Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1626 Let's go to the hospital for New Year's Eve

No, not only the second child of the Xiong family, the boss of the Xiong family, but also their daughter-in-law and the old lady of the Xiong family are all here. From a distance, some neighbors can be seen pointing this way. Good things are starting to come here. Come on.

Zhou Rong didn't know why the second son of the Xiong family came here, but Zhou Bingyi knew.

"Tell me about you, who doesn't know that the Xiong family is so unreasonable, why did you say such angry words back then, Xiong Sanyi died, and Big Bear and Er Xiong waited for your return every day."

"Not waiting for him, but waiting for his three-bedroom apartment."

It seems that Zhou Zhigang also knew about this. His expression when he said this sentence... Well, it was close to writing the words "I hate iron but not steel" on my face.

Still three bedrooms?

Expelled from Tsinghua University, it would be nice if he could come up with a toilet.

Li Suhua said: "Kun'er, why did the two brothers of the Xiong family come to the door as soon as you arrived?"

After speaking, she asked herself and answered, "Who is so talkative."

Feng Huacheng and Zhou Rong were whispering on the side. The content of the conversation was nothing more than how inconspicuous this younger brother is. He stole Tu Zhiqiang's wife, set fire to Tsinghua University, and got into a fight with Xiong's father and son when he returned home. I still don't counsel people outside, the key is that if I don't counsel, I will suffer, just like being expelled from Tsinghua University before.

The old Zhou's family has been... sad this year.

"You guys stay here, I'll go out and have a look, the Xiong family brothers dare not mess with me." Li Suhua's thinking is very simple, she is an old woman, still sick, the Xiong family brothers dare not get rough with her Well, if something unexpected happens, the Zhou family will not have a good time this Spring Festival, and the Xiong family will not want to be reunited.

"Mom, don't move, I will take care of my affairs myself."

Lin Yue stepped out of the house first, closed the door, came to the yard, met the eyes of the neighbors and walked up to the Xiong family brothers: "What's the matter?"

Big Bear was quite frightened by him last time. Although time has passed and the fear in his heart has weakened, but at this time, with his younger brother in his early years, he is happy to watch the show behind.

"Don't be stupid, you know why we came to you better than anyone else."

Er Xiong hadn’t come back when Sun Ganchao built his house back then, and he didn’t see the picture of Lin Yue piercing the brick wall of his house with steel bars. The matter... This guy is the perfect mastermind.

So he spoke very bluntly, and his eyes were very fierce.

"Oh, your father is dead." Lin Yue said, "That's great."

"Zhou Bingkun, try saying something again."

"Hehe, Er Xiong, did your father piss you off to death, did you piss him off, or did you both piss him off? I'll only talk to the one who pissed off Xiong San, and the rest People don't need to talk about it."

Er Xiong pointed at his face and said, "Try saying something again."

Lin Yue stretched out his hand fiercely, so fast that no one could react, he directly grabbed Er Xiong's fingers and snapped them back forcefully.

There was a crisp click.

Almost everyone was taken aback, including Erxiong himself.


After a brief moment of stupefaction, he let out a shrill howl.

Er Xiong's head was covered with cold sweat, half of his body was in pain

Only then did everyone realize that he snapped Er Xiong's finger just to frighten him, and it was almost done, but they didn't expect to snap it off, and the index finger that turned to the wrist hurt just looking at it.

At this time, the people in the room couldn't hold back and rushed out.

Seeing the scene in front of them, Zhou Zhigang and Zhou Bingyi were too shocked to speak.

Feng Huacheng shook his head in the back. In the past, Zhou Rong always said how well-behaved and obedient his younger brother was, even a bit cowardly, but look at the things he has done in the past two years, is this cowardly? Not only one point or two more than ruthless people, but also horizontal.

"Bingkun, Bingkun..." Zheng Juan was about to pull him, but Lin Yue drove her back into the room instead: "Take care of Yueyue and Congcong."

At this time, the second daughter-in-law of Xiong sat down on the snow-covered ground and shouted loudly: "Killer, murderer, the third son of the Zhou family is murderer."

"What happened? Who killed the man?"

