Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1631 Aunt and Uncle are a Family (Two in One)


"What's wrong?"

Zheng Juan was distracted by Lin Yue's questioning, and when she looked over there again, she found that the face outside the window had disappeared.

"'s nothing, maybe I read it wrong."

In fact, she was not mistaken, there was indeed a person standing outside the window just now, but now she was pulled away by another person.

Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei stood outside the alley.

"Zhou Bingyi, what are you doing?"

"What do you think I'm doing? Either he doesn't come back, and he has caused so many things when he comes back, can't he make it through this year?"

Hao Dongmei said: "As for your younger brother, he has more truths than anyone else. Do you think it's useful for you to come to him?"

Zhou Bingyi said: "It's useless, I will come, because I am the eldest brother."

Hao Dongmei was speechless, "Brother? Didn't you hear what Bingkun said just now? What he did was learned from you and Zhou Rong. If you reasoned with him, he would just say, okay, let your wife give birth first." When the child comes out, how can you answer?"

"He dares!"

"Did he dare? You know best whether he dares or not."


"I can see that he has problems with me and our family. If he tells you that you divorced my sister-in-law, I will apologize to Dad. How do you answer?"

Zhou Bingyi patted the handlebar of the bicycle: "If he dares to say that, I will beat him."

Hao Dongmei said, "Isn't that more accurate to what he said at home?"

Zhou Zhigang said that the third child married a wife and forgot his mother, what did the third child say about him and Zhou Rong? Isn't it also for the sake of love to sacrifice the other half?

What would the neighbors think when the news spread that his younger brother let him divorce his wife who couldn't bear children? Isn't that normal?

Oh, just because of punching people, who is married to a wife and forgotten mother?


"Don't be so, the third child is no longer the original third child, you can't control this matter, just take it one step at a time."

Hao Dongmei pushed the bicycle and walked forward.

Zhou Bingyi stood there for a while, thought about the whole thing, shook his head again, and pushed his bicycle to follow.


Early the next morning, Lin Yue took Zheng Juan and Cong Cong to drive Uncle Ding's Fiat car to Beituo Temple to pick up Guangming and go home for the New Year.

On the other side, Zhou Bingyi returned to the old Zhou's house alone.

After Hao Dongmei went back last night, she had an argument with her mother about the secretary sending the tea back to Lao Zhou's house. She said something unpleasant and was slapped by her mother. After some persuasion by him, Hao Dongmei and her Mom reconciled, and stayed at Hao's house on New Year's Eve, and didn't come to Lao Zhou's house.

If Zhou Bingkun was there, he might say that he neglected his parents in order to please his father-in-law and mother-in-law. After all, according to Jichun's tradition, there is no such thing as a big daughter-in-law living in her mother's house.

Fortunately, Zhou Bingkun and Zhou Zhigang had a quarrel and returned to Taiping Hutong with his wife and children.

Zhou Rong, Zhou Zhigang, Li Suhua, and Feng Huacheng were making dumplings, while Yueyue was sitting on a chair, staring at the roof boredly, counting nails on the beams.

"Dad, Dongmei's nanny went back to celebrate the New Year. Didn't her dad suffer from asthma yesterday? Now he is still weak, and the house is too deserted. My mother-in-law can't handle it alone, so I let Dongmei stay at their house to take care of the elderly." .”

Zhou Bingyi took off the scarf and hung it on a hook on the wall, explaining why his wife didn't come with him.

Zhou Zhigang looked up at him: "Is that so? Didn't your younger brother annoy Dongmei yesterday? I can understand that, and I don't want to have such a younger brother."

Li Suhua pushed his wife: "Can't you just say a few words?"

"Okay, don't talk, don't talk." The old man agreed, and put the dumplings on the bamboo plate behind him.

Zhou Bingyi hurriedly went outside to wash his hands, and picked up the rolling pin to help roll the dough.

Several people were busy all morning, and when it was around two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhou Rong wanted to coax Yueyue to sleep, but the little girl didn't listen to her at all, and kept asking her aunt to take her out for a visit. Zhou Rong didn't come home for so many years, I don't have any friends here, so I don't have a place to take her out to play. When she got annoyed, she said a few harsh words, and the little girl ignored her in a fit of anger.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Zhou Zhigang at home?"

At this time, a man's voice came from outside, speaking quite politely.

Zhou Zhigang and Li Suhua looked at each other, but they didn't know who it was, and they came out to visit on New Year's Eve.

"I gonna go see."

He got down from the kang, opened the door and walked out, only to see a middle-aged man wearing glasses and a black wool coat standing in front of the door, and a young man behind him also wearing glasses, with a bag on his shoulder, bulging .

Frowning, looking and looking, thinking and thinking, he got an impression.

"You are... the editor-in-chief of that magazine, right?"

