Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1625 You are not qualified to train her

Aunt Wang pulled him aside: "Your father is back."

He didn't need Aunt Wang to tell him that Zhou Zhigang was back.

The last time Zheng Juan talked to him on the phone, she said that Zhou Zhigang had only come back on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, but she did not expect to be home on the 27th today.

"Bingkun, no matter what your dad says later, you can't contradict him, you know? It's a Chinese New Year, so it's not good to have trouble with your parents."

He knew what Aunt Wang was worried about. He smiled and said nothing. He unzipped the bag, took out a box of pastries and handed them over: "This is a pastry I bought from Hong Kong, from Lianxianglou, and I brought it back to the children." Try it out."

When she heard that the snacks were bought from HK, Aunt Wang's eyes lit up, but she didn't have the nerve to take them with her hands. She said politely, "You keep them for your mother and children to eat. I don't lack anything."

Lin Yue said: "I still have it in my bag. I bought several copies. This is the one for you. Take it."

"Oh, how embarrassing that is, your elder brother gave me an extra month's salary." She said embarrassed, and took the things with her hands.

Lin Yuexin said that Zhou Bingyi didn't give you that one month's salary, but I asked Zheng Juan to give it to you, but this is a trivial matter for him, so naturally he won't explain further: "Okay, let's go, it's cold weather. , it will be dark when we get home later, remember to say hello to Uncle Wang for me."

"Hey, good, good." Aunt Wang grinned from ear to ear, walking with a bag in one hand and a gift box in the other was very funny.

A box of HK pastries, you can show off for a long time when you go back.

Countryman's joy is as simple as that.

Lin Yue shook his head, and after sending Aunt Wang away, he walked to Lao Zhou's house. His face became less and less beautiful the further he went.

It doesn't matter why Zhou Zhigang came back early, the important thing is that when he came to the yard, Zheng Juan was being scolded.

"You didn't ask the consent of the elders, and you didn't entertain relatives. You just got married like this? Now you have children? Are you going to show me the cooked rice on purpose?"

"Dad, my mother is gone. My younger brother is a monk in Beituo Temple. I can decide on my own. It is Bingkun's intention not to entertain relatives. He said that it is noisy and troublesome. The two of us go out to have a good meal. Let's celebrate." OK."

"Don't call me dad. He hasn't come back. If he comes back, I won't smack him. Also, he didn't go to a good university. He was expelled from school because of fighting. It's shameful to talk about it. The reputation of the film has been lost in his hands, it should never have happened, Bingyi should not have given him the opportunity to go to school, this unfilial son!"

Zhou Zhigang scolded his youngest son, not Zheng Juan, but as long as his brain is in order, he can hear the accusations and scolding Huai.

After all, in his opinion, if Zhou Bingkun didn't provoke Zheng Juan, he wouldn't be hated by Tu Zhiqiang, and if he wasn't hated by Tu Zhiqiang, he wouldn't be expelled from school for fighting. Besides, Zheng Juan has no parents, she can make her own decisions about her marriage, Zhou Bingkun has parents, she got her marriage certificate without her parents' consent, and gave birth to the child, living in the old Zhou's house, isn't she cheap?

"Who said I didn't come back, I'm back." Lin Yue pushed the door open, threw the bag on the table in the main room, walked into the back room and faced Zhou Zhigang directly: "Aren't you going to whip me? Come, try to whip me."

Near the end of the year, Peking University is on holiday. Zhou Rong and Feng Huacheng are sitting near the door, and then there are Zhou Zhigang and Li Suhua. Li Suhua woke up half a year ago. Zheng Juan said this on the phone, and let He went home to have a look, but at that time he was busy with building a factory and had no time to go back to the Northeast. Zhou Bingyi was sitting on a chair at the base of the north wall, and Zheng Juan was a little outside, holding Zhou Cong in her arms, and Yueyue was standing at her feet.

Everyone was startled, they didn't expect that he would come back at this juncture, and when he entered the door, there was a sentence full of gunpowder.

"You!" Zhou Zhigang felt that the majesty of the head of the family was damaged, so he got off the kang and hit him with a raised hand.

"Dad, Dad, what are you doing for the Chinese New Year?" Zhou Bingyi hurriedly stepped forward to stop him.

Zheng Juan said on the phone that Li Suhua would occasionally feel confused after waking up and couldn't recognize the people around her, but this time she didn't: "Kun'er, why are you talking to your father?"

Zhou Rong also stared at the side, and whispered: "Look at what you did, why don't you apologize to Dad."

