Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1615 million households

"How did he negotiate with the director of the tractor factory?"

Feng Huacheng regained his energy when he heard this, and stopped arguing with Zhou Rong about whether it was right or wrong to leave the child with his uncle and aunt, and who was responsible.

Zhou Rong also pricked up her ears to listen, because she was also very curious. Zhou Bingyi was afraid of affecting his father-in-law's opinion of him and refused to do it. Why did Zhou Bingkun solve it after returning to Jichun?

Cai Xiaoguang said: "Bingkun sent two drawings to the director of the tractor factory."

"Two blueprints? Two blueprints will do the job?" Feng Huacheng couldn't figure out what kind of blueprint had such an effect.

Cai Xiaoguang said: "I was a worker in the tractor factory before, and I have the most right to speak about the situation of the tractor factory. If you want to talk about the problems that plague the factory now, the idea of ​​​​not thinking about making progress is the root. The actual problem brought about by this is the lack of innovation. , the products cannot keep up with the times, and various problems that arise during use cannot be solved. Naturally, it is difficult to sell the products. If the sales cannot keep up, naturally there is no money to pay the workers. The leaders cry poor, but what's the use, the city has no money, and it's not just the tractor factory that has similar problems. Today it allocated funds to it, and tomorrow the steel factory, gas factory, furniture factory and so on will have a look. Everyone ran to cry poor, who to give money to? Who not to give money? There is no doubt that this is a headache."

Zhou Rong glared: "Speaking of the main point, what's the matter with those two blueprints?"

"Yes, yes, let's get to the point." Cai Xiaoguang leaned forward, and said in his super contagious voice: "Zheng Juan has only been in elementary school, and I can't tell why. It took me a long time to figure it out. What are the two drawings? One is a joint farming machine combined with a plow and a rotary tiller, which can complete the work of plowing and harrowing the soil at one time. The other is an improved rice transplanter. , can improve the shortcomings of the popular rice transplanter on the market, such as too many floating seedlings, uneven and scattered seedlings, and greatly improve the efficiency of agricultural production. Isn’t it about the four modernizations now, as long as the factory manager takes the blueprint to the leader , still worry about no funding? This can also stop the mouths of other enterprises in the city. The appropriation from above and an alternative ordinary worker, if you were the factory manager, which one would you choose?"

Zhou Rong and Feng Huacheng looked at each other.

"I didn't expect Bingkun to have such ability."

"Who said it wasn't?" Cai Xiaoguang said, "At the beginning, he left the wood processing factory and went to the tractor factory to find me, begging me to find him a job. Unexpectedly, a few years later, I got his help instead."

Feng Huacheng said: "No wonder he was admitted to the Department of Physics of Tsinghua University, which shows that he is really capable."

Zhou Rong said: "My elder brother and I went to Guizhou to join the Corps. He stayed in the city. It seems that he has not been idle these few years and has been studying."

There seemed to be a hint of jealousy in his tone.

Feng Huacheng was a little sensitive: "Zhou Rong, do you regret going to Guizhou?"

"I said, can you stop being so inferior?"

"Who do you say is inferior, how can I call it inferior?"

Cai Xiaoguang saw that the two of them were pinching again, and suddenly one head and two grew up. Now he understood why Yueyue was unwilling to follow her parents. Comparing Zhou Rong's personality with Zheng Juan's, in terms of femininity, it was really ... day by day.

"Hey, can you two stop arguing, I'll leave if you quarrel any more."

Faced with Cai Xiaoguang's warning, the two of them died down. One went out with the peeled garlic cloves, and the other used the excuse of going to the toilet to ease the embarrassment.


During the summer vacation, Zhou Rong and Feng Huacheng went back to Jichun. Li Suhua was still the same, nothing changed. Zhou Bingyi had already adapted to the life and work in his hometown. Talk about living a retirement life ahead of schedule.

Zheng Juan also took Yueyue back to Jichun, but Lin Yue didn't come back, saying that she had gone to the south, Shenzhen, and Zhou Rong complained about this again, thinking that he didn't go home to see her mother and ran around.

The summer vacation is not long, it will pass quickly.

The old Zhou family returned to calm, and Zheng Juan returned to her residence in Beijing and waited for almost half a month before Lin Yue came back from the south. She thought the black bag he was carrying contained Guangzhou specialties, but she was dumbfounded when she opened the zipper. Yes, it's all money... One piece of great unity, plus one piece, there are more than a thousand pieces.

What is this concept? The concept of ten thousand yuan household, the concept of ten thousand yuan household in the late 1970s.

Her husband got a one-bedroom apartment with one living room after he came to Beijing for more than a month. Now he has been shopping in Shenzhen for two months, and then came back with a bag of Da Tuan. spend so much money.

"Where did you get so much money?"


"What business earns so much in two months?"

"The goods from the port are sent to domestic sellers, and after solving the freight problem, there will be a profit of 20 to 30%. Is it difficult to earn so much in two months?"

It was easy for him to say it, but from Zheng Juan's point of view, it was unthinkable.

"Is... really not going to be arrested?"

Lin Yue said: "You think this is the first few years. Now the south encourages business. As long as you have the capital, dare to think and do it, you can basically make money."


"Then I can still lie to you."

If these words are heard by people with active thoughts, they will definitely be touched, but Zheng Juan is different. In her world, there are only old people, children and family, and she just listens to the changes in the south as a strange thing.

"Tomorrow, I will save the money. With so much money, the interest alone is enough for our family to live on."

"Eat interest?"

Lin Yue was speechless.

"What's wrong? Isn't it good to eat interest?"

Tomorrow, go to Nanbei Luoguxiang to see if there are any courtyard houses selling takeout.

"Why do you ask if the courtyard house is for sale?"

"You are stupid, of course you bought it."

Zheng Juan said: "Why buy that? You are stupid. Our home is in Jichun."

"Buying this is an investment."

"What is investment?"

He knew that this matter could not be explained, because an explanation would be accompanied by a question, and it might be dawn after these words continued.

"You should buy it for our son to live in."

"Ah? Didn't you say to wait? stomach hasn't moved. Even if I have a child in the future, how many years will it take for him to come and live?"


Lin Yue simply ignored her, turned her head and went into the inner room, Yueyue was already asleep, she didn't know what she dreamed of, her mouth bent from time to time, smiling like a little wild cat.

He sat on the bedside, and Zheng Juan walked in with a steaming footbath, glanced at Yueyue and said, "It's time to buy a house, but... Beijing's housing prices are too expensive. How many houses can I buy?"

"Can we not discuss this?"

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