Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1609 You are the unfilial son

Hao Dongmei, can't have a baby?

The cigarette in Zhou Zhigang's hand fell to the ground, the ashes scattered and stained his cloth shoes, and Li Suhua's face looked as if it had been ironed.

The husband and wife looked at Lin Yue, then at Hao Dongmei, and finally fixed their eyes on Zhou Bingyi's face, asking and questioning.

The protagonist of this incident was completely dumbfounded. Only their friends in the work unit and the attending doctor knew about Hao Dongmei's inability to have a child. Where did Zhou Bingkun get the news? Even worse, he told his parents the truth.

Things are getting worse.

He wanted to hide it, but when he couldn't hide it anymore, he even planned to take the responsibility on himself for the sake of Hao Dongmei's face, and lied to his parents that he was infertile.

"Bingyi? Bingyi? Is that so?" Zhou Zhigang's hands were trembling, as was his voice.

What does not being able to have children mean to the Zhou family? There is an old saying that there are three types of unfilial piety, and no descendant is the greatest. Although it is a new era, this concept is heavier than the weight in the hearts of the older generation.

"Dad... yes, there is such a thing, but don't worry, I will take Dongmei to Beijing when I have time, and find an expert from Xiehe Hospital to see a doctor for her. Now that medical technology is so advanced, it can definitely be cured .”

Knowing that it was his son comforting him, Zhou Zhigang reached out to pick up the cigarette case on the kang, took out a cigarette from it, put it to his mouth and took a couple of sips, only to find that it hadn't been lit yet, and felt behind his back twice, but found no match. , turned his head and stared, and shouted at Li Suhua: "Where's the fire?"


"The fire is here." Li Suhua quickly picked up the box of matches with the word "Botou" printed on it and handed it over.

Zhou Zhigang took out a match in his hand, struck it several times but failed to ignite the matchhead, instead broke the not-so-strong wooden pole, and he threw it to the ground in anger, neither the fire nor the smoke. He smoked, and sat there with puffed cheeks.

Zhou Bingyi didn't dare to take a breath.

Hao Dongmei's complexion changed several times, she couldn't hold back, she couldn't sit still anymore, she used the excuse to go outside to see if she was awake, turned around and left the room, opened the door and went out.

"Dongmei, Dongmei...Dad..."

He called his wife's name twice, looked at his father who was sitting on the kang with his back hunched over and looked sad, and chose to chase him out.

When Zhou Zhigang saw that the boss and his wife had left, he gave Lin Yue a hard look.

"Okay, let your sister-in-law run away in anger, are you satisfied now?"

"I ran away in anger? Am I not right? The eldest brother kept this matter from you, so you don't blame him. Zheng Juan's mother is old, how many years can she live? His younger brother was accepted by the abbot of Beituo Temple Disciple, he said that he has the roots of wisdom, and he will enter the temple to practice when he is an adult, and he is a drag, why is she dragging me?"

The more Zhou Zhigang listened, the more angry he became, and he wanted to pick things up and throw him away.

"It's okay to let your sister-in-law run away in anger. You think of her... She was already very sad when she encountered this kind of thing. If Bingyi divorces her again, how will she live in the future?"

"At this time, you are considerate of elder brother and sister-in-law? Then why don't you consider me and Zheng Juan? Zhou Rong and Feng Huacheng, Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei, you are tolerant to them and strict to us. Why? After all, don't you think they have Culture, wings are hard, and people who are not in the same class as you, they have their own views on love and ways of life, can you not control them? And Zheng Juan and I are the bottom people of the optical film, no big brother and sister are promising, You have your own opinions, even worse than you, an old worker. You have authority and status here, so you want us to do what you want. Yes, I understand you, you are really for my own good, but you can accept Zhou Rong With Hao Dongmei? Why can't you accept Zheng Juan?"

"I, I, I will kill you, an unfilial son."

As soon as Zhou Zhi got off the kang, he picked up the shoes on the ground and beat them with his hands.

Lin Yue couldn't get him to hit him, twisted his body twice, opened the door and ran out.

Zhou Zhigang wanted to chase, but was stopped by Li Suhua.

"You say you, why are you talking about this during the Chinese New Year?"

"If I don't say it now, will there be time after the next year?"

Li Suhua stopped talking, because Zhou Zhigang had to leave in the third year of junior high school.


Lin Yue came out of the house, pushed his bicycle two steps away, and bumped into Zhou Bingyi who was walking back.

"What are you doing?"

"Go to Taiping Hutong."