Gong Wei saw Da Xiong and Er Xiong rushing towards Lao Zhou's house as soon as he got off work. He didn't want to care about it because of the Chinese New Year, but considering that Zhou Bingkun took good care of Gong Bin when he was in the soy sauce factory, he went home and put away his bicycle. If you want to come over to see the situation, you can help if you can, and you can get along with Xini if ​​you can. After all, it will make people pass the year. Unexpectedly, the time came.

"Bingkun? Did you do this?"

Yes, from top to bottom of the Xiong family, including the two daughters-in-law, they are not good people, but if someone breaks his fingers, it will make trouble to the police station, and the matter will be serious.

Zhou Zhigang was so angry at the back that he scolded "you bastard".

"It's New Year's Eve, you're about to go in, I won't go after you, I can't afford to lose that person!"

Unlike the people in front of and behind him, Lin Yue was always calm, looking indifferently at Er Xiong who was holding his right hand and crying, and Er Xiong's wife who was crying for her father in a hanging voice.

"Big Bear, please persuade your younger brother. Look, Uncle Gong is here. Will he take me away, or not? He will take me away. Your dream of replacing the three-bedroom house with your own father's life may be a dream. It's going to be broken, if he doesn't take me away, after a year, I will naturally fulfill my promise and help you get things done."

When Er Xiong heard this, it might be because of his distraction, or it might be because of the pain from the initial period, he got relieved, and his complexion improved a lot, and his daughter-in-law stopped crying and looked at Lin Yue in a daze.

That's right, if this guy really went in because of the crime of intentional injury, then the replacement of the house is 90% to 90%.

"Brothers and sisters, get up first, get up and say, it's cold on the ground." Da Xiong quickly winked at his daughter-in-law and asked someone to pull her up from the ground.

Why did their whole family come to Lao Zhou's house for the New Year's Eve? It's not because they want to confirm what Zhou Bingkun said at the beginning. Even the old lady of their family has put up a face and refused. If Zhou Bingkun catches this, it will be bad for both parties .

"How can I trust you? What if you run away after the New Year?"

"If I run away, Zheng Juan will give you the house in Taiping Hutong." Lin Yue patted the snowflakes that fell on his shoulders, and said casually: "Isn't that what you intend to come here?"

This made the Xiong family’s complexion change. Before the second child went to the countryside and didn’t come back, the two and a half rooms for the six members of their family were quite spacious. It was too crowded. They heard that Zhou Bingkun had a discussion after he came back, and the result of the discussion was that if they couldn't get a three-bedroom apartment, they should at least get Zheng Juan's two rooms in Taiping Hutong.

Big Bear said, "What you say is what you say?"

Lin Yue said, "Of course."

Er Xiong also seemed to forget the pain, and glanced at the neighbors present: "Everyone has heard it. In case Zhou Bingkun does not admit it after the New Year, you have to testify for us."

Da Xiong's wife also glanced at Zheng Juan on the other side of the door, and felt relieved when she saw that she did not object to her husband. After all, strictly speaking, the two rooms in Taiping Hutong belonged to Zheng Juan and Guangming.

In the main room, Zheng Juan said, "These people are really interesting."

Yueyue tiptoed to reach the window glass: "Auntie, who do you think is interesting?"

"People outside."

"People outside?"

The seven or eight-year-old girl didn't understand what was so interesting. Although she was still very young, she also knew that those people were here to make things difficult for her uncle.

Zheng Juan did not answer this question. If the Xiong family endured the pain of broken bones and the humiliation of criticism for the two rooms in Taiping Hutong, if they knew that Zhou Bingkun bought a courtyard house in Beijing in 1978, what would they think?

"Now that you are satisfied, get out, before I repent." Outside Lin Yue issued an ultimatum.

The Xiong family didn't say anything, and hurriedly left Zhou's house and sent Er Xiong to the nearest hospital for treatment.

Gong Wei took a look at this kind of matter, and said to the spectators around him: "Everyone go back, go back, don't freeze here in heavy snow."

Neighbors heard the words and dispersed.

"Bingkun, Zheng Juan... No, it should be said that you really don't plan to take the house in Taiping Hutong?" From Gong Weize's standpoint, he didn't want Zhou Bingkun to go in because of causing injuries, and he also didn't want to see him Give the house to the Xiong family, whether it is to replace a three-bedroom house, or two old houses in Taiping Hutong...

Thanks to the society for the 850 starting coins rewarded by your brother Z, and the 100 starting coins rewarded by the book friends with the tail number 5220.

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