Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1511 Hurry up to the fish tank

According to him, that is two people did it?

This kind of thing, remembering it and not remembering it are completely different things, anyway, she is shy and embarrassed now.

"I asked the hotel chef to make a bowl of hangover soup, and I drank it while it was hot." Lin Yue put the bowl in his left hand on the table, and threw the clothes in his right on the bed: "This is your clothes, you last night I drank too much and vomited on the dress, and I already asked the waiter to take it to the laundry."

Jiang Xiaoguo slowly poked her head out a little, only showing a pair of eyes to look at him.


She wanted to ask if we really did it, but when she spoke, her tongue started to tie up. She clearly thought about it in bed just now, and she made up her mind to have a showdown with him. After all, we have done that, and the relationship should be confirmed. Bar.

Let's talk about it, she is quite beautiful, don't look at Lin Yue always taking advantage of her and forcing her to call him a good brother, she will not be outdone, either step on his feet, or twist his back to fight back, But she knew very well in her heart that for this seemingly incomprehensible and enigmatic guy, her liking... no, it should be said that love is increasing day by day.

In the past, he still thought that Liang Shuang was the one he liked, and the two were considered talented and good-looking, and they were a good match, but now the idea is that there is no way for her to give her up to Sister Gao Leng.

"Jiang Xiaoguo, you're thinking too much."

Lin Yue squinted at her: "Facing a woman who is vomiting heavily and reeking of alcohol, do you think I will be in the mood to make out with you?"

! ! ! ! !

Jiang Xiaoguo's expression froze.

It's not just the expressions that froze, but also those thoughts that are so embarrassing.

That's right, in the face of a woman who is so drunk, how many men still want to have sex with her. President Lin is not the kind of dirty man who picks up corpses outside nightclubs. What kind of beauty can't catch up with him?


"Then what, get up soon, you have to catch a plane at noon." Lin Yue dropped these words and left.

Jiang Xiaoguo looked at the closed door, then at the hangover soup on the table, her mind was full of question marks and she was also wrapped in great sadness and disappointment.

Could it be... I really thought too much, and he just wanted to tease her? Brother and sister role-playing is a quirk? But I did kiss him yesterday, after that... Didn't something more radical happen later? Was she really not at all attractive to him?

The flight back home was first class, the sofa was super comfortable, but Jiang Xiaoguo was neither in the mood to take pictures as souvenirs, nor to enjoy it. For a full twelve hours, she tossed and turned, except for thanking the stewardess for the food and drinks, Nothing was said again.

Lin Yue ignored her and fell asleep all the way.

It was already 8 o'clock in the evening when I returned to Shenzhen. Jiang Xiaoguo had no appetite to eat, so she took a taxi back to school by herself.

There must be very few people who are distressed and depressed because they have not lost their virginity.

After standing at the door of 419 and adjusting for a long time, she forcefully smiled and pushed open the door.

"Sisters, I'm back."

"Ah, Xiaoguo is back." Duan Jiabao was discussing with Lizi from the support group that Lili will come to Shenzhen for an event next week and go to the airport to pick him up together. Seeing this, he threw his phone and ran over with a bear hug: "Xiaoguo , you miss me so much, you know, these days when you're not here, even the person I'm talking to..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly remembered that Luo Yan was on the opposite bed, and hurriedly looked up, and sure enough, a face was poking out from the gap in the curtain, looking at them intently.

"Uh, stone... stone..."

Her enthusiasm vanished in an instant.

Jiang Xiaoguo said, "Shitou, is the injury on your face any better?"

Luo Yan nodded: "It's almost done, look, there are only bruises left at the corners of the eyes, and it will be fine after two days of applying the potion."

In New York before, Lin Yue rescued her from several black people, and the travel agency arranged for her to take a vacation the next day, so Luo Yan came back earlier than her.

Duan Jiabao looked at this and that: "Stone, Xiaoguo, you two..."

You must know that these two people have turned against each other for several months because of Lin Yue, and they usually don't talk to each other when they meet each other, why today?

Jiang Xiaoguo looked at Luo Yan and said, "You didn't tell her?"

Luo Yan nodded and shook her head.

