Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1613 I have never seen such a shameless person (two in one)

Seeing that Zhou Rong and his wife were in a dilemma, Zhou Bingyi was very clear about their inner thoughts. It was good for Zhou Rong to learn from a young age, and he especially liked literary works. Otherwise, he couldn’t fall in love with a man ten years older than himself just because Feng Huacheng wrote poems well. Now that she is admitted to the Chinese Department of Peking University, it can be said that this is the realization of her ideal, which is equivalent to gaining a new life, refreshing the starting line, and a promising future is beckoning to her.

Now the third child is calling them back, expressly and secretly meaning to let Zhou Rong take over the hot potato of her own mother, yes, she should take over, but once she stays in the optical film, all pursuits in life and all hopes will be shattered , undoubtedly a devastating blow to her spirit.

On the other hand, the third child? The third child has been taking care of Li Suhua for more than two years. Although I don’t know how this person who has always been a drag on the class became a good student, he suddenly became a blockbuster and was admitted to a top university in China, but the admission letter cannot be faked there, and Tsinghua University The physics department is so popular, how could he and Zhou Rong let his brother give up the opportunity to go to Tsinghua University and continue to take care of his paralyzed mother at home? That is to be poked in the back and called a jerk.

"I don't think it's better..."

Just as Zhou Bingyi was about to speak, Hao Dongmei who was sitting next to him pulled his sleeve from behind.

The two have been married for five years, and she knows what Zhou Bingyi wants to say.

After all, he is also the boss of the Zhou family, so of course he has to give up the opportunity to go to college to his younger siblings at this time.

Zhou Bingyi was willing to give up a Peking University diploma, but she was reluctant.

Originally, her parents were not optimistic about the marriage between the two of them, thinking that it was too hasty at the time. If Zhou Bingyi could not go to Peking University to study, lost his university diploma, and further widened the gap with her, a college student of Jichun Medical College, it would not be more difficult to get the approval of his father-in-law Yet? How uncomfortable it would be for her to be caught in the middle.

Zhou Bingyi knew what Hao Dongmei was thinking, didn't he want to go to college? Don't want to hold your head up in front of your parents-in-law? I thought, but in this situation at home, what should I do? The third child has been filial for many years, and I can't wrong him anymore. As for the second child, if she is not allowed to go to Peking University to study, I am afraid that I will die. He... If he changes jobs early, he can find a job in a government agency, and he can take care of the elderly while earning money to support his family.

Seeing that Zhou Bingyi was stopped by Hao Dongmei, Zhou Rong turned to look at Feng Huacheng.

"Huacheng, how stay and take care of our mother?"

Lin Yue sneered in his heart, you are really selfish, the one lying on the kang is your own mother. But when you think about it, what does a mother mean to someone who keeps finding excuses to shirk her parenting responsibilities for her own daughter.

In the TV series, this guy has always refused to take Yueyue back on the grounds that there is no room for children. In those days, there were many cases where four or five people were crowded into one room. It was not impossible to add partitions and curtains, and I didn’t see anyone else I can't live without the law, so I just don't want my quality of life to decline.

Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan raised the child up to seventeen from the age of three. Zhou Rong saw that if the relationship with her daughter was not improved, she would have no chance, so she put down her figure to please Yueyue. Or it is said that the brains of the scholars are active, and after a lot of reasoning, as well as brainwashing like a marketing official account encouraging young women to go to Qinghai-Tibet for pilgrimage, they pull their daughter back to their side.

"Zhou Rong, mom...I...this...isn't it convenient."

Feng Huacheng is right, he is an uncle, not a son, even if there is a nanny, it is very inconvenient.

Zhou Rong lowered her head and pondered for a moment, then said in a deep but firm voice, "I must go to Beijing to study."

After speaking, she went out.

Feng Yue, who was sitting in the corner, looked at her mother, then at her grandma lying on the kang, walked to Lin Yue's side, huddled in his arms, not daring to meet her father's eyes.

Zhou Bingyi sighed heavily.

Back then, Zhou Rong went to Guizhou quietly for Feng Huacheng, but now she could do the same thing to go to university.

In the end, the family meeting about who would go to college and who would take care of Li Suhua at home broke up badly.

