Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1632 Let's see who is ashamed

When Tu Zhiqiang was arrested and imprisoned, there were gossips in the text film, saying that Zhou Bingkun had taken a fancy to Tu Zhiqiang's wife, so he despicably reported him to Zheng Juan.

It was then that Zhou Zhigang began to feel that his youngest son was an embarrassment to the old Zhou family, and that Zheng Juan was a restless woman.

Later, when Zhou Bingkun was admitted to university, he posed another big problem. From the beginning to the end, he believed that it was the fault of these two that Zhou Bingyi could not go to university. I was able to go to Beijing to go to university, but in the end, Zhou Bingyi failed to go. Did my youngest son stay in Tsinghua University for a year? He was expelled because of a fight, and he was given an optical film. These people said that he was both disappointed and angry. .

I thought that after doing so many wrong things, the younger son would put his tail between his legs and behave like a man, but he didn't expect to provoke the Xiong family's bastards again. I'm so angry, I just waited for Zhou Bingkun to give Zhou Bingkun a blow on the first day of the new year, so that this little brat would realize what kind of person he was in the hearts of the neighbors like the optical film.

Yes, Zhou Bingkun was very disappointed in the TV series. He felt that he had done so much for his family. The neighbors only praised Zhou Bingyi and Zhou Rong. Parents were proud of them. He and Zheng Juan were treated unfairly, but the stand here The person is Lin Yue, he doesn't need to look for a sense of presence in front of Zhou Zhigang, a cheap daddy, and naturally he doesn't care about the opinions of the neighbors in optical text.

However, this does not mean that he will allow others to disgust him.

He bent down and whispered a few words into Yueyue's ear, the little girl nodded, took her younger brother's hand and walked to Xiao Guoqing's parents, fisted with both hands and bowed.

"Happy New Year, grandparents, Gong Xi Fa Cai, here are the red envelopes."

After speaking, reach out your hand.

Other children want candies, but she wants red envelopes, and she takes her younger brother along with her.

This problem is not good.

Zhou Rong's complexion changed, and just as she was about to speak, Lin Yue gave her a hand: "Hey, sister, what are you doing, it's normal for children to ask their elders for New Year's money, just to make it auspicious."

The old woman stopped boasting and didn't laugh, and took out two 50 cents from her pocket very distressedly, gave one to Yueyue, and another to Congcong.

In this day and age, earning 20 and spending 50 cents is similar to earning 2,000 and spending 50 yuan 30 years later. For Xiao Guoqing's parents, the amount is not small.

However, the little girl looked unhappy: "Grandma, it's fine if you give me fifty cents. My parents are usually not at home, and they don't help the neighbors in the neighborhood. Congcong is different. I remember my uncle always I will distribute some egg tickets, meat tickets, and industrial vouchers to you and Uncle Sun Chanchao’s house. I will also send some vegetables and fruits at ordinary times. The stove in your house is still made of bricks he pulled. And last winter, you were in the alley You fainted from the fall, and if it wasn't for my aunt who found out in the cold weather and found a cart to take you to the hospital, maybe I wouldn't even be able to see you."

This small mouth has a great ability to speak.

The faces of the old couple in the Xiao family were so blue, that discomfort...not much better than constipation.

"Yueyue, what's wrong with you, the red envelope is just for auspiciousness, there is no comparison of size."

As soon as Lin Yue let go, Zheng Juan hurried over to take the two children away, lest she say anything that would embarrass the two families.

Zhou Zhigang glared angrily, but Lin Yue turned his gaze back without showing any weakness.

Zhou Bingyi and Zhou Rong didn't dare to say a word, because Yueyue said something wrong? Even if Zhou Bingkun taught her to say that, is it wrong?

Don't praise the people who have been helping me all the time, but praise those who are not useful. One is the son-in-law of a big man, and the other is a college student from Peking University. They are all talents, but what have you done for Xiao Guoqing's family?


Zhou Zhigang wanted to make a fuss about the third child, but ended up leading them both into a ditch.

What about Xiao Guoqing's parents, what does the little girl mean? They are snobbish, ungrateful things.

The point is, who can get angry with a child? She just said two big truths.

