Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1635 brother is the big boss

Two days passed in a blink of an eye, and it was the fifth day of the Lunar New Year.

Some units have already started work, and some have not yet, and have to wait until the seventh and eighth day of the lunar new year.

Jishantang has never been closed. First, the situation is getting better and better, and people's living standards have improved significantly. Second, the state-owned restaurants are closed, and there is less competition during the holidays. The business is especially hot during the Chinese New Year. , Of course, the price is that the salary of the waiter is calculated according to three times.

When it comes to eating New Year’s Eve dinners in restaurants, it was very rare in the early 1980s. In order to cultivate people’s consumption habits, Lin Yue asked Ding Xia to post a notice at the entrance of the restaurant, offering a 20% discount to all those who book a table during the Spring Festival.

Yes, the profit margin per table has dropped, but word of mouth has spread, and other state-owned restaurants have closed their doors. Not only does it operate as usual, but it also offers discounts to diners. Leaflets, car rental parades, and word of mouth among people with spending power are enough to make the name "Jishantang" spread quickly among the groups returning to their hometowns for the New Year.

"Old Yao, why do you want to come to the Northeast for the Chinese New Year?"

"Hey, it's not your sister-in-law. She insisted that she misses the place where she jumped in the queue and wanted to come to Jiangliao to have a look. After the Chinese New Year, she took me on the train bound for the northeast. On the fourth day of the new year, I went to the Corps. After turning around, I came to you on the fifth day of the lunar new year."

The waiter walked in front, followed by Zhou Bingyi and Yao Lisong, followed by Dong Weihong and Hao Dongmei, whispering about the past in Wudaojiang Commune.

"Look at your face, you're a lot fatter than when you were in the Corps. It seems that the conditions in the south are good."

"That's true. The climate in the south is good. Unlike our Northeast, it's like being in an ice cellar after September. You have to carry a stick when you pee in winter."

Zhou Bingyi was amused when he heard this: "Old Yao, you are still so funny when you talk."

"By the way, I came to the Northeast this time. Firstly, I want to take your sister-in-law back to visit her old place, to meet friends or something. wrote last time that your aunt's illness has recovered?"

"Yes, well, I just get confused occasionally."

"Since my aunt is fine, should you also think about your future? Are you interested in going to the south with me? Let me tell you, Shenzhen is developing very fast now, and our leaders especially cherish talents, just like me , can be entrusted with important tasks, you must have more prospects than me when you get there."

Zhou Bingyi shook his head: "I'll let it go, I'm used to staying in Jichun, I can't leave it, and I can't bear it."

Yao Lisong smiled and said: "Is it because you are reluctant to part with your younger siblings?"

These words reached Zhou Bingyi's heart, he was really reluctant to leave Hao Dongmei, after all, Shenzhen and Jichun, one in the south and the other in the north, were too far apart.

"Hey, Lao Yao, you know Ji Chun very well."

"Why do you say that?"

"I chose a famous restaurant here when I came here for the first time."

"That's right, they were all chosen by Wei Hong, and I don't know what I talked to the waiter at the guest house, so I turned around and asked me to bring her here to have a good rub."

While the two were talking, Zhou Bingyi frowned suddenly, took two steps forward and stopped, with a hint of hesitation on his face.

"What's wrong?" Hao Dongmei asked him.

"You guys go to the box first, I'll go to the toilet."


Yao Lisong and the others followed the waiter without thinking too much.

Zhou Bingyi took two steps back and approached the box beside the corridor.

Maybe someone thought the room was too stifling, so he opened the door a crack, and he could see a middle-aged man sitting by the window, wearing a pair of glasses, looking gentle.

He had seen that person—the editor-in-chief of Golden Land Magazine, whose name he remembered was Shao Jingwen.

But the reason why he stopped to eavesdrop was because they were talking about a person, his younger brother Zhou Bingkun.

"President, let me do the math. Jishantang gave us a total of 21,000 yuan in dividends this year. Calculated at 20% of net profit, Jishantang earned more than 100,000 yuan this year."



There was a lot of discussion inside.

Someone said: "So much? Didn't Zhou Bingkun send it out this week? Aside from what was given to us, one person earns more than 80,000 yuan a year, and this day almost 300 yuan is earned, which earns me half a year... 6 months salary in one day. .”

"President, do you think it would be great if our magazine company ran this store at the beginning? Wouldn't the benefits of the employees be one of the best in the public institutions in Jichun City? Maybe the superiors are happy, and you can be promoted again." Grade and a half."

"Old Qian, what are you talking about? Jishantang has the current scale because of Zhou Bingkun's good management. Look at the decoration, the service, and the quality of the dishes. Which of the state-owned restaurants can compare with it? Anyway, we are all educated people, we must pay attention to the source of drinking water, and we must not be too selfish."

This voice... That's right, Shao Jingwen.

"Hey, old Shao, I'm just talking, look at you, why are you still annoyed?"


The conversation in the box was still going on, but Zhou Bingyi could no longer listen to it, because it was too shocking.

If Shao Jingwen was not around, he would suspect that Zhou Bingkun was someone else in the magazine's mouth, but now...

This time he knew why Shao Jingwen took someone to take a family portrait for the old Zhou's family at the age of thirty. Why? for money!

100,000 yuan a year.

What concept? As far as his current salary is concerned, he will not be able to earn it in his entire life.

Jishantang belongs to Bingkun. In other words, Jishantang is the property of the old Zhou family?

No wonder he bought Yueyue a down jacket casually, it turned out that his younger brother is so rich.

"Hey, what are you doing? I'm waiting for you."

At this time, someone patted him on the shoulder, and when he turned around, it was Yao Lisong.

"'s nothing, I just stumbled when I went upstairs, and it's been a long time since I supported the wall."

He didn't want people from the magazine to know that he was eavesdropping, so he hurriedly took Lao Yao's hand and left, heading for Lamei Hall.

The box was chosen by Dong Weihong, who said it matched Hao Dongmei's name very well.

However, Zhou Bingyi's mind was no longer here, not even on those meals. Yao Lisong and Dong Weihong over there were delicious, and that was delicious. As for him, this meal was full of mixed flavors and mixed feelings.

After dinner, Dong Weihong wanted to go to the nearby scenic spots. Zhou Bingyi gave the task to Hao Dongmei on the grounds that he drank too much and wanted to go back to rest.

What he told Yao Lisong and others was to go home, but actually went to the optical film, because the matter was so big that he had to tell Zhou Zhigang and Li Suhua immediately, but he parked his bicycle and opened the door to walk in. In the main room, he sensed that the atmosphere in the back room was not right, Li Suhua remained silent, Zhou Zhigang sat angrily at the place facing the door, and said with a straight face, "Stop talking, I don't agree with this matter."

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