Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1505: A Defeated Mr. Zhou is Not as Good as a Chicken (Part 1)

The sixth day of the first month.

Jiang Xiaoguo dragged her suitcase back to the dormitory, and as soon as she opened the door, she saw Duan Jiabao sitting on a table full of snacks and eating wildly there.

Luo Yan also came back, and was fiddling with the tablet computer bought with the overtime pay for the Spring Festival on the bed. The two of them just talked about how much cheaper it is to buy this thing in the United States than in China.

"Dabao, didn't you want to lose weight for Lili? How can you lose weight with the way you eat?"

Duan Jiabao looked up at Luo Yan, and saw that she looked normal, so he said with confidence: "Can't I be allowed to let myself go for a while after the Chinese New Year? At worst, I will learn from Liang Shuang to eat grass in the next month."

The good way is to say that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, the door opened with a click, and Sister Gao Leng walked into the room with a blank expression, and pushed the trolley case under the desk: "Duan Jiabao, did you speak ill of me just now?"

She quickly waved her hand: ", how dare I speak ill of you, Sister Shuang."

"There is no best."

Liang Shuang didn't bother to talk to her, turned around to fiddle with his mobile phone, and told his grandma in Weihai that he had arrived in Shenzhen.

Duan Jiabao laughed dryly, looked at Luo Yan in order to ease the embarrassment, and continued the question and answer just now: "Luo Yan, what happened to the tourist you just said."

"Oh, I gave me a red envelope on the first day of the new year. Guess how much money is in it?"

"How much?"

"100 dollars."

"So big? It makes me want to be a tour guide."

"Come on, who doesn't know that you are the person who collects the most lucky money in 419, what's the matter? This year is still the same as before? Thirty thousand? Or forty thousand?"

"It's more than 30,000 yuan, but most of it was used by me to pay off the arrears of the aid fee."

At this time, Jiang Xiaoguo glanced at Liang Shuang, and said happily: "I also have lucky money this year, Dang Dang Dang Dang..."

She took out a red envelope from her backpack, and inside it was a glowing red old man's head.

Duan Jiabao said: "Xiaoguo, your mother is really generous this year."

You must know that in previous years when they came back after the Spring Festival, she and Luo Yan would chat about what equipment they had bought for themselves with the lucky money they received. Ten yuan and twenty yuan mean, since I went to college, I really have nothing.

This year, the sun came out from the west, so there must be two or three thousand in that stack.

Jiang Xiaoguo said, "My mother didn't give it to me."

"It wasn't from your mother, who gave it to you?"

She chuckled and didn't answer the question.

"I gave my salary as a gift to my parents, and it was counted as New Year's money and I got it back." Liang Shuang said without turning his head.

Duan Jiabao said this with an ugly face, isn't that how she is? 3,000 was given to parents as a gift, and parents added 7,000 and returned it.

Jiang Xiaoguo curled her lips: "Use yourself to judge others."

Liang Shuang didn't say a word, because Jiang Xiaoguo was right. Last year, she worked as an Internet celebrity for half a year. Not only did she not earn any money, but she owed a whole lot of debt. Before Lin Yue left, she brought 10,000 yuan and said it was to lend her For the Chinese New Year, I will help her find some advertising resources when I go back to school, and return it to him when I earn money.

It's embarrassing to give it to her directly, but it's different if you borrow it.

Back in Weihai, she gave 2,000 yuan to her parents, mother, and grandmother. Before boarding the plane today, her grandmother gave her 8,000 yuan back, so if she did the subtraction, she still earned 2,000 yuan.

Luo Yan and Duan Jiabao looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking that this is going to be pinched?

Ever since the news that Jiang Xiaoguo was chasing Lin Yue was exposed, the two of them have looked at each other disliked, and choked if it was okay or not.

What's so good about that scum? It's worth it both of them. Luo Yan couldn't figure it out, no matter what.


seventh day.

As an immigrant city, after the Spring Festival, the wave of rework came, and the number of people on the streets increased significantly.

The cake shop that Jiang Xiaoguo frequents hasn't opened yet, so she can only go upstairs with her greedy mouth.

Wendy was touching up her makeup behind the reception desk, and when she saw her walk in, she quickly waved her hand.

"Hi Wendy, Happy New Year."