"Let's go, let's go." Zhou Zhigang waved his hands at the couple in the yard, turned his head and pulled his face down, feeling so upset in his heart, feeling like he was being swayed by his youngest son again.

Originally, he wanted to go home directly, but he ran into Qiao Chunyan's mother on the way, and asked them to go and sit at home.

Qiao Chunyan's mother and Li Suhua worshiped as godsisters, and they ran into each other during the Chinese New Year. It's fine if they don't go to someone else's house. Can they not go to Qiao's house? So several people went to Qiao Chunyan's house again.

"I heard that Chunyan is now the deputy director of the district women's federation? Okay, okay, okay, let's just have a good future for her." Aunt Qiao loves to show off, so Zhou Zhigang followed her words.

Chunyan, who was leaning on the door frame and eating melon seeds, was proud of herself, but she was very polite.

"Hey, I'm a low-ranking person, how can I compare to Sister Zhou Rong, a graduate of Peking University, here we come to Jichun City, the deputy director of the District Women's Federation is his starting point, my ceiling."

Aunt Qiao said again: "Chunyan's unit even allocated her a suite, two bedrooms and one living room."

Chunyan said: "Oh, Mom, can you stop talking about Che Jilu?"

Uncle Qiao glared at his wife: "That's right, it's the New Year's Eve, what are you talking about?"

"Okay, okay, don't talk, don't talk, it's over."

Aunt Qiao looked unhappy.

Zhou Zhigang glanced at Lin Yue, seeing that he didn't react much: "I've been assigned a flat, okay, that's fine."

He patted the armrest of the sofa and stood up: "I have to go to the next one in a hurry, let's go."

Hao Dongmei and Zhou Bingyi walked out first, followed by Li Suhua and Zhou Zhigang, and Lin Yue was at the back. He knew what Zhou Zhigang meant, and he was calling him again. They shared an apartment, and he was about to lose another apartment here. Cha Ming said why he didn't become in-laws with the Qiao family back then.

Here, the Zhou family went outside, Chunyan saw them off at the back, and the Qiao family couple in the house were bickering.

"Why didn't you let me tell you just now?"

"You, it's big for Chinese New Year. People come to our house to pay New Year's greetings. You have to say something about Chinese New Year to make them happy."

"Then you have to be realistic, right? The eldest and the second are incomparable. Bingyi is the son-in-law of a big man, and he will surely have a successful official career in the future. Looking at Zhou Rong, she bought a down jacket for Yueyue when she came back. What about the third? She was expelled from Tsinghua University, and she didn't look good when she went to the south. What's wrong with him? Who made him look down on Chunyan so much at the beginning? Can Zheng Juan compare with Chunyan? I think she is the disaster star of the old Zhou family. You don't even look at how many things have happened to Zhou's family this week when she and Bingkun are on good terms."

Lin Yue turned around at the door and went back to the back room. The two of them immediately shut up.

"Don't think I don't know. The news of my expulsion from Tsinghua University came from you. I didn't bother to know as much as you, a gossip, for Chunyan's sake. But today... tell your boss Two, go to Taiping Hutong tomorrow to pack up their things, and live wherever it is cooler."

Aunt Qiao was dumbfounded, and stared blankly at the man with a cold face opposite him.

When Lin Yue read this passage, she felt that Aunt Qiao was nothing. In 1978, when Chunyan's two sisters came back from the countryside, Qiao's house couldn't be crowded, so Zhou Bingkun let them live in Zheng Juan's house in Taiping Hutong. Well... It's been more than 2 years. You said that you don't want to repay this kindness, but the old woman is gossiping behind her back and speaking ill of Zheng Juan.

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left without giving them any time to react.

Aunt Qiao was stunned for a while before she realized, she gritted her teeth and said, "What are you crazy about? Anyway, those two rooms won't be surnamed Zheng soon."

Uncle Qiao sighed: "Don't say a few words, you just, misfortune comes from your mouth, don't you understand the truth that misfortune comes from your mouth? People don't let people stop after the Chinese New Year."

On the other side, when Lin Yue was settling accounts with Aunt Qiao, Zhou Rong seemed to hear something and glanced in the direction of Qiao's house.

"Huacheng, do you feel that Bingkun is a little..."


"It's a bit of a real person."

"Zhou Rong, what do you mean by that?"

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