Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1611 Actually, I also passed the exam

"Who are you?"

Li Suhua was a little surprised when he saw a three or four-year-old child in his arms. He heard that he was looking for Zhou Zhigang, but he didn't know him at all.

"My name is Guo Cheng. I'm a student of Zhou Rong and Feng Huacheng. This is..."

He hugged the child in his arms: "Yueyue, Feng Yue, the daughter of Feng Huacheng and Teacher Zhou Rong."

Li Suhua ran into the back room as soon as he heard this, and found the photo sent by Zhou Rong this year from the drawer of the bedside table. He looked at the girl in Guo Cheng's arms, and then at the girl in the middle of the photo, and nodded involuntarily.

"Yes, it's Yueyue."

At this time, Guo Cheng took out a letter from his arms: "Ma'am, this is a letter from Teacher Zhou."

Li Suhua took it over and took a look, and found that he couldn't understand it at all, but felt that the handwriting was a bit familiar, so he handed it to Lin Yue: "Look at what the letter says?"

Lin Yue said: "She said that something happened on the road and she was delayed, so she might come back later."

When Li Suhua heard that it was indeed Zhou Rong's letter, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief: "You said this child scared my mother to death."

She thought something bad had happened, but looking at the reactions of Guo Cheng and Yueyue, as well as the contents of the letter, it seemed that she was thinking too much.

"Come on, Yueyue, grandma will bring you peach cakes."

After speaking, she turned and went back to the house, and took out an iron box from the cabinet, which contained the peach cake Zhou Bingyi bought for the New Year when she returned home, and she hadn't eaten it yet.

Seeing that the teacher's instructions had been completed, Guo Cheng refused the old lady's offer to let him eat at home on the grounds that he had to catch the train, and dragged Lin Yue to the train station to get the things Zhou Rong had brought home.

On the way, Guo Cheng told Lin Yue the truth. Feng Huacheng was arrested by the police at the police station because of a fight. return.

Lin Yue didn't say much, sent him to the train, took his things and returned to the optical film.

When I read this passage, I felt that Feng Huacheng and Zhou Rong were really bastards with mung beans. One ran to the mountainous area of ​​Guizhou to marry a man ten years older than himself for romance, and the other was restless after coming out of the police station. , was finally locked up for more than half a year, and lost his wife and children for his ideals.

When he returned to the optical film, Yueyue had already fallen asleep, and Li Suhua was pouring freshly boiled water into the thermos. When he saw him coming back, he quickly stopped what he was doing and took the fruits and pastries that Zhou Rong was going home for the New Year. , The local specialty took it over: "How is it? Someone sent it away?"

"Sent away."

"Then about your sister, did you ask him carefully?"

"I asked, and it was said that one of Feng Huacheng's students had an accident, and his relatives were not around, so they could only help him deal with it, so this year... I'm afraid I won't be able to come back."

Now Zhou Zhigang and Li Suhua don't approve of his relationship with Zheng Juan, but they know that Li Suhua will have a cerebral hemorrhage after telling the truth. If it is like in the TV series, let Zheng Juan come over to serve for a few years, the old man will see that she is so good to his wife, he will definitely Even if he agreed to marry the two, he couldn't tell the truth.

First, he didn't want to see Li Suhua fall ill, and second, he complained for Zheng Juan. She was a widow in the TV series with Luo Shibin's child. She needed to lower her profile to win Zhou Zhigang's understanding and support. What about here? The real big girl with yellow flowers was given to your son, why should you go the old way?

"Oh, that's what happened."

"What about Yueyue? Take her away when Guo Cheng comes back?"

"I don't think so. As for the child, you can take it with you first. I'm leaving." After Lin Yue said this, he put on the gloves he had taken off, pushed open the door and went out.

"Kuner, Kuner..."

She yelled twice without hearing a response, chased him out and saw that the man had already got on his bicycle and left. She was so angry that she cursed a few times, "I married a wife and forgot my old mother", then turned and went back to the house.

Lin Yue rode his bicycle to the entrance of the alley and stopped, turned his head and glanced behind him, and said to himself that after you take care of the children for a few days, you will know what it means to be unforgiving.


