Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1503 I'm Really Not an Outsider (Part 1)

Sister Juan was in front, and a Range Rover was behind.

One person and one car are not the point, the point is the man.

That's right, Lin Yue.

Why did he hang out with sister Juan?


"Ouch, my daughter is back." The more orderly and greasy the Northeast woman ran over, first hugged her noodle-like daughter, then bent her shoulders and looked left and right: "Thinner, thinner again, Hey, I said Xiaoguo, you see how you have become thinner and thinner since you joined Puling Investment, is it because you are too tired from work, or did you not eat well?"

Jiang Xiaoguo was about to say that she wasn't thin, but it was all an illusion. How could she know that the emotion in her heart made her feel bored by the next sentence.

"Look at you, you want to have no breasts, no height, no buttocks, and if you keep being so thin, which man will want you?"

The point is, when she said this, Lin Yue happened to walk in front of the two of them.

"Mom! What are you talking about?"

"I'm shy, look at you kid, there are no outsiders here, what are you afraid of?"

No outsiders? Jiang Xiaoguo stared straight, looked at Sister Juan, then at Lin Yue: "Mom, what do you mean by that, he not an outsider?"

"Isn't this your leader? He's a classmate in middle and high school again, how can he be considered an outsider, right, Xiao Lin."

"Yes, yes, Sister Juan is right. As a witness of Jiang Xiaoguo's growth, how can I be considered an outsider?"

Jiang Xiaoguo wished he could strangle him to death with this elder's angry tone.

"Let me just say, you are so sweet when you talk, sister Juan loves to listen to you the most."


Jiang Xiaoguo made her mother dizzy, did she get kicked in the head by a donkey? If this is clearly taking advantage of your daughter, how sweet is it?

Lin Yue said: "It's cold, don't stand outside and talk, get in the car."

"Yes, yes, get in the car, it's warm in the car."

Sister Juan hurriedly took her daughter's hand and walked to the place where the car was parked.

A minute later, Jiang Xiaoguo took advantage of the opportunity to put luggage in the trunk to approach Lin Yue, and said in a low voice, "Tell me, how did you handle my mother?"

"Be careful."


"Then you say, don't worry, is it sacrificing the hue?"

"The more you say it, the more outrageous it is."

"To be honest, if you don't believe me, blame me?"

"I really don't know what ecstasy soup you gave her."

"Ann, although I am your good brother, but to your mother, uh...she is my forever sister Juan."

Jiang Xiaoguo looked at the rear seats, felt this one, looked at that one, and exclaimed in a low voice that a million-dollar luxury car is such a comfortable old lady: "Hey, you also have times when you admit it?"

Lin Yue moved closer and said, "In the future... you won't develop into Sister Juan, will you?"


Before Jiang Xiaoguo moved his feet, Lin Yue had already escaped from the attack range.

"Stamping on toes again is nothing new."

Jiang Xiaoguo looked at him angrily, and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

At this time, Sister Juan poked her head out of the window: "What are you two doing behind?"

"No ah."

Jiang Xiaoguo chuckled, opened the door of the rear compartment, and climbed in with some difficulty.

When she saw the gloating face in the rearview mirror, she bet that the bastard must have done it on purpose.







The smell of meat filled the room.

Sister Juan stood at the door of the kitchen, staring dumbfounded at the churning ingredients in the pot: "Oh, I didn't realize that, Xiaolin, you are really good at cooking. I was thinking of showing off my skills in front of you. As for cooking skills, I didn't expect... How can I say that sentence? My daughter, how can I say it?"

"Take the ax out of class."

"Yes, yes, let's get the ax out of the class."

"His father is a chef in a state-owned enterprise cafeteria. This is called family learning. Of course you can't compare it."

"Really?" Sister Juan said, "Mom only thought he was good at playing mahjong, but I didn't expect such a unique skill to exist."

"Play mahjong?" Jiang Xiaoguo looked puzzled.

"Oh, Mom thought you knew, Xiao Lin didn't tell you?"


"Two days ago, my mother went to the mahjong hall to play mahjong. There were three missing one. Xiao Lin was waiting there for someone. Your Auntie Tong asked him to join hands. In the end, we chatted on the phone. Mom knew that you were not only classmates in junior high school and high school. , is still a college alumnus, and now he works in a company, and his mother won a lot of money that day, so he joked that he would invite him to dinner when you came back, no... I told him the news that you landed this afternoon, he Say you're fine, and just drive to the airport to pick you up."

Jiang Xiaoguo secretly rolled her eyes at her mother.

This middle-aged woman, she also believes what other people say, and President Lin has a bad stomach, so if she wants to settle Sister Juan, isn't that just like playing?

Jiang Xiaoguo even suspected that this kid was responsible for her winning that day.

But the crux of the problem is, what exactly does he want to do with wasting so much energy, greedy for their family's meal, or...

