Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1634 My assets scare you to death

Yu Hong sat on the bed and didn't speak.

Sun Chanchao shook his head again and again.

Xiao Guoqing was so angry that he picked up the cotton cap on the coffee table and threw it away.

But all of this seemed to have nothing to do with Lin Yue, he just watched the scene in front of him coldly.

In the TV series, Wu Qian saw Qiao Chunyan moving into a two-bedroom and one living room, and felt unbalanced, thinking about the situation in her own home.

What about here?

Not here.

Qiao Chunyan is now the deputy director of the district women's federation. She can't compare with the division of the unit, but what about Yu Hong and Sun Chaochao? Uncle Ding built a two-story building for them because they couldn't live in it. He didn't ask for much money, and he didn't have a lot of pressure to live in a month.

In addition, Qiao Chunyan's two elder sisters have lived in Zheng Juan's house in Taiping Hutong for more than two years, and they have not seen rent or anything.

It's the same childhood, Zhou Bingkun helped them but not Xiao Guoqing, why?

Lin Yue could see through her little thoughts.

This kind of thing also comes from people who don't worry about the injustice, and he is quite speechless, but Wu Qian is this kind of person.

Look at these friends around Zhou Bingkun.

Zheng Juan's house in Taiping Hutong was first lived in by Qiao Chunyan's two older sisters, and later lived in by Sun Chanchao and Yu Hong. After the TV series, it was transferred to Yu Hong's name, and a suite was mixed during the demolition.

In 1984, the Zhou family moved away, and Xiao Guoqing and Wu Qian lived in the Zhou family's old house.

This old lump not only contributes the most at home, but also contributes a lot to the friends around him.

bang bang~

He clapped his hands.

Everyone stopped and looked at him.

"Is the trouble over? Listen to me when it's over."

Lin Yue picked up the cigarette case on the dining table, took out a cigarette and lit it, and took a puff between his lips: "Do you still remember the bet we made?"

Several people froze for a while before reacting.

Sun Chanchao said, "The one who is going to college?"

That year was the third year of junior high school. They got together for dinner. The college entrance examination had not yet resumed. Lu Chuan, because his uncle was a martyr, got a place to go to university. After he went to Beijing, he wrote a letter to them, but he didn’t read it. A few sentences were burned by Chunyan, and when it was over, Zhou Bingkun said that if the college entrance examination was resumed, he could also be admitted to university. Several people laughed at him for falling into the weighing pan, not knowing how much he weighed.

While talking, they made a bet, saying that as long as he was admitted to university, each of them would promise him one thing. As a result... I didn't expect that he would actually be admitted to university.

But, since then, he hasn't brought up this matter again, and everyone has dismissed it as a joke after drinking and forgotten it. They didn't expect to bring up the old matter again today, and they were inevitably confused.

Lin Yue nodded: "That's right, it's the bet for the college entrance examination."

Cao Debao's thoughts turned quickly: "This Karma can't be counted, you haven't finished it yet."

Qiao Chunyan glared at him viciously, meaning don't carry any pot that is not open.

Her man was wronged because they had different concerns. What if Zhou Bingkun said he would borrow their house for a few days? To move or not? If they don't move, it means that the gambling products are not good. If they move, where do they live?

Well, this is Cao Debao.

That's right, I used to have nothing, and I was so poor that I was afraid of gambling. Now that I have a family and a job, I have more worries.

Lin Yue said: "At that time, it was about getting into college, not finishing college. Cao Debao, let me ask you, did I pass the exam?"

The blushing monkey-like man on the opposite side stopped talking.

Sun Chachao was honest, and felt that Zhou Bingkun was kind to their family. When it came to this, he naturally had to stand in the right line.

"I passed the exam, Kun'er, tell me, what do you want us to do?"

Lin Yue said: "It's actually very simple. From now on, no matter whether I am doing well or not, don't make up my mind, let alone use your brains. If I know who is plotting against me behind my back, not only will I not be a friend, but I will Make him pay."

This statement is a bit heavy, rather than a request, it is more a warning.

Wu Qian looked like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, her complexion changed a few times, she turned her head away and said in a stern voice, "I can't go to college because I got into a fight, so I'm ashamed to say such a thing, if you can be foolish Well done, I will write Wu character upside down."

Xiao Guoqing said angrily, "Wu Qian, you're never finished!"

As a man, of course he couldn't understand women's thoughts. He just felt that Zhou Bingkun's life was miserable enough. He lost his college diploma and didn't make it in the south. It is said that Zhou Zhigang also has a lot of opinions on Zheng Juan. Now that Wu Qian said this, isn't it like pouring salt on someone's wound?

As soon as the conversation here ended, before Wu Qian could reply, Cao Debao, who was slightly drunk, also muttered in a low voice: "If you want others to attack you, you have to have something for them to attack."

Speaking of which, he was also stung by the above sentence.

Look at Sun Chaochao, he expressed his support as soon as he heard Zhou Bingkun's request, what about him? He was the one who didn't want to admit it, but Zhou Bingkun's request was to warn everyone not to make up their own minds. There was no real content, and this was for him. To paraphrase Mrs. Qu, this is called judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. .