He had a good idea, but he overlooked one thing. Apart from him, there was another channel for Li Suhua to know the truth, Cai Xiaoguang.

The Zhou family didn't have a phone, and Zhou Rong couldn't contact her family members, so she called Cai Xiaoguang and asked him to come and have a look at the house, but this guy got confused, thinking that Li Suhua's so-called knowledge of what happened was the truth, so she gave Feng Huacheng to him. After being locked up in the detention center, Zhou Rong planned to go back to Guizhou to ask her work unit to provide a guarantor. The old lady couldn't accept it all at once, and she had a cerebral hemorrhage and was admitted to the hospital.

After Lin Yue learned about this incident, he scolded Cai Xiaoguang bloody. If you want to talk about this kid, he has always looked sober in the world in TV dramas. thing.

Whether it was because he overestimated Cai Xiaoguang's scheming, or whether there was a force in the dark that pushed the plot line hard, in short, things happened.

Zhou Zhigang was in Chongqing, Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei were building the Corps in Liaoshen, and Zhou Rong returned to Guizhou.

Tell them about Li Suhua being paralyzed in bed, who can come back?

I'm afraid it will be difficult.

Lin Yue thought about it, and decided to let Zheng Juan take care of Li Suhua according to the plot in the TV series. First, because she was Zhou Bingkun's biological mother, he had to take into account the emotions of the original owner of the body. A very interesting idea.

When she was good, Aunt Qiao called Li Suhua one by one, but she was paralyzed on the bed. As the old saying goes, there are no filial sons in front of the bed for a long time, and all children are like this, let alone godsisters, let alone Yueyue. The naughty child was there, so he went to Lin Yue to complain and asked him to think of other ways, such as hiring a full-time nanny to take care of the elderly and children.

In this way, Lin Yue was "forced to have no choice but to take Zheng Juan and Guangming from Taiping Hutong to his home to take care of Li Suhua.

The neighbors talked a lot, but those who used to gossip did not dare to swear at each other unscrupulously, because if one day they fell ill and their daughter-in-law didn't take care of themselves like Zheng Juan, then the neighbors would die of laughter.

In this way, the time passed by 2 years.

Early 1978.

Optical film Zhou family.

The neighbors nearby pointed and whispered to each other about the hottest topic at the moment, which is also a big event for optical film.

The three children of the old Zhou family have all been admitted to college.

The eldest is Peking University, the second is Peking University, and the third is Tsinghua University.

They are all top universities in China, and no one is worse than the other.

"You said that this Bingkun did not do well in elementary school. He was at the bottom of the class every year. How did he get admitted to university in a blink of an eye? It was still Tsinghua University. I heard the news and felt like a dream."

"You don't know this, do you? I heard from Chunyan that since his dry brother went to the night school at the soy sauce factory, he has become fond of reading. He has read all the books that his brother and sister hid back then. Now Isn't it normal to be admitted to university?"

"That's right, just being stupid when you're young doesn't mean you'll be stupid when you grow up. It may be because your brain develops slowly."

"Three college students, the old Zhou family's ancestral grave is emitting green smoke."

"If you want me to say, you look at the problem too superficially."

"What do you mean shallow?"

"Let's put it this way, the three children of Lao Zhou's family have all been admitted to college, what will the old lady do? She is still lying on the kang, who will take care of her in the future?"


Just like the neighbors thought, who will go to college and who will take care of Li Suhua who is paralyzed in bed is a big problem.

The room was quiet. The old lady was lying on the bed with her eyes closed, her chest rising and falling.

Yueyue sat on a chair in the corner, seemed to be affected by the atmosphere of the venue, looking at this and that, she didn't dare to take a breath.

Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei were sitting near the door, and Feng Huacheng and Zhou Rong were sitting on the other side, with tears still hanging on their daughter's faces.

Lin Yue was beside Yueyue. Zheng Juan and Guangming were also there, but he drove them to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

In the TV series, Zhou Rong and Feng Huacheng didn’t return home until the summer of 1978. Now they came back at the beginning of the year. They were recalled by his series of telegrams, because now they are faced with a multiple-choice question—who will go to school and who will go to school? Stay to take care of Li Suhua.

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