No no no, it's impossible, how could it be.

She was taken aback by the thought, or anticipation that flashed in her mind, how could this bastard have so many women around him, how could he fall in love with a bean sprout like her.

"Hey, Guo'er, you said he was as old as you, so why did he become your leader? Didn't you tell mom that you are that... oh, a top student?"

Jiang Xiaoguo glanced at the man in the kitchen who was like a fish in water: "He, he is not human."

Sister Juan hurriedly covered her daughter's mouth: "Not human? Guo'er, I dare not curse."

"I'm not scolding, I'm praising."

"what does it mean?"

At this time, a figure flashed at the door of the kitchen, and Lin Yue came out with two dishes.

Sister Juan sniffed the aroma, and clapped her hands together: "Pot-wrapped meat and ground delicacies, oh my god, look at this color, how bright and fragrant it is."

Lin Yue said: "Jiang Xiaoguo, there are still a few dishes in the kitchen, please bring them out for me."


Jiang Xiaoguo turned and went into the kitchen.

After a while, the dishes are ready.

Pork-wrapped pork, ground three delicacies, fried pork with garlic sprouts, stewed pork ribs with beans, Harbin red sausage, shredded pork with Beijing sauce, West Lake vinegar fish, plus a large bowl of sauerkraut ribs soup.

Eight dishes for three people.

"Come on, the distinguished guest is here, let's drink something good today."

Sister Juan laughed, and raised her hand to take the Wuliangye off the cabinet.

Jiang Xiaoguo said in a secretive way: "Mom, aren't you... going to entertain the little old man?"

"This kid, you're just talking nonsense. If your leader comes to our house for dinner, how can you serve him wine? Besides, the dishes on this table are all made by others."

"That's fine."

Sister Juan unscrewed the lid twice: "Can I drink it?"

Lin Yue said, "It's okay."

"Let me just say, there is no one in the Northeast who can't drink." She picked up Lin Yue's cup and poured it full, and when she turned around to pour it for herself, Jiang Xiaoguo joined in the fun.

"Mom, give me some too."

"You can't drink, why join in the fun."

"The key is that it's expensive."

Who is Jiang Xiaoguo? Seeing the money-minded master, this bottle of wine costs more than 1,000 yuan. Starting from the point of caring about money, I should pay more.

"Okay, then I'll pour you some."

Sister Juan poured a sip for her daughter, ignored her white eyes, and picked up the cup that was 90% full: "Let me make a sample first."

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand and tilted his neck, and took a sip of nearly two taels of liquor.

"Then...then I'll go too." Jiang Xiaoguo drank the wine in the glass and sipped it into his mouth, looking as if he couldn't let go of the last drop.

Lin Yue didn't speak, just finished drinking the white wine in the glass imitatively.

"Let me just say, I can drink it, come on, have another drink."

"I'll do it myself."

"That's okay, you are the leader."

Sister Juan grabbed Lin Yue's cup and poured it again.

"Come on, the second cup."


Lin Yue passed the wine glass to the middle of the table, and Jiang Xiaoguo continued to join in the fun and drink together.

Sister Juan sighed again, seeing that Lin Yue did not show any weakness, she drank up the wine in the glass, smacked her lips and said, "You can drink really well."

After finishing the work, he went to pour wine for Lin Yue again. The third glass was still dry in one gulp, and the three of them drank a bottle of Wuliangye in a blink of an eye.

When Sister Juan saw that he could drink so much, she was a little timid. You must know that she can drink as much as the family does. Over there, she drank almost half a catty of white wine, her face was not red and she was not out of breath. It is not like some people who don't smoke and drink now. Another reason for this young man is the price of this wine. A bottle is more than 1,000, and you can't finish it in one bottle. The second bottle should be replaced with Erguotou, that would be embarrassing.

"Sister Juan is bold."

"Hehe, you're not bad either."

The wine is gone, of course you can't sit in such an awkward position, that would be rude: "Guo'er, go to the kitchen cupboard and bring another bottle of wine, Mom has met a match today."

"Mom, don't drink it, don't you want to fry it tomorrow?"

Sister Juan doesn’t feel bad, but a daughter’s heart feels bad. This is Wuliangye, not the old village chief, Erguotou, or Great Northern Wilderness. It’s a solid product that has been recognized all over the country. In short, it is liquid renminbi.

"You say you child, how many years has it been since Mom had a drink so happily, and Xiao Lin is a distinguished guest of our family, so I can't accompany you to the end? Go, get the wine."

"Okay... okay."

Just as Jiang Xiaoguo was about to get up to get it, Lin Yue stretched out his hand to hold her down: "As the old saying goes, a sword is given to a hero. How can ordinary Wuliangye be worthy of a heroine like Sister Juan?"