On the eve of the Spring Festival in 1976, this person came to Lao Zhou's house to find Feng Huacheng, saying that he heard that Feng Huacheng was the uncle of Lao Zhou's family, so he came here specially to ask for a manuscript.

Editor-in-Chief Shao said with a smile, "You have a really good memory. Yes, I am Shao Jingwen from Golden Land Magazine."

Zhou Zhigang is happy to deal with cultural people, and he is more willing to let his neighbors see cultural people come to his door.

"Come to find Hua Cheng." After speaking, he turned around and shouted to the back room: "Hua Cheng, Hua Cheng, the editor-in-chief of Jichun Magazine is here."

Feng Huacheng heard that Golden Land Magazine wanted to ask him for a manuscript, so he quickly put down the scallions in his hands, clapped his hands and walked out of the room.

Shao Jingwen's expression was a little embarrassed.

"Mr. Zhou, I'm not looking for Teacher Feng today."

"Didn't you look for Huacheng? Then you are..."

"I'm here to look for your youngest son Zhou Bingkun."

Zhou Zhigang was taken aback after hearing this, he couldn't figure out how Shao Jingwen got on the line with Zhou Bingkun.

"Oh, that's it." Shao Jingwen hurriedly explained to him, and patted the young man who came with him on the shoulder: "This is Xiao Cui, the photographer of our magazine. Yesterday, Bingkun went to the magazine Society, asked me if I could provide a camera, and wanted to borrow it. I took a family portrait on the 30th day of the twelfth lunar month. I thought that Xiao Cui had a lot of experience in photographing people, and he is a native of Jichun, so I proposed to bring him here today. He took a few photos for you, and Bingkun also thinks this suggestion is good, no, I'll bring him here today."

The family looked at each other in dismay. Yesterday, the old Zhou family was waiting for Hao Dongmei's parents, so they didn't go to take a family portrait. Their photo studio closed at 30:00 and didn't open until the eighth day of the first lunar month. At that time, Zhou Zhigang had to go back to Chongqing. They thought the family portrait would not be possible. Who would have thought that the third child would handle things quietly and even find a professional photographer, but who would have thought that as soon as he entered the door last night, he would fight with his father because of Zheng Juan's grievances.

What do you call this!

"Zhou Bingkun's not here." Zhou Zhigang exploded when he heard the word "family portrait", Hao Dongmei was so angry that he didn't come back, that kid wants to sever the father-son relationship with him, family portrait, family portrait? What blessing? The whole family is unhappy!

"Not here?" Shao Jingwen was a bit polite, and he also saw Zhou Zhigang's tone when talking about his youngest son: "Then do you know where he went?"

"Taiping Hutong."

"Oh, then Cheng, you are busy, I will go to Taiping Hutong to find him."

Shao Jingwen hurriedly took Xiao Cui out of the yard, and the latter asked the old Zhou family curiously what was wrong, but he didn't answer, because the fool could see that the father and son were having a very unhappy fight, otherwise why didn't Zhou Bingkun stay at home for the New Year, but ran to Taiping Hutong? Faced with this situation, it is better for outsiders to leave as soon as possible, and Shaochu is there to annoy people.

The key is... where is Taiping Hutong?

I think back then when he came to look for old Zhou’s house in the optical film, he walked all the way to inquire, and found the place after detours for a long time. This Taiping Hutong is probably even more difficult to find, because in the past few years, the optical film has been built indiscriminately. Make a mess of the surrounding area.

If it's inappropriate to go back like this, at least I should see Bingkun, not to mention that he brought some New Year's goods over.

Feng Huacheng felt that he was put together, a little embarrassed, looked at Zhou Bingyi and said, "This editor Shao looks very familiar with Bingkun?"

This has all been seen, otherwise how could the photographer be asked to work overtime on New Year's Eve.

"Who knows which string he made wrong." Zhou Zhigang walked into the main room angrily. Shao Jingwen didn't come here to ask Feng Huacheng for a draft, but to look for the unfilial son who was expelled from Tsinghua University and threatened to sever ties with him last night. , This made him very unhappy, because he thought from a strange angle that Zhou Bingkun was using Shao Jingwen to satirize his decision to let the whole family wait for Hao Dongmei's parents without taking a family photo yesterday. It was a failure... No, fuck it!

Zhou Zhigang, Zhou Bingyi, and Feng Huacheng entered the house one after another. Zhou Rong wanted to pour a cup of hot water for the old man, but when he went to the outer room to have a look, his expression changed.

"Dad, Mom, have you seen Yueyue?"

Just now she was still playing with the doll she brought back yesterday in the cubicle with the bed, and the kung fu man who went to the toilet disappeared.

"Yueyue? Isn't Yueyue playing with toys in that room?" Li Suhua went to the main room, and looked at the cubicle where the bed was placed at the back, and found that no one was there.

