin Yue, unzipped her backpack, took out the lunch box ignoring everyone's gazes, snapped off the lid and pushed it in front of Lin Yue.

"I don't know what you like, so I picked the best selling thing and picked two. Eat it while it's hot. The taste will change when it's cold."


There are many students from the Department of Tourism Management in the self-study room. When they saw Liang Shuang's performance, they were immediately surprised. When did she raise her head proudly, and Miss Liang, who dismissed suitors of her age, would bring breakfast to others, did she know how to take care of others?

What kind of ecstasy soup did he give her?

Tang Yuzhe and Feng Xianghong were equally speechless. They thought she would have to scold Lin Yue this time when she caught Lin Yue. , The tigress turned into a kitten, and the way she spoke softly made people wonder if she was dreaming.

Lin Yue said: "It's been said that I usually don't eat breakfast. This is a study room and it will disturb others."

Well, the beauty offered her kindness, but he didn't appreciate it.

This... Some people hate it so much that they really want to trample this guy to death.

Liang Shuang raised her head, her beautiful eyes swept across, those who had been stared at by her either turned their heads to continue reading, or smiled and said that they were not in the way and did not bother.

Lin Yue sighed, took the lid of the lunch box with steamed buns and glutinous rice chicken in his hand, and pushed the lean meat porridge underneath to Feng Xianghong: "Here, it nourishes the stomach and relieves hunger."

"This...isn't it good?"

"What's wrong, Sister Shuang is very enthusiastic." Lin Yue raised his head and blinked at Liang Shuang: "Is it?"

Of course not, but she didn't dare to deny it, so she could only smile at Feng Xianghongpi and said, "That's right."

"Then... I won't be polite."

Feng Xianghong stayed overnight last night and didn't eat this morning. He was so hungry that he was so hungry. Now that he has lean meat porridge to drink, he doesn't care about anything else, he just picked it up and poured it into his mouth.

Lin Yue distributed the buns to Tang Yuzhe, and ate two glutinous rice chickens one by one.

After finishing the work, he found that his fingers were stained with oil, and when he felt unwell, Liang Shuang took out a tissue from his bag and handed it to him.

Lin Yue wiped his hands and said, "Aren't you good at taking care of people?"

Liang Shuang said blankly, "I told you I don't know how to chase people, but that's what all the boys who chased me used to do."



Tang Yuzhe swallowed a little faster, almost choking himself to death.

Damn, is this also Versailles?

At this time, Liang Shuang reached into his backpack again, took out two fashion magazines and put them on the desk, as if his old lady would not leave.

"Sister Shuang, you are..."

"There is a stool at the back, you can move it over and squeeze with Feng Xianghong."

"..." Tang Yuzhe opened his mouth, and after ten seconds: "Hey."

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