Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1502 Jumping into the Yellow River can't clean it up

Christmas passed and New Year's Day passed.

The new year is coming soon.

2019, a year that many people regard as the best year in the next ten years.

At the beginning of January, taking advantage of the prime time of college students' vacation, "War of Kings" was officially launched.

Zhou Xun had a very hard time these days, because it was related to the company's investment of hundreds of millions, and his bet with Lin Yue, so he kept a close eye on the game developers, and urged the relevant personnel to carry out the game immediately after receiving feedback from the players. Update and optimize, and use the way of upgrading the game experience to erode the market of King's Landing Wars.

Hard work pays off, the online users of King's War are rising steadily, while the market share of King's Landing War is gradually declining.

"Hey, have you heard that Mr. Zhou has been working hard for half a month in order to gamble with Mr. Lin, and he only sleeps four or five hours a day on average. Just now I ran into Jiang Xiaoguo in the elevator and chatted casually. You guys Guess what that President Lin did?"

Li Tianyang chatted with Zhao Tingnan, Amanda and others during the lunch break.


"He was helping his buddies in the same dormitory to take the postgraduate entrance examination. In the past two days, he traveled to HK and went to Yanming Lake Resort to relax. He didn't take the gambling seriously at all."

"Who would let someone have such a capable secretary as Rebecca? Hey, I heard that Rebecca is Mr. Su's younger junior sister and Mr. Zhou's ex-girlfriend."


"That can be false, this is what Mark, the head of the risk control department, said."

"It's no wonder Mr. Zhou was so angry that day. Who can swallow this matter?"

"If Boss Lin is also big-hearted, isn't he afraid that Rebecca will miss his old relationship and help Zhou Xun screw up his bet?"

"Let me ask you, is the ex-boyfriend or the current boyfriend important?"

"You mean... President Lin and Rebecca?"

"Wall Street executives are willing to return to China to be the president's secretary. If the two of them have sex, would you believe it?"

No one speaks, and silence is often a statement.

"And Rebecca didn't pay attention to King's Landing and King's War at all. Recently, she was in a case with a chip manufacturing company."

"Huh? So, that Mr. Lin didn't take the gambling seriously at all?"

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay. Now everyone in the company knew about the gambling game. King's Landing Wars VS King's War, whoever loses will pack up and leave. Such a serious consequence is treated like a child's play by Mr. Lin. This... ...What on earth was he thinking?

Li Tianyang continued: "Now the number of online users of King's Landing Wars continues to decline, while Wang Zhizhan is steadily increasing. In my opinion, that President Lin is dead."

Amanda said, "Isn't it normal for him to fail?"

This speaks out everyone's aspirations, because as people of the same age, they are still soldiers below, and Lin Yue is already an executive of the company. Such a gap is a heavy blow to students who graduated from prestigious schools. After spending two days posting on the net, and then winning the bet, then... is there any justice in this world?

No matter which angle they stand on, they should support Zhou Xun to win.

At this time, Zhao Tingnan moved the chair forward: "By the way, have you heard a rumor?"

"What rumor?"

"Xinfu's people were waiting for an elevator in the elevator room. When the car door opened, they saw Mr. Lin and Jiang Xiaoguo inside..."

"No way. Isn't Jiang Xiaoguo Mr. Zhou's assistant? If she has an affair with Mr. Lin, why should she be Mr. Zhou's assistant?"

"I think she's a spy."


Just when Zhao Tingnan's voice couldn't help but rise three degrees, someone kicked her from below.

Zhao Tingnan noticed the changes in the expressions of several people and looked back, only to see Jiang Xiaoguo walking in from the outside with a bag on her back. She seemed to have heard some of the conversations of the few people just now, and looked at them with complicated eyes.

Li Tianyang waved his hand in embarrassment, but Jiang Xiaoguo ignored him.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps from the opposite side. Rebecca walked to the door of the kitchen, looked at Jiang Xiaoguo who was stuffing something into the refrigerator, and said, "Jiang Xiaoguo, do you know where Mr. Lin went? I sent him a WeChat message, and he said that he should not I went back to the company, and I didn’t ask why.”