"What about outside? Are you playing in the courtyard?"

Zhou Rong shook her head: "I looked for it, but there isn't one."

"Did that mean I went to the old Liu's house in the neighboring courtyard to play with his granddaughter?"

"have no idea."

Li Suhua went out of the house and asked the neighbor on the right, and the answer was no, because his granddaughter was taking a nap on the kang.

"You said it's New Year's Eve... Where can she go?"

The two mothers are in a hurry, Yueyue is only eight years old, and she is also a girl, if she really wants to run to the street, what should she do if something happens to her.

"Rong, do you think Yueyue will follow that editor-in-chief Shao just now to find her uncle?"

Zhou Rong's face changed slightly when she heard that, yes, Yueyue has been arguing for her aunt since last night, Shao Jingwen said to go to Taiping Hutong, the little girl might really follow her.

"I'll go find her."

"Wait, Mom will go with you."

Li Suhua straightened his padded jacket twice, and chased after Zhou Rong.


After thinking about it for a while, she understood that Li Suhua most likely wanted to take this opportunity to have a good talk with Bingkun. On the twenty-ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, she went to live in Taiping Hutong. If you don't live at home, what will people say if they find out? What's more, tomorrow is the first day of the new year, and I have to go out to pay New Year's greetings. The eldest and second children are all there, but the third and third family are missing. What is this?

"Okay, I'll take you there by bike."

"You can just walk. Now the building over there is in a mess, and you don't know the way."

As soon as Zhou Rong thought it was such a reason, she stopped insisting and walked to Taiping Hutong with Li Suhua.


As the old lady said, the situation of private construction and disorderly construction in the area around Taiping Hutong is more serious than that of optical text. The two walked around for almost half an hour and asked two more residents before finding Zheng Juan's mother. Those two rooms for her.

Before he could pass, he saw several people standing inside and outside the courtyard.

Editor-in-Chief Shao and Zhou Bingkun stood in front of the door, opposite to the photojournalist Xiao Cui, who was taking pictures of the two with a camera.

Zheng Juan was holding Cong Cong and stood out of the way. Beside her was a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old, and a little girl was behind her. It was Zhou Rong's daughter Feng Yueyue.

There were several people behind Xiao Cui, and Li Suhua recognized the middle-aged man in the middle, who was Ding Jianye, secretary of the Wangcun Party Committee who often visited her at home.

Why is Zheng Juan's house so lively?

Of course she didn't know that the dividends that Jishantang gave to the magazine at the end of the year would allow the entire staff to pay two months more salary, which didn't include the rental income of the house. This year, Zhou Bingkun returned to the Northeast for the New Year. Can the magazine express it? Small favors such as sending some New Year's goods and asking photographers to help take a few photos are nothing compared to the profits Jishantang brings to the club.

Uncle Ding didn't dare to neglect even more. If it wasn't for Zhou Bingkun, how could he drive a car? How could those villagers who followed him in construction get better and better? good?

When Zhou Rong was puzzled, Lin Yue had already finished taking photos with Editor-in-Chief Shao, Yueyue took Guangming's hand and walked towards the middle, followed by Zheng Juan, who was holding Congcong, the husband and wife, one and a half children and two children , No matter how you look at it, it looks like a family.

Li Suhua grabbed her from behind and waited for Xiao Cui to finish taking pictures of them before walking over.


Lin Yue turned his head and looked: "Mom, why are you here?"

After finishing the matter, he glanced at Zhou Rong, then at Yueyue, and understood, it is likely that this girl brought Shao Jingwen to Taiping Hutong without telling her family.

"Kun'er, come here, Mom will say a few words to you."

Li Suhua didn't agree with his marriage with Zheng Juan at first, but after waking up more than a year ago, he changed his mind.

Lin Yue told Zheng Juan to invite Shao Jingwen and Uncle Ding to sit in the house, it was cold outside, and walked to Li Suhua's side when it was over.

Zhou Rong thought for a while, followed Zheng Juan into the house, and left the mother and son in the yard.

"Mom, are you here to ask me to go back to celebrate the New Year?"

"Kun'er, your dad has such a stubborn temper. It's not like you don't know that he's stubborn, so why don't you let him do it?"

"I let him, he won't let Zheng Juan, look at what he said last night, can you bear it on you?"

"Your father was also angry because of Dongmei's parents, and he didn't suppress his temper."

"Mom, you can just help him out. He clearly has a prejudice against Zheng Juan, and even thinks that I have been throwing away the old Zhou's family from the time I married Zheng Juan until I was expelled from the university. It is also our fault that my eldest brother did not go to university."

Li Suhua knew that what he said was the truth, and she persuaded Zhou Zhigang many times, even before going to bed last night, but was it useful? It's useless, Zhou Zhigang has been stubborn since he was young, and now he wants the father to say good things to his son? This was called treason in the era when they got married.

