Jiang Xiaoguo couldn't figure it out. Judging from Luo Yan's occasional complaints, Lawyer Wei should have had a good time.

It can be understood after careful consideration. This cheap brother is so evil that she doubts her life. It is normal for Lawyer Wei to be seduced by him as a confidant. There is no reaction of sadness or resentment at all, which is unreasonable.

Lin Yue said: "I have a magical medicine that can make people lose their memory, and it is designed to treat all kinds of mental illnesses."


Jiang Xiaoguo thought she heard it wrong, no, who would believe such nonsense.

"One day, if you can't love someone, you can come to me."

He replied solemnly, but the listeners were angry, angry and resentful, wanting to tear his mouth apart, isn't he the one she can't love.

"Can you speak well, lie to me every day, and don't lie to me once?"

Lin Yue sighed: "Well, let me tell you the truth, I sang a bitter trick with Wei Yunjie, the purpose is to help Luo Yan recognize the reality and know who is the person who loves her the most in this world. It’s not strong, it’s hard to grow up, and its most direct consequence is to hurt the people who love you.”

"It turns out to be like this." Jiang Xiaoguo suddenly realized, and said three "no wonder" in her heart. Judging from Wei Yunjie's performance, only this kind of explanation is logical: "Doing this... the price is a bit high, in case the stone Why don't you turn back?"

Lin Yue said, "Then do you think Luo Yan would treat her mother well even if she didn't do this?"


Thinking about Luo Yan's mother not answering her calls, Jiang Xiaoguo had nothing to say.

"Lin Yue."


"We all misunderstood you, you are such a good person."

"No, I don't want to be issued a good person card, I just want to be your good brother."

Who wants to be your sister, I want to be your girlfriend.

Jiang Xiaoguo shouted in her heart, but the words rushed to her throat, but they were stuck there, and she couldn't get them out.

"No problem? No problem, I'm leaving."

Because it was past the off-duty point, the elevator was not busy, and it was still on the current floor, but it opened with a light push on the door. He walked in and waved goodbye to Jiang Xiaoguo.

The elevator goes down.

Lin Yue looked at the constantly changing numbers above his head, feeling very speechless.

Why is it always unbelievable to tell the truth? I really didn’t lie to her, why are everyone willing to think better of others? With Wangqing Water and [Hypnotism LV4], I can’t deal with a Wei Yunjie who trusts him very much .

Yes, just before implementing the plan, he upgraded [Hypnotism LV3] to [Hypnotism LV4].

[Hypnotism LV4] (Description: Realize rapid hypnosis without the specialness of the target, and further deepen the effect of psychological suggestion. For those who are not firm in their will and trust you, it can reshape the target's cognition of specific things. )

[Hypnosis LV3] is a psychological suggestion. Lin Yue has done experiments before, such as "you have eaten breakfast", "I saw XX when I got off work yesterday", "you hate Thai food" and other psychological hints The success rate is 100%, but the success rate of hints such as "you killed someone", "you don't love XXX", "you especially hate your mother" that cause strong emotional reactions is not high.

The brilliance of [Hypnosis LV4] is that it can implant specific events and objects into the memory of the target object. For example, the target object obviously lay in bed and slept all day yesterday. Through the guidance of language and scenes, it can be made to go boating, fishing, etc. , Watching a movie, going to an Internet celebrity restaurant for more specific pictures, if there is no reference in memory, some details will be automatically blurred. In addition, the effect of rapid hypnosis is also very practical. Even people who resist it can force them into a hypnotized state within 5 minutes.

In addition, he also found an interesting setting, just like increasing the intelligence can improve the effect of the [Photographic Memory] skill, increasing the spirit can also increase the effect of [Hypnotism], why is the spirit related [ Hypnosis] He didn’t know, anyway, he added the remaining 8 attribute points to the spirit, and now the spirit attribute has reached 33, which is the highest attribute other than strength, because in Lin Yue’s view, [Hypnotism] This skill definitely has the potential to grow into a magical skill.

