Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1616 Sending you into the palace for the second time

A week later, Lin Yue woke up early and came to the teaching building of the Physics Department of Tsinghua University.




The students greeted each other and walked into the classroom together.

It has been half a month since school started and Lin Yue came back to class. If he put it on other students, he would definitely be asked what he was doing. He is an exception, because in addition to good grades, he often asks the lecturer difficult questions. Some old professors They all faltered and couldn't answer, so that the teachers got a headache when they saw him, wishing that he would not come to listen to the lecture.

Just like what Zhou Bingyi said, they caught up with the time when it was easy to enter the university. Compared with the college students thirty or forty years later, those who can go to Tsinghua University and Peking University in this era, in terms of mathematics level, are the standard of the first line of later generations. The knowledge reserve is even worse.

After two classes, Lin Yue followed the students to the physics laboratory.

Although the college entrance examination resumed last year, the teaching resources are still very general, but the equipment in the optical laboratory is fairly complete, but not advanced enough, in his opinion, they are all outdated equipment.

But what comes is easy. In 1978, the Department of Physics of Tsinghua University did not have many majors that interested him. He chose to choose optics.

"Zhou Bingkun, Zhou Bingkun, someone is looking for you."

He had just chatted with a female classmate here, when someone called him outside.


He promised to walk out of the laboratory, and before going out two steps, he was stunned when he saw the person appearing in front of him.

I thought it was Cai Xiaoguang or Feng Huacheng, or an alumnus I met in the library before, but I didn't expect it to be neither. The other party was from Jichun, but he was not a relative or friend.

That's right, the enemy.

Tu Zhiqiang.

"Where is Zheng Juan?"

There was no greeting or pleasantries, but Tu Zhiqiang came straight to the point and expressed his intentions.

Lin Yue figured it out after a little thought. He is very famous in optical film now. A top student in the Department of Physics of Tsinghua University, he would know where to find him after a little inquiry. Tsinghua University in the 1970s was not like 40 or 50 years later. With such strict control, it is not difficult for outsiders to sneak in.

"What are you looking for with her?"

"I'm asking you about Zheng Juan."

"Why should I tell you?"

"Zhou Bingkun, I used to be nice to you, but what did you do? You abducted my daughter-in-law and sent me to prison for five years. Do you think I can't find you if you bring her to Beijing?" ?You bastard bastard."


There was an uproar among the students who realized that the situation was wrong and stood on the sidelines.

Zhou Bingkun kidnapped his good brother's wife? Still framed the other party and imprisoned? Does the top student in the physics department have such a dark history? If Tu Zhiqiang is telling the truth, know people, you know your face, but you don't know your heart.

Lin Yue immediately understood that Tu Zhiqiang was looking for Zheng Juan as a fake, and he was looking for revenge. The purpose is very simple, which is to ruin his reputation. It would be great if Tsinghua University could clear such a black sheep out of the college student team. But that's all.

To be honest, this trick is quite ruthless, and it would be cowardly to change someone else.

But it is a pity that he is not an ordinary person. To him, a diploma from Tsinghua University is better than a piece of waste paper, and the degree is quite limited.

"It was Luo Shibin who gave you the idea without telling the water, it fits his personality." Lin Yue looked around: "That's right, I robbed this gay woman and put him on a big hat. A green hat, we were talking about having a baby a week ago."

After speaking, he looked at Tu Zhiqiang with a smile: "I robbed your wife, slept with her body every day, asked him to give birth to a monkey for me, and sent you to prison. I asked you if you were angry? Are you angry? !"

"I'm going to kill you!"

If you want to play psychological warfare and grasp the character of the characters in the plot, how could Tu Zhiqiang be his opponent? Back then, he was able to kill people in a fit of anger, but now he was ridiculed by his enemies in front of so many people. , not much to say, according to Lin Yue, he just punched out.

It can be seen that he has exercised well in the prison, and he is more agile than when he was carrying logs before. The students onlookers saw that the fight started, and they retreated quickly to avoid accidental disaster. Run, ready to go downstairs and call the police.

Just like the time in the wood processing factory, Lin Yue was "beaten" to the ground by a punch. While avoiding Tu Zhiqiang's pursuit, he hurried into the laboratory and just caught up with a male student whose reaction was a little slow. Somehow, he kicked the male student with his foot, and only heard a miserable groan. The man flew out and hit the workbench behind the experimental equipment. The ruby ​​laser, infrared spectrometer, electron microscope and other equipment fell on the ground with a bang. On the ground, a few lenses hit the wall and exploded. The power cord was pulled, and a spark was splashed at the connector, and there was a burnt smell in the air.

Lin Yue picked up the stand and frosted glass nearby and threw them over, and pulled up the fallen classmates.

Tu Zhiqiang didn't know how precious the things on the workbench were, as long as they could be used to hit people, he threw them out one by one, and finally kicked the workbench where Lin Yue was hiding down with a flying kick.

