Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1614 Uncle is closer than mother

Outside, Zheng Juan pushed the bicycle to him and said, "Your father came back from Chongqing all the way, what he just said was too serious."

Lin Yue said: "Is it serious, I don't think so, just tell the truth, and... this may be a good thing for the boss."

In the TV series, Hao Dongmei always complained that Zhou Bingyi was busy with work and paid too little for the family. Now that Zhou Bingyi is not going to university, he has transferred to a government agency to do grassroots work. Every day his wife and parents are hot on the bed. How wonderful.

Zheng Juan found that she couldn't understand what he was saying. He was always like this, talking about things that she couldn't understand.

Similar to the situation of the two of them, Zhou Bingyi was being complained by Hao Dongmei.

"How could you make this kind of decision without consulting me? Do you know what you're talking about? That's Peking University, why don't you go?"

Zhou Bingyi said: "I am the eldest in the family. If I don't set an example at this time, what will my brothers and sisters think?"

Hao Dongmei said: "Obviously Zhou Rong should take care of Mom at home. The incident started because of her. She is also a daughter. She is the most suitable candidate."

"You don't understand Zhou Rong's temper. No one can change her mind about what she decides."

"The same goes for your younger brother. It would be nice to let Zheng Juan continue to take care of my mother, so that the three children of the old Zhou family can go to college. I don't think he can see you well. Let's say the Spring Festival two years ago. If it wasn't for him, your father would know about me. Can't get pregnant?"

"Yes, you are right, but he is really reasonable in taking care of mom, even dad has nothing to do with it, so what can Zhou Rong and I do?"

"Then you just let Bingkun's temper mess around? According to what you said before, Bingkun is the most filial, but since he was with that Zheng Juan, what do you think he has become?"

"I'll find a chance to talk to him, don't be angry, okay?"

"I'm not angry with you, I'm not worth it for you."

"Isn't it just a university? You see, Lao Yao didn't go to university. Isn't it good to go to Shenzhen now? The last letter said that he was a deputy director when he changed jobs."

"The key is that I have already told my parents that you are going to Beijing to study at university, and my father has also talked about you with my colleagues. If you suddenly stop going, what will they think?"

"This should explain it to your parents, they should be able to understand."



two months later.


Accompanied by an ear-piercing rubbing sound, the prison gate slowly opened, and Shui Ziliu and Luo Shibin came out with bags.

"5 years."

"Yeah, five years."

Luo Shibin looked up at the sky: "You bastard, look, if I don't take revenge, I won't be called Luo Shibin."

Shui Ziliu dragged his injured leg and took two steps forward: "Binzi, don't you think you didn't stay in there long enough?"

"Brother Shui, that's not what I mean." Luo Shibin took off the blue hat and clenched it in his hands, his fleshy face was covered with frost: "I chatted with those who just went in a few days ago. , They said that the situation in the south has changed, many things have been released, and the government encourages individuals to do business, as long as we go there and make enough money, do we still need to do it ourselves for revenge?"

"South, South..."

Shui Ziliu looked at a white cloud in the southern sky and let out a long breath, as if he wanted to exhale all the grievances he had suffered in the past few years.

Luo Shibin thought that he didn't agree with his thoughts, and said bitterly: "If that kid hadn't reported it back then, how could we have stayed in there for so long, anyway, I couldn't swallow this breath."

Shui Ziliu suddenly turned around, looked at the words "Jiangliao Province No. 1 Prison" opposite him and said, "When will Qiangzi come out?"

"I've asked the supervisor, and there's still half a year left."

Speaking of Tu Zhiqiang, Luo Shibin was quite speechless. This guy received the lightest sentence, but in the end he served half a year longer than them.

"Qiangzi's habit of causing trouble really needs to be corrected. In the matter, he can bear it if he can, and he has to bear it if he can't. He is so good, he can even fight with people if he says a word that is not pleasant."

Shui Ziliu said, "He got into conflict with others because of me."

Luo Shibin said: "Then...shall we wait for him to come out before going to the south together?"

Shui Ziliu stroked the fine stubble on his chin, bowed his head and thought for a while, and said, "It's been too long, I won't wait for him, I will write him a letter after I settle down in the south, tell him where we have been, and let him get out of prison." Find us."

"Brother Shui, I will get rid of the house as soon as possible, and then we will go to the south."


The water turned around and limped forward.

Luo Shibin quickly followed with the bags of the two of them.


Zhou Zhigang returned to Chongqing.

Because of Li Suhua's matter, Zhou Bingyi's application for changing jobs was approved, and he was transferred to Jichun City to work in the District Forestry Bureau. department.

Naturally, Hao Dongmei would not take care of Li Suhua, so in the end she hired a nanny in the countryside with the money Zhou Zhigang sent home every month. Usually, Aunt Qiao, Chunyan, Yu Hong and others would come to visit her. According to Chunyan, no matter how diligent the hired people are, they can't compare to when Zheng Juan was here.