"Boss Lin... he went back to his hometown for winter vacation." In fact, she heard the news from Liang Shuang.

What? winter vacation?

The few people who were about to run away froze in place, thinking that Mr. Lin was really... people don't know how to describe it, he is giving himself a winter vacation, right? Do you still think that you are a freshman, sophomore, and junior student?

I joined the job in November, and stayed for more than half a month. I came to a meeting in December and introduced Rebecca to Suhang, Zhou Xun, and Mark. I went back to help my roommate take the postgraduate entrance examination. Going home to look for his parents, he also went home to look for his parents on vacation. Is this going to work? This TM is to enjoy life, right? Fortunately, he is going to pack up and leave, otherwise everyone will doubt life.

"Oh." Rebecca muttered in a low voice, "Sure enough, he got on his thief ship." After finishing the incident, she glanced at the few people over there, turned and walked back.

Jiang Xiaoguo hurried to catch up: "Rebecca, are you worried that he will lose?"

"He's going to lose? What are you kidding?"

"Mr. Zhou is very powerful, and haven't you read the various statistics of the King's War? It is slowly leveling the heat with the King's Landing War."

"Then what?"


"I know better than you that Zhou Xun is very powerful, but I'm still a little short of that guy."

"What's the meaning?"

"It means that Zhou Xun will not follow crooked ways."

Jiang Xiaoguo was even more confused.

"I do not know?"

Jiang Xiaoguo nodded.

Rebecca said: "Let's see, whoever loses and who wins will be decided after a year."

"If Mr. Zhou you have the heart to see him leave the company he has been in for many years?"

"Do you know what Zhou Xun's biggest problem is? He has never suffered any setbacks, because he has been on the pulse of the Internet, and has been going smoothly over the years, so he has developed a mentality of seeking victory in everything. Although it cannot be said to be a shortcoming, it is also Not an advantage."

"Sure enough, it's an ex-girlfriend. You're really accurate."

"Jiang Xiaoguo, you are Zhou Xun's assistant, why are you worried about Lin Yue more? Look at your sad face these days."

"Is there? Hehe, no, no, I'm having a good time."

"I've also heard the rumors they said just now. You guys...have a lot of fun."

Jiang Xiaoguo's face turned red, and the misleading sounds and images in the elevator still reached the ears of her colleagues. This time she jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't clear it up.

"No, they misunderstood, we are innocent."

Rebecca glanced at her, smiled playfully, and turned into Lin Yue's office.

Coming out of the elevator disheveled and saying "innocent"? No one will believe this.


Half a month later.

The day before New Year's Eve, Jiang Xiaoguo got on the plane from Shenzhen to Harbin. Looking at the cotton candy-like clouds outside the window, she found that she was not very happy. It was not because of the rumors in the company. There is always a love triangle. Some say that she is pure on the outside and coquettish on the inside, and is good at seducing men. Some say that she and Mr. Lin are in love and kill each other. Otherwise, why does she go to the financial scene and he also goes to the financial scene? Also come to Puling Capital.


Obviously there are so many causes and effects and so many ties between the two, but she can't find the right words to describe the relationship between the two.

colleague? What kind of colleague?

alumni? NO!

friend? Too general!

Righteous brother and sister? Are there such ambiguous brothers and sisters?

girlfriend? What about Liang Shuang? What about Wei Yunjie? Where is Rebecca? Of these three women, she is not as beautiful as Liang Shuang, as far as achievement is concerned, Wei Yunjie is not as good as her, and as far as knowledge is concerned, she is not as good as Rui Beck.

lover? What kind of lover is not in bed.

So it’s okay if you don’t want to think about it, you will be confused.

After thinking about it in such a daze, the plane landed at Harbin Taiping International Airport in the evening. According to the original plan, she would take a taxi home after getting off the plane. However, Sister Juan sent a message saying that she was already on the way to pick her up at the airport.

Jiang Xiaoguo didn't think much about it, but when she came out of the safe passage, she saw her mother and the man next to her, and her head buzzed.

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