Lin Yue said: "Apologize? Why do you apologize? Didn't he want to beat me? I asked him to come. Is this wrong?"

Zhou Bingyi pushed Zhou Zhigang back, and said, "Bingkun, what are you doing? You made Dad unhappy when you came back, don't you think you didn't do enough wrong things?"

Lin Yue pulled Zheng Juan behind him: "I only saw him scolding my wife as soon as he came home, don't say I forgot my wife after I got married, it's okay if he scolds you, because you don't have a son for love It's okay to train me, because I won't let him do everything for the sake of so-called filial piety. There is also a reason for training Zhou Rong, because she has left Yueyue for seven or eight years. Only training Zheng Juan is not qualified. First, it wasn't Zheng Juan's fault that I dropped out of school. She couldn't control Tu Zhiqiang's will, let alone persuade me to endure it for a while. Talk, give mom a massage, and finally wake up mom, she is kind to the old Zhou family; third, she gave birth to Zhou Cong, let you have a grandson, which is a great contribution to the ancestors of the Zhou family. To a virtuous and virtuous , and someone who is kind to the Zhou family, is this how you treat her? You only have a good reputation in your eyes? There is no right or wrong, right? "

Zhou Bingkun is Zhou Zhigang's son, but Lin Yue is not. Although wearing it on someone else's body should take care of the feelings of the person being traversed, but who makes Zhou Zhigang always act like I am your father and you must listen to me, which makes him He was very upset.

In the TV series, Zhou Bingyi slapped Zhou Zhigang because of the Hao family's affairs, and he didn't see how he was a father. Zhou Bingkun complained and wronged a few words, and he was right from his standpoint, but he didn't think about his father and elder brother. , hurt their feelings, but they were kicked by the elder brother and slapped by the father. Did they think about Zhou Bingkun and reflect on whether their actions hurt his feelings? No. Anyway, incompetence is the one who is bullied and ignored.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Zhou Zhigang wanted to push Zhou Bingyi away, but unfortunately he didn't get the result he wanted, and instead he was so tired that he was in his fifties: "You were going to Beijing back then. Going to school, your elder brother gave you the opportunity to take care of your mother at home, the result? Have you been in school for a year? You were expelled from the school, and now you tell me that Zheng Juan woke up your mother, what about your elder brother? Didn't do it?"

Well, it doesn't make sense for this person to be biased.

Zhou Bingyi was wronged to be a father, and Zheng Juan had suffered so much for the Zhou family, but she was still treated as an outsider.

"First of all, my eldest brother didn't give up the opportunity to go to school to me, but to my sister. It stands to reason that she should take care of my mother at home; secondly, after returning from Zheng Juan, my brother went to live with his parents-in-law. Nursing the child, taking care of Yueyue, and taking care of Mom, it wasn't she who woke Mom up, it was Aunt Wang? Or sister-in-law? In the end, my sister and brother-in-law didn't help the family at all, why didn't you train them? Just hold on I don't let Zheng Juan go? Because Tsinghua University expelled me, do you think you can't hold your head up in the optical film? Or did I not follow your wishes and treat Zheng Juan like an old mother and let her take care of her mother at home. So that my eldest brother, sister, and I can all go to Beijing to go to school, you hold a grudge, why do you think I don’t like her? The same son, the same daughter-in-law, don’t you think you are too partial?”

Lin Yue shook Zheng Juan's hand away from shaking his arm, and gave her a hard look, telling her to leave it alone.

What did he do so much for? Isn't it just to fight for Zhou Bingkun and say "no" to Zhou Zhigang's eccentricity?

"Kun'er, stop talking."

Li Suhua was originally sitting cross-legged, but when he saw that the father and son were getting more and more tense, he quickly got off the kang and said, "The child has finally come home, what are you doing? You, you are just a university. If you don't go, you won't go to school." , can you starve to death?"

Zheng Juan has been with her for the past two years. Yes, after Qiao Chunyan's mother told her that Zhou Bingkun was expelled from school for fighting with Tu Zhiqiang, she also complained about Zheng Juan in her heart, but it has been more than a year, and she He also recognized his head, unlike Zhou Zhigang, who only found out about it from Zhou Rong.

"Zhou Bingkun? Is Zhou Bingkun at home?"

At this moment, a domineering voice came from the courtyard, interrupting the dispute between the father and son, and Zhou Rong turned her head to look.

"This is... the second son of the Xiong family, right? Why is he here?"

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