Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1504: I'm Really Not an Outsider (Part 2)

Lin Yue patted the thing in her hand: "Come on, this is the New Year's money that my brother gave you."

Jiang Xiaoguo turned her head mechanically, looked at the big red envelope in her hand and the stack of RMB with the seals exposed, and stayed where she was, the flame in her heart seemed to be poured down by a basin of ice water.

"Let's go, I'm going back to my hometown on New Year's Eve, so my dearest sister, see you next year."


The door opens.


The door is closed.

It was only then that Jiang Xiaoguo woke up, threw the red envelope on the table, ran to the entrance and opened the door, followed the footsteps coming from the corridor and shouted: "You bastard is teasing me every day, can you die if you don't tease me?" ?”




Her only answer was gradually inaudible footsteps.

Jiang Xiaoguo stomped her feet, closed the door, went back to the restaurant and sat down, looking at the unfinished food on the table, feeling a little blocked.

After about ten minutes, she pinched herself hard, and when she was done, she leaned forward and buried her face in her arms, feeling ashamed to death, because just now she had a feeling that it would be better if he didn't leave.

It has been almost ten years since the mother and daughter spent the Spring Festival together, only today I hope there will be one more person.

"You keep calling other people's sisters, but you are a competent brother. What is this?"

Jiang Xiaoguo pushed the red envelope aside: "Who wants your stinky money."

But after a few seconds, he changed his attitude again, took out the money inside and counted it, 2500 yuan, which is quite a lot.

No, ten two hundred and five?


around the same time.

Weihai Huancui District.

Liang Shuang looked at the clean night sky and felt a little deserted. When he was a child, he could still hear the sound of firecrackers during the Chinese New Year, and occasionally there would be fireworks parties. However, in recent years, the taste of the Spring Festival has faded a lot. Perhaps only TV programs are still trying to exaggerate the festival. atmosphere.

"Grandma, how do you tell the difference between loving someone and liking someone?"

Wearing reading glasses next to her, the old woman who was thinking about what her granddaughter just taught with a mobile phone looked up at her, not understanding why she asked this.

"It's cool, did you see someone you liked before at the class reunion?"

Liang Shuang shook his head.

"What do you like, love, grandma doesn't know. In the era when grandma lived, the two old people thought that each other's children were good, so they pulled a few pieces of cloth, built two brick houses, and bought some daily necessities. Done."

"Then... do you like grandpa?"

The old lady put her mobile phone aside, as if she didn't know how to answer her granddaughter's question: "I just know that every holiday, if I don't have him by my side, I always feel that something is missing."

"That's it..."

"It's cool, I think you don't think about food and drink these days, and you don't look smiling when you come back from the class reunion. What's the matter? Have a boyfriend? Miss him?"

"How come, grandma, don't you know me? I don't want to be like those classmates who open their mouths and shut up for the postgraduate entrance examination to get married and have children."


Liang Shuang felt a little guilty, but his expression didn't change.

"It's cool, if you want to find him, you can just go after the New Year. I'll talk to your father and mother."

"Grandma, what are you talking about?"

"It's been half a month since you've been back. You've asked me no less than seven times about whether it's cold in the Northeast or how many degrees the lowest temperature can reach during the Chinese New Year. It's okay to lie to your parents about some things, but you want to lie to me?"

The old lady shook her head with a kindly smirk.

Liang Shuang has always been stubborn, even the dearest grandma will not give in on this kind of issue: "I feel sorry for my dad who always travels to such cold places on business."

"Really? Cool, you didn't treat your dad like this before."

"I...haven't grown up."

The old lady knew that she would be impatient to talk about it again, so she smiled slightly and didn't continue to dwell on this issue.


New Year's Eve.

Chengdu Huanhuaxi.

Duan Jiabao and Duan Zhenyu sat on one side, and Duan's father and Duan's mother sat on the side. The table in the middle was full of dishes, such as Australian dragon, pig's trotters, chicken feet, king crab, sauced duck, cured pork ribs... It is hard goods.

"Come on, baby, look at you, you're all hungry and thin." Duan's mother broke off one leg of the king crab and put it on her daughter's plate: "Come on, eat more and replenish your body. You don't think it's a big deal when you're young. Wait until you're old." You will know once you get it, if you really want to hurt your vitality, it will not be able to make up for it in a day or two."

"Thank you Mom."

Duan Jiabao glanced at Duan Zhenyu, took out a bank card from his pocket and handed it over.

Mother Duan said, "What is this?"

"Oh, this is the salary I paid a few years ago, and now I'm giving it to you as a New Year's gift, although... it's only a few thousand yuan." Speaking of which, she smiled shyly: "Dad, Mom, don't be too small .”