She understood that Luo Yan didn't want Duan Jiabao to worry, so she chose to hide the fact that she was attacked by a black man.

Duan Jiabao said in a daze: "Shitou, didn't the injury on your face come from drinking too much?"

"Ah, yes, yes." Jiang Xiaoguo said: "She fell and hurt her, and I sent her back to the hotel."

"Then... are you reconciled?"

"Yes, reconciled."

Duan Jiabao thought of the photo in Jiang Xiaoguo's circle of friends with over a hundred comments: "Xiaoguo, so you took Lin Yue down?"

As soon as she heard that the two reconciled, she took it for granted that Jiang Xiaoguo had achieved her goal and forced Lin Yue and Wei Yunjie to break up.

Just when Jiang Xiaoguo didn't know how to answer this question, Liang Shuang, who was sitting in front of the desk and looking in the mirror trying out the newly bought radish diced lipstick, quit.

"I brought her to the United States to attend a high-end party due to my working relationship, and I said that I won him down. The ability to put money on the face of my best friend is really top-notch."

Duan Jiabao stuck out his tongue, not daring to respond to Sister Gao Leng's ridicule.

Jiang Xiaoguo sounded very uncomfortable. She flew all the way and was depressed all the way. She thought that Lin Yue stripped her naked and refused to sleep with her to prove that she was not attractive at all. Maybe she really just treated her as a younger sister, but now Liang Shuang The scars were exposed, and the anger in my heart suddenly rushed up: "It's better than you running to the boys' dormitory to deliver breakfast every day, and you also thoughtfully peeled off the egg skin, and then put a piece of chewing gum in the lunch box, Liang Shuang, your aloofness, Where is your arrogance?"

"Why can't I do this?" She picked up the phone, pointed to a WeChat friend on the screen and said, "Do you know who she is? The manager of the Tencent Game Promotion Department that Lin Yue helped me contact. The 3 mobile game is shooting a promotional video."

"Stop arguing, both of you." Luo Yan interrupted the two people who were facing each other: "Dabao, do you and Xiaoguo have any secrets from me?"

Duan Jiabao thought that since the two had reconciled, there was no need to hide Jiang Xiaoguo's secret: "Xiaoguo went after Lin Yue to help you reconcile with Lawyer Wei."


Luo Yan looked confused, for the sake of reconciling herself with Wei Yunjie, Jiang Xiaoguo went after Lin Yue, what was she thinking?


Liang Shuang pouted, not bothering to talk to those three guys who seemed very naive to her and didn't understand the truth at all.


A week later, in the evening.

Junhao Law Firm.

It's past the off-duty time, and the employees in the work area have all gone home. Jiang Xiaoguo accompanied Luo Yan to Wei Yunjie's office.


"A little."

The relationship between mother and daughter deteriorated to such an extent before, and now Lin Yue said that he was sure to bring their relationship back to the past. This matter would be uneasy for anyone, and his heart beats.


With a soft bang, the office door opened.

Luo Yan was startled and woke up with a start.

"Go in, and apologize to your mother." Lin Yue nodded at her, stepped aside to pass the two, and walked outside.

Jiang Xiaoguo patted her best friend's hand: "Stone, come on."

Luo Yan took a deep breath, and walked into the room with the dessert she bought at the cake shop downstairs.

Jiang Xiaoguo didn't follow in, and leaned against the door to listen to a few words, and found that Wei Yunjie started calling Luo Yan "Yanyan" again as if she had changed someone else. There is no doubt that this is a good start, I believe it won't take long, mother The relationship between the two women can go back to the past.

But... there was one thing she couldn't figure out, how Lin Yue did it.

After a little hesitation, she bit the bullet and chased after him, and stopped the person who made her feel sad and happy, and loved and angry at the elevator.

" stop."

Lin Yue glanced at the elevator doors that opened to both sides, but didn't go in. He turned to look at Jiang Xiaoguo and said, "I've been hiding from me for a whole week, and I thought you didn't recognize my brother."

"Who...who is avoiding you, obviously you don't go to the company." After she said this, she realized that Lin Yue had changed the subject: "I didn't want to talk to you about this."

"Then what do you want to talk about?"

"Lawyer Wei doesn't seem to be close to you at all, you... how did you do it?"

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