Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1633 Bingkun is a real person without showing his face

Zhou Rong said that Zhou Bingkun's real person does not show his face?

Naturally, Feng Huacheng couldn't figure it out. If he could figure it out, he wouldn't be caught in the detention center because of a poem.

"The down jacket on Yueyue's body is about to catch up with your monthly salary?"

"Have it?"

Feng Huacheng is a poet, and he has no research on clothing prices. Basically, he wears whatever Zhou Rong buys him, so he knows that down jackets are more expensive, but how expensive they are is not clear.

Zhou Rong touched the big ticket in her pocket: "There is also that red envelope, one hundred yuan, if it is poor, who would pack such a big red envelope?"

one hundred dollars.

He has a concept of this, because it is almost two months' salary of him.

"Zhou Rong, I think you're thinking too much. People with low self-esteem are more likely to use money to show off themselves in order to win the respect of others."

What Feng Huacheng said made sense, because if the third child was rich, would Zhou Zhigang still say that he was worthless, and would he still think that he was not doing his job properly by going to the south instead of asking his elder brother to help him find a job?

But Zhou Rong always felt that something was wrong.

Shao Jingwen's attitude towards Zhou Bingkun, as well as the pile of things that Wangcun's Ding Zhishu sent to Zheng Juan's house, plus the food that Zheng Juan packed back the night before, if she read correctly, there is a dish in it that is sea cucumber with green onions , not just ordinary small sea cucumbers, plus Zhonghua cigarettes and lighters... If Zhou Bingkun is not showing off poorly, is this his daily consumption standard?

"Zhou Rong, Yueyue, you have to take good care of her."


Zhou Rong woke up when she heard the words.

"Look at her today, she took the initiative to ask someone to ask for a red envelope. so uneducated."

"Oh, I see."

She didn't take Feng Huacheng's words to heart at all, she was still thinking about Zhou Bingkun, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that there were many doubts about this younger brother.

Zhou Zhigang took him home before he finished paying homage in the year, because he didn't know how embarrassing things his youngest son would do. The key is not to get angry in public. There is no doubt that Zhou Bingkun will not give him face. It’s time to hate, to scold, to show the neighbors, the guy who broke the jar can not take other people’s gossip seriously, but he can’t do it if he has made face for a lifetime, so it’s better to go home early to avoid embarrassment .

Lin Yue and Zheng Juan didn't enter the house, and rode away on bicycles when they got back, because Zheng Juan's blind brother was still there, yes, they had a New Year's Eve dinner together at Lao Zhou's house last night, but things like New Year's greetings, yes Brightly speaking, it's better not to join in the fun.

Li Suhua asked him to bring some dumplings home, but he didn't want them. He had a New Year's Eve dinner and a meal in the morning of the first day of the new year. To be honest, eating dumplings for two meals in a row was a bit boring.

The second day of junior high school was the day when she went back to her natal family. Zheng Juan’s mother had been gone for several years, so Lin Yue took Guangming to the Jishan Hall, and went to the back kitchen to cook some vegetarian dishes. It was a treat for Zheng Juan and her natal family After the reunion dinner, Guangming returned to Beituo Temple that evening.

Lin Yue asked him if he wanted to go to the south together, but he declined.

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, it was the annual gathering of the Six Gentlemen of Optical Word Films.

Sun Chanchao informed Lin Yue to gather at Qiao Chunyan's house. Yueyue heard from someone that there was a temple fair on Chunhui Road and wanted to go there to play. Er and two children were sent to watch the temple fair, and then rode bicycles to Minfeng Sixth Lane.

He left in 1978, and it has been 3 years in a blink of an eye. If he is absent from the dinner today, he will be almost the same as Lu Chuan and Tang Xiangyang. Yes, get in touch with each other, so it won't be awkward to help them in the future.

At this moment, Sun Chanchao, Cao Debao, and Xiao Guoqing were sitting in the living room of Qiao Chunyan's house, and three women, Yu Hong, Qiao Chunyan, and Wu Qian were cooking in the kitchen.

"Do you think Bing Kun will come?" Wu Qian asked herself and answered, "I see Xuan."

Yu Hong looked puzzled: "Why?"

Wu Qian looked at Qiao Chunyan, who was holding a knife and scraping fish scales on the chopping board with the back of the knife: "Ask her."

Among these people, the one who has the closest relationship with Zhou Bingkun is Qiao Chunyan. After all, she is a sister, but why is it not she who is talking to Zhou Bingkun, but Sun Chanchao?

The reason is very simple. It was Qiao Chunyan's mother who spread the news about Zhou Bingkun being expelled from Tsinghua University because of a fight. However, this matter was known to others. There was an unpleasant incident during the New Year's greetings, and the two older sisters of the Qiao family were kicked out. , Go back and squeeze the two and a half mud huts with your parents.

If you want to ask Aunt Qiao how she knew about this, if others can't figure it out, if they still can't figure it out, it must be Qiao Chunyan talking too much.

"Chun Yan'er, did you really say that?"

Qiao Chunyan didn't look back, so she stopped the movement of her hands.

"Actually, it's not what I told my mother. At that time, before we moved here, we lived with our parents in the two and a half small adobe houses. You also know the situation of Cao Debao's family. Once we had a quarrel about his father, and we talked about it all over Bingkun. He yelled a few words, but my mother overheard him for some reason. Within two days, the whole text film knew about it. gone."

