Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1510 Take you to learn a lot

three days later.

Even wearing a tens of thousands of dollars of Chanel dress, Jiang Xiaoguo's flimsy body couldn't support her, and she seemed to be the least valued ugly duckling at the party.

But this can't change her mood, because she never thought of having a PK with those big, long-legged, and beautiful ladies to see who can dominate the audience. On this point, she is very self-aware .

It doesn’t work without self-knowledge~囧~

Anna Kendrick who starred in Twilight, Scarlett Johansson who played the Black Widow in Avengers, Kat Dennings, who ranked 30th among the world's sexiest women in "ASKMEN" magazine, Musk's ex-wife Da Lula Riley...

To put it bluntly, if anyone is randomly picked out from here, she can be wiped out in seconds.

This is just someone from the entertainment industry. If you want to talk about celebrities in the business and technology circles, it will be an eye-opener for her. Bill Dally, Chief Scientist of NVIDIA, Brian Behlendorf, Executive Director of the Hyperledger Project of the LINUX Foundation, and Robert Jr., a Hollywood star who plays Iron Man Downey, PAYPAY founder Pete Thiel, Tesla Greater China head Zhu Xiaotong, Oracle CEO Larry Ellison...

In short, in her capacity, she could only curl up in a corner with a glass of sparkling wine, her whole body stiffened, not daring to make any attention-grabbing movements, watching the partygoers embrace and say hello to each other with constant surprise and admiration. Talk about business or science and technology.

She thought she would be left in the hotel to move freely, but Lin Yue actually took her away. Of course, she had nothing in common with these people. Even the social queen Deng Wendi just glanced at her and stopped paying attention, but It doesn't matter, the important thing is that at the end of the party, Lin Yue took her to take a photo with Elon Musk.

Yes, it is such a photo, enough for her to brag about it in front of her classmates for ten years.

Excited, excited, nervous, uneasy, sincere and sincere... All kinds of emotions were mixed in her heart. She drank one cup after another, and by the time Lin Yue helped her leave the venue, she was already eight or nine times drunk.

Zhu Xiaotong drove the two of them to the door of the hotel where they were staying in a Tesla Model X, said a few polite words, and then drove away.

Jiang Xiaoguo got out of the car first, Lin Yue, and waited while leaning on the light pole on the side of the road. Seeing him say goodbye to the driver, he was about to come over to help him, and suddenly ran away mischievously, shaking his handbag to prevent him from approaching, and said happily: "I'm going to get rich, you know... I... I'm going to get rich, Ma... Musk, he... He actually took a photo with me, Zhuganmei, eye... glasses Nan, little... little mosquito... ...They will be jealous to death, as well as Tianyang, Zhao Tingnan, Amanda... Bei... What happened to Peking University? Tsing... What happened to Tsinghua University, Nanyang Technological University... What happened to University... Let me tell you... ...that's shit, their diplomas...diplomas, not a single photo is worth it...ha...hahaha..."

Lin Yue knew that the bamboo pole girl she was talking about, the eyes of Nan, and the little mosquito were all students of the Finance Department of South China University of Finance and Economics. Li Tianyang, Zhao Tingnan, and Amanda are newcomers who joined Pu Ling Capital together with Jiang Xiaoguo. When they first met to introduce themselves, Jiang Xiaoguo was the one who was ruthlessly crushed. , since the academic qualifications are not enough, then the qualifications come together, and you can take a photo with Silicon Valley Iron Man, let alone ordinary people, ordinary people, ordinary people... five ordinary people are not qualified.

"Drink too much, are you crazy about drinking? I'm not afraid that others will laugh at you."

"Who... who is laughing at me?" Jiang Xiaoguo pointed to the land under her feet and said loudly: "This is America, who would know me? What if I'm drunk?"

After speaking, pointing to a white couple walking side by side on the street, he said: "I, Jiang...Jiang Xiaoguo, today...go to the famous Elon Ma...Musk's party, am I good? Say, I... Isn't it great?"

The couple looked at her like a fool, discussed a few words in a low voice, and walked away quickly.

"Hey, don't go, don't go...I...I'm not'm China..."

"Okay, have you had enough fun?" Lin Yue really wanted to catch her, but of course ten Jiang Xiaoguos couldn't escape from his grasp.

Anyway, she swayed in her consciousness, then fell into his arms, carried him directly on his shoulders and walked towards the hotel lobby.

She was short, and she was still a skinny bean sprout, so it was only a dream to struggle to get down.

"You...let me down, I...I can walk..."

While shaking her handbag, she patted his back: "My skirt... skirt, will...will be gone."


Lin Yue spanked her butt: "Be honest."


"Believe it or not, throw it into the fish tank to sober you up." Lin Yue said this because the hotel staff looked at the two of them with puzzled faces, as if they were guessing their relationship.

"Then tell tell me...what did you tell Musk at the reception, he...why did he treat polite?"

This is a question that Jiang Xiaoguo held back all night, because no matter how she thinks about it, she still can't figure out why people like Musk are interested in the young president of a Chinese venture capital company. , the momentum has also been stabilized, after all, this product is the same as a coward, wealth and prestige come from the field of cutting-edge technology, and Erma, who is good at cutting leeks for money, has the ability to innovate in technology...

"I just chatted with him about the energy conversion rate of solar panels on the space station, the current technical difficulties faced by flexible solar panels, and the future spaceship program of SPACE X, as well as issues in artificial intelligence."

Jiang Xiaoguo was at a loss when he heard it: " you studying economics?"

"Yes, but I also said that I am an exchange student at MIT."


" lied to me again, you lied to me every bastard, you are either lying to me or on your way to lying to me."

"I really didn't lie to you."

"Believe's strange to believe you."

She started patting him on the back again, but the two of them had already come outside her room, Lin Yue opened the door with the key card, carried her in and threw her on the bed.


She let out another exclamation.

"Hey, you're sweating all the time, you should lose weight."

He pressed his shoulders and shook his arms, ready to go back to his room, when the bean sprouts slumped on the bed suddenly jumped up and hugged his shoulders, his red face faced his eyes.

"I ask you, do you love me?"

Lin Yue just wanted to answer "Of course, isn't it natural for a brother to love his sister?" Jiang Xiaoguo didn't expect to give him a chance to speak, kicked his feet on the bedside, leaped three feet high, hugged his head and kissed him.


Lin Yue was a little speechless, as the saying goes that wine is strong and cowardly, this little bean sprouts is trying to push himself against him.

This made... what was she thinking.

ah... um...


The next day, the morning light leaked through the gaps in the curtains, playing with Jiang Xiaoguo's eyelashes bit by bit.

She murmured annoyance, subconsciously raised her hand and waved it. Unfortunately, this did not change her situation. In order to avoid the mischievous sunlight, she turned sideways inside the bed. It was this movement that made her realize a question.

She was lying naked on the bed.

"Ah, how could this be?"

Jiang Xiaoguo woke up all of a sudden, opened the quilt to take a look, and felt his brain go crazy.

What did she do last night?

Did you do it? Didn't do it?

If she did, why didn't she remember it? If she didn't, where did her clothes go?

It's over, it must have been drunk too much, and it's broken.



With a soft knock at the door, a person walked in.

When she looked up, her face turned red into charcoal, and she quickly wrapped herself up tightly with a quilt so as not to be seen by him.

"Whatever to hide, I have seen everything that should be seen and should not be seen."

When Jiang Xiaoguo heard this, she buried her face in the quilt, as if she was ashamed to see others.

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