Lin Yue originally wanted to leave Yueyue to her parents, but the child refused, crying and shouting to go with him, there was no way, and finally took her back to Taiping Hutong together.

Walking on the road, he was still thinking about Zhou Rong's personality. In the TV series, she said that her greatest wish was to be a teacher. When she heard that a certain boy wanted to finish her graduate studies and return to teach in the mountainous areas of Guizhou, his mind was overwhelmed. Together with Cai Xiaoguang, he chose that boy as his student. What happened? Slapped in the face by reality.

It's quite interesting here, since she is so willing to have her students become teachers, why doesn't she work in a teacher's college? Instead, he chose the best university in Jiangliao Province? So fame and fortune are all floating clouds, it’s okay to shout slogans, but actually do it...

Lin Yue remembered the famous "Story of a Cow" on the Internet.


five days later.

Chongqing, inside a guest house.

"Bingyi, why did you come to Chongqing all of a sudden?"

Zhou Zhi rushed over from the construction site as soon as he received the call, with a straw hat on his head and a layer of dust on his clothes.

"Dad, you sit down and talk."

"Is there something going on at home?"

Zhou Zhigang felt that something important must have happened, otherwise his son would not have come to Chongqing from the northeast to look for him.

Just as Zhou Bingyi was about to tell the truth, he suddenly remembered what happened to Li Suhua, and swallowed the words that rushed to his lips.

"I have received the admission letter, Peking University, let me report in the near future, I want to come over and see you first."

Zhou Zhigang was very happy: "Bingyi, you are really my good son, you are too embarrassing for your father, Peking University... okay, okay, why didn't you say it in the telegram, you have to meet and talk again, and the leader thought our family was out of business. What's the matter, you called a car to take me here."

He pulled out the chair under the table and sat down. Zhou Bingyi saw that his lips were dry and cracked, so he quickly poured him a glass of warm water and handed it over.

"Dad, Zhou Rong has also passed the exam, and she is also from Peking University, Department of Chinese."

Zhou Zhigang was overjoyed when he heard that: "She also passed the exam? Both of them are from Peking University? It's okay, you two are too competitive, okay, okay, our old Zhou's family used to be farmers. I became a worker in the city, and now there are two famous college students in my family, honoring my ancestors."

Zhou Bingyi patted his hands on his knees, his eyes wandered, not daring to look at him.

Zhou Zhigang noticed this detail: "What's wrong?"

"Dad, Bingkun passed the exam too."

"Bingkun? You mean Bingkun?" Zhou Zhigang stopped drinking water and stared at him blankly: "He has also been admitted to university?"

In his cognition, Zhou Bingkun has been the last group of people in the whole grade since he was a child. It is common for him to be detained by the teacher. He never dreamed that his youngest son could be admitted to university, which was completely beyond his expectations. Know.

"which university?"

"Tsinghua University, Department of Physics."

The word "Tsinghua" hit Zhou Zhigang on the back of his head like a sap.

Zhou Bingkun, the sweet potato egg recognized by the whole family, was admitted to Tsinghua University? Did the marking teacher get the marks wrong, or is he dreaming?

Until the eldest son nodded and said "Yes, it's Tsinghua University", Zhou Zhi recalled just now.

"There are two Peking University and one Tsinghua University. The old Zhou family's ancestors have accumulated virtue. It seems that I really underestimated Bingkun before."

Zhou Zhigang could already imagine how envious the neighbors of the optical film would be when they talked about the situation of the Zhou family.

"Dad..." Zhou Bingyi hesitated to speak.

"What's wrong with Bingyi? Tell him what you have to say." At this point, his intuition told him that Zhou Bingyi must have something to do here, and it's not about going to college.

"This is the telegram that Bingkun sent me a few days ago."

Zhou Bingyi took out his younger brother from his pocket and sent him a telegram asking him to go home and discuss his studies.

Zhou Zhigang's face changed after reading it.

"how so?"

"Dad, don't worry, just listen to me."

Zhou Bingyi told the story of Li Suhua's sudden cerebral hemorrhage two years ago, and also talked about the difficulties he is facing now.

Zhou Zhigang sat back slowly with the telegram, took out a cigarette from his coat pocket and stuffed it into his mouth.


In a blink of an eye, it was another three days.

