Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1610 Is it difficult to get into Peking University?

"Who is bragging." Lin Yue said, "Lu Chuan has already gone to college, so can I not go to college?"

Cao Debao said: "Lv Chuan was able to go to college because of his father's martyrs. What about you? Even if your family is given a place, the candidates for college are your brother and your sister. It's okay if you don't believe it. Staying in college at home is enough for you to study for a lifetime." .”


Sun Chanchao and Xiao Guoqing laughed heartily, and Yu Hong and Wu Qian couldn't help but smile, feeling that the words were rough and unreasonable. This week, the old man of the Zhou family had a stupid face. From his looks, he was not the one who could go to college. species of people.

Lin Yue said: "Don't look down on people, how about a bet on going to college?"

"Bet?" Several people were stunned when they heard this: "What bet?"

"If I am admitted to college, each of you promise me one thing."

Cao Debao said, "What's the matter?"

"I haven't figured it out yet."

Qiao Chunyan quit: "Brother, you have such a good plan. If you don't talk about it now, when will you think it over and when will you say it? Do you think we are all fools?"

Lin Yue pointed at them with his chopsticks and said, "You are the ones who look down on others first, why? Since you think I won't be admitted to university, this scares you all?"

"Who do you say was intimidated?"

Sun Chanchao used to be very interested in Qiao Chunyan, but Qiao Chunyan liked Zhou Bingkun, and then, Zhou Bingkun was lukewarm to Qiao Chunyan, he was very unconvinced, even if he was with Yu Hong now, it was fine I love to run and send small words, not to mention that now that I have drunk wine, the spirit in my stomach cannot be suppressed no matter what.

"Just bet."

Qiao Chunyan said: "Hey, catch up, you are your own master, don't drag us along."

"That's right." Cao Debao blushed like a monkey's ass, looked at Lin Yue and said, "We promised you one thing when you were admitted to university, so what if you fail?"

"Can't pass the exam? If you don't pass the exam, I will invite you to the restaurant every month for a period of one year. How about it?"

Several people were stunned.

At the current price, with a meal for seven people and two bottles of wine, half a month's salary will be lost. One meal a month? This is no longer generous, it is a prodigal.

"Brother, you drank too much, you started talking nonsense." Qiao Chunyan hurriedly made amends for him.

"Do you think I look like I've been drinking too much?" Lin Yue said, "I'm just asking if you dare to make this bet."

Xiao Guoqing poked his neck and said, "Dare, why don't you dare, whoever doesn't bet is the grandson."

Sun Chanchao ate melon seeds and said, "Kun'er, don't you think about it anymore? It's not that I look down on you. Let's be honest, you are not the material for studying."

They grew up with naked buttocks together. If you want to talk about Zhou Bingkun's grades, no one has more say than him and Xiao Guoqing.

"Don't think about it, I don't believe it yet. My brother and my sister are both good students. When they come to me, they will be born stupid. If you gamble, whoever doesn't gamble will be the grandson."

"That's fine."

Sun Chanchao raised his glass: "Then let's talk about it."

Cao Debao saw that there was an advantage, so he quickly picked up the cup: "Count me in."

Qiao Chunyan glared at him: "Cao Debao!"

"Why do you call me? What if Kun'er wins."

"Can he win? He drank too much and messed up, and you also booed?"

"Qiao Chunyan, can you stop talking to me like that, I'm also the deputy director of the workshop now."

"Deputy director, you really treat yourself like a green onion, your deputy director of the workshop, I am also a model in public baths."

Cao Debao was intimidated by her, and he didn't dare to talk anymore.

Yu Hong and Wu Qian smiled a little forcedly. These two couples, a deputy director of the workshop of a soy sauce factory and a pacesetter in public baths, apart from Lu Chuan who was in college, were undoubtedly the best of their group.

Xiao Guoqing said to Lin Yue: "You two go to the soy sauce factory one after the other, look at Debao, who is the workshop director, and then look at you, what's the use of being good with Mrs. Qu, isn't it just an ordinary laborer? Worker."

Sun Chanchao said: "Kun'er, do you know that after you left, you have now become a negative example of our factory. Every time Deputy Director Xu and Director Yang hold a meeting, they will talk about you, so that the employees in the factory will not same as you."

"Heh." Lin Yue said: "Just wait, there will be times when they beg me."

"You're bragging again, aren't you? Kun'er, it's not that I look down on you, it's really... what's your name? Oh yes, arrogant, without self-knowledge."