"Happy Chinese New Year." Wendy replied, pointing to the work area of ​​the investment department: "I think you should go there later."

Jiang Xiaoguo was stunned, not understanding why she said this: "What happened?"

Wendy said, "There's a fight."

"A fight? Who's fighting with whom?"

"Mr. Zhou and Mr. Lin."

"Ah?" Jiang Xiaoguo looked bewildered. Lin Yue and Zhou Xun's discord is something that all employees of the company know. They almost fought when Rebecca came last time. It was Su Hang who hugged Zhou Xun in time. Only then did they avoid the consequences of making a big mess, why did they start fighting on the first day of work just after the new year?

"I'll go and have a look."

She took the bag and rushed inside.

"Hey, Xiaoguo, don't..."

Wendy yelled from behind, but it was useless, and the person quickly disappeared around the corner ahead.

When Jiang Xiaoguo walked into the working hall of the investment department, Li Tianyang, Amanda and others were straightening their necks to look at the president's office. Zhao Tingnan saw her coming in from the outside and kept winking, meaning to ask her not to go there.

If it were Zhou Xun who was angry with others, with her character of being wise and safe, she would of course hide as far away as possible, but the person on the other side of the glass who fought with Zhou Xun was Lin Yue, and the two sides bet that she was responsible for this matter. Responsibility, so no matter what, it is not easy for her to be a shrinking turtle.

Under the eyes of eyes with different emotions, Jiang Xiaoguo pushed open the door of the president's office and walked in.

Zhou Xun was blocked by Su Hang, his clothes were messy, his face was red and swollen, and the corner of his mouth was broken. Lin Yue sat on the sofa opposite, with no scars on his body, and his clothes were neat. Rebecca was standing not far away. place, frowning at ex-boyfriend.

From the scene in front of him, it can be seen that Zhou Xun did not take advantage of Lin Yue.

"Zhou... Mr. Zhou, what's wrong with you?"

Zhou Xun glanced at her and said nothing.

Su Hang shook his head at her, meaning not to talk nonsense.

"What's the matter, I'll tell you what's wrong with him." Zhou Xun didn't say anything, Su Hang didn't say anything, Lin Yue was a master who was afraid of chaos in the world: "This person can't afford to lose, and he still wants to beat someone, it's as simple as that. "

"Who can afford to lose is you, you despicable villain!"

When Zhou Xun talked about his hatred and wanted to do something, Su Hang hurriedly stopped him.

Lin Yue said: "As the saying goes, shopping malls are like battlefields. Of course, when it comes to battlefields, soldiers never tire of deceit. The winner is the king who loses the enemy. The fact now is that the battle of the king has lost this war, but you have nothing to do with being a man." take charge."

Su Hang said, "Lin Yue, can't you just say a few words?"

Yes, this guy is right, but that tone, that attitude, that look in his eyes, it's too fucked up. Not to mention that Zhou Xun couldn't hold back his anger and wanted to fight, even he, who was always described by his father as "indecisive", wished he could go over and slap him a few times.

Jiang Xiaoguo moved closer to Rebecca and asked in a low voice, "What's going on?"

"Look for yourself." She handed over the phone.

Jiang Xiaoguo held it in his hand and looked at it, and a word flashed in his mind. Unexpectedly, Rebecca really hit the mark. Although he didn't know how he operated it, it was indeed "devious".

According to reports from the financial scene, during the Spring Festival holiday, several private servers of King’s Landing appeared on the Internet, accompanied by several screenshots, which not only contained a collection of server programs, but also corresponding development tools and a large amount of source code .

According to this incident, hackers invaded the network of Tiansheng Technology, which developed this game, and posted the corresponding files on the dark web, so within a few days, private servers of King's Landing Wars sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Just like what Su Hang said, King’s Landing Wars is a game that needs krypton gold to play well. From the setting point of view, the attribute of “krypton gold” is easy to eliminate, and it’s just because of the greedy profit-seeking characteristics of businessmen. , I just refuse to do this, and if the change is too large, it will cause the RMB players to rebound, so I can only watch the number of online users continue to decline, and I will be caught up by the war of kings that will be released later. Now it is different, private server The appearance of the tiger changed the situation of the two tigers fighting, to use an old saying to describe it, that is to beat the old master to death with random punches.

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