Zhou Zhigang returned to his home in Jichun City from Chongqing, because the main problem of the family is also a contradiction, which cannot be solved with three children.

He took away the cigarette in his mouth, lit it on the ground, shook off the half-centimeter-long ashes in front of him, turned his head to look at his wife lying on the kang, and said in a deep voice: "So, the past two years have been Zheng Juan is taking care of Suhua?"

Lin Yue said nothing, Zhou Bingyi nodded.

"You're well taken care of. Your mother doesn't have bedsores, and she looks pretty good." Zhou Zhigang took another two puffs of his cigarette, threw the cigarette butt on the ground, and Wang Lin Yue said, "I agree to your marriage."

However, to everyone's surprise, Lin Yue's response was "I disagree".

Zhou Bingkun confronted his father about marrying Zheng Juan, and had a bit of trouble with his eldest brother and sister-in-law. Later, he arranged for her to take care of his mother who was paralyzed in bed. Why? Wasn't it to let everyone recognize Zheng Juan and agree to their marriage, why now that the biggest resistance has given in, he himself disagrees?

Zheng Juan hugged Yueyue, while peeling the roasted sweet potato skin for her, she was stunned when she heard Lin Yue's words.

Her man has done so much, isn't it just for this moment? Why are you saying this now?

Lin Yue said: "First, Zheng Juan didn't take care of her mother to get your approval. She did it because she loved me, because it was my mother who willingly served me for two years. Now that you see that she is really virtuous, you agree Our marriage is over. To my sister-in-law and brother-in-law, have you tested them? It is unfair to Zheng Juan on this point. Second, as long as I agree to my marriage with Zheng Juan, will she be able to fulfill her duty as a daughter-in-law? Responsibility? You can let her continue to take care of mom with peace of mind?"

Look at what he said, it doesn't give him any face.

Zhou Zhigang's old face was so gloomy.

"Zhou Bingkun, don't push yourself too hard. I agree with your marriage with Zheng Juan. What else do you want?"

Seeing that the old man was angry, Zheng Juan quickly handed Yueyue to Zhou Rong, walked to Lin Yue, tugged at his sleeve, and said in a low voice: "Don't be stubborn, okay, I am willing to take care of Mom. For the responsibility of your children, I know you love me, but I'm really not tired."

Lin Yue patted her hand, which was getting rougher due to housework and caring for the paralyzed elderly, and shook her head, motioning her not to speak.

"You want me to convince you that I have the ability to let my sister-in-law and sister take care of my mother... don't say two years, one year is fine, how about it? Will it work?"

Zhou Rong lowered her head and did not speak. Yueyue over there broke free from Feng Huacheng's hands and threw herself into Zheng Juan's arms again. Hao Dongmei's face was sinking like water. This job, she can do it in a day or two, a year? She can't last a year.

Zhou Zhigang was so angry that he opened his eyes wide and gasped continuously.

What is his purpose in coming back? Isn't it just to find a way to get the best of both worlds so that Zhou Rong can go to college with peace of mind. I thought that the father would take a step back, and the third child would happily continue the previous life when he saw that his goal was achieved. After all, Zheng Juan has taken care of Li Suhua for two years and is used to it. And Bingkun is the most filial one, but it turned out that this was his wishful thinking.

Let Hao Dongmei take care of Li Suhua? Hao Dongmei also wants to study, okay? And if her parents find out, what will they think of the Zhou family?

And Zhou Rong, is it possible for her to give up her chance to go to college and take care of her mother at home? Leaving aside whether she would agree or not, it would be a pity to do so, that's Peking University!

Hao Dongmei was about to speak when Zhou Bingyi stopped her.

"Dad, how about this? I'm the eldest brother, and I'm not going to college. Next week, I'll go to the Corps to change jobs and come back to work here. First, I can take care of Mom, and second, I don't have to be separated from Dongmei."

"No." Zhou Zhigang said, "Why don't you go to college? In this case, you all go, and I will take care of your mother at home."

"Dad! You are the only one with a high salary in our family. If you stop working and come back to take care of Mom, the few of us who go to college will have no money to pay for it. What will happen to the family's living expenses?"


This is indeed a problem. The eldest, second and third children all go to college, and if he quits his job, who will earn money to support the family?