Zhou Bingyi lived in the optical film at night, and Hao Dongmei lived at home. They lived in the same city but separated from each other.

Lin Yue went to Beijing and took Zheng Juan away. Zhou Zhigang didn't write to him, and he didn't write to Zhou Zhigang either. Zhou Bingyi knew more about the situation of these two people. Called his work unit and asked him to go to his father-in-law to help Cai Xiaoguang clear the relationship and ask the tractor factory to release him, but he didn't do it, because Hao Dongmei's parents were very unhappy about not going to Peking University, and because the daughter's husband's sister's If a good friend troubles others, won't the Hao family look down on him even more.

Later, he heard from Zhou Rong that Zhou Bingkun went back to Jichun, and he didn't know how to communicate with the leader of the tractor factory. Anyway, the final result was that the other party agreed to release him, so Cai Xiaoguang was able to go to Beijing to study at university.


The wind of April lingers on the flowers by the Weiming Lake, and the sound of Lang Lang reading is far away.

In the family building of the library near Peking University, Zhou Rong peeled off the outer skin of the garlic and threw it on the table, and then put the peeled garlic cloves into the white porcelain basin with bad paint.

Feng Huacheng was chopping vegetables in the corridor, making aggressive noises from time to time.

Zhou Rong looked out the window and then at herself in the mirror. Feeling a little hot, she rolled up the sleeves of her shirt and was about to open the window for some air.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

She turned her head and saw that Cai Xiaoguang was standing at the door, one hand was still on the open door, and the other was holding a little girl in a white dress who was as delicate as a doll.

"Yueyue, why are you here?"

Zhou Rong knew that Cai Xiaoguang was coming, but she didn't know that Yueyue would come, she seemed both surprised and happy, and... a bit inexplicably flustered.

Cai Xiaoguang said: "I went to Bingkun's place just now. Zheng Juan heard that I was going to come here for dinner, so she asked me to bring the child here. When she quits, I will send him back."

"Oh, that's right." Zhou Rong smiled forcedly.

My daughter is fostered by my uncle and aunt. If outsiders find out about this, they might gossip about her behind her back.

"Hey, Yueyue, Yueyue is here, dad hugs, dad hugs..."

Feng Huacheng heard the voice coming from the room, quickly put down the kitchen knife, and came over to get closer to his daughter, but the little girl hugged Cai Xiaoguang's neck desperately and did not let go.

"Yueyue, what did your aunt say just now?"

"Auntie said that as long as Yueyue is obedient, she will buy popsicles for Yueyue when she returns home."

"Then what should you do in order to eat popsicles?"

"Hey, listen to me."

Only then did the child let go of the arms around his neck and let Feng Huacheng hug him, but even in his father's arms, there was still a clearly visible strangeness and rejection on his face.

"Xiaoguang, sit down quickly, sit down."

Zhou Rong put him on the chair, turned around to look through the drawer, took out two pieces of candy and handed them to Yueyue.

However, the child does not eat it, but keeps playing with it in his hand.

"Yueyue, why don't you eat the candy your mother gave you?"

The little girl shook her head and didn't answer, and didn't eat, just grabbed it in her hand.

Feng Huacheng saw it, and said forget it, don't force the children, it made Zhou Rong a little unhappy.

Cai Xiaoguang said: "Zhou Rong, I think it's better for you to bring Yueyue back. It's not a long-term strategy to stay with her uncle and aunt all the time."

Thinking of the intimacy between Yueyue and Zheng Juan, he felt that they were the mother and daughter, and Zhou Rong and Feng Huacheng were more like the child's aunt and uncle.

Zhou Rong continued to sit down and peel the garlic without saying a word.

Feng Huacheng said: "I've tried it. Yueyue can't sleep at night here and keeps crying. Her mother has classes during the day, but she can't sleep at night because of the noise. You know her temper...just..."

When Cai Xiaoguang heard this, he understood.

"Feng Huacheng, what's wrong with my temper? Who is it who said that it would be nice to leave it to her uncle and aunt?"

"Did I say something wrong?"

"But Yueyue is my daughter."


Looking at the two people in front of him, Cai Xiaoguang imagined a scene where the child was crying and arguing in the middle of the night, and somewhat understood why Zhou Bingkun said that Zheng Juan was the most suitable wife among the people he knew.

Yueyue broke free from Feng Huacheng's arms, ran directly to Cai Xiaoguang, buried her head in his chest, as if unwilling to look at those two people.

The quarrel between Zhou Rong and Feng Huacheng ended in vain.

Cai Xiaoguang was a little embarrassed, and wanted to push Yueyue to the two of them again, but felt that it would be a kind of harm to the child, so let him just let it go, Zhou Rong must be sad, and finally had to change the subject.

"By the way, do you know how Bingkun negotiated with the director of the tractor factory to let me study in Beijing? I didn't ask him before, but this time I came to save the country and got it from Zheng Juan. answer."

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