Father Duan said: "See, our little princess has really grown up."

Seeing Duan's mother sitting still, she smiled awkwardly: "Take it, this is a New Year's gift from the child."

"Ah, good, good." Mother Duan could only hold the card in her hand, and slowly sat back on the chair.

"Father will give you New Year's money." Duan's father stood up and took out two red envelopes from behind: "Come, 10,000 per person."

The New Year's money of 10,000 yuan is of course a lot of money for ordinary people, but for the Duan family with billions of assets, it is simply a drop in the bucket.

"Hehe, thank you Dad." Duan Zhenyu took the red envelope with both hands, glanced at Duan Jiabao by the way, and mourned for her in silence for three seconds.

"Baby, what's the matter with you? Take it."

"Oh, hehe, thank you Dad." Duan Jiabao also accepted the red envelope, but with a forced smile.

Now she knows why her mother looked at her with sad eyes. It turned out that she didn't do her father's work. Now, the black card was not reactivated, but she paid 3,000 yuan to get in, and only 10,000 yuan was the lucky money. Well, what is it enough for? Her second-hand luxury goods have already been sold for seven or eight dollars, and if this continues, it will hurt her muscles and bones.

"By the way, Dad, I've been working in a brokerage company for a few months. I'm not only proficient in the affairs inside, but I also have a deep understanding of it. I want to try it myself in the next six months."

Father Duan put down his chopsticks: "What do you mean?"

Duan's mother hurried to the side to help: "Ah, our baby is going to start a business. He has ambition and ideas. Zhenyu, do you see that? You have to learn from your sister."

"Yes, yes, I will definitely learn from my sister." Duan Zhenyu looked taught.

"Entrepreneurship? Baby, you have to think about it, starting a business is very hard."

"Dad, I know this." Duan Jiabao said, "I've experienced the hardships of being a perverted artist. Can starting a business be harder than it? Look at this..."

"What's this?"

"My classmate, how is it? The conditions are good, she will be the first signed artist of my company."

"It is indeed a good seedling."

Father Duan looked at the girl on the phone screen and nodded slightly: "What's her name?"

Duan Jiabao said, "Liang Shuang."

"Well, you can try."

"But Dad... I'm not afraid of the hard work of starting a business, the key is..."

"What's the key?"

"Now with the living expenses you subsidize, I only get 4,000 yuan a month, so how can I get enough?"

"Well, that's true." Duan's father nodded: "To start a business, you really need some start-up capital."

Duan's mother hit the snake with the stick: "Baby, what are you doing in a daze, thank you dad."

"Hey, thank you Dad. When the company earns money, I will pay you back double."

Duan's father didn't think much about it, thinking that he would give 1,000 yuan, and his daughter would earn 3,000 yuan at work, adding up to 4,000 yuan. Facts have proved that she is capable of living independently: "My baby can talk. Dad believes that you will succeed."

An hour later, Duan Jiabao walked into Duan Zhenyu's room with a plate of crab meat.


Not much to say, the two high-fived each other.

"Sister, you are still the best, how did you think of using this trick to convince Dad?"

"What Daxiong said, Daxiong said that since parents started from scratch and saved up the family business, they must understand their children's desire to start a business."

"I didn't expect Brother Xiong to have such a clever side."

"Don't look at Big Bear who is usually dull, but he is actually very smart."


Big Year.

When every family was busy visiting relatives and friends, Luo Yan was standing outside the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, wearing an ear-band microphone, introducing attractions to tourists who were traveling abroad during the Spring Festival.

"Look, everybody, this is the famous Metropolitan Museum of Art. It is the largest art museum in the United States. There are more than 3.3 million pieces of art treasures from Guinea and other places, including buildings, sculptures, paintings, and sketches in various historical periods from ancient to modern times..."

Half an hour later, she told everyone to move freely and reminded her of the meeting place and time several times. Finally, she found time to stop for something to eat and drink.

Although I have been learning from Wang Hong for a month, it is still unavoidable to be nervous and anxious when leading a group for the first time. In just a short while, my palms and backs are all sweaty.

In fact, it's not just the third year of junior high school. She was in the United States throughout the Spring Festival. Lu Ran called her on New Year's Eve, but she didn't answer because she was so angry that she almost dropped her phone.

As for the reason... Wei Yunjie uploaded a group of photos of the Harbin Ice Sculpture Festival while browsing Weibo, and said that this is the most comfortable Spring Festival in ten years.

When I ran from Shenzhen to the Northeast for the Chinese New Year, who was invited to see the ice sculptures, I knew it with my butt.

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