Feng Huacheng had some savings in his hands, but he didn't dare to say anything, because according to the original plan, he was going to Beijing with Zhou Rong. The consumption there was not as expensive as in the mountainous areas of Guizhou, and there was Yueyue, who was 6 years old this year. He was about to go to elementary school soon, which was where the money was spent, so he didn't dare to speak at all.

Zhou Rong also pretended to be dumb there, because it was best for the eldest brother to stand up to the thunder.

Hao Dongmei frowned and pulled Zhou Bingyi's sleeves a few times, but she didn't get her husband's understanding.

"Okay, it's settled, Dad, you still go back to Chongqing to work, and I will go to the Corps to go through the procedures for changing jobs in a few days." After finishing speaking, Zhou Zhigang got up and left the house without waiting for a word: "I haven't gone back for so many days. I'll call the leader first and explain the situation in our family."

"Bingyi, Bingyi..."

Zhou Zhigang yelled twice without hearing a response, so angry that he turned to look at Lin Yue and said, "You, you, it's all because of you..."

"What's wrong with me?"

Lin Yue said: "Could it be that I gave up the opportunity to study to my elder brother, and you are satisfied? I think the one you had high hopes for chose to give up, and the one you had hoped for a long time suddenly became famous, psychologically unbalanced, right? The same son, why should you fight for him when he takes care of mom at home, and Zheng Juan and I take care of mom at home is only right and proper?"

Zhou Zhigang walked back and forth in the room angrily when he said the central matter.

Zhou Bingkun was in his twenties, and Zheng Juan was also present. If he was a teenager, he would definitely be slapped in the face as a father.

"What kind of family is your sister-in-law's, what kind of family is ours? If your eldest brother doesn't go to school, wouldn't the gap be even bigger? might ruin their marriage."

"If Hao Dongmei gets divorced because her eldest brother didn't go to college, I think it's better not to have this kind of marriage."

"'s your name?"

Zhou Zhigang trembled with anger.

"Human words." Lin Yue said: "Could it be that you think having more in-laws can make you look good? That's right, what is Hao Dongmei's background, what is Zheng Juan's background, how can they be the same?"

At this moment Zhou Rong turned her head: "Bingkun, why are you talking to Dad?"

Lin Yue said: "I can say whatever I want, and it's not your turn to teach me what filial piety is when you, the one who made my father so angry that he denied his daughter for three years, and who made my mother so angry that she was paralyzed in bed with a cerebral hemorrhage."

Zhou Rong opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

Zhou Zhigang said: "Then do you want to make your father angry like your mother?"

Lin Yue couldn't laugh or cry: "What did I say wrong? It's just Hao Dongmei and my brother. Her living conditions were so difficult at the beginning. My brother gave up the chance of getting promoted in order to marry her. Later, he knew that she couldn't have children, so he had to find ways Help conceal it, but if she gets divorced because her elder brother gave up the opportunity to go to college to her younger sister, then you say, what's the point of maintaining such a marriage? Just for the reputation of the old Zhou family?"

Throughout the whole play, the Hao family and the Zhou family, the in-laws, did not sit down and talk until the old people of both families passed away. They did not have a dinner or something, and the people in the text film did not speak in front of them, and they did not know what happened behind the scenes. How to spread gossip about the old Zhou family?

Feng Huacheng pushed and pushed the temples of his glasses. When he was in Guizhou, Zhou Rong told him that his younger brother was a Tie Hanhan, who was good at climbing trees, digging birds, and fishing in rivers. It's always a matter of using the brain. He hides and is lazy if he can, so he takes it for granted that his brother-in-law who has never met is a petty citizen, but the fact is that Zhou Bingkun not only got admitted to Tsinghua University, but also has a clearer understanding of family matters than anyone else. You didn't discuss it if you choked to death.

Lin Yue said: "I hope to get the approval of my sister-in-law's parents. Dad, I want to know, are you raising a son for yourself, or for the Hao family?"


This sentence made Zhou Zhigang lose his temper, his head became dizzy, his feet went limp, and he sat back on the kang directly.

"It's time, come with me to pick up Guangming." Seeing that the father and son were talking more and more stiffly, Zheng Juan handed Yueyue to her mother, and hurriedly pushed Lin Yue away.

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