Duan Jiabao, who witnessed the scene in the study room with his own eyes, was stunned.

"Liang... Liang Shuang is chasing Lin Yue?"

She rubbed her eyes again, to make sure that she was not mistaken, that sister Gao Leng, who always looks beautiful and can do whatever she wants, will have a day of chasing men?

She would never have believed this before, but now, facts speak louder than words.

"Lin Yue is back...he's back..." Jiang Xiaoguo murmured in her ear.

Duan Jiabao said: "Xiao Guo, I think...you should be mentally prepared."

As the saying goes, men chase after women, and women chase after men. A classmate like Liang Shuang chases boys from the same school. If it were her, she would definitely accept it without saying a word.

"But that's fine, as long as Liang Shuang catches up with Lin Yue, you don't have to sacrifice yourself to help Luo Yan anymore."

After saying this, there was no response. She turned her head to look at Jiang Xiaoguo, only to find that her best friend had a sullen face and said nothing.

"Xiao Guo, I know you are not convinced, but Liang Shuang is indeed prettier than you."

"Dabao, let's go."

"Where are you going?"

"Didn't you want me to accompany you to Lili's fan meeting?"

Seeing that his best friend quickly adjusted his mentality, Duan Jiabao no longer entangled with the relationship between Liang Shuang and Lin Yue, and quickly caught up.


on Monday.

"Today's meeting is to discuss our next round of investment plan. Among the most popular mobile games on the market now, King's Landing Wars should be the most popular. Mr. Zhou is more optimistic about King's War, saying that although it started late , the system fluency is not as good as King's Landing Wars, but in the long run, its stamina is very strong, such as bugs that appear during the running of the game, can be overcome, but because we have already voted for it 3,000 Wan, if you decide to pursue the investment, it seems that there are some risks at the moment. I can't make up my mind now, whether to pursue the War of the Kings or follow the King's Landing War. I want to hear everyone's opinions on this matter."

Su Hang looked at Mark, the director of risk control, and Lin Yue, the CEO who had been absent from work for almost a month. His face did not show any likes or dislikes.

"President Su, although I only have the right to make suggestions, I still want to remind you that King's Landing is too popular now, and King's War and King's Landing belong to the same type of game. The systems are very similar, except for the characters and settings. There are some differences, it would be too risky to invest in the game now and launch the game.”

Su Hang glanced at Zhou Xun. His old partner who had worked with him for many years held a pen in his right hand and tapped his fingers on the table. Based on his understanding of Zhou Xun, it was obvious that he didn't take Mark's suggestion seriously.

At this moment, Lin Yue, who sat diagonally across from them and hadn't looked up at them, spoke.

"I don't think you should vote for either Chronicles of King's Landing or King's War."

Zhou Xun said, "What do you mean by that?"

Lin Yue said: "Because I am not optimistic about the game industry."

Zhou Xun suppressed his anger and said: "You have been absent from work for nearly a month when you just took office. What qualifications do you have to point out here?"

"Who told you that I was absent from work?" Lin Yue smiled coldly, and slammed the document in his hand on the middle of the conference table.

Suhang pulled it in front of him, looked at the content on the homepage and whispered, "The inspection report of Kexing Zhongwei? Did you go to Thailand?"

He flipped through the content at the back.

"You want the company to invest in the medical industry?"

"That's right."

Su Hang is not surprised that he would suggest investing in industries other than the Internet. After all, Mr. Su put him in the company to change Zhou Xun’s unyielding situation, but instead of investing in games, he would invest in the medical industry...

Zhou Xun said: "I really don't know whether to say you are stupid or arrogant. You can look forward to the return on investment statistics of the last five years. Can the medical industry compare with the Internet industry? Not to mention the mobile phone with the ability to absorb money MAX game products."