"What?" Zhou Bingyi looked at him angrily: "You still think Dad is not angry enough?"

"Blame me, he insisted on presenting the facts to me."

Lin Yuechao was speechless. Zhou Bingyi, the boss of the Zhou family, had been working for others all his life, so he was admitted to Peking University to satisfy Zhou Zhigang's vanity, filial piety? hehe. The second child, Zhou Rong, has been living a self-centered life since she was young, and only opened her eyes when she was in her fifties or sixties. She gave Zhou Bingkun 60,000 yuan as start-up capital, but as she said, this Compared with the thirteen years that Zhou Bingkun's family took care of Yueyue, the money is nothing to worry about.

Zhou Bingyi said: "Then you will confront him? That's our dad!"

Lin Yue said, "You are so considerate of him, why didn't you break up with Hao Dongmei? There are three ways to be unfilial, and you have no descendants. You chose the former between love and filial piety, but now you teach me to be filial. That's how you treat yourself as a big brother?" Don’t do to others what you don’t want to be done to others, is that possible?”

If it weren't for this guy's talkativeness, Hao Dongmei wouldn't leave in a fit of anger, and Zhou Zhigang wouldn't be furious. Zhou Bingyi was already annoyed, and when he heard this, he couldn't suppress his inner anger, so he just kicked him. Hold down the raised leg.

"You're so angry you want to hit someone?"

"How do you know that Dongmei is sterile?"

"Is it important how I know? What matters is whether it's true. If you keep such a big thing from your parents, it's my fault if I tell it?"

"That's because the time has not come. When the time comes, I will explain it to them personally."

"What do you mean? In order to protect Hao Dongmei, it's because you are infertile, right? After all, love is better than parents' kindness."

Lin Yue pushed him back and pushed the bicycle away.

Zhou Bingyi stood under the eaves with his hands down, not knowing what to say when he went back.

To say that the third child has always listened to his parents the most, and for some reason, he made the same mistake as Zhou Rong when it came to Zheng Juan's question. Feng Huacheng is a poet anyway, and Zheng Juan, Zheng Juan have what? How can an uneducated woman be so obsessed with the third child?


The fifth day of the Lunar New Year.

Sun Chanchao, Yu Hong, Xiao Guoqing, Wu Qian, Cao Debao, Qiao Chunyan, plus Lin Yue, seven of them had dinner at the restaurant where Wu Qian worked.

"Brother, godfather left in the third year of junior high school, so you can go back to live. My godmother misses you. Really, she said, your father is gone, and your brother is gone too. Now the house is deserted, she miss you."

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Qiao Chunyan began to mediate and act as a peacemaker.

"No, I live pretty well in Taiping Hutong."

"Brother, I've been to Zheng Juan's house. There are only two rooms in her house, an old lady, a woman, and she has a blind brother. Plus you, how can there be four people?"

"Zheng Juan's mother has been gone for more than a year."


The few people looked at each other, thinking that it's no wonder this guy is so happy to leave, a blind brother is a free gift, the two of them are basically living in a two-person world, this condition is not better than theirs?

Wu Qian said: "You don't know, her two sisters have been back to the city for more than half a year for the National Day, and they have not been working. Not only do we eat and drink, but the family of six is ​​squeezed into two rooms."

Xiao Guoqing couldn't hold back his face: "That's my own sister, where are you going to live if you don't go home? Are you driving them out? Why do you want to, tell people about this matter, as for you."

Seeing that the two were arguing, several people hurriedly tried to persuade them to fight.

Lin Yue took out a letter and threw it on the table: "Lv Chuan is here, please take a look."

After Cao Debao took it and read a few sentences, Chun Yan'er took it away and burned it, and then brought the topic back to the old Zhou's family.

"Brother Bingyi, sister Dongmei, they are all good students who have gone to school. What about you, I am not talking about you, brother Gan, you are the same as all of us, how can you say that, oh , Yes, planers are all planers, I don’t think you should compare with them, it’s meaningless to compare with them.”

Sun Chanchao, Xiao Guoqing and the others nodded together. Yes, Zhou Bingkun studied one or two years longer than them, but what was the use? He was only better at Chinese, and the other subjects were free.

Lin Yue said: "Who stipulates that I can't compare with them. Now I haven't learned. If I have learned, you can see if my grades can't beat them."

Cao Debao threw the melon seeds on the table: "You just pull it, and talk nonsense every day."

The others agreed one after another, laughing and scolding Lin Yue for boasting.

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