Sun Chanchao and Xiao Guoqing couldn't understand his thoughts. Yes, the Hongxing Timber Factory is a small factory with a few hundred people, but no matter how bad it is, it is still a job unit. Will the factory manager ask him? An ordinary worker in the slag removal workshop of a soy sauce factory? Don't say they don't believe it, children know it's impossible.

"Okay, brother, stop drinking, and if you drink any more, you will have to pay the other half of your salary." Qiao Chunyan said while taking the wine glass from his table.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing, don't take you like this."

Sun Chanchao and others quit.

Qiao Chunyan said: "I love my brother, can't you? Call your sister if you have the ability."

Several people talked for a while, and finally left under the urging of Qiao Chunyan.

Lin Yue went to the counter to pay the bill, and as soon as he turned around, he was stopped by Qiao Chunyan: "Brother, you can go home and have a look, the godmother misses you, you said she is at home alone, a little bit of heavy work or something, But what should I do?"

"Okay, I see." Lin Yue walked out the door while wearing a scarf.

If you want to talk about why Qiao Chunyan is so courteous, isn't it because of what her godmother explained. After all, the old saying goes well, don't reach out to hit people with smiling faces.


In the evening, Lin Yue pushed open the door of Lao Zhou's house.

If Zhou Zhigang was here, he definitely wouldn't come back. Now that Zhou Zhigang and Zhou Bingyi are gone, and Li Suhua is the only one left, he really should come back and have a look. After all, Zhou Bingkun has the best relationship with his own mother, even though the couple really prefer the eldest and the second.

Moreover, Feng Huacheng should have had an accident during this period of time. According to the plot of the TV series, Li Suhua got excited after knowing this incident and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage on the spot. He had to take care of this matter.

"Oh, Kun'er, you're back."

Li Suhua was making cornmeal outside, and was about to paste cornbread in the cauldron. When he saw him coming back, he quickly wiped off the cornmeal dregs on his hands, and walked up to him quickly.

"Is it cold outside?"

Lin Yue said, "It's okay."

"Chun Yan'er called you back?"

"Ah, yes." Lin Yue said, "I don't want to see if there is any heavy work, so I can do it for you."

"Kun'er." Upon hearing this, Li Suhua wiped away tears on the opposite side: "You can leave as soon as you say, and you won't be at home during the Chinese New Year's Spring Festival. Don't mention how uncomfortable it is for Mom."

"Then why don't you persuade my dad to accept Zheng Juan?"


"Look at you alone, I usually can't help you with washing and cleaning at work. If Zheng Juan is here, I can save a lot of trouble."

"Kun'er, don't say good things for her. Mom doesn't need her, and she won't let her take care of me. On this matter, Mom agrees with your dad. Yes, what your sister and brother did The incident made my parents sad, but have you ever thought about it? Your sister and your brother-in-law are in the mountainous area of ​​Guizhou, and your brother and your sister-in-law are in Jiangliao. Don’t say they don’t come back. Stay here, you're different, if you really marry Zheng Juan into the house, going in and out of our optical film every day, it's not enough for those old women who talk badly, we ordinary people, we must have the way of ordinary ordinary people. "

This speaks out the aspirations of Zhou Zhigang and his wife. From the bottom of their hearts, they feel that Zhou Bingkun is incompetent and inferior to Zhou Rong and Zhou Bingyi. In the TV series, Zhou Bingkun resigned from the soy sauce factory precisely because he realized this, and opened a restaurant with editor-in-chief Shao of Golden Land Publishing House to make money for himself.

"Mom, Zheng Juan is very virtuous, as long as you get along with her for a few days, you will definitely fall in love with her."

"If Mom says no need, it means no need."

Well, the more you talk, the more annoyed Lin Yue is. Looking at the whole play, what does Zhou Rong care about the old man and the old lady? During Li Suhua's bedridden years, it was Zheng Juan's job to defecate, urinate, feed and water, and she also helped take care of Yueyue. She worked hard until the couple died of sudden illness. It is said that the daughter is a caring little padded jacket. Has this caring little padded jacket been worn for a day? What about Zhou Bingyi? His wife is like a guest at Zhou's house, who dares to let her serve the old man.

"Okay, you don't need it." Lin Yue simply stopped talking, stood up, took his hat and left.

"Kun'er, what are you doing? Just say a few words and you'll be annoyed. You weren't like this before." Li Suhua chased to the outhouse. At this moment, a human face passed by the door, and then there was the sound of knocking on the window: "This is Zhou Zhigang's home." ?"

Lin Yue opened the door and took a look. Well, it's Feng Huacheng's student Guo Cheng.

The heart said that what should come still came.

Thanks to militia, carbon-based life, QINGDE1717, Baishou Yueguang, and book friends with tail number 3758 for the 100 starting coins.

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