Lin Yue was not irritated by his words, and said unhurriedly: "The game attracts MAX money, but burning money is a bottomless pit. Publicity, drainage, post-development, channel maintenance, and continuous exposure all require a lot of money. And in your plan, in order to ensure replayability, the game setting suppresses the player’s desire to krypton gold. Under the background of the current weak growth of new Internet users, it will take at least a year to recover the cost. King’s Landing War Ji is different. Its krypton gold viscosity can help investors realize profitability within 3-4 months. I know you want to support King of War to become a boutique mobile game, but have you considered the potential risks involved? ?The emergence of new games, changes in the industry, the latest regulations... These are all likely to cause serious damage to the war of kings. It is undeniable that in my prediction, the profits of the game industry will explode in the first half of 2020, but in the next Today, investors may have to tighten their belts, and the medical industry that I am concerned about will have better development in the future as the aging population intensifies, and it will be a long-term and stable source of profit, but It requires a little patience and planning in advance. Short-term is not advisable, and more and more aggressive investment will turn you into a gambler and ruin your fortune.”

Zhou Xun still looked disapproving, even Mark could tell that he was competing with Lin Yue.

"Anyway, I don't agree to enter the medical industry."

Lin Yue pointed to the document in Su Hang's hand and said, "You are sure not to think about it again. It took me a lot of effort to convince Xie's family to approve of Pu Ling and accept our investment."

Zhou Xun said, "I'm sure I won't think about it anymore."

Su Hang kicked him from below, but his good partner turned a deaf ear and didn't respond.

Lin Yue knew what Su Hang meant. He was the one who was arranged by Mr. Su to join the company. Even if he didn't plan to deploy the medical industry according to what he said, he shouldn't sternly refuse. How do you go home and ask Lao Tzu for money?

Mark sat beside him without saying a word. He didn't want to offend Su Hang and Zhou Xun, and he didn't want to offend Mr. Su.

"Okay." Lin Yue took back the document: "I hope you won't regret it."

"Cut~" Zhou Xun said, "I have nothing to regret."

Su Hang said: "Okay, okay, you two stop arguing, it's all for the good of the company, isn't it?"

Lin Yue put the documents into the bag and said, "Mr. Zhou, do you dare to make a bet?"

"What bet?"

"The Battle of the King of Gambling is not as popular as the King's Landing War now, and there will be no King's Landing War to make money in the future, let alone the latter's longevity."

Zhou Xun naturally does not agree with this point of view. One of the reasons why he is determined to pursue King of War is that King's Landing is a krypton gold game. The gap between ordinary players and RMB players is too large. Once the novelty wears off, you will soon get tired of it. , The War of Kings is different, the gap between ordinary players and RMB players is not big, and the playability is naturally much higher than the former.

"Okay, I'll make a bet with you."

"Xunxun, you are..." Su Hang couldn't figure out why he always had trouble with Lin Yue, why he took such a meaningless bet.

Of course he couldn't understand Zhou Xun's thoughts. A top scorer in the college entrance examination in GD province, an investment elite with a net worth of hundreds of millions at a young age, even Wei Li said that he was not as good-looking as others. Will you give in when you are of the same sex?


Zhou Xun ignored him: "What about the bet?"

"If I win, you pack up and leave. If you win, I pack up and leave. How about it?"

"It's a deal."

Su Hang and Mark were taken aback, thinking why they got so angry after this bet.

"You two, don't you..."

bang bang bang~

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside, and Su Hang frowned, feeling displeased, but he also knew that if there was no special reason, the employees would not come to disturb them during the meeting.


The door opened, and Jiang Xiaoguo's face appeared in front of everyone.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Zhou, there is a lady outside looking for Mr. Lin. She said she was arranged by Mr. Su."

I don't know if it's because the title "Boss Lin" is too awkward, or because she's in a bad mood today. In short, her expression is not very good, with her head drooped, her mouth pursed, and she doesn't seem to be smiling at all.

Thank you for the 1,500 starting coins rewarded by the pickup group, and you, Brother Z, I am you, the 100 starting coins rewarded by fate.

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