Yu Hong and Wu Qian looked at each other and understood.

This Cao Debao is not as capable as Chun Yan'er in daily life, and he is also a door-to-door son-in-law. He always feels that he can't hold his head up in front of Sun Chanchao and Xiao Guoqing. Before Zhou Bingkun asked Uncle Ding to repair Sun Chanchao's house, he was somewhat envious Jealous and hated, and later knowing that Bingkun was dropped out of Tsinghua University, I would definitely think that I was better than Zhou Laosan, at least he had a staff, and he was the workshop director of the soy sauce factory, and drinking a little wine strengthened his cowardice, and was Qiao Chunyan was agitated, it was normal to reveal the matter.

bang bang bang~

Then there was a knock on the door outside.

In the living room, Cao Debao sat without moving, and Sun Chanchao pointed to the direction of the door: "Kun'er must be here, I'll open the door."

He went to open the door, and Lin Yue walked in with a box of pastries and two bottles of wine.

Chunyan tilted her head in the kitchen, pretending to be natural and said: "Brother Gan, come if you say you want, what else do you bring?"

"Wine is for drinking later, and pastries are for children, not for you."

"You see, my brother can talk. Sit down and wait for a while. I'll be fine soon."

Lin Yue walked to the living room before Cao Debao stood up, beckoning him to sit down.

Xiao Guoqing pushed the melon seed plate in front of him: "Come on, eat some melon seeds first, to fill you up."

After saying this, Lin Yue laughed: "National Day, what's the matter, it sounds like I'm late?"

"That's not a big deal." Xiao Guoqing pointed to Cao Debao: "Ask Debao." After speaking, he pointed to Sun Chachao: "Ask Chachao again, what did Chun Yaner say just now?"

He imitated a woman's tone and said, "I'll just wait until my god-brother comes. It's so cold outside, what should he do if he gets cold?"

Sun Chanchao also joked beside him: "I said Debao, is Chun Yan'er always so considerate to you at home?"

Cao Debao kept silent with a sullen face.

Xiao Guoqing laughed loudly: "I have nothing to say, I'm sad when I see it."

Once upon a time, Cao Debao had a dream, that is to marry a girl from a high-ranking family who was in trouble. As a result, the girl from the high-ranking family failed to marry, so she went to Qiao Chunyan's bed in a daze, and became a son-in-law in a muddle-headed way, and later became a low-ranking man Husband, Qiao Chunyan compares him with this and that, and thinks he is incapable, so why not get angry?

"Is she considerate? She is guilty."

Yes, Zhou Bingkun was expelled from Tsinghua University by his mother-in-law, but the root cause was Qiao Chunyan. She wanted to keep her mouth shut. How could outsiders know?

"Cao Debao, what are you talking about?"

Qiao Chunyan came out with a white porcelain plate, which contained five-flavored quail eggs, which had just been poured out of a canning jar, and the juice was still hanging on it.

The conversation of the four people in the living room was interrupted by her, and she didn't continue it.

Soon, the three women fried the dishes and put them on the table. They were nothing more than some home-cooked dishes, such as Laochu's cabbage, hot and sour potato shreds, stewed pork ribs with pickled vegetables, braised octopus and so on.

About Aunt Qiao's gossip behind her back, Lin Yue didn't mention it, Qiao Chunyan and Cao Debao didn't mention it, and Qiao Chunyan didn't ask about the matter of driving Qiao Chunyan's two sisters back, and Lin Yue pretended not to know. In short, there was a tacit understanding He only said New Year's words.

The chicken thieves of this couple, Xiao Guoqing, are honest. After drinking three rounds and eating five flavors, their faces turn red and they talk more.

"Bingkun, what are you thinking about Zheng Juan's house in Taiping Hutong? Just give it to Da Xiong and Er Xiong?"

Lin Yue said: "I have my plan, so don't worry about it, will it work?"

Xiao Guoqing stopped talking.

He just asked kindly, and Wu Qian answered later: "You are still worried about Bingkun, why don't you worry about your family's bad things?"

Xiao Guoqing's face sank: "What are you talking about?"

"Am I wrong?" Wu Qian patted the single bed in the living room, stood up and said, "You all know what's going on in their family. I didn't expect that his elder brother-in-law got cancer again, and he spent all the family's money. Not to mention, the person is gone, and the elder brother-in-law's unit is even worse. As soon as he left, the house was taken away. What can I do if I don’t give them a room? I can only take the child back to my mother’s house. There are three members of his elder sister’s family, three members of our family, plus his parents, a total of eight people, eight people, squeezed in two small adobe rooms In the room, the place is as big as a palm, and relatives can’t wipe their feet when they come during the Chinese New Year. Is that called home? Called home! I don’t think it’s even as good as a shelter.”

What Cao Debao said made Cao Debao bow his head in silence. You must know that their family was crowded in a small house of 15 square meters. When relatives came, parents had to entertain guests in the corridor. This is why he went to Qiao's house to be his son-in-law.

There was a hint of sneer on Lin Yue's mouth.

Because when Wu Qian said these words, her eyes swept over his face several times, not casually, but with deep meaning.

Yes, it is undeniable that she said these words with the intention of venting, but more importantly, she deliberately told him.

Thank you for the 500 starting coins rewarded by Fu News, the 200 starting coins rewarded by your brother Z in society, and the 100 starting coins rewarded by Gongzi Chu.

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