He walked into the kitchen, took out the shopping bag he gave him when he went to the supermarket to buy things, and took out two bottles of liquor from it, the same Wuliangye, but the bottle was dark blue, and the material was changed from glass to colored porcelain.

"This is also Wuliangye?" Sister Juan didn't expect him to buy wine, and thought it was full of meat and vegetables.

"That's right, this one is called Tiger Talisman Order."


Jiang Xiaoguo patted her mother's arm and stretched out her thumb: "This name matches Sister Juan's temperament well."

It doesn't matter what his name is, as long as he doesn't create his own mane, whatever he brings out is his feelings.

"My child, your mother is not a general, what are you talking about?"

Sister Juan criticized her daughter, but her heart was bright: "Come, come, don't go home until you're drunk, don't go home if you're not drunk."

She also has the idea of ​​fighting wine with Lin Yue more or less. You must know that in the circle of relatives and friends, she can drink one by one. Now that she meets a good opponent in chess, she must have a contest. Northerners don't drink like southerners. Pay attention to the feeling of being deep and boring, and pay attention to eating and drinking well with the guests when they come. Now that the guests are not drunk, of course the host can't talk about withdrawing the wine and eating.

After three drinks and two drinks, when there was only one third of the first bottle of Tiger Talisman left, Sister Juan got up to go to the bathroom, but within two steps, she staggered and fell on the armrest of the sofa.

Jiang Xiaoguo was also five points drunk and started hiccupping, but compared to her mother, she was still quite sober. Seeing this, she hurried over and helped her up with Lin Yue.

"If you don't listen to me telling you to drink less, you must be drunk, can you go?"

After careful calculation, Sister Juan and Lin Yue drank seven or eight taels alone, which is indeed too much.

"I'm not drunk, I'm not drunk. Mom could drink a catty of liquor with this strength."

"Okay, okay, sister Juan is a hero in the female school, and the little old man dancing in the square in front of you is no match for you."

Jiang Xiaoguo said while winking at Lin Yue, and the two of them carried her into the bedroom, put her on the bed and muttered, "That's not a big deal".

"I can't tell, you drink so much, sister Juan gave you a drink and got down."

When the two returned to the living room, Lin Yue shook the wine in the bottle: "Well, there is still some, now that your mother has poured it, you can drink the rest with me."

"Drunk sister Juan down, and let me drink with you, what do you want to do?"

After saying this, she regretted it, because she always felt that it was ambiguous and thought-provoking.

Lin Yue patted the chair beside him: "Come on, sit next to brother."

He didn't lower his voice, and spoke quite clearly.

Jiang Xiaoguo glanced in the direction of the master bedroom, and when he found that there was no movement, he gave him a hard look.

"Are you coming or not?" Lin Yue shook his phone, and there was an ID marked "Sister Juan" in the business card collection starting with J in the WeChat friend list, and he tapped on an audio file when he was done.

"Hehehe~hahaha~ good... good brother, good brother..."

"Call my brother."

"Itchy, so itchy...haha..."

An embarrassing sound came from the speakers.

Lin Yue said: "You know, I'm thinking about whether to have a showdown with your mother, so that I can justifiably be your god-brother."

Jiang Xiaoguo didn't expect that he actually recorded the conversation between the two in the elevator. She still can't define the relationship between the two, but she didn't want Sister Juan to know that she recognized her brother-in-law: " are despicable!"

"I want to treat you so sincerely, care about you and love you, how can I be despicable?" Lin Yue patted the chair again: "Come or not?"

Jiang Xiaoguo could only compromise, and sat beside him blushing.

Lin Yue handed her the wine glass: "Come on, cheers."

Jiang Xiaoguo lowered her head and took a sip of her wine.

"Tell me, brother, have you missed me in the past half a month or so?"

"Thinking about it."

Does she dare to say "I don't want to", God knows what kind of punishment will be waiting for her, and...Although she tried her best to hide it, since she knew that he left school and returned to the Northeast, she has not been in a high mood, because Liang Shuang is similar to that Time to go back to Weihai, which brings up a question, did he go back to Harbin, or did he go to meet Liang Shuang's parents?

Fortunately, I saw him as soon as I got off the plane today, otherwise I would send a WeChat message when I came back. If he didn't reply, I would have to think wildly again.

"Do you really want to? Or are you just playing me off? If you really want to, where do you want to be?" He turned sideways and approached her ear.

Feeling the smell of alcohol and heat blowing towards his face, Jiang Xiaoguo tensed up, not daring to look back at him.

At this time, Lin Yue grabbed her hand and pulled it into his arms: "This is a New Year's gift from my brother."

Jiang Xiaoguo wanted to pull his hand back, but it was one thing to think about it, another thing to do it.

As her hands slowly moved down, she felt her face getting redder, her heart beating wildly, and a delicate mood of panic, fear and anticipation...

Then, trembling fingertips touched something smooth and hard.


This is... completely different from what she thought.

Hard jam?

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