Yes, it has the potential to become a magic skill, but the need for upgrades makes him have the urge to curse people. Originally, [Hypnotism LV2] upgraded [Hypnotism LV3] and spent 2 skill enhancement points, and now [Hypnotism LV3] Upgrading [Hypnotism LV4] became 4 points, and after the upgrade, the residual value of skill enhancement dropped to 2. It seems that this product is the same as [Left and Right Hemispheres], and it is also a big eater.


five days later.

Nanshan District, a famous city in Xinghai.

clang clang~

The sound of the shovel colliding with the iron pan came from the kitchen, and the sound of the range hood was so soft that it could hardly be heard when the sliding door was closed.

Luo Yan sat on the chair next to the dining table, feeling like she was dreaming about what happened in the past. She never thought that cutting off the mother-daughter relationship was actually a bitter trick implemented by Lin Yue in cooperation with Wei Yunjie. My heart is blocked.

To what extent did she disappoint Wei Yunjie before, so she chose this... er, the method of fighting poison with poison. Looking back, her rebelliousness and willfulness not only almost destroyed this family, but also almost lost her life in the Overseas, if this is regarded as growth, the price is too high.

ding ding ding dong~

At this time, the mobile phone on the dining table rang, but because of the noisy cooking, Wei Yunjie didn't notice it.

Luo Yan picked it up and took a look. It was a call from a man named Zhao Changming.

"Mom, you call."

She picked up the phone and walked to the kitchen door, opened the sliding door, and handed the phone over.

Wei Yunjie took the phone and looked at it, her expression changed slightly, she went back and turned off the gas stove, pressed the connect button when she was done, and went into the bedroom with her mobile phone.

Luo Yan was a little confused. My mother never shied away from herself when answering the phone. Hasn't she completely forgiven her?

"Listen to me, Changming... something happened to my family a few days ago..."

"...not...it's my daughter, Luo Yan..."

"...I can't tell on the phone, if..."

The bedroom door was not closed tightly, and the conversation between the two could be vaguely heard.

Luo Yan looked back at the unfinished meals in the kitchen. With a thought, she moved two steps towards the bedroom and listened carefully to the movement in the room, because she always felt that Wei Yunjie's tone... didn't seem to be talking about work, it seemed a little guilt mentality.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have kept everything from you."

"Yes, I went to Harbin during the Spring Festival. I just stayed in the south for a long time and wanted to change the environment and sort out the relationship between me and my daughter."

"Changming, I really... don't know how to explain... In fact, I haven't contacted you for so long, after all, it's because of Yanyan."

"Okay, let's meet the day after tomorrow."

"5:30 p.m., Nanshan Book City, okay, I see."

Luo Yan hurried back to the dining table and sat down again. It turned out that her mother had that kind of relationship with this Zhao Changming. As for Lin Yue... Thinking of this, the guilt in her heart was like the Pearl River water in the flood season, because she hated him, and He was very close to her mother, how many times did she scold him behind his back? How many curses have been placed? How many bad things have you said to Jiang Xiaoguo and Duan Jiabao?

In the end, that person accepted all these misunderstandings, white eyes, and abuse, and saved her life in the United States. Thinking about it, she owed him too much, so much that she didn't know how to repay it. Now she knows why Jiang Xiaoguo and Liang Shuang like him.

He is really a nice guy.

"Yanyan, wait a minute, mom will cook for you right now."

"I'll stick to it, Mom, don't worry."


At the same time, outside the Zhongzhou Pavilion Hotel.

Duan Jiabao and the two backbone members of the Lili support group were sitting in a BMW, looking at each other sadly.

"What should I do? What kind of rubbish company cuts promotional resources after saying something unappealing, even if it wants to terminate the contract, isn't this intentional?"

They had just met their idols, and Lili's manager and friend complained a few words in front of them.

The girl in the co-pilot was wearing a white sweater with Li Li's face on it.

"Hey, Lili's last movie got a lot of word of mouth, which just gave the agency an excuse."

The girl with the ball head in the driver's seat said, "Then what should we do? Can we do something for you?"

The girl sitting in the co-pilot said: "What can we do? Once the promotional resources are withdrawn and the exposure is insufficient, it will definitely get old after a long time, alas!"

Duan Jiabao said: "Isn't it just to maintain exposure, I have a way."

"Do you have a solution?" The two people in front looked at each other, "What can you do?"

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