"Kun'er, just treat it as your mother begging you to go back and live this new year, okay? Even if you come back after eating the dumplings, it's okay to go back tomorrow morning."

The old lady walked from the optical film to Taiping Hutong, and begged him kindly, this matter...

Lin Yue sighed, and agreed with the idea of ​​not looking at the monk's face or the Buddha's face.

Li Suhua and Zhou Rong stayed in the room for a while, after seeing off Uncle Ding and Shao Jingwen, Lin Yue locked the door, and the group went to the optical film.

On the way Zhou Rong asked him why Shao Jingwen was so nice to him, he smiled and changed the topic.

Back at the old Zhou's house in the evening, Feng Huacheng had already put a fire in the stove, ready to stew meat, Zhou Bingyi was accused of running back and forth, because either he didn't know where the porcelain plate with dumplings was placed, or he didn't know what was in the jar in front of him. The white particles were sugar or salt, and Zhou Zhigang fell asleep on the kang.

With the addition of Zheng Juan and Li Suhua, things went much smoother.

Half an hour later, the dumplings were cooked, and Zhou Zhigang woke up. He also knew that Li Suhua had called Lin Yue and Zheng Juan back from Taiping Hutong. He just smoked a cigarette in silence, didn't say anything, just pretended he didn't hear anything. , I didn’t see anything, so I ate a bowl of pork dumplings and half a bowl of tofu dumplings with a vinegar dish drizzled with sesame oil.

He didn't speak, so Lin Yue naturally ignored him. After the New Year's Eve dinner, he still took his wife and children back to Taiping Hutong. Uncle is gone.

Early the next morning, Lin Yue rode his bicycle, carrying the girl in the front, his wife and children in the back, and returned to Lao Zhou's house. He ate another meal of dumplings, but because they had been left overnight, the noodles were a bit hard and the taste was not as good. Good night for ten.

Hao Dongmei also came here today. Strictly speaking, this is the first reunion year for the old Zhou family since 1969. In the past, either Zhou Bingyi was absent, Zhou Zhigang was absent, or Zhou Rong and Feng Huacheng were absent. This is why Li Suhua Ask for the reason for asking the third son back.

Lin Yue wrapped a red envelope for Yueyue, and Feng Huacheng also wrapped a red envelope for Congcong. Zhou Zhigang took them out to pay their respects. Before the year, Zheng Juan found out that Zhou Rong had taken away the money from Yueyue's red envelope. The reason... Zhou Rong said the denomination was too big, 100 yuan a piece, which was close to her husband's two-month salary.

Feng Huacheng's expression was a little embarrassed, because the red envelope he gave Congcong only contained 5 yuan.

"Happy New Year, Happy New Year."

"happy New Year."

"How many bowls of dumplings did you eat?"

"Oh, two bowls, that's a lot."

"I haven't seen you in five or six years, have you? Hey, your physique is still as good as it is."

Zhou Zhigang led a small team of the whole family to walk back and forth in the alleys of the optical film. The Zhou family had two sons and one daughter, which was relatively small. Some families had five or six children, plus a six or seven-year-old child. , That's really called a team.

At the door of Xiao Guoqing's house, Zhou Zhigang chatted with Xiao Guoqing's father.

"Our family is only three, your family is six."

"What's so good about it? A pile of steel coins is not worth a ten-yuan ticket. Since the resumption of the college entrance examination a few years ago, there are only two college students out of the text..."

Xiao Guoqing's father noticed Zhou Zhigang's expression, so he quickly stopped talking and did not continue.

Xiao Guoqing's mother said: "This is Bingyi, oh, what a talent, I even changed your diaper when you were young."

Xiao Guoqing's father patted his wife: "The child is already this old, you say...why are you talking about this?"

The Zhou family amused the couple.

Zhou Bingyi said: "Hey, aunt, let me introduce you, this is my lover, Hao Dongmei."

The old woman said: "I know, I know, none of us know that you married the daughter of a big man's family."

The old woman glanced at Zhou Rong who was standing next to her again: "There is also Rong'er, who not only has a high degree of education, but also looks more and more beautiful. He is also one of the best in Peking University, right? Then there is... uncle, right?"

Zhou Zhigang looked at his son-in-law with a smile, nodded and said, "Yes, uncle."

"I heard that he is a famous poet in Beijing?" The old woman clapped her hands and gave Zhou Rong and Feng Huacheng a thumbs up: "A man of talent and beauty, no, how do you sing it in the opera? Yes, a man of talent and a woman of beauty."

After complimenting Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei on Zhou Rong and Feng Huacheng, Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan... skipped it.

Zhou Zhigang glanced at Lin Yue and Zheng Juan who were holding hands, and said in his heart that seeing what you did, today I will make the neighbors ashamed of you. Let you know how to write the word "shame".

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