Just like what he was thinking when he was arguing with Qiao Chunyan when he was living in Qiao's old house, who didn't know that Qiao Chunyan didn't chase after Zhou Bingkun before, and later forced him to marry her by framing her. She was still like a woman in the first year, But the next year is not as good as the next year. Picking his nose and eyes at him, Zhou Bingkun became more energetic after he was admitted to Tsinghua University. Whenever he quarreled, he would say why you didn’t learn from Brother Gan. After that, Zhou Bingkun was dropped out of Tsinghua University He didn't look like a man when he went to the south, why don't you let him take pleasure in other people's misfortunes?

Qiao Chunyan slapped the table: "Cao Debao! You won't know your last name after drinking two taels of cat urine? No one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak."

In front of so many people, he was a little embarrassed to come down.

"Am I wrong?"

"You're right." Lin Yue said, "I'm quite poor, and I owe a lot of money outside."

When Sun Chanchao heard that he owed money to others, he was a little embarrassed when he thought that he had paid for the house to build his house in advance. He thought he still had two money in his hand, so he wanted to take it out to help him tide over the difficulties.

"How much do you owe?"

Lin Yue touched his chin and thought for a while: "I owe the bank several million."

Qiao Chunyan knocked a pair of chopsticks to the ground.

The cigarette in Sun Chanchao's hand shook off a piece of ash, which burned a hole in his trousers.

Yu Hong's eyes widened, and Wu Qian's hands were shaking.


The three gentlemen and their daughter-in-law were all frightened by his words.

millions? How many millions did he say?

This figure can be said to be an astronomical figure for Cao Debao and others.

What do people think now? Earn more money and deposit it in the bank or buy treasury bills to earn interest, so that money can make money. How many people will go to the bank to borrow money? Take Cao Debao as an example, the workshop director of the soy sauce factory is better than Sun Chanchao and Xiao Guoqing, and his monthly salary is only 38 yuan, which is 460 yuan a year. What is the concept of several million? Don't pay interest. You can't finish it without eating or drinking for a lifetime.

If Zhou Zhigang knew about this, he would not be able to sleep well, and he was afraid that he would lie on the kang for several years like Li Suhua.

"Kun'er... you... tell me again, how much is it?"

Sun Chanchao pulled out his ear piercing vigorously, for fear that he might hear wrongly.

Lin Yue said: "Several banks have them, maybe three to four million, I didn't calculate carefully."




It took Cao Debao a long time to come back to his senses, and then he smiled contentedly, which can also be emotional, because it confirmed his evaluation of Zhou Bingkun's "swollen face to pretend to be fat".

And Sun Chanchao... Panicked like an ant on a hot pot. With so much money, Zhou Bingkun can't pay it even if he goes bankrupt. They don't know how to help. With the little savings in his hand, compared with this arrears, don't worry. Talking about stuffing teeth is not worthy of a drop in the bucket.

"Okay, we've met, we've talked, we're full, we're going home." Lin Yue stood up, took his gloves and left.

Xiao Guoqing was worried for him, and was even more embarrassed, because if his wife hadn't been blind, the relationship wouldn't have been so tense.

"Kun'er, if it's not easy to get along in the south, come back. If you have a few brothers, you will never starve to death."

Lin Yue smiled at him, waved away without saying anything.

When he went downstairs, Qiao Chunyan slammed the chopsticks on his back: "Cao Debao, you are sick."

Cao Debao looked down at the empty plate on the table: "Anyway, I was right."

Qiao Chunyan was still waiting to speak, and Sun Chachao hurriedly tried to persuade him to fight: "Kuner's matter is already troublesome enough, so please stop talking a few words. Why do you have to fight because of the New Year's Eve?"

The two of them stopped talking.

Yu Hong said worriedly: "Bingkun owes so much money to the public, will it be? Will he be arrested?"

Qiao Chunyan said, " can't be."

Anyway, her tone was very weak, and anyone could see how unconvincing her words were.

"Let me tell you, you can't talk about this matter, no one can tell outside, do you hear me?" She just touched her buttocks to the chair, stood up again, pointed at the people opposite her and warned: "If If my godmother finds out, something big will happen."

"Did not say."

"Did not say."


A few people over there expressed their opinions one after another, vowing to promise not to talk too much, and to rot this matter in their stomachs.

Regarding the reaction of the three gentlemen and their wives in the light-text film, Lin Yue was very happy in his eyes. He saw that they were anxious, and he responded to the phrase "the emperor is not in a hurry." Hot words, you owe the bank one million, and the bank is your creditor. If you owe the bank one million, you are the boss of the bank. When you go to a business outlet, you will not only be treated as a VIP, but you will be served with good tea and cigarettes. The loan officer will also buy some gifts and send them to your door, chat with you, drink alcohol, and worry that you may have some health problems.

So it is still a question of vision or pattern.

But that's fine too, let's see who dares to make up his mind, unless Wu Qian and others want to be implicated.

Thinking of letting them go, Lin Yue came downstairs, looked up at the sky, and found that it was getting late, so he rode his bicycle to the temple fair to pick up his wife and children home.

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