Lin Yue reacted quickly, rolled on the ground, and dodged. Tu Zhiqiang jumped over and grabbed his collar and pushed him against the corner. Just as he was about to punch him a few times, someone shouted at the door: "It's on fire! on fire."

The screams and the pungent smell woke them up. Tu Zhiqiang turned his face and saw the flames running up the wires and rubber, the curtains and wooden tables and chairs were also ignited, and black smoke continued to gather in the sky.

How did it catch fire?

Taking advantage of Tu Zhiqiang's daze, Lin Yue pushed him away, covered his mouth and ran away.

Just at this moment, an angry voice came from the corridor: "Who is fighting? Where are they? Where are they?"

Soon, Tu Zhiqiang saw the university security guards in green military uniforms, and at the same time, the sound of sirens came from downstairs.

When he came back to his senses, he was dragged out of the burning laboratory by the security guards, and when he saw the angry eyes of the students, he couldn't help shivering, feeling fear in his heart.


The fire was not big and was quickly extinguished, but most of the equipment in the laboratory was unusable. The economic loss, not to mention a huge sum of money for an ordinary person, even if the school leaders saw the numbers on the list. There was a severe pain in the flesh for a while.

Tu Zhiqiang went back in a month after he got out of the prison, and the detention center started, and Lin Yue was the one who was forced to do it because of the testimonies of the students, so the main responsibility for this matter was not him, but Tu Zhiqiang.

First, Tu Zhiqiang did not behave well in Jiangliao Prison and often got into fights with others; second, he went to Tsinghua University to fight a few days after he was released from prison; third, he caused heavy economic losses to the school, and he had no ability to pay compensation at all. .

Last time was 5 years, this time at least 10 years, when he comes out he will be at least 40 or 50 years old.

Zheng Juan's first reaction after hearing the news was to worry whether her man was injured by that lunatic.

Lin Yue was injured, at least in the eyes of his classmates at Tsinghua University. The police also confirmed the bruises on his body, but when Zheng Juan carefully examined his body, he found that there was no trace at all.

She asked him what was going on, and the answer she got was that she was in good health, and it tasted delicious. You have seen it right, the blue sky will be cured... Anyway, it just doesn't speak human words.

Of course, Lin Yue was embarrassed to tell her that he wasn't the one who sent Tu Zhiqiang to jail in the wood processing factory last time, but someone from the Shuiziliu group betrayed Tu Zhiqiang. Thinking that Luo Shibin gave a bad idea. To ruin his reputation at Tsinghua University, at least send a thick-skinned person. At the beginning, the people in the optical film made a few gossips and Tu Zhiqiang couldn't bear to fight with him. This kind of person who has no emotional control can destroy a group if he plays tricks.

"Wait, what do you mean by your second sentence?" Zheng Juan remembered the second news he told her after she was convinced that her man was very healthy.

"I was expelled from Tsinghua University."

He spoke so casually that those who listened were dumbfounded. The safflower oil he was holding in his hand, which he was going to use to apply to the bruises, fell to the ground.

"Do you need to be so excited?"

As far as being expelled from the university, Lin Yue is already a habitual offender. When he received the notice of punishment from the Academic Affairs Office, his classmates felt sorry for him, but he himself had no fluctuations in his heart and accepted the result very calmly. He didn't ask the professor who was good to him to intercede with the school leaders, nor did he think about countermeasures, making the dean look ugly, and he didn't even want the few personal items in the dormitory. and go.

"Bingkun, what are you talking about? That's a university, a university, a university! It's a place where people who only use digital film want to go in." She said as she went to get her coat.

Lin Yue took her hand: "What are you doing?"

"I went to the school to find the leader, and I asked them to take back your punishment. Isn't it because of Tu Zhiqiang? Let me explain the situation...I said they will always believe it, right?" She was so anxious that she was about to cry.

Even if she is an ignorant low-level woman, she knows what university means to a person, and it is more precious than an iron rice bowl.

"Oh, daughter-in-law..." Lin Yue hugged her in his arms: "If you don't go to school, you won't go to school. It's no big deal. In the future, as long as you can make money, it doesn't matter whether you have a diploma or not. You don't go to school." Just right, so as not to delay my talent for making money."

He didn't have the nerve to say that in this day and age, he had mastered the optics major in half a year, and it was meaningless to stay in the university. To put it bluntly, the school expelled him to the core of his heart.

Zheng Juan struggled, but found that it was useless, because his strength was so strong.

"Father, mother, elder brother, and sister Zhou Rong, how sad they would be if they found out about this."

"Money is more important than anything else, and they will know it in the future."

" worked so hard..."

"Don't be, there is no but, you just need to trust me in this matter." After speaking, he carried her on his shoulder and walked towards the back room.

"What... are you going to do?"

"Doing the right thing is also a big thing."

"In broad daylight."

"This is our own yard, you should still be the same as before, worried that the partition wall has ears, and don't dare to make too much noise?"

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